Overlord: Ancient One

Chapter 9: World Travel II

Moving forward, Arthur notices a huge dragon that appears to be made of flame, and its surroundings are completely covered in golden lava. For a brief moment, he was in awe of the scene in front of him.

A large, majestic-looking red Western dragon was in front of him. It had two tails that appeared to be made of lava because the red liquid was oozing out of the tips of its two tails, and it had four enormous horns that protruded from its head.

"So, Friday I am going to fight that thing which literally looks like a mountain."

[Yes Sir]

"you could at least give me some heads up for this"

[You are the one who instructed me to stop giving spoilers to you every time, Sir]

Arthur didn't say anything to her as he was getting ready for his battle, the dragon, which is somewhat akin to a raid boss, won't attack him without Arthur initiating the attack first, giving him ample time to buff himself and set traps around them.

{Fly}, {Bless of Magic Caster}, {Magic Ward-Frost}, {Greater Full Potential}, {See Through}, {Greater Resistance}, {Indomitability}, {Greater Luck}, {Magic Boost}, {Demonic Power}, {Demonic Aura}, {Absorption}, {Penetrate Up}, {Maximize Magic: Freezing Bomb}, {Triplet Magic: Greater Magic Seal}, {Triplet Magic: Fall of Ash Brim}

After setting everything up with well-planned coordination, he cast his first spell to initiate the battle.

"Then, Here I come"

Those words, spoken after he had finished his preparations, were directed at the Ancient flame dragon and himself.

The first thing Arthur did was to use one of the strongest magic he now has at his reserve as an Archdevil (Incubus) form.

{Maximize Magic: Avalanche}

He cast as the temperature of the room suddenly went down as snow started to cover the area and fog began to lift up as vision dimmed.

When the fog cleared, he could see the enormous dragon that had been sleeping there but now appeared to be ready to drive out the intrusive person who had disturbed his sleep. The dragon opened its mouth without saying a word, activating the standard ability that all dragons possess known as {Dragon Breath}

The dragon opens its mouth wide as it could shoot a beam in my direction and melt all ice produced by my spell avalanche.

The Breath which looked like it surpassed the very definition of tiers went off and it looked as though the sun had risen on the land, melting everything in its field of view with an orange colour glow.

The flame generated a rapidly-expanding wave of heat, which greedily consumed everything within its radius as it made its way towards Arthur.

"Great, what a way to start the fight" Arthur complained as he cast {Teleportation} as he quickly moved to a safer place to avoid the hit. Even though Arthur has bluffed himself with fire immunity, he still doesn't take the attack head-on.

Although this vision of hellfire only lasted a few seconds, it seemed to last much longer. I have to give credit to the developer for this high-definition graphic that looks so realistic because it followed the disappearing pulse of extremely hot energy with a broad path that appears to be boiling as a result of extreme heat.

When the dragon realised that its initial attack had missed its intended target, it quickly changed course and swung its enormous twin tail in Arthur's direction. However, its goal was not to hit Arthur directly with the tip of the tail; instead, it was to pour hot lava in his direction.

Instead of dodging like he previously did, Arthur cast {Wall of Stone},

The ground suddenly gave way to a massive stone wall that engulfed Arthur completely. The wall was damaged when the dragon's attack of thick lava hit it and collided with it, causing both of them to melt, boil, and collapse.

There was no benefit in allowing his opponent to get close to Arthur because, while in his magic caster form, he could only demonstrate his true skill at a distance and had no front liners to protect him. Still, Arthur made no effort to retreat.

Noticing both attacks which the enemy initiated was an AOE-type attack and its moment was not so fast to catch up with Arthur's agility he decided to keep this distance to maintain his defence stand and wait until the target fell into his trap.

Until an attack which looked like that combination of {Dragon Breath} and {Moment Freeze}.

The word "one-shot kill" could not even begin to describe that assuredly fatal blow which the enemy produced, and it tore through the air towards Arthur.

However, despite the ever-approaching blast of attack from the dragon, Arthur remained unmoved.

"Finally" In a gentle voice, Arthur said: "It's dangerous you know to play with fire" as though concerned for its well-being, referring to the countermeasure he had prepared for dragon attack.

Seeing the perfect opportunity to counter dragon attack, he activated his ability {Shield of Navir} along with his other ability {Reflect}

{Shield of Navir} is an ability which absorbs the damage caused by magic spells and {Reflect} is an ability which reflects 30% of total damage caused by offensive magic if activated, so combining these to a skill gives a game-breaking defence skill which absorbs and Reflects the incoming damage to a certain degree.

After activation, which looks like it could banish a mountain from existence, now got absorbed and reflected in the enemy's direction.

this all happened in a second so his opponent can't do anything of face its own attack head-on.

The damage caused by all this was enough, as the dragon distracted for a second but that time was enough for Arthur to go on offensive mode.


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