Overlord: Advent of the New Gods

Volume 3 – Chapter 09

Chapter 9

There had been only a few times in Zoran's life when he wasn't looking forward to meeting the head of the security department, Zero. The mountain of a man was the most dangerous member of the whole Eight Fingers, and now he was coming for answers, which usually meant trouble for everyone involved.

The head of the Slavery Department, Ampetif Cocco Doll, had put a lucrative hit on Princess Renner's bodyguard and the whole encounter had gone terribly, terribly wrong. Sebas, his mysterious trade partner, happened to be nearby and had executed most assassins with brutal efficiency, bare-handed nonetheless. None had returned as they had left.

And now the whole affair was a target of internal investigation led by Zero.

Zoran poured himself a glass of brandy and lit a cigar. With how much he had invested into Zero and his team, Six Arms, Zoran had enough leverage to get out of the whole affair unscathed. That was if the Research Guild didn't blame him too much for what had happened.

With a calm demeanor, he watched as Zero came in and sat down in the guest chair, which appeared almost comically small for his massive frame. The bald head and the numerous tattoos depicting various animals only added to his fierce nature, proudly displayed by the dark-skinned man who wore only an open vest on his torso

"You probably know why I am here," Zero declared in a rather casual tone while reaching for the cigar from a box on the table.

"You know what that man is selling and who he is likely working for. As for why he was there and saved Renner's toy, I have only theories." Zoran replied as he leaned over to light Zero's cigar.

"Not that I don't appreciate your generosity towards me and my team, but I can't brush this under the rug. Knowing you, I assume this isn't your power move." Zero stated while inhaling a deep breath of the pleasant-smelling smoke.

"If I wanted to get rid of Cocodoll I would pay you to do it. Zero, as a friend, I urge you to take a cautious approach. I don't think any of us know what we are dealing with." Zoran more than openly hinted at his fears. Playing tough in front of the most dangerous man of the whole Eight Fingers never went in anyone's favor.

"Sometimes I wonder just how deep your pockets go. But let's not waste time. I need an address and all the relevant information you have." Zero stated after exhaling a big cloud of smoke and leaning back in the chair with a slight smirk. "And don't worry, I plan to have a friendly chat, nothing else. It's not an unreasonable request to ask to compensate for the losses our fine organization has suffered."

"Sebas very likely works for the Research Guild, the same people who saved Gazef Stronoff and scared the top brass of the kingdom. Here is the address. The property belongs to Hilma, so try not to destroy it, it'd be a pain to handle." Zoran handed over a paper with a forced smile.

"Don't worry about me, I can handle things. Who knows, I might let you distribute the goods afterward." Zero twisted his face into a wide smile that held rows of white teeth.

"I think we can work out the details later," Zoran casually remarked while hiding his true feelings. 'He is going to doom us all. Eight Fingers are done for if Zero touches Sebas.'

Zero was powerful, perhaps even more powerful than the famed warrior Gazef, but he was still a mortal man. What exactly were the Research Guild and its enigmatic members he could not tell, but one thing was clear; Zero was bound to lose the confrontation, and Eight Fingers might go down with him.

The moment Zero stepped foot in that house and confronted Sebas, the whole organization would become a sinking ship. It was only a matter of time and the seawater would come flooding in.

A rat, like him, would not go down with the ship they were in. Right after Zero left his mansion, Zoran gathered all his money and other valuables and jumped into a specially reserved carriage just for situations like these - in case they ever happened, one could never be too careful - with his son and a few of his most trusted men to leave the country.

Knowing that no member of the crime syndicate died of old age, he had prepared the exit strategy years ago. A small mansion and a new identity awaited him in the Roble Holy Kingdom.

There was just one stop before he left Re-Estize for good. Just a ten-minute ride later he was at Hilma's mansion and rushed in to explain the situation.

Ever the night owl she was, she had just woken up and greeted him in an alluring nightgown at the breakfast table, drinking a cup of coffee with elegance above her chosen profession. Any other time Zoran would use the opportunity to have some fun, but not today.

Without any delay, he explained what was about to happen while pacing back and forth in front of the table Hilma sat at.

"No one can leave Eight Fingers, you of all people should know that. Besides, do you imagine me being a lazy housewife for you?" Hilma shook her head.

"If this goes down how I think it will, then there won't be any Eight Fingers afterward. You think the Research Guild will just let you walk away if one of theirs is attacked?" Zoran stopped for a moment. 'A shame you aren't more reasonable. I guess it's just not meant to be.'

"Well, there are men among them. If it comes to your grim predictions I will use all options I have. No attackers kill women who still can be used, and I know how to be useful," She smirked with unshaken confidence.

"I guess this is goodbye then. You always were my favorite. I hope it ends well for you." Zoran smiled bitterly.

Hilma stood up, not bothering to fix her wrinkled nightgown displaying far too much of her lower body and after taking a step in his direction, grabbed his shoulder and pulled him closer, locking her lips with his in a kiss. Zoran didn't resist, enjoying the last moments with her.

"Now run and don't think I'm not tempted. It's just who I am." She smiled at him and pushed him away. He rushed out of the mansion into the carriage.

In another life, in another path, they may have ended together. But fate was a cruel mistress and the simple life as a desirable wife and rich husband simply wasn't meant for the likes of them.

As the carriage bumped towards the city gates, Zoran couldn't help but think that he wouldn't be able to enjoy the retirement. Too much of his life was spent in the criminal world to do anything else, there would always be somebody on his trail. It would now only be a matter of not if, but when.


Surrounded by the rest of the Six Arms members, Zero approached the mansion where Sebas resided.

To his right walked Davernoch. He was the only non-human member of the group. Clad in a red robe he hid most of his rotten face under the hood; as an elder lich, he was a powerful magic user.

To Zero's left was Peshurian. The man wore a black plate and if not for Zero, he would seem massive compared to his peers. Known as the Spatial Slash, he was an unrivaled master of a whip sword that was always on his hip, ready to serve its master.

Right behind Zero walked Edstrom. She was a dark-skinned woman lightly dressed in silk, leaving her toned midsection bare. With numerous golden bangles on her wrists, she gave off light metallic sounds with each step she took. On her waist hung four scimitars she could move around freely with her talent, making her a dangerous foe to fight in a one versus one.

Besides Edstrom strode Malmvist, who had earned the epithet 'Thousand Deaths' as one of the most successful assassins in the organization's history. The handsome red-haired man was dressed as a matador with a rapier strapped to his hip, and it was said that the rapier had reaped more lives than most monsters.

The last was Succulent, trailing behind the others and covered in a cloak. He was the weakest member of the group and although a rather mediocre duelist, he additionally specialized in illusion magic, making him extremely deadly for unprepared victims. It also made him quite useful when making preparations for an attack or causing chaos if they had to cover up their tracks.

When the group reached the entrance of the mansion Zero spoke up, motioning for the others to stop. "Listen up. This man, despite his age, is quite dangerous and can crush skulls with bare hands, so do not take him lightly."

"So can you, boss. You think he is stronger than you?" Peshurian asked.

"Probably not. However, a reliable source informed me that he works for the group that saved Gazeff Stronoff. Better be prepared than lose your head, you know." Zero replied.

Despite his boisterous and even arrogant nature, he wasn't foolish enough to be careless. He had been in this business for long enough, he had seen a thing or two and knew more than a thing or two.

"Then, if a fight breaks out, are we going for quick kills?" Edstrom inquired.

"Go with your gut. If you sense danger, do not hesitate to kill." Zero nodded and knocked on the door.

A young blonde man opened with a flashy smile. "Can I help you?"

"We are here to have a quick chat with your boss. Step aside." Zoro took a step forward to intimidate the slim man.

"Sure thing. Come inside. Lord Sebas is expecting you." The man opened the doors fully, and with a bow motioned for them to come inside.

"You must be Zero. For what do I owe the pleasure?" An older, refined man greeted him in the mansion's main hall. Beside him stood a blonde beauty, whom Zero assumed was Sebas's daughter, and a young-looking girl was leaning against the wall with a hood covering half of her face.

"I'm sure you are aware why we came. Did you think you could just kill our men and get away with it?" Zero walked up to Sebas and stared him down, towering over the merchant.

"You must be referring to assassins targeting the boy. I do apologize for the trouble I caused, but my employer was adamant that the boy lives." Sebas calmly explained, calmly staring in return.

'That man is dangerous. Damn, It's like staring into the eyes of the tiger as a kid once again.' Despite the calmness of the man he seemed to be ready to kill without blinking an eye and exuded an aura of power surpassing his.

"Tell you what. You call your owners and get their ass here as fast as possible and we meanwhile take that blonde girl of yours for safekeeping." Zero turned to the young woman with a toothy grin, going with a confident approach.

"Very well. Lord Ulbert will comply with your request." Sebas stated in a calm tone as if Zero's intimidating presence did not affect him.

"Good, then we-" He stopped mid-sentence as a dark void appeared in the middle of the room.

'What is that?' Zero starred in the darkness.

A slender man in a red-striped suit stepped through, his round glasses reflecting the light coming in from the windows.

'Is that a tail!? What the hell is that man? Demon!?' His first guess was that the dark-haired man was a demon and a human looking one at that.

Right after him came another man with pitch-black hair and a top hat, slightly leaning on a walking stick.

'That's the head guy.' Zero immediately could tell who was in charge. This man with the tophat demanded subservience with a sheer presence that no Eight Fingers department leaders could match. Not to mention that the man was wearing a suit decorated with precious metals woven into the smooth fabric worth a kingdom at least, if not more.

His suspicions were immediately confirmed when Sebas and everyone else from the house kneeled immediately.

"So you are the big shot huh? We have a score to settle." Zero addressed the man. Despite his gut trying to tie itself in a knot, he proceeded with confidence.

"Demiurge." The man ignored him and glanced at the kneeling demon, who shot back to his feet with a snarl.

"Prostrate yourselves!" The demon shouted.

And he did. First time in his life he was prostrating before someone. And this action wasn't voluntary. Zero fought with all his might, but his body refused to listen to his will.

"What are you-" He groaned as the demon barked another order. "Silence!"

"Thank you. The rest of you may rise." The man with the tophat looked down at him as he sat on the nearby sofa.

"So let's start with introductions. I am Ulbert Ooal Gown. And you demanded my presence. Here I am."

Zero could not respond in any manner. His mouth refused to move. 'What has that creature done to me? I can't move, I can't speak.'

"My son has used a command mantra. It only works on weak creatures," Ulbert responded to his thoughts.

'You can-'

"Yes. Now then, since you decided to waste my valuable time, let's decide what to do with you. Demiurge, make them look at me and let the baldie speak."

"Look up! You can speak!" Demiurge barked the next set of orders.

Zero's head jerked up, and he felt his face responding again. Understanding that he held no power at the moment, he wisely decided not to speak unless spoken to.

"So what do you think we should do with them?" Ulbert asked Demiurge.

"Kyouhukou's children are starving. With healers, these six could provide enough meat to feed them for days, and their bones would last for weeks." The demon replied.

"Not a bad idea. Suitable punishment, don't you think? Not only do you try to take what belongs to me, but come disturb me when your pathetic excuses of assassins get bitch slapped." Ulbert now stared directly into his eyes.

If he could, Zero would shudder. There was something dark and powerful lurking behind those eyes. Without a doubt, Ulbert wasn't a human, but something else, something monstrous.

"We didn't know that boy belonged to you." Zero cautiously spoke up. "Let's be reasonable here and strike a deal. We are more valuable than being food for someone."

"Valuable. What value could you provide for me?" Ulbert laughed in his face. "But since I am a man who believes in not wasting resources, I will give you one chance to explain what value you can provide. Release them."

"You can move! Stand up." Demiurge ordered and Zero followed.

With the corner of his eye, he saw Succulent becoming invisible.

'That idiot!'

"Solution, bring that fool to Kyouhukou," Ulbert ordered and the blonde girl moved.

She moved so fast Zero only felt the wind hit him and with an audible crack, Succulent fell to the ground. The girl unceremoniously dragged the unconscious man through the void, likely never to be seen again.

"So one less waste of space. Let's start with you, undead fella." Ulbert pointed at Davernoch.

"I am an elder lich known as the Ruler of Death, I can give you an army of undead." Devernoch proudly stated.

Ulbert tilted his head and chuckled as both Demiurge and Sebas raised their fists, prepared to battle.

"This fool dares-" Demiurge growled.

"Patience. First, explain why he is about to face a painful death." Ulbert smirked.

"This lesser creature dares call himself the Ruler of Death when there is only one who rightly can claim that title." It was Sebas who explained Davernoch's error, voice coated with raw anger.

"Wait, I didn't know-" The elder lich stammered as bright flames engulfed him.

With a scream, he fell to the ground and rolled in agony until nothing but ash remained.

"That's two down. Baldie, it's your turn. If you can't convince me, I wouldn't even bother with the rest." Ulbert turned his attention back to him.

Zero dropped to one knee, and after a moment of silence, spoke. "I may be weak by your standards, but I have run the security department of a crime cartel for years. If you let me, I will give you Eight Fingers and find capable people who will run it for you."

"So you do have a brain. Unfortunately for you, we already have a plan and little need for additional information, even if you know anything we don't." Ulbert shut him down.

'Is that a bluff? Unlikely. What could I possibly offer to this monster?' Zero felt lost. He had all but forgotten how it felt to be at someone's complete mercy. "My team and I are capable fighters who can follow orders and deal with whatever problem you might face in Re-Estize. Am I wrong to assume you want to keep the useful people from the Eight Fingers?"

"Tell you what, you help Sebas with this mission, and if you don't fuck up, I will let you and your clown troupe continue working for me. But if I suspect any duplicity or lack of loyalty, you are becoming roach food for a very, very long time, just like the first one. And you know what the best part is? We can keep you paralyzed while you still feel pain, and intensify it by a thousand times all the meanwhile!" Ulbert let out a maddening cackle that cut into Zero's very soul.

This man, his new boss, no, owner, was a monster among monsters.

"We will work for you with full loyalty, boss." Zero lowered his head.

"You will address my father as Lord!" Demiurge shouted.

"Lord Ulbert." Zero hastily corrected himself, the rest of his team following suit.

"Good. Sebas, since we have our needed provocation and enough inside people, proceed with the next step. You and Ninya can go after her sister while your new helpers strike other targets and remove undesirables. Oh, and the plan has changed. Since Zoran fled, we are taking option number two as the choice leader for Eight Fingers."

"I will do as you command, Lord Ulbert." Sebas bowed.

"Great. Carry on then. And report to Demiurge when necessary." Ulbert gave his last instructions before leaving through the void with Demiurge in tow.

Only when the midnight black shimmering portal closed did Zero stand up.

'I belong to that monster now,' He mused. In a sense, it was grimly whimsical how he had worked and trained all his life to be on top, only to run into the jaws of a monster he could never hope to overthrow and become a fang for said monster.

The next hour was spent going over the plan, with Zero offering insight where he could and providing additional useful tidbits he knew about the Eight Fingers members who would soon meet gruesome ends, by either his hand or the monsters he worked with.

No one was even hiding their inhuman natures. Solution, the lovely blonde woman, was some sort of shape-shifting slime, and Sebas was a powerful dragonoid. There were also many invisible monsters roaming around the house, meaning they had been spotted possibly long before they had even set foot on the mansion's soil.

"So if I get this right, my team is going after the head of the executive council and everyone loyal to him, you and your team are taking out Cocco Doll, but who is in charge of the rest of these independent strikes? Nobles are in the pocket of Eight Fingers. No way in hell the crown forces will do all this!" Zero commented.

"As far as I am aware, Renner will make sure that the crown takes action, and most of the strikes will be done by adventurers like Blue Roses," Sebas explained.

"Heh, never would have thought that the golden princess is in Lord Ulbert's pocket." He commented.

"There is a lot you don't know about that girl." Solution smirked. " You would be surprised how little she thinks of others of her own kind."

"Lady, in my line of work nothing is too surprising. For all I care, she can have a slave harvesting room under the castle," Zero retorted.

There likely was a lot more he would find out about the people he now worked for, but that would take time. For now Zero could be content with the fact that he was lucky enough to get on the right side of the conflict and could survive with his skin intact.

Editing by aidan_lo.

Proofreading by Lightflan, Antilene, clagan, aidan_lo, shynavyseal, Thea, Sluethen, LionLover, x4x, and NuggetLover.

AN: Thank you for reading the story, and if you have caught up to the latest chapter, you can check out my other work or join my discord server ((https://discord.gg/WmGKVU3XG2) where additional chapters are available or if you are interested in becoming a beta reader (gives access to chapters months ahead of regular readers).

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