Overlord: Evil Dragon Demon God Harem

Chapter 15: Calling Luminous to the Bedroom

In the throne hall, Aurelius finally arrived, moving slowly alongside Sebas.

Rows of countless creatures knelt on either side, expressing their allegiance as Aurelius passed by.

A deep silence shrouded the space, unbroken even by the faintest sound of breathing.

Only a staff's rhythmic tap echoed in sync with Aurelius's steps.

Climbing the stairs to the platform, Aurelius seated himself on the throne. Sebas stood at the platform's base, while Albedo and Luminous knelt on either side of the throne.

With his crimson eyes surveying the assembled NPCs, Aurelius sensed their anticipation, despite their lowered heads.

Save for the towering Golem Gargantua and the 8th Floor Guardian Victim, all of Nazarick's denizens were present here, their different appearances filling the hall.

Breaking the silence, Aurelius spoke, his voice devoid of emotion yet carrying weight as he addressed his audience.

"Albedo and Luminous may have already briefed you. Nonetheless, there is something important that I think must be shared personally by me with all gathered here and throughout the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick."

With a swift motion, Aurelius pulled out a crimson flag, holding it aloft for all to see.

He then positioned the large flag next to the great, shining Ainz Ooal Gown guild's banner behind the throne.

Embroidered upon the flag that he positioned was the insignia 'Aurelius Nova Lucifer', a crimson emblem signifying dominion over demons and dragons alike.

Aurelius opened his mouth when he saw his own banner hanging alongside Ainz Ooal Gown's guild sign.

"Every Supreme Being except myself, the guild leader of Ainz Ooal Gown, has departed willingly, leaving us alone and forsaken. However, I remain with you all, who are like my own children, and I will continue to do so until my existence fades. I don't intend to blame anyone for their decisions, but understand and accept this fact clearly if you hadn't till now: I am Ainz Ooal Gown itself, Aurelius Nova Lucifer. Without me, Ainz Ooal Gown no longer exists to be."

Despite the extremely offensive remark, the NPCs remained fiercely loyal to Aurelius. They understood his love and sacrifice for them, because what he said was all true.

When everyone else left without caring about anything else, he alone stayed for them.

Moreover, they knew that among all the Supreme Beings, he was without a doubt the most powerful, and so it went without saying that he solely held the position of ruler over the Nazarick NPCs.

He owned the guild, Ainz Ooal Gown, the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, and everything in it.

His crimson eyes glinted coldly as he surveyed the NPCs, who watched him intently.

"Should anyone differ from my declaration, speak now and make your will known. In the name of Aurelius Nova Lucifer, I guarantee that you won't face any consequences for expressing your opinions. You have my word."

Aurelius's test was met with silence, and noticing this, Albedo's voice broke the silence with a radiant smile.

"Hail the noble name! Long live Aurelius Nova Lucifer! Great lord Aurelius Nova Lucifer, the one who has the unwavering loyalty of all denizens of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick!"

The guardians agreed with Albedo's sentiments.

"Long live Aurelius Nova Lucifer, the embodiment of Ainz Ooal Gown! We pledge our unwavering allegiance to Aurelius Nova Lucifer, leader and mightiest among the Supreme Beings!"

The throne hall reverberated with the unified shouts of NPCs and servants.

Receiving their allegiance, Aurelius surveyed those gathered beneath his gaze.

"Thank you, everyone. I am grateful for your unwavering loyalty. Now, let me present the path and goal we shall move towards in the future."

Aurelius paused, and his subordinates' expressions grew solemn, showing their readiness to heed the words of the Absolute Supreme Being.

"By now, you may be aware of the mysterious circumstances that brought Nazarick to this New World. But let me tell you all: this world is a treasure trove of beauty, similar to a box overflowing with gems. Its allure has captivated me, and as a result, I have resolved to claim these treasures and bestow them upon all who live in Nazarick. No one is more deserving of such riches than us. My children, I command you: Let us conquer everything in this world."

With a resounding thud, Aurelius struck his staff against the floor. In response, the 14 crystals adorning the staff emerged in a dazzling array of colors, shimmering around them.

"Let it be known that Aurelius Nova Lucifer is the absolute ruler of this world. Bend heroes and villains alike to the loyalty of Nazarick. Crush those who resist. Let all who dwell in this realm understand: This world shall only exist under the dominion of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick! Mercy shall only be granted under the rule of Aurelius Nova Lucifer! And let it be declared that I am the true sovereign of this world, transcending even the gods."

Aurelius's voice resonated throughout the throne room, filled with determination.

He made a vow.

Both his name and his existence would be raised beyond the level of legends and myths, and every single soul would be in awe of him.

He would claim everything he desired and take every woman he coveted. All who inhabit this world would bow before him.

They would only serve him as their god—Aurelius's voice, full of ambition, spread with such spirit that it could be heard from anywhere in the throne room.

It was the absolute ruler's decree.

The issuance of this command, as well as the subsequent unified action it inspired, ignited a fire in their hearts.

Everyone shuddered at Aurelius's remarks and lowered their heads in unison.

In their reverent gazes, Aurelius sensed a devotion surpassing even that of the most zealous followers. The fervor radiating from their excitement permeated the throne room.

"Everyone raise your heads."

As if drawn by Albedo's soft voice, those who had bowed their heads now lifted them.

"Each of you, heed Aurelius-Sama's decree."

"We shall follow the imperial decree of Aurelius-sama, the supreme being and absolute ruler of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick!"

Their voices resounded, and Albedo's gaze turned towards Aurelius.

In Albedo's golden eyes, he appeared truly magnificent and beautiful. In such a pivotal moment, her breath hitched imperceptibly.

Even Demiurge straightened, though his head still bowed as he explained further.

"As Aurelius-Sama has decreed: World Conquest. Our aim is to assert the dominance of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick and the Absolute Supreme Being, Aurelius Sama, across the world."

Upon hearing those words, something sharp dwelled in everyone's eyes—it was also a look of strong determination.

Albedo also rose slowly, her gaze sweeping over everyone's faces.

In turn, they fixed their eyes on her.

After that, she caught sight of the flags of Ainz Ooal Gown and Aurelius Nova Lucifer.

"To understand Aurelius-Sama's true intentions and be ready to comply is the mark of loyalty and the characteristic of an exemplary subject. Remember, the ultimate goal of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick is to dedicate this world to Aurelius-sama."

With a smile on her face, Albedo turned behind her, and she gave Aurelius an even more beautiful smile.

"The one I love—the great supreme being, Aurelius-Sama. I will definitely dedicate this world to the feet of my lord."

Voices echoed after her.

"The whole world is at the feet of the rightful ruler, Aurelius-Sama!"


After concluding his affairs in the throne hall, Aurelius retreated to his private room, a space that was solely his own.

Collapsing onto the bed, he buried his face into the sheets.

"God... this is exhausting. If this is what I'll be dealing with for eternity, I can sympathize with you, Eunuch Bones Momonga."

A wry chuckle escaped his lips as he turned to face the ceiling, feeling the surge of desire coursing through him—a lot of emotions and a thirst bubbling inside him after concentrating and acting for so long.

Aurelius needed a release for his primal urges because he was mentally exhausted.

"This... It's a natural physiological response. But to alleviate it, I will certainly need a woman. Should I call Luminous? I even promised it to her."

Recalling his earlier words to Luminous in Carne Village, he closed his eyes, resolving to take action.

Today, he would claim the maidenhood of Luminous, the being he had made himself.

For others, having sexual relations with a living being who could be considered his daughter could be concerning, but for him, it was more of an immoral joy.

Furthermore, she had no blood relation to him; she was merely his creation.

When Aurelius thought of Luminous, he remembered her figure and beauty, which rivaled Albedo's, as well as her plump buttocks, which wiggled every time she moved.

"Whoa... I can't stand it."

Without delay, he messaged Sebas.

[Sebas, are you available?]

[Yes, Aurelius-sama. How may I assist you?]

[Go and bring Luminous.]

[I understand.]

Seizing the moment while Sebas went to fetch Luminous, Aurelius attempted to straighten the mattress. But barely had he risen from the bed when a knock echoed at the door.


Hadn't it been mere moments?

"Is it Luminous?"

"Yes, Aurelius-sama. I came here as soon as I received your orders."

"Come in."


The brown hinged door swung open, and with it, she entered the room, her flawless white skin gleaming like jade under the dim light.

Clad in a black negligee that left little to the imagination, she exuded a bewitching aura.

"Huh.. ♡ Do you have something you want from me, Aurelius-Sama?"

Luminous's smile carried a deeper flush than usual, her breath coming out in rough, excited bursts as she maintained her natural demeanor.

Aurelius gave Luminous a heated glance, captivated by her charming expression.

"Yes, didn't I promise you in Carne Village? Come here."

"Haa..♡ Finally... I will become one with Aurelius-Sama, right?"

"Yes, I don't intend to sleep tonight."

"I will never let Aurelius-Sama sleep tonight.♡"

Her voice trembled with anticipation, and her words dripped with desire as she rushed straight into Aurelius's arms.

Their hot, moist lips met, igniting a fire that surged between them in an instant.

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