Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 102: The more things change, the more they stay the same



Chapter 102: The more things change, the more they stay the same



Rick was currently being dragged by Big Mom’s children in Whole Cake island castle. He didn’t know why he had been separated from Nami and Luffy but since he was being led up, his captors were not putting him in a cell as those are usually underground or at the very least on ground level.

They had fought hard, and bravely. The ex-marine rushed into the fray and began to knock out every one he could, sending slash after slash of gravity against his foes. The basic soldiers fell quickly; it was the officers that were the problem. Nami was making lightning rain all around while Luffy took on all comers, protecting her.

The truth of the matter was, they were too many for them to handle. While Rick focused on the strong opponents, the weaker ones passed behind him, more and more. Though they were weaker it didn’t mean they were weak. The toughest opponent he was dealing with was a very tall tanned woman, belonging to the long leg tribe. Had it been in other circonstances Rick would have loved to take his time to explore those long legs.

Her armament haki was stronger than his by miles but bit by bit, his got stronger. Rayleigh had stated during his short training that haki grow stronger and faster with experience. With fighting with a stronger opponent. That was what was happening. In a one on one fight he would have won, probably. But it wasn’t this type of fight. Ultimately the trio lost and Rick was knocked out unconscious by taking a hit he couldn’t dodge or block.

He was worried about Luffy and Nami's well-being but chose to believe they were alive. The latter for having the Tenki Tenki no mi’s powers. Both because they could be used as hostages to get to Robin and her ability to read poneglyph. After all, if Big Mom had a road Poneglyph it wasn’t just to display it like a painting in a museum. She wanted to be the pirate king and she needed Robin for that.

After being dragged for what seemed an eternity, Rick was brought in front of a giant door.  One of his captors opened it and they went inside. To his surprise he had been brought up in front of Big Mom. She was impressive, he could feel her powerful presence from feet away.

“Mama, we brought him.” said the tall and tanned woman.
“Good work Smoothie.I’m surprised it took you so long.” The emperor said.
“He’s strong, Mama.”
“He defeated almost by himself a third of the army.” stated another tall woman with a very slender build. She had long blue hair, almost azur, and was sporting a very big hat. What was peculiar with her was her long neck.

“Is there a long neck tribe?”

“That must have been one hell of a fight then. Who captured him?”
“I kept him occupied while Amande knocked him unconscious from behind.”

Turning to the unnamed tall woman, Big Mom congratulated her too. Rick had had enough; he had questions and wanted answers.

“Why am I here? Where are my crewmates? Lastly, Are all your daughters named after food?”

Both Smoothie and Amande reacted to his rudeness by pushing him on his knees while Big Mom just laughed.

“Feisty!” the emperor said.
“Yes, all my children are named after food. They bear the names of what I love the most. Your friends are in a cell somewhere, can’t let them roam freely in my territory, that wouldn’t do. As for why you are here… I wished for it.”
“What do you want from me then?”
“Straight to the heart of the matter, I see. Good. What I want is for you to join my crew.

“Okay… I didn’t see that coming. Why would she want me as a subordinate? Is it for my abilities, my notoriety or…”

“There are plenty of advantages and privile…. What?” His simple answer, one of agreement, threw her off. She had expected him to refuse and had prepared a little speech, listing all he could get by joining her. That was unexpected of her as she was more the type of ‘you do what I want or you die’. But Rick wasn’t the end goal and she needed him to join her willingly rather than out of fear. That he would turn her down didn’t even cross her mind. She was Big Mom after all.
“Okay, I’m joining you.”
“Just like that?” she asked in surprise.
“Not just like that. I’m guessing you were about to tell me you could give me everything I wanted, riches, men…” Looking at both Smoothie and Amande he finished his sentence.
“Women… I’ll take them all.”

Big Mom had alarm bells ringing all over her mind. Something was not right.

“You’ll andonned your crew to join me… just for…”
“No. I mean what you’re offering me, I don’t really need it. It won’t mind having a taste of some food though.” he said looking again at the emperor’s daughters.
“What I need is for me to know, but it’s something that my captain and crew can’t give me.”
“You’re jumping ship rather quickly. Are you already thinking of betraying me?”
“I’m not. It wouldn’t be in my best interest. I joined my crew to search for a dream. I found one and I realized they couldn’t help me achieve it. On the other hand you can.”
“And what is your dream?”
“To have or make a big and strong family.”
“Not what you expected?”
“I’m an orphan, I just want what I never had, family ties, blood ties.”
“I don’t believe a single word of what you’re saying. You wouldn’t have fought as hard as you did for your crewmates if that were true.” Smoothie stated from his side.
“I’m loyal and diligent. My captain ordered me to fight his enemies, I did. End of story. Now I don’t understand why you’re against me joining when you are the one who wants me to join to begin with.”
“You are an interesting man.” Big Mom said with a serious face.
“I’d say I’m just ordinary. I want something and I’m ready to do everything to get it.”
“A family umm… Well I can give you that for sure. How about Smoothie or Amande as a wife?”

Amande was about to protest when Smoothie elbowed her.

“Why not both?”
“You want two of my daughters? Aren’t you greedy?”
“I’ll take as many as you’re ready to give me. I want my family to be big after all. However I currently have my sights on a pinkhead princess…”
“The Vinsmoke girl?”
“... That won’t be a problem.”
“Then I guess we have a deal.”
“Oh we certainly have.” Big Mom replied as she reached for him with her hand. When nothing happened she was surprised.
“I died twice and came back each time. I’m not afraid of death, and if I’m not afraid of death, I’m certainly not afraid of you.”
“Truly interesting. I can count on one hand the people not afraid of me. Well, two hands now, I guess. Welcome into my crew. Guard will escort you to your temporary quarters. They’ll keep an eye on you and your seastone cuffs will be replaced by seastone bracelets. You understand don’t you.”
“Of course, I need to earn your trust first.”

Being led out of the room, he sprouted an ear on the ground next to the emperor. A talk was going to happen and he wanted to know what it was about.


“Mama! Do I have to marry him? I mean if you wish for it I would do it of course but…”
“No, there is no need, Amande. At least not now.”
“That’s too bad he’s rather handsome.”
“Interested in him Smoothie? Perhaps I should really go with that idea.”
“I don’t know about marriage but I wouldn’t mind trying him a few times.”
“ Mama, why recruit him? And like that?”
“Did you see his wanted poster?”
“Can’t say I have. I don’t even know who he is.” replied Amande.
“Sister, he’s Wal D Rick.”
“The man who defied the Celestial Dragons? The one who put an end to the war at Marineford alone?”
“Yes.” answered Smoothie.
“How? He barely held his ground against you! How could he fight the entire navy by himself then?”
“I don’t know. I did notice he was getting stronger at an alarming rate during our fight though. His armament haki was definitely getting better.”

Big Mom listened with interest to her daughter's talk. Maybe she could use him for other things after using him for her goal?

“His wanted poster is a picture of him and Nico Robin. They are clearly together. Didn’t you see the ring on his ring finger?”
“Ha! So by recruiting him you hope to recruit her as well. She’s your real objective.” Smoothie said.
“Yes. I can’t get to Laugh Tale without her reading the road Poneglyphs.”
“Why present us as brides if he’s already married then?” asked Amande.

Big Mom sighed. Amande was his third daughter and despite her 47 years of life she was never interesting in the opposite sex. Or any sex. She couldn’t comprehend what people wanted.

“There are two things that men want the most in the world. Money and Sex. And since he wants a really big family, he clearly wants and needs the latter.”
“If what he said is true.” commented Smoothie.
“Regardless, he kept looking at your legs Smoothie and your neck Amande, so he’s at least interested in the sex part.”
“There is the Vinsmoke princess too.”
“Yes her… We might have to change our plan a bit for her.”
“Wouldn’t that cause a problem?” asked Smoothie.
“Perhaps, we’ll see when we get there.”
“Once we have Nico Robin, what do we do with him?” asked Amande.
“We’re keeping him. He has two devil fruit abilities, powerful ones at that. Even without those fruits’ powers, he’s dangerous.
“How so?”
“Vinsmoke Judge wants him in his family for his genetic material. That’s not something to be taken lightly. It shows how much potential he has, and his descendants could have.”



“It’s just as I thought. They want Robin. Not gonna happen anytime soon though.”

As he was escorted by guard to his room he sprouted eyes on the wall, and just like did on Thriller Bark and Ryugu Palace, kept on sprouting them all over the place. That was a better surveillance system than cameras.  Once he had wondered how could his brain deal with all the information but considering some animals like spiders had up to eight eyes and a brain smaller than a peanuts, he didn’t ponder longer on the subject.

One of his eyes had caught something interesting, Reiju was being led to her room on a stretcher. She was wounded on her legs as blood was flowing.

“I would like to visit the princess Vinsmoke Reiju.”
“It’s a bit late sir.” replied one of the guards.
“But it’s on our way to your room so there is no problem.” replied the other.

The castle was big and it took time to reach Reiju’s room. Rick entered the room silently, knowing Reiju was sleeping as he had sprouted an eye into the place when the guards opened the door. That’s why he wasn’t surprised at Sanji being here as well.

“What are you doing here?!”
“Shhh! Reiju is sleeping, lower your voice down.”
“And to answer your question… Well you’re pulling a Robin so… I don’t see why I couldn't too.”
“Pulling a Robin?”

Rick couldn’t openly talk as the guards escorted him, were in the room, watching his every move and listening to every word he said.

“I joined the Straw hats to find a dream, Sanji. I found one so there is no reason for me to stay either in the crew.” He announced playing in the open view of his friend with his wedding ring.
“I jumped ship so to speak, and decided to accept Big Mom’s offer.”
“What offer?” Asked Sanji, not liking what he was hearing.
“Joining her crew. Honestly, it feels nostalgic of Water Seven, this whole situation.”
Sanji kept his insult for himself when he heard the name Water Seven. He understood instantly what Rick was trying to tell him without being explicit about it. Back then his vice-captain played a dangerous game, making everyone believe he was on the enemy’s side so he could save Robin. But he wasn’t Robin, and the situation was different. More people than just the crew were involved.

“There is nothing nostalgic about Water Seven. Now why are you here?”
“That’s no way to talk to your future brother-in-law.”  said Reiju who apparently had woken up.

“Reiju!” “WHAT?!”

Rick was relieved to see Reiju up, and that her wound wasn’t serious while Sanji was beside himself at what she had just said.

“He’s married!”
“So? There are plenty of ways to end a marriage.”
“Don’t you dare lay a finger on Robin! And you! Don’t you have anything to say?”
“Not really? I mean if marrying Reiju helps me achieve my dream…”
“What about Robin? Your current wife? You know the woman you married a bit more than two months ago?” Sanji asked, grabbing Rick by the collar.
“She’s the one person I love the most. But she’s not as important as my dream.”

That hurt him to say and hear it. Robin was his everything after all. He was ready to give up on his daughter for her.

Sanji looked him in the eyes, and saw what he thought he would find. Sadness. He was clearly missing something here. He understood that Rick was playing his own game, like he always did. But leaving Robin? That wasn’t something he would do. Yet, here he was, saying otherwise. Why would Reiju marry Rick? And why would he accept?  Knowing Rick, it was probably to get something but Reiju? He would have to ask her about it. Rick was his friend and there was no way he would let his former family use him one way or another.

“Anyway, I think I intruded enough. I just came to see how you were doing Reiju, so goodnight.” Rick said leaving the room but not before sprouting an ear on the ceiling.


“What’s the deal?” the cook asked his sister.
“What deal?”
“You and Rick, getting married.”
“It’s father’s order.”
“You don’t have to listen to him, Reiju.”
“I wish I could.”
“What do you mean?”
“Unlike you and our brothers I wasn’t genetically modified in our mother’s womb. I got augmentations later. One of those was total obedience to father. I can't disobey him.”
“Why does he want you to marry him?”
“He just wants your friend's genetic material. Marriage would be the best option. Rick would enter the Vinsmoke family, and I could bear strong children for the family. It’s the only option actually, as he dealt with Niji and Yonji so easily. There is no one in the Germa that could subdue him or if there is the loss would be too great. On the other hand a marriage would give him a lot. Status, power, riches…. He would not be wanted anymore by the World Government, father could make sure of that.”
“So basically Father would replace you with Rick and turn you into a baby factory?”
“Yes.” Reiju replied with a neutral face and a neutral tone.
“Stop acting like you do not care about it!”
“I don’t. What would be the point of caring when I don’t have a choice in the matter? At least he’s handsome.”

Rick sighed. Ever since he went back to the Vinsmoke it was one thing after the others. None of them he liked. It didn’t matter though as there was a more urgent issue.

“Reiju, I have something to tell you.”


Rick walked to his room as he was listening to Sanji and Reiju talking. He was enraged that their Father would treat her like a slave. It was even worse than the celestial dragon. She may not wear an explosive collar but she was chained nonetheless by bigger shackles.

“That’s it. I’m taking this asshole down and freeing her.”

Rick had been surprised at Reiju's cold attitude when they had met earlier in the day. She was cheerful in her room but he could easily discern it was fake. She was so different from the woman who was trying to seduce him back on Sunny. A woman who was fun to talk to and very smart. And absolutely gorgeous and talented with her mouth and tongue, but that was not the point here. He liked her, she was a good friend.

What worried him was the part about the assassination of the Vinsmoke family during the wedding. He didn’t care about it, except for Sanji’s and Reiju's life. He needed to be present and he just had the idea as to how.

Sitting at the desk against a wall, he took from his pocket the papers and pencil he had prepared to copy the poneglyphs, his eyes having found them. Yes, them. Big Mom had other poneglyphs than just the road one.

“Robin is definitely going to reward me for that.”

He began to transcribe what he was seeing one one of his eyes caught Nami’s red hair. Immediately sprouting an eye, ear and mouth on her, just as she was entering a mirror.

That surprised her so much to hear his voice that she jumped out of fright.

“I sprouted my mouth on you along with an eye and an ear.”
“Just before you entered the mirror.”
“You’re here then?”
“No, I’m somewhere else, but I spread my eyes all over the walls of the castle, I’m basically my own surveillance system.”
“That’s amazing!”
“I know. Anyway, what happened to you and Luffy?”
“We were put in some kind of cell inside a book page. Don’t ask, I don't know either. Jimbei came to free us.”
“Where is Luffy?”
“Probably on his way back to where we fought.”
“I figured… Wait, is that Chopper and Carrot with you?”
“Yes, they had captured the mirror user. That’s where we are actually, the mirror world. Each mirror is an entrance or an exit to this world.”
“Neat! You can sneak around undetected.”
“Yes. Now what happened to you?”
“I was brought in front of Big Mom.”
“What?! Why?!”
“She wanted to recruit me.”
“What for?”
“I’m handsome?”
“Yeah I doubt that.”
“Officially, because I’m strong. Unofficially, it’s not me she wants…”
“Let me guess, Sanji is Robin and you are you?”
“Smart kitten!” Rick’s mouth smiled.
“What’s your plan?”
“Right now? Get myself invited to that wedding.”
“The wedding! We must stop it! Pudding she…”
“Intent to kill Sanji and the rest of the Vinsmoke.”
“How do you know?”
“That’s a long story, but Sanji is aware, he witnessed Pudding confess everything to Reiju.”
“Why would she do that?”
“Because she ate the Memo Memo no Mi, she can erase, modify or replace the memories of someone.”
“She erased Reiju’s, isn’t it?”
“Yes, but Sanji was outside listening.”
“We need to stop that wedding.”
“Or crash it, that’s why I’m about to get an in.”
“You’re not going to like it…”
“... Reiju?” she asked with a frown.

“... Yes.”

She closed her mouth to not swear out loud every word she knew.

“I doubt she would be able to do something…”
“I’m going to like even less what you’re going to say, right?”

Nami took a deep breath, preparing herself.

“Okay, I’m ready.”
“Because of what I am, her father wants me in the Vinsmoke family.”
“OH HELL! NO!” she exploded in fury.

Chopper and Carrot got so scared they hid behind Jimbei’s imposant body. The fishman had a flashback of his time on Amazon Lily and began to sweat.

“Of course n…”
“Umm Nam…”
“Yes! I’ll marry you!”
“GOOD!” she answered, calming herself down.
“I-I… I wasn’t marrying her to begin with. I mean, with the news of the engagement to her I would be able to have a place at the wedding since I’m now a member of Big Mom’s crew, and Sanji’s brother-in-law.”
“I know, I just wanted you to propose to me.”

Everyone’s jaws fell to the ground, Rick included despite not being there. While the beginning of her rant was genuine, the idea of her owner and Reiju marrying was infuriating, in a split second she had let her inner feelings out. Ever since Rick and Robin married she felt a bit left out, despite both reassurance that nothing had changed. She still wanted to be their kitten but she also wanted more. The feeling grew when Rick began to mark her. Not only did she find it extremely hot but she loved it, unlike Arlong’s she wanted those ones. His comment about wanting to have their relationship in the open back on Sunny had been in her mind ever since. She wanted that, she really did, but somehow she was afraid of what the others would think of her. The talk they had in that clothing store about moving forward together helped her make her decision to go for it. Not only with him but with Robin too. She wanted to be their kitten wife, yet, at that moment, she couldn’t bring herself to say the words, she was too embarrassed. She wanted him to say them first. Her fast thinking did the job perfectly.

“Umm. Nami?” called out Chopper in a small voice, still hiding behind Jimbei.
“What… What about Robin?”
“Oh Chopper, you don’t have to worry about Robin. You see, Robin, Rick and I, had been together for a long time.”

She finally said it. She admitted her relationship with the two people she loved the most right in the open. She admitted that she, a woman, loved another woman, without shame or embarrassment. Why should she? They loved her back and what anyone else thought about it didn’t matter.
Embracing her feelings out loud lifted a heavy weight off her shoulders.

“The three of you?!” “You and Robin?!” “Wow!” were the answers she got respectively from Chopper, Jimbei and Carrot.
“I… I’ve gotta go.” replied Rick, making his sprout on the redhead disappear.

“He can run all he wants, he’s mine, now.” she said, punctuating with an evil laugh.


“THAT CROOK! How am I going to explain that to Robin?! I doubt she’ll be against it since she gave her okay for Hancock and under certains conditions Kaza but still. I went and proposed without her okay. Ugh.. that’s for later. For now I must finish copying the Poneglyphs then go back to see Reiju. Wait, I can do both!”

He sprouted an arm on the desk and gave it the pen. He made an eye appear to look at where the arm was writing and was good to go.

“No really, how does the multitasking work here? Does the Me Me no mi enhance the brain allowing the user to do that? Can Robin do it too?”

He opened the door of his room and immediately one of the guards spoke up.

“Where are you going at this time of the night?”
“To Princess Reiju again I’m afraid. I have an answer to her marriage proposal.”
“Couldn’t it wait?”

He didn’t bother to wait for them or to hear any reply they had. Rick made his way to her room and entered, not before asking the guards to stay outside.

“Yeah, not happening.” said the first guard.
“Sir.” added the second guard.
“Oh! You’re both voyeurs?’
“Guys, I’m going into the bedroom of a lady in the dead of night, what do you think will happen?”
“I thought you were giving her a reply to the proposal.”
“That was a polite way to say I’m going to bang from Monday to Sunday my future wife. Now are you going to stay outside or watch like perverts?”

They chose to stay outside. Smart choice.

Entering the room, he found her sitting on the edge of the window, watching the downpour fall and the flashes of lightning.

“Why are you back?” she asked, not looking at him.
“Disappointed to see your future husband?” making her snort.
“It’s not like it matters anyway.”
“It does. To me at least. You’re a good friend Reiju and I’m not going to let you die in that wedding.”
“That’s what the Vinsmoke deserve. That’s what I deserve for having so much blood on my hand.”
“That’s funny, I’m thinking the opposite. I heard what you said to Sanji about your father and his orders. The way I see it? You deserve to live, to really live. To make your own choices, to take your own decisions. You deserve to be free. Free to think and act like you want, to feel what you want. To be free to enjoy and regret things.”
“Where is the real Reiju? The one I got to know on Sunny?”
“She never existed in the first place.”
“That’s a very bad lie. Even Chopper and Luffy, who are as gullible and naive as can be, wouldn’t believe it.”
“Where has the smart, sexy, sensual and aggressive Reiju gone?”
“Please leave.” she said as she grabbed her knees against her chest.
“Can’t do. The guards outside think I came for sex. I can’t leave without them hearing some sex noises.” he joked but that had no effect on her mood.
“Reiju… What do you want?”
“For you to leave this room.”
“Enough Reiju! What do you really want? What do you wish for?”

He hugged her from behind, she didn’t even bother to have any kind of responded.

“I’ll free you. I promise. If you want to end your life after that, so be it. I won’t stop you.”
“Why? Why would you do that?”
“You’re Sanji’s big sister. But mainly because you’re my friend.”
“We met less than two weeks ago. We barely know each other, how can we be friends?”
“Because we like hanging out with each other.”
“You liked it, I was just acting.”
“No you didn’t. Your father was not there, you were free. Free to be yourself, and you were happy.”
“You… can’t do anything.”
“You don’t know until you try.”
“There is no point.”
“What do you have to lose? You do nothing and you die tomorrow, that's a fact. You try and maybe you’ll get your freedom, maybe you’ll die. But the chances are better with the latter than the former.”
“What if I get my freedom? What happened after that?”
“You do whatever you want. If you want to become a ballerina then become a ballerina. Though I have a better idea.”
“What is it?”

“Good, she’s interested.”

“How about a doctor? I mean, you're knowledgeable in the medical field, you could put that knowledge to good use, like saving people's lives instead of taking them.”
“Saving lives instead of taking them…” she repeated softly, imagining it.
“Some kind of redemption for you if you feel guilty, and a big FUCK YOU to your father.”
“You won’t suffer from a lack of clients, that's for sure. With how pretty and hot you are, all the perverts would queue in front of your clinic. They may even hurt themselves on purpose.”

That joke made her smile a bit. The idea was so ridiculous. For the first time since he entered the room she turned her head and looked at him.

“Can you really do it? Can you really set me free of Germa? Of my father.”
“I died twice and came back. Setting you free is like stealing candy from a kid.”
“Then please, save me.”
“I will.”


She turned her head back to look out the window. And relax her body, leaning against his chest.

“What’s your plan?”
“First? Announcing we’re getting married.”
“I need to be at the wedding tomorrow. If I was your fiance, I don’t think they would object to it.”
“That’s true… What then?”
“ Luffy will crash the wedding for sure. There is no way he’s going back without Sanji.”
“That’s it?”
“No, but the rest is a surprise.” he said

There was actually no plan but he didn’t lie. Since he doesn’t know what would happen next it would definitely be a surprise. Though he will have to talk with Nami and Luffy to know the plan.

“Now if you don’t mind, it’s time to make some fake sex noises.”
“Fake?” she turned her head with a devious grin.
“Yes, fake. You’re Sanji’s sister. You’re kinda off limits.”

Reiju didn’t like that answer. If she had to die tomorrow at least she could finally have sex but she respected his choice. Furthermore, if she survived tomorrow and had her freedom, there would be plenty of opportunities to ensnare him.

Rick learned two things about her that night. First she really had a beautiful voice. Second, she was really good at faking it.

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