Overlord: Advent of the New Gods

Volume 4 – Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Just laying in bed and resting was boring, mind-numbingly so, but orders were orders. Nfirea let out another long sigh as he counted the cracks of the wooden beams upholding the ceiling. The fatigue was surely there, but after the jolt of energy his employer provided, his mind was as sharp as ever, and thus he was bored out of his mind. He just had a breakthrough, he could replicate it and make another!

'I was so close, but now that I know the proper steps, I should be able to make the end product in a week if I'm careful and consistent.' His mind once again returned to work. The current ultimate goal was to create a full red potion, identical to the ones his employer provided. Such an alchemical concoction would heal near-fatal wounds and not deteriorate over time like the blue ones he could currently make.

Yet there were also other more intrusive thoughts. 'Enri was so angry with me. I should make it up to her somehow. Lord Tabula did promise to pay me… Maybe I should travel to E-Rantel and buy something nice for her. Oh, I also shouldn't forget about Nemu and the Goblin Troop, new weapons maybe? Theirs are rather worn down...'

His plans were interrupted by a knock and the door slowly creaked open. Enri came in without waiting for his response, putting a bowl and spoon on the night table without saying a word, staring at him.

Nfirea sat up, meeting the girl's intense gaze, Enri's eyes were narrow and her lips twisted in dissatisfaction. "Here is dinner. Nemu put extra meat in your portion." She practically snarled.

"Thank you, I don't know what I would do without you and your family… I'm sorry I made you worried." He flashed a smile.

"Is that all you had to say to me?" She inquired as her tone shifted, betraying nervousness.

"I will make it up to you, I promise… I will be more careful from now on." He hastily added, unsure what else Enri wanted to hear from him.

"Hmph! That's it? I hoped you would…" Enri crossed her arms and glanced away. "Just tell me…"

"Tell you what?" he asked, his confusion only growing.

"So you're going to play stupid? You know what I am talking about. Everyone already knows but you still can't say it!" She bit her lip while breaking the stare, glaring down. "Is it that hard to just say it?"

'She knows!? I… can do this… I can do this! I can do this!' He desperately tried to gather his courage. There was a chance he was wrong, his confession could end up with rejection and a shattered heart, but if Enri knew, then not saying anything else could push her away… He needed to make the leap of faith… there was no other choice.

"Enri… I love you. I wanted to tell you sooner, but I…" He managed to get the words out of his lips, his voice shaking with great anxiety.

"Then why didn't you?" She sharply turned her head, staring right into his eyes, her brows were still furrowed, her eyes narrowed, but there were signs of a smile breaking through bit by bit.

"I… I wasn't sure… you would like me...You had your life in the village… and I only visited once a month… and then granny… I had nothing… I couldn't provide for you… I…"

Enri stomped over as Nfirea spoke and plopped down next to him, shaking the bedframe. "For someone so smart, you sometimes are so stupid. I wanted to hear this for so long! I love you too!"

"I'm sorry… I was so indecisive." He reached over and took her hand, shifting to make room.

"I don't want to wait on things anymore. I want you to be decisive and make me happy." She gently squeezed his hand in response, eyes glittering.

'She is right. I am a man. I shouldn't force my woman to confess or ask for things.' Nfirea turned his head, Enri turned hers, and both gazes met each other with love.

There was no way he had misinterpreted the situation. Even if his analytical mind failed him in most social interactions, he knew he needed to take the next step without Enri demanding that he show incentive.

Filled with determination, he leaned forward, planting a kiss on her lips,

then another, her mouth parted, their lips locked again, Enri's hands moved, one pressed against his chest, the other grabbed his left arm, and moved it to her waist.

"I don't want to wait for anything." She whispered between kisses.

His mind went blank, his hand moved up her waist on its own accord… They weren't married, not even engaged, But he couldn't stop… He had dreamed about this moment.

Enri kissed him back with increasing passion, her tongue interlocked with his while her hands explored his body, her breaths becoming sharp and shallow. "Jugen stands guard outside. No one will interrupt us." She declared, breaking off the kiss.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes!" She grabbed his shirt and began hastily undoing the buttons one by one. "We can marry later."

"S-Sure…" Nfirea just went with the flow; he wouldn't be able to deny her even if he wanted to, as her frustration was palpable even to his mind.

The articles of clothing disappeared from their bodies as they were tossed away without any care.

Tonight they would lose themselves in passion, and the plans for their future could be left for tomorrow. What was important was the now, not the could-be's and might-nots.


Zesshi trailed behind her two companions, always scanning for a potential danger… The feeling of being watched was only getting worse… She could sense a presence in every tree or a large stone they passed, she sensed someone watching from within her own shadow at times. The bushes, the grasses could each hold an enemy, each one deadlier than the last.

Relzania was also surveying the area constantly, but she hadn't seen anything of note thus far, without her, the Pontifex and the Black Scripture had no known means of finding them. The secrecy of Slane's strongest fighters was also a blessing that let them blend in, as most people easily bought the story of a kindly grandfather traveling with his two granddaughters; no one connected their faces to those in the capital.

She still was unsure what to think of the former cardinal, as on the one hand, he did embody the role he played and made sure she and Relzania had their privacy, didn't skip meals, and rested despite barely keeping up with them. On the other hand, she still remembered the old cardinal who saw her as nothing more than a weapon to be used, and he was one of the same occupation.

Still, her first prolonged travel and the feeling of not carrying the weight of a nation on her shoulders did wonders to soothe her agitated mind, there was no doubt in her mind that one day she would be facing the monster Gods and their impossibly dreadful leader… Only this time she would beg them to let her serve as she should have done from the moment they met… Maybe they would have taken her with them right away, She wasn't a human after all… she would fit right in among the monsters.

Antilene knew very well that her companions tolerated her because of her power and not much else; she wasn't particularly social, and she had no idea how to make small talk like Yvon and Relzania. They both could chat by the campfire about the most random of topics, she would only sit and nod at those times, as she had nothing interesting to tell. Nothing friendly for such mindless chatter from a honed weapon.

A weapon, a freak, an ancient beast that broke each and every Black Scripture member, that was what she was to everyone, everyone but the Dark Gods, They saw her for what she was… a scared, lonely girl without a place to belong. But ever since that day it felt like serving the dark gods was where she could belong, for once in her long life.

"We should visit Aerismei and resupply," Relzania spoke up, pointing at a direction sign as they stopped at a crossroads.

"Good suggestion." Yvon nodded in agreement. "A proper bath wouldn't hurt either."

"Oh, I would kill to soak in a bath for an hour and have a chance to wash my clothing," Relzania enthusiastically agreed.

"Antilene, do you mind if we stop at a town for a day?" Yvon turned to ask her.

"No." She shook her head. One day or less wouldn't matter at this point, they had long left their potential immediate pursuers.

"Then let's go. It's only an hour's walk." Relzania resumed walking, even picking up her pace in anticipation of their goals.

'Like I wouldn't want clean clothing.' Washing clothes in rivers and ponds and then carrying them wet wasn't a good option, and despite discarding her old life, she wasn't about to drop her living standards with it. The hot summer did no favors for the travel and at the end of each day she was soaked in sweat despite walking not tiring her. The sheer distance took its toll.

Teleporting was much more convenient for long-distance, but none of them knew how to cast teleportation magic, nor could they ask figures who could without potentially alerting their former allies. The town gate came into view not a moment too soon. Antilene felt her stomach gurgle, demanding a warm meal made of fresh ingredients, not the dried and cold rations they had been consuming. A juicy piece of fried meat, some boiled vegetables, and a pie or ice cream in the desert, such simple pleasures invaded her mind. She could see cows roaming in the fields around the town, there was a large chance one of her favorite treats would be for sale, and it wasn't hard convincing Relzania to buy some ice cream as her travel companion also had a sweet tooth each.

With an elevated mood, she passed the gate. The guards didn't ask additional questions as Yvon displayed his clergy card, allowing them direct entry. In relaxed silence, they strode to the town center where the inns catering to the wealthy were found the noise did pick up around the plaza with people engaging in trade, but that was expected in any town.

"Look, that one has a bakery attached to it." Relzania pointed at a three-story inn and tavern with a large sign.

"I'm sure a pack of cookies on the road wouldn't hurt," Yvon chuckled.

"I'm buying the ones with chocolate chips. Praise Lord Kikotenshin for giving the mortals the recipe." Relzania giggled, leading the trio towards the destination, promising a wonderful meal.

As they moved through the group, a sudden flash of light made everyone look up. Angels, hundreds of them, descended from the skies.

Antilene grabbed her halberd and assumed a defensive position, Relzania hid behind her with a whimper, and Yvon meanwhile kneeled and began to recite prayers of forgiveness.

The winged creatures landed one after another, starting to destroy anything dedicated to the Six Great Gods and slaying anyone who wore items of worship. They ignored her and her companions, as all of them had made sure they had no items related to the main religion of humanity, not even the priest. But still, she didn't want to take any chances and stood ready to defend herself.

An angel, resembling a young beautiful woman, landed right before her, gazing upon her with a piercing golden gaze. Wings beyond count shifted behind the plate-clad figure, overlapping one another.

Antilene gulped as a wave of warm, soothing light hit her like a broken dam, her legs wobbling, but she remained standing.

"You carry his touch in your heart… His words linger in your mind." The angel spoke gently, the pale face twisting into a soft smile.

"I don't want to fight. I am not an enemy!" Antilene pleaded with the creature, whose radiant and overwhelming aura made her feel like an insignificant speck of dust, unworthy of sharing the same air with someone so pure, so powerful.

"Pain… So much pain… Believe… And the soothing light of God will heal your wounds… Believe, and the path will be clear… I won't hurt you child… I have no reason to, but know this, the darkness and pain you hide won't fade if nothing is done… You will continue to suffer if you do not seek guidance." The angel closed in.

Antilene gripped her weapon tighter but didn't dare to move. Her lips quivered, and tears glistened in the corner of her eyes. "I-" She whimpered. "I know they are real, I know they are Gods… I-"

"Speak freely, child." The angel urged.

"I am afraid." She confessed. This emotion was so potent, that she rarely felt anything else besides overwhelming fear as each second stretched for hours before this mighty being.

"The path of growth and healing is never pleasant… Before you meet them again, you must pick your path… Let me open your heart for change." The angel put the palm on the middle of her chest, the warm metal pressing against the thin layer of clothing separating her and it.

Antilene inhaled sharply and nodded; if this messenger of Gods was giving her something to avoid the wrath of Gods, she would gladly take the gift… No matter how painful.

A sharp pain stung like a knife was driving through her. She was unable to breathe, searing pain in her chest as if a vortex of scorching flame replaced her heart. She gasped for air that refused to enter her lungs, her legs wobbled and, if not for her halberd, Antilene would have fallen to the ground.

Then a torrent of soothing cool breeze rushed through her body. The pain was gone. She inhaled a deep breath, grateful for relief from the pain that had seemed to last an eternity.

"The path is open… Make your choices and know this: those who believe will find their way to the Gods." The angel removed her hand and ascended into the sky, their countless wings gently flapping into the distance.

As she stood motionless, the rest of the angels departed with their leader, leaving behind a devastated town, corpses and rubble littering the streets… These humans weren't her concern.

Yvon and Relzania slowly returned to their senses as well… There was no need to talk… Each knew they couldn't stay there… The locals would treat them as harbingers of destruction.

No one got in their way, not that there were many left who could, as most of the city guards were among the corpses as they were the ones trying to stop the angels. Perhaps the same that had let them through was among the dead, not that she cared.

'Choose my path? I don't know what that even meant… I know nothing of these Gods, how can I pick?' There were no answers to her silent questions, but she knew one thing for sure, that she had to believe they would accept her.

Would her two companions have any chance at this, she couldn't tell, nor did she particularly care, as when it came down to loyalties she was not one of them, she was different… She was tainted in the eyes of humans.

Editing by aidan_lo.

Proofreading by aidan_lo, Sluethen, Squid, clagan, fvvck, x4x, Ainz-sama, Mfkzrocker, Milk, and Stac.

Link my discord server (https://discord.gg/WmGKVU3XG2)

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