Overlord: Advent of the New Gods

Volume 4 – Chapter 07

Chapter 7

The first cabinet meeting took place a few days after the coronation, mainly because Barbro was too busy celebrating it by indulging in all sorts of debauchery, an event Eight Fingers established just for him that was held in a private manor. And it was debauchery only the Eight Fingers could muster up, and they had gone all-out for their celebration in every materialistic way possible.

Zanac couldn't help but feel amused seeing Boullope silently fume in his seat, half-glaring at the sovereign. It wasn't a secret that the older Marquis had thought it would be easy to control the new King, but that turned out further from the truth than he had ever imagined. Not only could Barbro, with the full backing of the Eight Fingers, openly ignore or even belittle him, but he also ignored his duty as a King and husband to produce an heir, instead choosing to entertain himself with maids and prostitutes almost constantly.

Zanac did feel some pity towards Queen Ellga though. She wasn't a schemer like her father and for whatever reason did love Barbro as a wife, and for that she was left to suffer alone in silence. A sensitive topic like the King's infidelity couldn't just be openly discussed, and the young Queen was forced to play a happy wife in public, knowing just behind her husband's throne was yet another prostitute waiting for her turn.

With them, in the lavishly decorated meeting room, were the King himself, Marquis Raeven, and Marquis Pespea. Zanac's brother-in-law was the newest addition to the cabinet and was tasked with overseeing agriculture among other modifications.

"I'd prefer not to drag this out. Just start with the most important topics." Barbro waved at Zanac to open the meeting.

"Today's topics are the funding of the army, the likelihood of Baharuth inciting another battle at the beginning of the harvest season, and Renner's status." Zanac pushed a folder towards his brother, which Barbro lazily opened and passively glanced over, putting it aside mere moments later.

"What is there to discuss? The army will be funded by the nobles. We will push back Jircniv's legions with said army, and I was thinking of marrying Renner to Lytton. He has high-value lands that could be useful to gain in a bargain." Barbro yawned and slouched down in his chair, reaching for a cup of wine.

"Local nobles lack funds to provide proper equipment and armor to the troops at such a fast pace, and those who do are hesitant to invest in something without immediate and obvious gains. I will lend money to barons in my domain, but many nobles lack the incentive to participate in building a standing army." Boullope grumbled. "And even if we put together a decent fighting force in such a short period of time, we will still rely on mass conscription of peasants."

"Which would cost the nation around twenty-five thousand gold coins each year in unharvested produce alone. Not to mention the increasing unrest among the peasants," Pespea added in.

The previous minister of agriculture was an incompetent old fool and only kept his position due to the overall effort of the nobles to weaken Rampossa's rule. By all means it would have been common sense to give this position to Pespea the moment he married Zanac's oldest sister since he was not only competent but had the courage to bring up unpleasant truths about the governmental situation. Unfortunately, the power play came first, but at least he was here now.

It came as a grim irony now that since the governing body actually knew what they were doing, the nation's fate was already sealed and only a few would survive the plans of Lord Ulbert.

"So get them in line. Remove the ones that are most resistant through any means necessary. Or should I just remove all of you and order Hilma to deal with this!" Barbro straightened up, raising his voice.

"We could make an example out of some more outspoken ones and show that none carry their old favor," Raeven mused out loud.

"That could work. But I think you should talk with Hilma nonetheless, brother. Make the nobles realize that you fully control the Eight Fingers, and are not above using them should anyone fall out of line," Zanac suggested. The more Barbro became reliant on Hilma, the easier it would be for him to be guided in the necessary directions. Delegation only worked so long as the persons below were content, otherwise it became internal sabotage.

"Not a bad idea," Barbro smirked. "As for the army, make sure everyone pays their share. I would like a proper palace renovation in the next few years and I don't want any loss of income. Rid this place of the commoner and my father's stink."

"I will ensure it happens." Boullope nodded. Even he didn't want to deal with Eight Finger thugs, and it had become clear that he didn't have any means to put any pressure on his son-in-law. For now, he needed to play along and see what Barbro's other three advisors were planning, and then move based on their actions.

"Regarding Renner, I don't think it is very useful to marry her to any of the local nobles. As our sister, her hand in marriage is more valuable than that. She is royalty after all." Zanac moved to the next topic.

In truth, it didn't matter what plans Barbro had for her whatsoever. If Renner would be married off tomorrow, her soon-to-be husband would die before laying hands on her by either poison or assassins, perhaps both. Climb was her promised reward, and no other man would ever touch her, as none were worthy in her eyes. Zanac knew it because that was the one thing made clear by his sister throughout their limited interactions. Still, a charade of a loyal advisor to Barbro needed to be maintained and she had given the two options for him to present to the King.

"And to whom do you think I should give her then?" Barbro asked with a hint of annoyance in his tone.

"The best option would be Jircniv. As such marriage would ensure there is no conflict between Re-Estize and Baharuth. You would have to produce an heir before then to assure Jircniv's and Renner's child has no claim on the throne though. Another option would be Caspond Bessarez. Ensuring closer relations with the Roble Holy Kingdom would make Jircniv more cautious," Zanac reasoned.

"Hmm, but why would we even need that if we are making our army?" Barbro asked.

"Making allies with either nation now that Slane had declared complete isolation would serve as extra insurance. You know that the Research Guild is yet to make a move." Raeven spoke up.

"I doubt they are a big concern. But I do agree that we need to ally with at least one nation." Boullope nodded.

"Fine." Barbro finally gave in after being reminded of the mysterious organization whose member had gravely insulted him. "I'll leave it to you to figure out who we should ally with. It's all political in the end."

"There is another matter I want to bring up regarding Renner. She has hired Gazef as her guard, which should be a concerning revelation." Boullope glanced at Zanac.

He suspected both royal siblings were working together for a common goal, but he had no idea what that goal could be or how they were doing it. Zanac didn't have the backing to usurp the throne and had publicly denounced his claim, which he had to do with a legal King sitting on the throne. And Renner was a woman and the third daughter at that, she would never qualify for the throne unless an entire row of candidates were to die.

"She does like picking up dogs from the street. Better her than someone who can get in my way. As long as she doesn't sleep with her pets, she can do whatever she wants." Barbro dismissed his concerns, taking a long draught of his booze.

"Understood," Boullope grumbled.

"Is this all? I have other business to attend to," Barbro demanded impatiently.

"I think this is all for the day. I'll make sure to notify you if your direct input is required, brother," Zanac replied.

"Good. Carry on then." Barbro stood up and left the room at a brisk pace.

'He is so careless. How he doesn't see that this might end badly for him.' Zanac mused. His father had at least spent most of the day addressing political and domestic matters, but Barbro just pushed all his responsibilities onto his subordinates and went on another binge of debauchery. Another trio of maids would fall to his lust before the hour was past, but that was none of his business.


'She's up to something.' Boullope decided to confront Renner right after the meeting. The princess was smarter than she led on. He had noticed it years ago but dismissed her as any sort of risk due to her wielding no political power whatsoever. Now with Gazef as her watchdog, she might become a threat, and with her brother becoming king and another brother seemingly in cahoots with her, that evaluation had changed for the worse.

They haven't interacted much before besides the usual pleasantries in public events and in hindsight, that was a mistake on his part. Then again, he had neglected to make connections with most of the royal family, seeing no benefit in it save for grooming Barbro into an easy-to-control son-in-law. Yet somehow Barbro had gained near absolute power right under his nose, and now all his dreams of having his grandson on the throne were hanging by a thread, if it could be called a thread at all.

He found the princess's lowborn guard standing by the entrance to her quarters. Like her late father, she tended to pick up street dogs and groom them into servants, a detestable practice.

"Announce me to Renner!" He barked an order at the mere commoner.

The boy didn't hesitate and after an invitation to come in, opened the door and did as told. "Marquis Balloupe wishes to talk with you."

"Ohh!, Lead him in then," A surprised response came out from beyond.

Renner was sitting by the table with a teacup in her hands. She took a small sip and flashed him a small smile. "Marquis Balloupe, for what do I owe the honor to receive a visit from you?" She asked, cocking her head as Climb closed the door behind him, leaving the two highborns alone. He would dutifully guard the door, as he always did.

"Don't play dumb. I see through you clear as day. You are up to something. Don't you think I wouldn't notice how often Zanac visits you, or that you hired Gazef." Boullope ignored all the etiquette such a meeting would require, going straight to the point.

Renner didn't react to his accusation, instead motioning for him to sit as she carefully placed tea leaves in another cup and filled it with scalding water from her warm water bottle. "How observant of you. Mind joining me?" She commented casually.

'Is she mocking me?' Boullope reluctantly took a seat and accepted the cup. Whatever game the former princess was playing, she sure did it confidently.

"Sugar, cream?" She offered with the same innocent smile.

"I have no time for your games! You will tell me what you are planning! Why did you hire Gazef?" He slammed his palm on the table, rejecting her offer.

Renner didn't react to his outburst at first, instead generously lacing his tea with both sugar and cream. Then her smile faded, replaced with a smirk oozing superiority, much to his concern.

"And what are you going to do if I don't? Complain to my brother?" She giggled, putting some cream into her own cup.

"You little bitch, you don't understand your situation here! You do not want to make me your enemy," He uttered through gritted teeth. Laying hands on her would be a fatal mistake and both knew it.

"Is that so? And what exactly do you think you'll do? I am a precious commodity. Our good King plans to benefit from marrying me to a potential ally, while you can be replaced by your son, who will be more complacent to his reign. But I suppose we can have a civil conversation about my plans, although I am sorely disappointed that you haven't figured them out on your own," She practically gloated as she took a sip.

Balloupe remained silent. She spoke the truth: he couldn't do much to her without massive political repercussions. Even if she was detestable, she was still royalty, and if he made one mistake now it could become near impossible in the future to determine her plans.

"So should I spell it out for you?" Renner inquired and glanced at his cup. "I take great pride in my tea-making skills."

He grabbed the cup and took a large gulp. Renner wouldn't just openly poison him in a situation like this. "Yes!"

"Very well. I plan to marry either Jircniv or Caspond and use their influence to increase my political power. It took some effort to help Barbro gain the power he has now, and then convince him to not marry me to one of his many friends. Those morons would offer nothing to me, only acting as a restraint," She graciously took another sip and continued.

"Gazef is my insurance. Should, I don't know, a meddling old fool who doesn't know better tried to foil my ambition, I can give him orders to kill said fool. We both know there are only two people in this castle who can put up a fight with Gazef, and both are only concerned with guarding the King above all else. Of course, there are more indirect methods to rid of my enemies or make them suffer, but those don't involve Gazef. So what will you do now?" Renner smugly refilled her cup.

"You think I will just sit silent!" He rose to his feet and roared, surprised at the revelations of possible treason to the crown, by the King's own family no less.

"Careful now. Assaulting me gives me all the reasons to call for help." Renner put down her cup and crossed her arms.

"You witch!" He hissed in response.

"How about I offer you something to make you happy?" She giggled. "Something to ease your old heart?"

"What could you possibly offer me?" He questioned suspiciously.

Renner smirked in response and retrieved a small vial from one of the cabinets, swirling its pink contents for both to see. "This concoction is an aphrodisiac and fertility enhancer."

"Why would I… ohhh!. Wait, how do I know it's not something else that would harm my Ellga?" He demanded, not believing her intentions one bit.

"You will whisper in Barbro's ear that his child marries mine and inherits at least one throne. I have methods to ensure my firstborn is the correct gender for my plans. This is how we both get what we want." Renner explained, grinning.

"So this was your full plan all along?" Boullope accepted the vial and carefully secured it in the breast pocket of his suit, hand shaking as he imagined what he could do.

"I couldn't marry my own brother after all, so some workarounds needed to be found. If I wanted to get rid of your daughter, I would have done so already, and Barbro wouldn't care less since then he could marry Calca, which would have been the politically correct move if my father wasn't a weak-minded fool. Now try to be useful and help Zanac and Raeven with policies that can bring Re-Estize out of the pit you helped to push our nation in." She waved for him to leave.

"I will be watching you!" He declared his parting words as he left the room.

To say that he had underestimated Renner was a massive understatement. She was in full control throughout their whole interaction, and she had meticulously planned for it beforehand. He had danced in the palm of her hand, from one moment to the next, nothing more.

'If every move was so calculated, then there must have been more reasons for everything she did publicly. I need a strong drink and some time to figure out all the moves the witch has made, to ensure she hasn't planned more pitfalls.' He made a plan for the evening.

Just how much control Renner had over the kingdom was hard to tell, but the implications were frightening. It would need investigating, that was for sure.

Editing by aidan_lo.

Proofreading by x4x, Squid, clagan, Sluethen, fvvck, aidan_lo, and Milk

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