Overlord: Advent of the New Gods

Volume 4 – Chapter 22

Chapter 22

For a supposedly peaceful and prosperous nation, Re-Estize surely didn't look like one. Only a rare few of the roads were paved, and even they were cracking from age, use, and disrepair.

Antilene periodically tapped her boots against the stone at the side of the road to remove the mud and dust caking her footwear. The walls of the capital of Re-Estize were visible in the distance, her two travel companions visibly excited at finally reaching their destination and her tired frame yearning for a warm bath.

The travel had taken a lot from her but, at the same time, the sense of freedom had finally started to settle in. She wasn't a weapon or guardian of a nation's strongest, just a strange girl who didn't take her hat off in the eyes of locals. What's more, Yvon's preachy demeanor warded off creeps who had ideas of what they could do with her and Relznia, thus she didn't even need to fight once during their trip. Nobody touched a preacher or their companions in fear of inviting divine retribution.

"Hurry up. We need to pick up the pace if we want to make it before dinner time!" Relzania called after her.

She wouldn't call the young woman her friend but they did get along, much more than they had at the beginning of the trip. There were no solid plans for the future, but they would stick together for now and keep a low profile as adventurers.

"The city isn't going anywhere. Give me a moment, I think I stepped on horse droppings." She called back to her companions.

"Watch where you are walking! No one is cleaning roads here." Relzania was getting more impatient.

"The inns aren't going anywhere, be patient." Yvon chuckled. During the trip he had grown to see the pair as granddaughters he never had and was doing his best to impart at least some wisdom to them before they went their separate ways. This was the beginning of a new life for the two girls but the end of the road for him. He would offer himself as a tribute to monster gods, hoping to save his homeland from their wrath, and that would be the end of him. But the duo had a future waiting before them, ready to be grasped.

"I'm coming." Antilene oriented both her legs firmly on the ground, finally ready to catch up with her companions.

Relzania already walked at a brisk pace so she broke into a sprint to catch up. Soon she would fill her belly with a warm meal and lay in a soft bed, sleeping away her fatigue.

As they walked, she suddenly felt her stomach churn into a knot, feeling immense dread. Something bad was about to happen, she was sure of it, her instincts had never let her down.

Antilene stopped on the spot as well and drew her weapon, assuming a defensive position. The priest did the same.

"What-" Relzania stopped and asked, but froze the moment multiple dark voids simultaneously appeared around them, surrounding them completely.

She knew what was about to come. This was the spell only the Dark Gods used. Antilene swallowed hard and took sharp breaths, holding back her tears.

Various monsters came from each portal, Insectoids, Demons, and an assortment of wild beasts. All ready to devour each one of them at any moment, all but waiting for their leader to give the command.

And it didn't take long for that leader to arrive, a Goat Demon in a dark suit and a cane walking out of the last remaining portals.

She recognized the figure, it was one of the Gods who stood in the background when she was defeated before her trip, spectating as she was cut down.

"And the rats are abandoning the ship." The dark God commented as he stopped and leaned on his cane, she and her companions not daring to talk back.

She saw in the corner of her eye that Relzania started shaking like a leaf in the wind and Yvon began prostrating himself.

"Did you think you could just run? That we wouldn't watch you?" The Dark God continued, putting his attention on her. "Ainz did warn you that we won't forgive you the second time."

"I-I won't get in your way. I'll keep my head down and won't cause trouble." She replied with a slight stutter, the hardened wooden pole of her halberd cracking under her grip. The trip was at an end.

"You three will come with me and we'll decide what to do with you. If you dare to even look at anyone the wrong way, let's just say you will become jealous of farm animals." He waved for them to follow, disappearing into the void.

To Antilene, her companions hurriedly became nothing but an afterthought. All she could think of was her survival. In an agitated half trance, she followed through the gate, striding past the swarm of beasts. Seeking acceptance and belonging, she would offer her servitude and loyalty to the new Gods. Antilene knew she wouldn't be able to survive otherwise. Her only hope was that the Ruler of Death saw value in her.

The scene changed as she now found herself in a throne room so vast and so expensive that it would make any rich king green with envy. Decorated from ceiling to floor, wall to wall, there was so much wealth she doubted she had seen enough in her entire life to rival what she saw this moment.

What got her attention most however was the neat row of guards to the left and right of her, all leading to the six monster Gods waiting on their divine thrones, all seeming like they were expecting them. She recognized all but one, a demoness of immaculate beauty. Her dirty boots stained the pristine dark carpet beneath her as she walked. Antilene would clean the dirt with her tongue should they demand it, all to survive.

The Goatman took the last seat as she along with her travel companions stood before them.

"Demiurge, it seems like they do not understand their place. Could you be so kind as to remind them where they belong?" The demoness with the black wings sneered.

"Prostrate yourselves!" Another demon, standing close to the Gods, shouted, voice reverberating through the air.

She heard two sets of knees hitting the floor hard, followed by winces and groans. She stood confused at what was going on. Was it a spell or an order? Antilene did as told and prostrated after placing her weapon on the ground next to her. Better to kneel than to not.

"Let's start with you, cardinal." The Ruler of Death announced in his deep and powerful voice. "You ran like a coward when you found out about us. Tell me what sort of punishment does a deserter like you deserve."

"I had to, Lord. When we wronged you, I knew the people would pay for the crimes committed under our watch. This world cannot stand up to your might. I knew my Gods had already failed against you. I offer myself as a tribute. Let me pay for my people's sins so the rest can live under your rule without fear of being slain for crimes they didn't commit. I can't bear to see any more innocent blood being shed." Yvon spoke with conviction.

"We'll see how long your resolve will last." The Ruler of Death commented with amusement.

It was but a moment later that she heard a whip slashing against cloth and flesh, singing its violent songs. A quiet whimpering followed. It wasn't Yvon who whimpered, but Relzania. Antilene heard a whip tearing the old man's flesh repeatedly, but no sound escaped his lips.

"I have to admit, the old man came prepared. I'll take him. I have a plan on how to use a cardinal from Slane." The goat-like God announced.

"Do whatever you want with him, so long as he doesn't die an easy death." The Ruler of Death declared, still unmoving on his throne. "Shalltear, do you recognize any of them?"

"That brown-haired one soiling the carpet was present when I fail- was captured." A youthful, perhaps even childish voice answered.

She didn't dare to look. She would only speak and make her plea when she was addressed directly.

"I didn't know. Please, I didn't do anything to her! I am just a reconnaissance specialist." Relzania pleaded.

If she had been braver, she would have shouted for the Astrologer to shut up and not make things worse, but Antilene knew she didn't have the willpower for such actions anymore.

"Silence!" The full authority of the Ruler Of Death made her shiver from head to toe, even if she wasn't the one targeted. She didn't want to imagine how terrible the fate of Relzania would be. The girl was now whimpering, the stench of urine reaching her nostrils.

"This pathetic creature should pay a thousand deaths for her transgressions. To soil the very throne room of the Supreme Beings is blasphemy!" The demoness screamed.

She seemed to be the angriest of all Gods. Perhaps someone who took the crimes of mortals personally as their executor of vengeance.

"Pero, what do you want to do with her?" The ruler of death addressed another God.

"Give her to Shalltear. It would be only fair if she gets all the shits who attacked her." She quickly recognized the God as the one who was disgusted by her offer to be his mate. Antilene nervously gulped as Relzania was dragged off by more vampires, crying uncontrollably.

"Do whatever you want with her as long as she doesn't die. She belongs to you now." The Ruler of Death spoke again, finalizing the woman's fate.

Then came her turn. She could feel their unrelenting gazes culminating in him, peering into her soul.

"You were given a second chance. Tell me, why did you come to Re-Estize?" The Undead God's tone was less hostile towards her, considerably compared to her past travel companions.

"I have nowhere else to go. I just want to live. I will do whatever you want. I will serve, just please let me live. I still have some power." She pleaded.

"You want to serve us? Why would you stand with us against this world?" He continued.

"I don't belong anywhere in this world, it means nothing to me. I am a freak no matter where I go. I want to live. Please accept me."

"Very well. Rise and choose, but choose carefully. I will know if your decision is not an honest one."

Antilene did as told and rose to her feet, finally getting a good look at her possible new superiors. Before her were six Gods and she needed to choose one. In truth, she already knew her choice. She knew which Goddess she wanted to follow, yet she still hesitated.

"Are you unsure? Perhaps you only want to save your skin." The Ruler of Death questioned.

"War. I choose War. Please accept me." She answered, turning her pleading gaze towards the Goddess.

The Goddess stood up from her throne and approached her, their luxurious plate boots clicking against the stone steps. There was no hurry to her stride. Like a cat stalking up to a mouse, she glanced at her with a subtle smirk on her beautiful face.

The one she chose stopped uncomfortably close, standing half a head taller, her presence suffocating a mere godkin like her.

"Why me?" The Goddess inquired quietly.

"I have been nothing but a weapon, I cannot offer anything else than being one. All I have been trained for is to kill." Antilene answered honestly.

"Do you want to be one?" The Goddess asked.

"I…" She didn't know if she wanted to and lying to a divine being wasn't an option. The Goddess would know.

Suddenly the Goddess embraced her as she whispered in her ear, "If you want me to take you in, don't even think about lying to me."

She shivered and audibly gulped. There was one thing she truly wanted and she couldn't run or twist her longing any longer, "I want a place where I feel like I can belong. I will do everything you want, please just take me in."

"Remember that you made this choice." The Goddess let go of her and motioned to follow, the other Gods silent as her fate was decided.

Soon enough she found herself in a small room, smaller than her living space in Slane. Her Goddess properly introduced herself and slowly told her the names of the other Gods, enlightening her with the proper knowledge.

Then they arrived at an outdoor area in the middle of a large arena mere moments later. "This is the sixth floor. For now, you will help my children train the locals," Lady Buku explained.

Antilee was staring in shock at the view in front of her, a beautiful bright midday sky even though she sensed they were under the ground. But still, before she had a chance to ask about it, she was left in the care of two dark-elven children about ten to twelve years old by human standards, assuming their appearances were equal to their age. She found it strange that the girl was dressed as a boy and the boy as a girl, but it was not her place to question it as it was above her new station.

"So mom told us you were quite strong for a local. How about we throw a ball and see how strong you are." Aura, the elven girl, tossed the fist-sized object into her hands and retreated about twenty meters away.

"Now throw as hard as you can!" She shouted cheerfully.

If that was any other child she would be wary of accidentally hurting the girl, but it was the daughter of a proper Goddess, not a mere godkin with heavily diluted blood. The ball was incredibly heavy, as if made out of solid metal, yet as soft as the skin of a tenderly cared-for calf.

Antilene threw the ball as hard as she could, sending a shockwave after it. The elven girl caught it seemingly without much of an effort, plucking it out of the air like a feather.

"Not bad. No wonder mom picked you!" The girl shouted and threw the ball back.

Antilene caught it, feeling the impact ripple through her entire body. 'Goddess picked me? So it wasn't just a dream.'

At the girl's order, she threw the ball back once more with all her might. They played like this for a while. Then she was guided to a house inside an immense tree and helped clean it from top to bottom. Then she helped the boy to organize his books, as numerous as the stars.

It took a few hours to realize that she had pretty much been relegated to being a babysitter and assistant to two demigods, entities far above her. There surely were worse fates out there and she couldn't complain about being among the people who didn't see her as a freak with tainted blood. If it meant caring for children, so be it.

Editing by aidan_lo.

Proofreading by aidan_lo, fvvck, and IAMTHEPLOKOKIOPO, Mfkzrocker, Dtrackt and clagan

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