Overlord: Advent of the New Gods

Volume 3 – Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Searching for any useful clue through a remote viewing mirror was the same as searching for a needle in a pile of haystacks, yet he did it anyway. No matter how insignificant the chance was, it was better to try and look than just sit on his ass and wait for an answer to just fall in his lap while his friend's daughter suffered. With only a general area and a rough idea of when the attack occurred, there was a lot of ground to cover.

And Ainz wasn't the only one. Albedo and her two sisters were doing the same, peering through the mirrors with much determination. Despite the late hour, they had refused to rest while Ainz didn't do the same.

It was way past midnight, but it didn't matter. The remote viewing mirrors were now upgraded with night vision, allowing them to partially peer inside buildings and continue searching in dimly lit areas. Of course, any anti-scrying measures would block out the mirror's effect completely, but even that would give clues where to look deeper and eventually investigate.

For the last two days, the whole Tomb was on high alert, tensions only rising. The NPCs were no fools and understood that if players would fight against one another, they would have to pick sides as well. Most decided to serve the guild's leader, Ainz, but those of direct creation were known to be wavering in loyalty to the undead.

Ainz for the most part spent his time in his quarters and interacted with few visitors besides the three sisters. He couldn't risk the chance of accidentally causing more conflict, nor did he have the time to do so.

So it came as a surprise that someone was knocking on the door so late during the night. He motioned for the maid to open the door, activating his guild's search function to determine who it was.

'Buku? What does she want at this hour?' Ainz tensed up, seeing one of the two players who were most likely to turn against him.

If it wouldn't affect anyone else, Ainz would face their anger without fear, but a civil war could destroy the Tomb from within even before they found the player who held Shalltear's mind, and thus everyone else's nerves, hostage.

"Hey Ainz. Do you have time to talk?" Buku asked in a low voice, as if afraid to provoke the women near him.

"Sure. Did something happen?"

"No, but I prefer we talk in private. Just two of us." Buku sat down on the sofa and looked at Albedo.

{ She could plan to assassinate you! } Albedo messaged while intensely staring back at Buku.

{ I don't think that is the case. } Ainz replied, trying to sound like he believed his words. There was no telling what was going through his friend's head, and she was a very skillful actress, easily faking uncertainty and maybe even the fear she displayed at the moment. As much as he wanted to trust his friend the constant paranoia filled his mind with worst-case scenarios.

{ Even so, please keep at least Rubedo in the room. } The succubus urged.

"Don't worry I have no intentions of harming Ainz. Besides, I am weaker than Shalltear. Rubedo could intervene in time." Buku flashed the demoness a reassuring smile.

"I didn't mean to imply-"

"Albedo, I am not stupid. I know you see me and Pero as a potential threat. I just want to talk with my friend in private," Buku stated.

"Very well." Albedo led everyone outside, leaving just Ainz and Buku in the room.

"So, what do you wish to discuss?" Ainz asked once the door closed.

"You are a dumbass." Buku leaned back on the sofa and crossed her legs with a light clang.


"First off. You cannot step down. No one will follow me. We might as well just split Nazarick five ways and each fuck off in a different direction."

"Ulbert told you?" Ainz ground his teeth at the demon goat's betrayal, audible throughout the room.

"He indirectly implied. The goat isn't as clever as he thinks he is. Do you remember why Touch didn't become the guild leader when the guild was formed?"

Buku didn't wait for him to answer and just continued. "The majority refused to join unless you took the role of the guild master. Even if you think Shalltear is just your fuckup alone, most of us would've made the same mistake. Hell, Pero and I went on an adventure without a care in the world."

"Did you come here at this hour just to tell me that?" Ainz grumbled.

"No, I also think you are a dumbass for assuming I would take my brother's side if he decides to do something idiotic. I would whoop his ass myself if he decided to start a war among us. And…" Buku paused.

"It doesn't feel nice that you don't trust me at all. I thought we were friends." Buku's tone changed to a low growl.

"Sorry, I-"

"Don't. I don't need a bullshit excuse," Buku hissed. "You can be paranoid all you want. Just give my kids items, OK? I don't need one, but they don't deserve to be left out. I would rather die than send Aura or Mare against you or anyone else in Nazarick."

"I wouldn't have sent them out of Nazarick without world items."

"Momo, I am not stupid. I know you. I know you better than you think. I thought… I hoped you would know…" She choked a bit.

"Never mind. Just give them world items and don't leave them out when it comes to duties towards Nazarick. They're good kids and don't deserve to be punished. I will do my part and keep Pero in check."

Ainz wanted to glance away to not face Buku. He wasn't an expert in social interactions, but it was easy to see that Buku felt betrayed by his actions.

'She could fake it, she is a good actress.' His paranoid side still cautioned. After all, she and most guild members left the game. Nearly forgot about him, lost in real-life problems. They had abandoned him and Nazarick, they could do it again.

'Why am I like this? She has been a good friend. I hurt her with my mistrust. This paranoia only pushes people away. Even with a world item, she wouldn't be able to overpower Rubedo, so there is no reason not to give one to her.'

"I'm sorry. I should have known better."

"Are you? Look, I get it. You want to protect those around you." Buku dragged a hand over her face and rubbed her eyes.

"I am sorry. I shouldn't have left you and the twins out. But…" Ainz paused. Did he want to tell her? The truth was he didn't know to whom he could reveal his fears. His uncertainty. From day one, he was forced to play the role of a leader.

"I didn't know what to do. Everyone just expects me to have all the answers. I am truly sorry I distrusted you. I should have known better." Ainz blurted out.

"Sometimes I forget how dense you can be with social interactions. If you picked up on any fucking cues we would…well a lot of things would be different." Buku laughed bitterly. "You know, in the old life, before my back problems started, I already liked you, but wanted you to take the first step. Maybe it would have been just a short fling, but a fun one nonetheless. I waited and waited for you to man up and ask me out, but you didn't, even though we both knew you wanted to. Then my back problems started, and I started to become more withdrawn and avoided thinking about dating. It would have been unfair. Somehow I always forget…" She twisted her face in a snarl. "I am on your side, you moron. Do you really think I would go against Nazarick? Out there are people who would use every opportunity to kill us and one of them holds my niece hostage! If we start fighting one another then those assholes win."

"Buku, I-"

"You could trust me at least a little. I am still your friend. Or at least be more honest and tell me if something is wrong."

"You are right." Ainz sighed and took out three world items from his inventory.

"Wait, you are giving me one too?" Buku's eyes widened.

"I should have given everyone a world item from the get-go. Even to Pero."

"Not the best idea to give one to Pero. He isn't exactly reasonable right now. Momo, you don't have to swing all the way into handing out this stuff like candy." Buku stood up and inspected the treasures closer.

"I know. But if I continue to distrust my friends to such a degree, more people could get hurt." Ainz admitted.

"Which one goes to whom?" Buku asked.

"I don't think it matters. All of them have rather specific uses that don't complement any of your builds."

"Right, then I'll just let Aura and Mare pick." Buku put all three items in her inventory and sat down again. "Now then, what is the plan?"

"What do you mean?" Ainz asked.

"What is our plan of action? Is there anything specific I can help with besides keeping an eye on Pero."

"There isn't much we can do. Cocytus and Sebas are proceeding as planned and acting as bait to lure out players, and meanwhile, I and a few trusted others are looking for any clue to reveal where they are hiding," Ainz explained.

"OK, then I'll hang around the Tomb until we know more. Cocytus can handle things without me. Let me know If anything comes up or if you need help with something. And don't be so paranoid towards your friends. We need to be on the top of our game. Fucking around is our job, not yours," Buku declared in an overly serious tone.

"Noted," Ainz chuckled in response.

Once Buku left he spent a minute in solitude. Albedo would return soon, but until then, he could be alone with his thoughts.

'Buku is right. I am too paranoid towards my friends, and I need to get my shit together. No one else can take the leader's position and I shouldn't shrug away my responsibilities… Wait did she just confess she wanted for me to ask her out!?'


The army was split into five divisions, one for each lizardman village. Failure was not an option with such an overwhelming force.

Because of Shalltear's betrayal, Lady Buku returned to Nazarick, leaving him in charge. What's more, Cocytus was not only given a world-level item by Lord Ainz, but instructed to look out for potential player attacks and be ready to call for reinforcements and leave the fighting to the frost virgins that acted as his guards.

It was impossible to tell if players would try to attack, but it was better to be prepared.

With no one else to give the command to start, Cocytus checked his weapons again and walked up to the lake. It was time.

His aura, if unleashed fully, would be enough to freeze the water and open a pathway to all five villages simultaneously. The strike needed to be fast and concise to ensure total victory.

'It's time to start.'

With one command, the armies moved as one the moment Cocytus created the pathway.

What meager resistance the scaly creatures could offer was unceremoniously cut down as the unrelenting undead force marched forward, cutting down all those before them.

'Disappointing. I hoped for more fighting spirit.' He mused as he strode towards the central village.

The lizardmen did shoot volleys of arrows towards him without any results, bouncing off his carapace. Cocytus' passive resistances were too powerful for them to overcome.

Then, one last desperate attack came. A lone lizardman riding a massive hydra charged towards him.

He prepared the Godslaying Emperor Blade in response. Though the massive creature didn't pose a real danger, the attack was acknowledged; it was meant for him, and Cocytus as a warrior could not ignore it. The honor dictated he show his might, and show it he would.

Once the creature was close enough, its rider swung a jagged sword that seemed like it was made out of ice, and the whole area was engulfed in a freezing mist.

'Distraction!?' It surely wasn't enough. Trusting his instincts, Cocytus swung his weapon sideways, feeling the blade cut flesh.

The creature let out a pained screech and fell. Any decent warrior would use the opportunity to strike, and the lizardman did just that. Good, but predictable.

Cocytus blocked the creature's feeble attempt by grabbing the weapon's blade between two fingers and yanking it out of the attacker's hands.


With the weapon now in his hands the fog dissipated, once again giving a clear view of Nazarick's armies clashing against the lizardmen village's walls.

"Zaryusu Shasha." The lizardmen replied whole, striking him with a fist. The attack landed but it wasn't enough to deal even a smidgen of damage.

That couldn't be said about the attacker. Zaryusu's fist let out a cracking noise upon impact, making the lizardman grunt in pain.

"Just what the hell are you?" He swore in frustration while taking a few steps back to keep his distance.

"I AM COCYTUS, SERVANT OF SUPREME BEINGS." Cocytus stepped towards the warrior as he put his and the confiscated weapon in his inventory.

"Supreme Beings, Huh? Are we so beneath the notice of your masters that we weren't worth even talking to before the attack? Did you come to slaughter us all like animals?" The lizardman shouted.


"What about others? I won't step aside to let you slaughter them!" Zarayushu shouted, slamming his other fist against Cocytus' carapace with an audible crack.


"How can I trust you?"


Zaryushu stared up at him silently as if trying to discern if there was any truth behind the insectoid's words. He already knew that the battle was lost, and his kind was at the mercy of this impossibly strong warrior and his enigmatic masters.

"Very well. Stop the slaughter and I will let my people know that we will be spared if we surrender."


The lizardman accepted his terms and ran back to his village as fast as he could through the parting undead army.

In the end, all five villages surrendered, with some giving up quickly while one fought nearly to the last warrior.

The already dwindling lizardmen population had plummeted to under one thousand after the battle. What Nazarick had mostly gained was territory and a decent amount of corpses for experimentation, both of which were useful.

Now, until the next orders were given, Cocytus needed to work on securing the new lands and preparing to march towards frogmen territories to the north to ensure total control over the lake area.

If how easily the lizardmen fell before the might of Nazarick was any indication, then these frog-like creatures also stood no chance.

Editing by aidan_lo.

AN: Thank you for reading the story, and if you have caught up to the latest chapter, you can check out my other work or join my discord server (https://discord.gg/WmGKVU3XG2) where additional chapters are available or if you are interested in becoming a beta reader (gives access to chapters months ahead of regular readers).

Proofreading by Saphire_Drake, clagan, Antilene, shynavyseal, aidan_lo, Sluthen, x4x, and NuggetLover.

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