Overlord: Evil Dragon Demon God Harem

Chapter 8: Plan to Eat Enri Emmot

The place he teleported to had the same scenery as he saw in the original work.

Outside, in the fresh air, was a joy that could never be replicated in a virtual setting.

Taking a moment to immerse himself in nature's embrace, Aurelius briefly allowed himself a relaxed smile. However, a pair of visibly frightened girls interrupted his tranquility.

The girl, who seemed to be the older sister, had braided chestnut hair that hung down to her chest.

Her tanned, healthy-looking skin was pale with fear.

However, the shabby dress's breasts stimulated Aurelius' sexual desire.

A sudden thought came to him.

It might be really too wasteful to use something as decently good-looking as her as a seed tray.

'Should I just keep her as a slave?'

The idea lingered, but Aurelius pushed it aside, focusing on the present situation.

The two girls hugged each other in a frightened state.

Tears welled up in the younger one's black eyes, and she buried her face in the waist of what appeared to be her older sister.

In a show of terror, every muscle in their body tensed up.

The knight facing the two girls looked at Aurelius with an aloof and cautious glance.

In response, Aurelius simply lifted the staff of the Devil Angel in his right hand into the air and immediately activated the magic.

This was the magic that Momonga had first used in the original.

[Grasp Heart]

This spell belonged to the 9th tier of magic, among the 1st to 10th tiers, and was capable of crushing the heart and inducing instant death. While typically used by players proficient in necromantic magic, it was also a skill that the dragon, known as the master of magic, could wield without restriction.

Aurelius felt a soft touch in his hand, and he swiftly crushed it. The sensation of crushing spread a chilling sensation throughout his body, coinciding with the knight coughing up blood and collapsing helplessly.


The spluttering of blood and the knight's collapse sent nearby knights into a panic, gripped by fear, as they drew their swords.

"Ha... You're so weak. Just die."

Aurelius unleashed the 9th-tier magic, conjuring massive thunderbolts to strike down the knights.



The sight of colossal lightning bolts roaring and striking the knights was truly spectacular.

As the earth collided with the massive thunderbolt, gray remnants scattered, and the bodies of the knights vanished without a trace.

Aurelius spoke quietly, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth.

"As expected, the opening should be magnificent."

Aurelius believed that there were more knights left in the village and used another skill.

[Summon Subordinate: Dragon Warrior]

One of his special abilities.

Summon Subordinate granted him the power to summon various heterogeneous monsters, and among them was the Dragon Warrior, a formidable hunting dog.

With an overall level of 70, the Dragon Warrior was considered exceptionally strong by the standards of this world, albeit relatively weak by Aurelius's standards. However, for a dragon, levels were inconsequential.

The Dragon Warrior excelled in offensive capabilities, though its defense was comparatively lacking. Standing at a height of 250 cm, its body boasted tremendous thickness, standing at 250 cm. Armed with a 140-cm-long sword in its left hand, adorned in robust black body armor, and featuring bright red eyes, the Dragon Warrior possessed a menacing presence.

He had the head of a lizard; his body was humanoid; and sharp, pointed weapons protruded from his hands and feet.

Regardless of its level 70 prowess, a monster was ineffective without purpose. The Dragon Warrior moved on instinct alone, obedient to the commands of its summoner.

Aurelius knew that it would harbor hatred and slaughter for non-heteromorphic races, especially considering the inherently chaotic nature of monsters created by his summoning skills.

Addressing the Dragon Warrior, who stood before him with the deference of a vassal, Aurelius issued his command.

"Go and eliminate those knights who raided this village."

The Dragon Warrior let out a deafening roar, sending shivers down the spines of any listener. Life seemed to pulse in all directions as the air vibrated with the intensity of its cry.

The Dragon Warrior charged toward the village with swift obedience, surpassing the speed of the wind itself. Like a relentless hound pursuing its prey, it galloped without hesitation.

As the Dragon Warrior disappeared into the distance, two shadows emerged from a portal behind Aurelius.

One figure was clad in full-body jet-black armor, exuding a demonic aura. With spiked armor concealing every inch of skin, she wielded a giant axe with ease, her pitch-black kite shield and claw-like gauntlets adding to her menacing presence.

Dressed in pure white armor, the other figure embodied both the dragon and the devil, creating an unsettling blend of grace and ferocity.

The dark gray arrowheads protruding sharply from both shoulders gleamed with sharpness, contrasting with the white-silver brilliance radiating from the hand, which was adorned with a plate gauntlet resembling a blunt weapon.

Resting on her shoulder was a massive scythe, a formidable weapon in her grasp.

A pair of horns, one on each side of the closed helmet, added to the intimidating presence of the figure clad in a completely white surcoat over the armor.

"Aurelius-sama, my apologies for the delay," came the quiet voices of the two women from within their helmets.

Albedo resembled a dark knight, while Luminous evoked the image of a silver knight.

Aurelius glanced at the two armored figures flanking him and grinned.

"No need for apologies. I was busy doing something rather enjoyable, so it wasn't dull."

"Yes. Then, how should I dispose of the living lower creatures over there?"

"Aurelius-Sama, I will take care of them myself without getting your hands dirty."

"No. This girl will take care of such insignificant things. Please order."

Luminous and Albedo had been fighting a war of nerves from the start.

"Have you not heard from Sebas? I will save this village. And stop fighting nerves. My enemies are not those girls. They are the ones wearing armor rolling around there."

Aurelius diverted his gaze from the girls, Albedo and Luminous, and turned to the two human girls.


When his eyes met theirs once more, the two girls flinched in surprise. However, it was not simply a shock but rather a reaction to Aurelius's striking appearance.

Unlike Momonga, who was undead, Aurelius possessed the captivating allure of an extraordinarily handsome human-faced dragon. His innate qualities, coupled with the World Item he wore, exuded such charm and charisma that it instantly enthralled the two human girls with no mental resistance whatsoever, merely with a single glance.

Their cheeks flushed, and heart-shaped lights flickered in their eyes.

Noticing their reaction, Aurelius approached the two girls, who kept their heads down in nervousness.

Upon closer inspection, Aurelius noticed sword marks staining the back of the older girl, who appeared to be the elder sister. Without hesitation, he retrieved a red potion—a Minor Healing Potion—for her.

In Yggdrasil, such potions were commonplace, often used in the early stages of the game to restore 50 HP. However, to Aurelius, it was a trivial item.

He extended the red potion to the older sister, who accepted it with a slightly reddened face, her gaze meeting his. With a gentle smile and a reassuring nod, Aurelius silently conveyed that it was safe to drink.

The older sister accepted the potion with minimal hesitation, drawn to its blood-red hue, and quickly consumed it, her expression a mixture of surprise and disbelief.

"Oh my, this is incredible!"

She reached behind her, feeling for the wound, her disbelief evident as she inspected her now-healed skin.

"Look. Hasn't the wound healed?"

"Yes, indeed... Thank you," she managed to say, her cheeks flushing with gratitude towards Aurelius, her admiration for him growing stronger with each passing moment as he radiated his undeniable charm.

Meanwhile, Aurelius noticed the girl's breasts swaying desperately.

Her movements were brief, so he could see them slowly.


Even at this moment, his little brother was hardening between his legs.

Seeing that, he couldn't stand it; he wanted to quickly fuck this girl, Enri Emmot, right there and then.

'Fortunately, I had already taken precautions in case of such an eventuality, instructing Albedo and Luminous not to bring their world items,' he chuckled to himself.

With a smirk, he withdrew an object from his Subspace—a dark brown pocket watch.

Although this was not a classified World Item, it was an item with power almost on par with it, called [Chronos Pocket Watch]

Why did he bring this out?

Because it was an item prepared to eat the village girl right in front of him.

This item possessed the power to halt the flow of time for approximately a whole day. While the world would come to a standstill, he and his desired target could move freely within this frozen realm.

Aurelius wasted no time activating the item.

The hands of the Chronos Pocket Watch spun rapidly before gradually slowing down. Then, in a sudden instant, the minute hand came to a halt, bringing time itself to a stop.

Within this suspended reality, only he and the girl before him, Enri Emmot, retained the ability to move.

'Now this will be fun, hehe.'


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