Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 119: Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes

Chapter 119: Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes

After leaving Shanks and his crew, Rick searched the fog surrounding Wano. By using his observation haki he found some marine ships, lost at sea, or rather waiting. Looking carefully around he spotted the lead ship and went to it. At his sight the crew drew their gun and rifle and began to shoot at him. It was pointless as Rick repelled all bullets. Moving slowly towards the deck he spotted a rear admiral.

“Give that to the red bitch and tell him I send my regards. If he wants my head he better come himself.”

He tossed Ryokugyu’s head to the high ranking officer and took off quickly to avoid a fight that he didn’t want. A few minutes later he was back at the castle where he gave back to Danjiro his sword and went to see Luffy who was drinking with Zoro, Sanji and Jimbei in the garden overlooking the capital. Taking a seat he poured himself a drink.

“You shouldn’t have helped them.” Zoro spoke.
“No, I shouldn’t have but since that Admiral came for my head and Luffy's, I made an exception.”
“And killing the admiral?” Jimbei asked.
“He was worse than Akainu. I couldn’t let him go. He had no problem invading Wano and killing thousands of people just to reach us. That type of guy… You put them down the first chance you get.” explained Rick as he took a sip of his drink. “Sorry about Shanks, Luffy.”
“It’s alright. Nobody fought and nobody got hurt.” the strawhat captain replied with a smile, eating some meat while enjoying the view.
“Here. We got them from Law.”

From Rick’s side, Sanji gave him a bunch of paper. Looking at them he saw it was wanted posters.

“Already? That was fast. Let’s have a look:

Luffy: 3.8 Billion Berry
Chopper: 1000
Baby-5: 333 Million
Brook: 416 Million
Usopp: 600 Million
Jimbei: 1.111 Billion
Sanji: 1.110 Billion
Reiju: 500 Million
Rick: 3.6 Billion
Nami: 1 Billion
Franky: 400 Million
Robin: 1.5 Billion
Zoro: 1.115 Billion

Holy crap! That’s a lot of billions!”
“And I’m still first!” Luffy said with a grin
“Not for long. I just killed an Admiral of the navy. Congratulations though.”
“I can’t believe yours is so high!” Zoro mutered. “You only participated at the end!”
“He did take down Big Mom in one hit.” Jimbei justified.
“And I took down Shiki the Golden Lion before coming to Wano.” added Rick. “I also saved the Capital by landing Onigashima too.”
“He’s just pissed because he’s still fourth!” Sanji said smugly.
“At least I’m at the foot of the podium, unlike you, number sixth!”

Before they could start fighting, Rick distracted Sanji.

“I’m surprised Reiju got one so high. In fact I think it’s the highest starting bounty that I have ever seen. The previous one being Baby-5. Though knowing how good she is, I think it’s a bit low, isn't it?”
“I think so too but she didn’t fight much. She didn’t take down any of the head honchos and focused on helping Chopper heal everyone.”
“Damn, they really did Chopper dirty again. 1000 Berry? Is he still mopping?”
“Nah. Usopp and Robin brought him to town to eat some cotton candy.” Luffy said.
“That’s good then.”

There were more wanted posters in the stack that he received from Sanji. Law and Kid were worth 3 Billion too, to his surprise. The real shock however was Buggy the Clown.

“What the fuck! Buggy is an emperor?! I thought he was a… well a clown.”
““We don’t get it either!”” Luffy and Zoro answered together.
“And Crocodile and Mihawk are with him? I don’t believe that for a second. Buggy must be a figurehead and they must pull the strings.”
“Probably.” replied Jimbei.

For a little while they enjoyed their drinks and the peaceful atmosphere of the garden. Wanting to speak with Robin he stood up and asked one question to Luffy before going to find her.

“When do we leave?”
“In two days, early in the morning.”
“The day after the end of the festival. Got it.”

Going back inside the castle he met Oden on the way.

“Going out?”
“Yeah. There is still some food that I want to try!”
“Want some company?”
“Sure!” he agreed and they walked down together to the streets.
“Soooo. Oden or Yamato? Which do you prefer?”
“Oden but people don’t like me using that name much.” he replied deflating a bit.
“That’s understandable. Kozuki Oden was bigger than life to the people of Wano. Between you and me I find Yamato to be a fitting name.”
“You do?”
“Yeah. It’s… more you I supposed.”
“What do you mean?”
“When I hear the name Oden, I think of a giant guy whose muscles have their own muscles, not you, no offense.” he chuckled. “Yamato on the other hand… I think of someone noble, graceful but dangerous. I think it suits you.”
“Have you decided on what you’re going to do?”

Yamato took a moment to answer as they sat down at a food stall selling takoyaki. They ordered a bunch of them and only then did he speak.

“I want to follow Oden’s footsteps. I still want to explore the world outside Wano but later. The country’s situation is shaky at best and needs to be protected so I’ll explore the land and help the ones in need like Oden did. At least until Lord Momonosuke doesn’t need me anymore.”
“Hm. Good luck. A piece of advice though… Don’t lose your way and yourself by following Oden’s path.”
“What do you mean by that?” he inquired, as he ate the takoyaki.
“I am me. Oden is Oden. You are You. It’s good for you to be inspired by him but do not try to become him. That would go against everything Oden was. He made his own path and didn’t follow the path of someone else. If the only thing you are doing is following him, not only would you never reach him but you’d go farther away actually. In a way you wouldn’t be Yamato anymore but you would not be Oden either.”
“... I never thought about it like that.” Yamato said, chewing his food slowly with a thoughtful look on his face.
“Nevermind, don’t think too hard about it. The important thing is that you’re happy with yourself during your journey and at its end.”
“... You’re kinda smart you know? That’s a side of you you never showed me.”
“In my defense, we were both more interested in my tales of beyond Wano than any philosophical talk.” replied Rick with a laugh that was shared by Yamato.
“I have to admit. It’s good to eat and drink as much as I want.”
“Don’t I know it.”
“Thank you again. For your time and friendship. I really would have lost it without you.” he said softly and Yamato put an arm around his shoulder and neck.
“I needed that as much as you did so really there is nothing to thank me for.”
“Now… Who’s all smart, huh?”

Another round of laughter took them and they ate until their bellies were full. They separated and went their own way, Rick’s being his bedroom in the castle. It was still early but after fighting an Admiral, no matter how short the confrontation lasted, he felt a bit tired. He was disrobing himself, thinking about nothing when a pair of arms circled his torso.

“Going to bed already?”

He recognized the voice of Nami on the spot and turned around to embrace her.

“I was about to. A small nap in truth, to recuperate from my fight with an Admiral.” he teased, knowing she would blow up. He was right on the money.
“You what?! You’re kidding right?”
“Nope. It’s alright though, he’s dead.”
“Dea… You killed him?!”
“But that’s an Adm… Shit you’re strong.”
“Of course! How could I protect anyone if I wasn’t?”
“You… don’t seem hurt.” she said as she pulled back from his embrace and examined his naked body for any wound.
“Because I wasn’t. Well… I was but I regrew my arm so I’m fine. You should see the other guy though.”

Nami shook her head dismissively then led him to the futon on the ground.

“I’m sorry to disappoint but it is cuddles only until we get back on the Sunny.” he announced without explaining that he wasn’t in the mood for love making when he learned not long ago that he lost a child.
“I’ll wait then. But it better be the best cuddles in the world.” pouted Nami.
“Deal.” he replied with a smile.
“With lots of head patting.”
“... I miss your greedy and shrewd way. You know you can ask directly.”
“Yes but where would be the fun in that?” she replied with a smile and wink.


When Robin entered the bedroom a few hours later she was only surprised for a moment to see Rick patting Nami’s head while she slept peacefully and content on top of him. Smiling, she closed the door and went to them. Rick delicately rolled himself and his kitten around so he could stand up and join his wife. After a kiss he picked her up in a princess carry and floated outside, up on the roof of the castle where he sat down and put her in his lap.

“I feel bad to have turned her down for sex.” he said in a low voice.
“Why did you in the first place?”
“I… didn’t feel like it. Besides, you come first. Always. And yes, I’m implying that too.” he added the end part with a chuckle.
“Where were you? I search for you but…”
“Busy killing a zealot Admiral.” was the answer she got.
“Yes. He was here for Luffy and me. Didn’t care who he’d have to kill for it. I gave his head to one of the marines' ships outside Wano with a message for his superior. If he wants my head he better come himself. Anyway, just before that I let Diana control my body and have fun the whole morning.”
“That was nice of you.”
“I thought it would be a better experience than having it through me doing it.”
“What is she doing, right now?”
“I don’t know. Giving us our privacy for sure but doing what? Probably reading one of the books I read on O’Hara.”
“How does she do that?” asked an intrigued Robin.
“Apparently. Everything we experienced is... Recorded? Let’s go with that. Recorded by our soul and Diana just… reads it?”
“Fascinating. I’d love to be able to do that.”
“Oh? And who would you read?”
“You of course.”
“My life is not that interesting, not until I met you anyway.”
“Doesn’t matter, it’s your life. Actually… Can you open your window, please?”

Rick nodded and did as asked despite not understanding why. He waited for an explanation but got none. Instead, Robin was reading and scrolling down his body’s logs. Every wound or healing his body has ever been subjected to was there, recorded. He was a bit peeved, he didn’t want her to know how much he got hurt in his life but after the previous day when he did it himself to her by accident he couldn’t bring himself to protest. She took her time, almost fifteen minutes before she finally stopped.

“The first time you nearly died, you were eight.” she whispered.
“Something like that.” he commented and spoke further when she gave him a frown. “I was cocky. Pirates have kidnapped a princess so time was of the essence. I went ahead of the team and when I reached their hideout I acted alone. I took care of almost all of them but got ambushed by one of them coming from behind through a door I couldn’t see. He got me good. The scar on my chest? That’s from that. With pain, fear and the adrenaline I stopped being nice and instead of knocking them out I took their lives. It was the very first time but my mind didn’t even think about it. I just used my gravity to push them very fast against the walls around us. Hard enough they died. I went for the two that were raping the princess’ maid then left for the basement where I bis… well I killed the captain and freed the poor girl. Before I lost consciousness I was successful in buying…”
“The V1 of the imperfect boy. Why this one?”
“It was the only thing in the shop that could save me and that I could buy. That’s how I began to live on a timer.”
“How long?”
“Check for yourself.”

She turned her head to look at his window and went to the shop to search for the information.

“Five years!”
“The time wasn’t really a problem. It was being in East Blue the problem. If you look at the V2…”
“50K points. You really worked hard to survive.”
“You have no idea.” he commented with an amused smile. “In the end my efforts paid off. I got enough for the body and the Me Me no Mi.”
“And more.”
“I saw you bought an acting skill in the shop, when I was looking through it yesterday?”
“... Oh, I completely forgot about that. If I remember correctly it was to pass uncle and big sis inspection and get Grandpa in trouble. They didn’t buy my act but at the same time I was truthful with them. I just…”
“Twisted the truth a bit. The question is why?”
“I lied about my age when I enlisted. I was a big kid. Looking like ten when I was six. I was afraid they would kick me out of the navy if they found out. I did put my real age on the paper but nobody looks at that.”
“... You were really good at your job. Between that time and the time you met with the crew you were hurt… twice?”
“I was. The first was Shiki and the second was Kaza.”

Robin nodded and opened her own window to look at the shop.

“What are you searching for?”
“I’m more checking if I can buy skills like you did.”
“... Anything in mind?”
“Reading poneglyph for once.”
“There isn’t.” he answered her and she got a look of surprise when she turned back to him. “I wanted to help you. I checked for poneglyphs or maps or anything related and there was nothing.” was his explanation and he got a kiss for it.
“There!” she exclaimed after a moment.
“What did you find?”
“Not telling!” she said excitedly and quickly bought what she found. Rick moved his upper body to try to see  but she closed her window too fast.
“That’s not fair!”
“It’s a surprise.” she teased, knowing he didn’t like those. “Reiju told me you spent a good part of last night together?”
“With Jimbei. We were alone for no more than ten minutes? Why do you ask?”
“I just want to know how the both of you are getting on.” Robin replied simply.
“Fine. She’s a good friend, a nice friend. She likes to tease.”
“And she’s infatuated with you.” the brunette stated.
“I’m not sure. She said she was interested, yes but… I think she should meet more men and women instead of hooking herself to the first one that helped her.”
“You’re not wrong. But I like her. A lot.” she said meaningfully making Rick sigh.
“Go ahead then. You don’t need my permission to spend some of your time with her like that.”
“No but you’re my husband and I won’t go behind your back.”
“After Hancock? I think you’re kinda allowed.”
“We were not married then. We just had a deal before, now it’s a vow.”
“That… actually makes me think of something that I wanted to talk about. I… don’t want to add more people. I counted and Nami aside, it’s seven people,Robin. Isn’t it too much? And while I like the idea that you and I, we’re a package deal, I don’t like the fact that we have to force people to be with the other to get a go at you or me. I know Tsuru and Kaza are not interested but would do it regardless. Shirahoshi… I suppose it’s the same for her too.”

Robin thought about that for a moment, then another before giving him an answer.

“You’re right. It’s not right to force them to be with one of us for the other. As for adding more people… Okay but Reiju is included.”
“Fine by me. We should make a list though.”
“Well, there already are all your fiancées.”
“No. If you veto them then no…”
“... Alright.”
“Maybe the list should be of the one we keep?” he proposed and got a nod of agreement in return. “Nami?”
“Of course we keep her.”
“That’s what I thought. Hancock too?”
“Yes. She had two of your children, we’re not getting rid of her besides I like her in every way. The same for Kaza, well at least the children part.”
“Alright, so next is… Vivi.”
“We’re keeping her too. Nami loves her and she’s important to you. Who's next?”
“Tsuru? She’s getting old to be honest so I'm pretty sure her libido is shot but she’s…”
“I have no problem with her. The problem is she’s on the side of the World government.”
“I’m not so sure about that. When I left Fuschia island she agreed that the time for the Celestials Dragon to go had come. If she does it for her, for me or for Eri, I don’t know.”
“So a maybe on Tsuru. That left only Shirahoshi and Viola.”
“Shirahoshi is your decision. I like her, she’s pretty and the kindest soul I’ve ever met but whether she’s in or not… I don’t know her well enough. As for Viola… I’m really fond of her, we had some great fun together. I always considered her a one night stand but she grew on me.”
“I agree. She’s in.”
“That was for me. What about you? Koala, Wanda?”
“If Wanda is interested in the both of us then yes, I’d like her to be on the list.”
“Maybe for Wanda then.” he replied, nodding.
“Koala… I see her like a little sister. Sure I’d like to have my fun with her but I don’t see her as part of us. Like I said yesterday, I see her more with Sabo than anything.”
“Okay. That leave us with Reiju and we’re of the same mind about her. Question is, is she of the same mind about you?”
“Oh, yes. I told you we were close. She’s my Nami so to speak.”
“I hope our kitten won’t be jealous though they seem to be friends now.” he said as he made them float.
“Are we going somewhere?”
“I’m dropping you at Reiju’s room. No point in wasting time. I’ll be with Nami, snuggling.”

Robin gave him a gentle kiss on the lips and Rick did as he said.

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