Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 121: May the love you share today grow stronger as you grow old together

Chapter 121: May the love you share today grow stronger as you grow old together


“So you’re Luffy’s friends.”

The crew after reaching the top of Reverse Mountain had followed the plan to the letter and arrived at East Blue. While the farthest, Nami gave directions to Jimbei to get to Foosha Village first as a surprise for Luffy. He gave her a big hug and thank you when he saw the island and dragged Usopp and Chopper up the Mountain to go and see Dandan first thing first. Meanwhile Rick brought everyone else to Makino’s pub where they encountered the Mayor that was very vocal about not wanting the crew on the island, pretexting that the last time one of them was there the village was almost destroyed all the while looking at Rick with a ticking eye. His fake act was stopped by Makino who welcomed everyone and gave a thank you to Rick for saving the island from Shiki.

“We are.” Nami replied with a smile.
“Thank you, for taking care of him. He can be quite a handful.”
“That he is.” commented Zoro as he put a mug to his lips.
“But honestly he’s not that bad.” Brook defended his captain.
“Er.. Are you…”
“All skin and bones! Yohoho!”
““You’re just bones!!”” Franky and Rick protested.
“I was going to say the Soul King though I’m curious about how a skeleton can be… alive. Are there any others like you?”
“No. I’m the only one, it’s the unfortunate result of the devil fruit that I ate half a century ago. I am indeed the soul king though! Do you want an autograph? I can give you one if you let me see your panti….”

Nami was quick as a flash and love punched him through the wall.

“Sorry about him.”
“Not about the wall you destroyed?” asked Baby-5.
“It’s alright. I’ll fix it.” Franky said and stood up to fetch planks and nails.
“We’ll pay for the repair.” offered Rick.
“More than a signature I’d like a photograph. If people knew that the Soul King visited my pub, business would boom!”
“I’m sure Brook would agree to your request as an apology.” smiled Robin.
“Thank you. Isn’t Luffy with you?”
“He went up the mountain.” said Sanji as he finished serving the table next to them. The moan of pleasure from the client at the first mouthful pleased him a lot.
“Thank you for helping in the kitchen. I don't know what I would have done without your help.”
“No need for thanks. Any friend of Luffy is a friend of ours and we help our friends.” replied Sanji and went back to the kitchen.
“I hope Laura will recover soon from the flu. I can’t possibly ask you to help more.”
“I’m sure Chopper or Reiju could give her something to recover quicker.” Nami proposed.
“Thank you. May I ask why you’re here? I thought that you were at Wano from what the newspaper said and that you would continue your journey.”
“Wano is a closed country and doesn't receive news from the outside. When we left we learned about all that happened during the past year.” Rick said.
“Luffy didn’t want to continue his adventures knowing his friends were in trouble. We were set to re-enter Grand Line through Reverse Mountain but we decided to make a detour to East Blue to see family and friends.” explained Nami further.
“They left a few days after you did with Rear Admiral Tsuru and former Fleet Admiral Sengoku.” Makino said to Rick out of the blue.
“Thank you.” the man replied nonplussed which shocked her a bit. She didn’t say anything about it however and let the matter drop and went back behind the counter.
“Why didn’t you ask her where they left?” asked Nami.
“My daughter loathes me to the point she doesn’t want to see my face.” Rick replied with a shrug. “She and her mother are with Big Sis and Uncle so I know they are safe. That’s all that matters to me at this point.”

The topic was dropped but Robin still grabbed his hand in hers to offer support. She knew that despite the nonchalance he had answered Nami he still hurt underneath. She knew now that his composure came from the Acting skill he had bought all those years ago.

When Luffy showed up with Chopper and Usopp, he got a big hug from Makino who introduced him to her son. Immediately, the wild and childish Luffy was replaced by a more or less mature adult dotting on the child to its mother’s pleasant surprise.

“That’s something I never even got the feeling that I would see someday.” Rick joked.
“Why can’t he be this responsible all the time?” lamented Nami.
“Our journey wouldn’t be as interesting. Yohohoho!”
“““True.””” replied the rest of the crew.

They stayed two more days on the island. Both because they needed supplies and because of Luffy who reacquainted himself with people he knew. When Makino shared how Luffy self inflicted his own face scar and how he became a rubber man, most of the crew laughed or had a disbelieving face.

Their next destination was the closest to their location. Shimotsuki village. Zoro didn’t want to but Luffy told him that everyone got a turn without exception. The swordsman was surprised that the dojo he used to go to was now very popular because of him and that all students were trying to imitate his santoryu. He paid his respect to his former teacher who praised him for how far he got in the way of the sword but did regret that he had become a pirate. At the request of the children and with the agreement of his teacher, Zoro taught for an hour. To the children's disappointment he didn’t teach them any cool sword techniques but that a sword was not just a tool but a part of a swordsman and a partner. Only when you understood your sword could you be called a proper swordsman and do things normally impossible. As a demonstration he cut a small boulder as if it was made of paper but failed to cut a branch of a tree.

“A true swordsman, chose what to cut and what not to cut and their sword answers their wish.” The children had been amazed and promised to work even harder. 

After a day they left for Syrup Island. It was Usopp’s turn and he was a nervous wreck at the idea of meeting Kaya again. When it was time to disembark he couldn’t and Luffy had to kick his ass sending him flying across the village. Once he was face to face with his childhood friend he progressively became more comfortable and talked about his journey. For a long time. Meanwhile the crew spoke with the three children Usopp was always hanging around with sharing stories. Many of the towns’ people asked if Usopp had really done all those things and were quite pleased and happy to know that he did. After Usopp introduced Kaya to the rest of the crew and told them about her dream of being a doctor, Reiju and most notably Chopper had many talks with her.

Once again after a few days they left, this time for the Baratie. Sanji had been quite embarrassed when he saw that the staff was offering his wanted poster for free. The fit he had, brought out Zeff from the kitchen and the two had a row here and there. In the end Sanji went to the kitchen to replace the man who was approached by Reiju.

“Thank you for taking care of him.”
“... You’re his sister, right?” asked the cook after eyeing her for a moment.
“I am.”
“He spoke about you once. It seems you have patched things up. I’m glad. One shouldn’t be in conflict with their family.”
“There are still a lot of unresolved issues with his twin brothers and our father most of all but that’s up to them to fix them, not Sanji. As for me, we’re in a good place.”

Zeff nodded and the conversation stopped there. He was happy the kid he considered a son had dealt or at least partly, with long festering wounds. After a group photo that would be displayed to anyone’s view in the restaurant and Sanji leaving a few recipes behind, the crew left this time for Cocoyashi village. Jimbei was a bit worried about him being a fishman after what Arlong did to the people of the island but Nami reassured him.

Nami was almost hugged to death by her sister Nojiko. A hug that she gave back in full. Genzo, her father figure, chastised her for the way she dressed but Nojiko immediately put an end to it by revealing that he had many blown-up posters of Nami on the biggest wall of his house and depending on the season, changed one for one of the others. The redhead visited her mother’s grave with her sister and talked about her friends but more importantly about Robin and Rick. Nojiko had been a bit shocked at first but congratulated Nami for finding people she could give her all to and gave their all back. She mercilessly teased her about it though and asked very invasive questions.
Later when they went back to town they found Rick and Robin resting under a tree hand in hand.

“I want to do it now.” Nami said.
“... Do what?” Asked Robin.
“Not like I mind doing it outdoors but in front of your sis…” Rick got a love slap for that.
“I meant our wedding, idiot!”
“Wedding? Nami! I didn’t understand that it was that serious!” exclaimed Nojiko in surprise.
“It is.”
“Are you…”
“Please don’t start with your thing.” she quickly said before her fiances would start finishing each other’s sentences. “And yes I’m sure. I told you that I wanted to marry here but who knows when the next opportunity will come?”

Rick and Robin looked at each other, silently having a conversation before turning their head back to Nami.

“When exactly? A marriage takes time to prepare.” Rick said.
“Your weddings’ preparation was done in under a day.”
“It was a small one.” reminded Robin.
“I want a small one too. In the middle of the Orange trees.”
“Then we’ll have a small wedding in the middle of the Orange trees. I’ll warn the others. No matter how small the wedding there is still work to do.” Rick said standing up pulling Robin with him.
“I was thinking of tomorrow.”
“Nami! That’s impossible, the wedding dress alone...”
“Don’t worry Nojiko, I already have one.”
“When did you have the time to do that?” inquired Robin.
“Wano. I asked a tailor if he could make me one like yours with small changes here and there. In preparation.” replied Nami.
“That eager, huh?” joked Rick who gave her a heartfelt kiss and left to warn the others.
“Anything you want in particular?” asked the brunette.
“I… would like a portrait of my mother like you did.”
“I have plenty of pictures of mom at home. Genzo too. I’ll give you one for a model but are you sure a day would be enough for a portrait?”
“Usopp works very fast and is very good.” replied Nami to which Robin agreed with a nod.
“Do you think he could make a copy for me?”
“Of course!” beamed Nami as she began to walk towards Genzo’s house.


“Okay guys, and girls we have things to discuss.” announced Rick to the gathered crew.
“About what?” Asked Usopp.
“Since we’re in Nami’s hometown, she wants to use the occasion for the wedding.”
“What wedding?” Asked Franky.
“She didn’t tell you? She kinda tricked me into proposing to her when we went to get Sanji. Of course she’s marrying Robin too.”
“So tricking you works? Good to know.” remarked Reiju with a mischievous smile.
“So we do everything like last time?” inquired Chopper.
“More or less. She wants the ceremony to happen among the orange trees, not on the ship.”

“Hmm… With this sun I should probably build some wooden palisades to protect people from it. Usopp do you think you could grow some vines to decorate it to give a more natural feel.”
“You can pick some flowers from the garden on the ship. Preferably oranges.”
“With some pale blue or soft lilac ones. Those colors mixed well with orange.” added Reiju.
“Good call, Reiju. Thanks. The rest, you know your roles.”
“Who’s being your best man, this time?” asked Sanji.
“I don’t know. I was hoping you’d decide by a draw like last time.”
“Can I partici…”
“Luffy, you’re marrying us. Remember?”
“Oh! I forgot.” she replied sheepishly.


Nami reached Genzo’s house and was already tired from the drama that was about to happen. She knew she wanted Genzo to walk her down the aisle. He was the man she had looked up to as a father after all. He would do it but after a lot of complaining, trying to dissuade her and a bit of grumbling here and there. Since she couldn’t escape it she chose to rip the proverbial band aid directly in one go.

“Genzo!” she shouted as she was a few feet away from the house.
“Nami? What can I do for you?” Asked the scar-faced man as he exited his home.
“I have a favor to ask of you.”
“.. I’m not helping you hide your stolen money. Certainly not in the secret vault that no one knows about but Nojiko, under the seventh panel in the ground of the kitchen.” he said in fake annoyance and anger that Nami knew him so well for, making her laugh.
“No, nothing like that. I just need you to walk me down the aisle tomorrow.”
“Hum. Sure.”
“Thank you.” she said with a grateful smile and hugged him. ‘3 , 2, 1’
“WAIT!? WHAT?! You’re getting married?!” he shouted, finally registering what she had asked of him.
No! Not with me alive, you won’t! You’re barely twenty! It’s way too young to get married! Who gave you that idea?! Who are you getting wed to?!”
“Rick and…”
“That tall fellow?! No way! I’m going to have words with him! He’s like a decade or more older than you!” Yelled the old man as he began to walk towards the center of the town having seen Rick quickly pass in front of his house earlier. He didn’t get far however as Nami grabbed his arm and held him back.
“I’m marrying Robin too.”
“... Whaa.”
“I love them both and they love me both. Even after a two year separation we didn’t grow apart. If anything we grew closer. I have never been so happy than when I’m with them. And yes, twenty is perhaps a bit young but I want the wedding to happen here. Who knows when will be the next time I’m back?”
“Please?” she said with teary puppy dog eyes.
“... Alright. I already agreed, didn’t I?” he said softly and Nami mentally fist pumped the air in victory.
“That you did and you’re a man of your word.”
“That I am. I’m still going to threat… Talk with your fiance about… things.”
“Fine by me.” she replied with a smile. ‘Good luck trying to intimidate Rick’


Sanji had won the draw for the role of the best man and was standing next to Rick in his best attire. On the other side, Robin in her own wedding dress was flanked by Reiju, her maid of honor. Right next to the two of them was Nojiko who was Nami’s and who kept sending sultry glances at Sanji who felt like prey.
In the audience Baby-5 who had replaced her maid outfit with a more appropriate dress sat next to Franky who couldn’t help but fix his eyes on her. Clearly, the former member of the Donquixote family’s revelation had made the cyborg think about her as more than just an assistant partly thanks to the new dress. Usopp had come running holding a painting and put it on an empty seat right at the front row. Removing the cloth covering it, Nojiko gasped at what she saw. Her mother was the most beautiful she had ever seen, with the brightest smile. Her reaction satisfied Usopp greatly.

When Brook began to play the violin, everyone stood at attention and looked towards the end of the aisle where Genzo in an impeccable Tuxedo but still with his sailor hat with a small wind wheel on it was offering his arm to a resplendent Nami. Where Robin’s dress had been elegant and graceful, Nami’s had made some bold changes. Her back was entirely naked and her cleavage more revealing displaying more prominently her collar. Lastly the dress’ cut showed a lot more leg to the side; up to the bottom of her toned ass. 


For the second time, Rick was shocked to oblivion, the world around him not mattering anymore. He wasn’t the only one. Robin too was completely enthralled by how beautiful their kitten was. Reiju had to pinch Robin’s ass to get her back to reality as Luffy was asking for her to say the wedding vows. On Rick’s side however there was a small problem. Nobody pulled Rick out of it because Sanji too was in Lala-land. Quickly Usopp threw two pebbles at the two men and the wedding proceeded without any more unplanned accident happenings.

After the feast and the party. Nami dragged Robin and Rick back to their room on the ship in a hurry. The both of them had an amused smile on their face but said and did nothing. Only once inside the privacy of their bedroom, did they act. They had agreed that this night was all about their new wife and they would make sure she’d be satisfied.

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