Out For Karma: Mass Effect

[Book One] Chapter 18: Beginning to heal

I forgot to post the chapter yesterday, sorry!



Chapter 18: Beginning to heal

Riding down the elevator to the cargo bay, she was ready to make her apology to what she considered her unofficial XO. Ashley’s advice had been helpful, she was now focused and ready to hear Rick’s report. Stepping out of the metal cage she looked around the cargo bay and found him laying down on his makeshift bed. She hoped he wasn’t asleep and got closer.


“I’d like to apologize. My mind was elsewhere and that wasn’t professional of me. I’m ready to hear and listen to what you have to say about Virmire.”


He didn’t move nor didn’t say anything. With no response now sure he was sleeping she sighed and turned around going back up.


“A fuck ton of geths. That’s all.” his voice came from behind her and she turned back again.

“That’s all?”

“About Virmire itself, yes. About Saren’s secret base nobody knows anything about? Or the STG team there? Nothing.”

“Nothing? No guesses about what we’ll find?”

“I don’t do guesses but if guesses are what you want… I think we’ll find the missing piece there.”

“The missing piece? You mean, the information you need to get the big picture?”

“Yes. Another beacon I believe. That’s the only way he could have known about the conduit in the first place, because I doubt Sovereign knew about it.”

“Otherwise, it would have destroyed it. It had fifty thousand years to do it after all.” She completed his reasoning.



She started to leave when he called her back.


“Are you good with… whatever was distracting you?” he asked in a surprising show of concern.

“I… am for now.” she answered, caught off guard. “I must have really been out of it if you are asking about how I’m doing.”

“You were. My concern is not for you, it’s for the mission. The chances of success diminished greatly if you, the leader, don’t have your head screwed right on your shoulder.”

“... for a moment, I almost believe you cared. For me, I mean.”


Rick changed his laying position to a sitting one and patted the free space at his side.



"What?" Replied a confused redhead.

"You want me to show some care for you then I’ll show some care for you."




She did as his tone clearly indicated that doing anything but sitting was not negotiable. She was also curious about what was actually happening.


"Good. Now, what got your mind elsewhere? "

"Okay, this is weird."

"I’m trying here, gingey. The least you could do is meet me halfway.”


He got a point. She usually was the one trying to build some kind of relationship by starting a talk with him. Usually actually meant always. It was the first time he initiated a conversation not work related with her. That was new. She had no idea if it was a good or a bad thing but she knew she couldn’t pass up on this development. The problem is, she couldn’t exactly tell him that she’s been horny and thinking about his cock for all their talk. She had to improvise and improvise, she did.


“My mom was there during your business deal with the alliance.”

“Yes, the butcher.”

“You knew?!”

“Of course I knew. The first thing I did when I joined the mission was a thorough background check on everyone on board and their close family.”


“Distrust mostly, anyway what about your mother?”

“Our relationship hasn’t been good since forever and it got worse after Torfan. The talk we had afterwards didn’t make things better.”


She wasn’t about to talk about her brother. The less she talked about him the better and besides Rick wasn’t that close to her to share her most painful memory.”


“So what she said is bothering you… In that case fuck her.”


“You heard me. Fuck her. She’s a monster, a rabid beast, the kind you put down on sight. There is nothing this… thing can say that matters because the words of a beast have no weight. Just put it out of your mind.”

“Easy for you to say, Mister I can compartmentalize everything. Not everyone can do that.” she replied, frowning.

“That wasn’t what I’m talking about.”

“What did you mean then?”

“Write all the grief you have for her, preferably on paper instead of a datapad, then move on to do another activity. It will help.”

“I seriously doubt that.”

“It will but if writing is not your thing then listening to music will do the trick.”

“I don’t listen to music.”



“God, you’re a boring woman.”

“Not my fault! I was too busy with my job to enjoy the finest things of life!”


Standing up abruptly Rick grabbed her by the arm and pulled her on her feet.


“What are you doing?!”

“We’re going to see baby blue.”

“What for? A meld? No thanks!”

“No, to make you less… bland.”


He dragged her to the elevator and after five minutes, that felt like five years, they arrived on the crew deck. Without wasting a moment he led her to Liara’s room at the back of the med-bay. The asari was surprised at the unexpected visit.


“Rick? Aren’t you early?”

“Early for what?” Shepard asked, hidden behind Rick’s frame.

“Shepard? What are you doing here?”

“Gingerbread needs to take her mind off something so I thought we could start our movie session early to help her.”

“I’m fine now!”

“Also to give her some character because she’s more bland than the mess coffee.”

“I… okay, sure.” Liara replied back not having any idea of what he was talking about.


Instead of watching the third installment of the Indiana Jone series, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, they went for the first National treasure as there was no need to know anything about history since the scenario filled in the viewers about it.


“It’s about an American historian, who’s also a cryptographer and a treasure hunter searching for a famous lost treasure in the 21st century.” He explained to Shepard who wanted only one thing: to get away. Sadly his hand held her wrist firmly and there was no way for her to escape. Asking him to let her go never even crossed her mind.

“I’m sorry baby blue, but this one is not much archaeology oriented. It’s more about history. However there are plenty of ruins and tombs explored and the way the humans built traps to protect them is really interesting.”

“That’s alright, I don’t mind.” Liara answered.

The moment the movie started she was oblivious to the rest of the world. Shepard on the other hand, wasn’t interested until the action started. Afterwards her ass was firmly fixed on her seat and she didn’t even notice Rick had released her. The protagonist reminded her of him a lot. He knew lots of things, always babbling or mumbling about what he knew when he wasn’t radical in his actions. When she heard him say that he was going to steal the United States declaration of independence, she had no problem picturing Rick doing the same crazy thing. That idea made her smile a little. She did it again when the hero tricked the bad guy. Without her knowing it an hour and a half had passed.


“So what did you think?” Rick asked both ladies by his side.

“The clues and puzzles are really well thought out and the quest is good but I still prefer Indiana Jones. This one… there is this feeling of adventure missing. I think it’s because of the music, it’s more suspens oriented. I did like it though.” answered Liara.

“I admit, I wasn’t expecting much from a 21st century movie. I was wrong, it was fun.”

“Up for the sequel or you’d rather see the third Indiana Jones?”

“Indiana Jones!” Liara exclaimed with the enthusiasm of a young child.

“Don’t I need to watch the first two first?” Shepard asked.

“No. Each movie doesn’t make reference to the others, so you’re good. There may be a subtle reference or two for the fans but missing them changes nothing.”

“Well, let’s watch it then.”


And for two more hours she had a good time and had to agree with Liara’s earlier statement. That movie session distracted her even more from her horny thoughts than what Ashley told her to do. What was more important though was that she realized that Rick did care for her. He may deny it, he may hide it and surprisingly lie about it but he did care. And without knowing why that made her a bit happy.




“So, the data shows that it works.”

“In theory.” Rick added.

“In theory.” Tali repeated.

“Now we just have to build an actual …”

“Don’t say it.”

“Container.” Rick corrected himself.

“I have already prepared several designs but I may probably need to modify them a bit with the data taken into account.”

“What about the weapons?”

“I’m still working on it. Removing the cooling system and re-organizing the rest is not easy.”

“That’s alright, we’re not pressed by time, unless you wish to end our partnership once we’ve dealt with Saren and the geths.”

“I… I never thought of that actually.”


“Yes. When I joined the crew my goal was to be part of stopping Saren and the geths then I intended to continue my pilgrimage afterwards but now…”

“You’re 200 K credits richer. That changed things.”

“That did but I was thinking more about you.”

“... you’re not asking me out, right?” he said after a moment of silence.

“What?! No!”

“Oh, okay. For a moment I thought you were interested in me.”

“I am! But not that way!”

“Good because I’m not ready for a relationship.”

“Wait! Are you saying you wouldn’t have rejected me?”

“No, what made you think that?”

“Well… You’re human and I’m quarian; you don’t even know what I look like!”

“So? I don’t need to see your face to know you’re a beautiful person.”


Tali didn’t have an answer to that, so she decided to ignore it. Instead she went back on track.


“Any… Anyway, what I meant was that I like our relationship. I mean working with you. And I don’t think it would be a problem if our partnership lasts a bit longer after we’re done with the mission. At least until the end of our project. Afterwards…”

“Back to serve the fleet?”


“I’m debating if I should slow down the work, so we could spend some more time together or not.”

“That’s sweet but don’t you dare slack off!” She said in a serious and angry tone stabbing his chest with one of her fingers.

“Alright! Alright no slacking off! Geez! Your work ethics are as strict as Analysse!”


The mention of his late wife made Tali stop in mid thrust. He never talked about his wife. In fact she heard that tidbit of information from Shepard when she asked what Rick was actually doing here as he wasn’t a part of the Alliance, nor c-sec and neither a gun for hire like Wrex. She had been quite empathetic with him after learning what he had lost. With the way he acted, no one would think that would be the case. 


“Sorry, I just brought down the mood.”

“N-No, that’s alright! I just… You never talk about her, so I was surprised.”                                                            

“I didn’t?” he asked and Tali shook her head negatively.

“I guess… I guess I’m starting to deal with it. Is four months too soon?”

“I- I don’t know.”


“Do you… Want to talk about her?” She tentatively asked, not really knowing if this was the right thing to do.

“I don’t know. It would be for the better so perhaps I should.”

“You said she had strict work ethics?” Tali inquired, starting the conversation to make it easier for him.

“Oh yes. She was a real hard ass, always asking to do your job properly and do your best. And while she hated slackers, she wasn’t heartless. If your work was done early, you were free to go or if you proved to be trustworthy and a good worker she could let you make up your own schedule, as long as the deadlines were respected. Honestly, I think I was only working two, sometimes three days a week, despite being on site everyday. I just spent my time on the extranet.” he told her with a soft, small laugh.

“She didn’t take any bullshit though. What she said went and people obeyed. She had… some kind of aura? Charisma? Something that made you do what she told you to do.”

“Even you?”

“Ah! No. She didn’t tame me if that’s what you’re asking. I did whatever I wanted, and she couldn’t reproach me about anything because my work was beyond what she expected. She absolutely hated me at first; she tried to tame me because she liked to be organized and in control and when she saw me being the incarnation of chaos and not under her control, it didn’t sit well with her. She couldn’t understand my way of working; it made her completely nuts. In the end she never understood it but she did understand that she couldn’t order me around and instead realized she could ask me to do things as an equal and not a superior. From there… We became friends, then lovers, then a married couple. She joked that now that she was my wife she was the one leading our relationship. She was right but not because she succeeded but because I didn’t care. Her? She wanted to and was very good at it so I let her take the reins of our marriage to make her happy. Which she was; it was a good arrangement for the both of us.”

“How did she look like?”

“At first glance the first thing you’d notice was her height. She was quite tall, a good 6”2.”


“Exactly! That helped her quite a bit to intimidate others. Too bad for her it didn’t work on me.” he explained, high from his 6”5. “She had very long silky hair reaching her small back. They were as black as the dark space and framed her very captivating cerulean eyes.”

“From your description, she was quite pretty.”

“Despite being in her thirties she was prettier than any girl in their twenties. I remember they were quite jealous.”

“Wait! Thirties?!”

“Yes?” Rick replied confused.

“That’s… How much was the age gap?”

“Eleven years, why?”

“Isn’t it uncommon? I mean, relationship with asari aside.”

“Honestly, I didn’t care one bit. Her appearance may have played a bit but I fell in love with who she was, mostly. Had she been fifty it would have been the same. Besides, I have a thing for older women, so from my perspective everything was perfect.” he explained and Tali nodded in understanding. Though something was bothering her.

“What did you mean by ‘I fell in love with who she was, mostly’, why mostly?”

“Well… As I said, her appearance played a bit but the way she used her body played a good part too if you know what I mean.”

“Keelah… That’s too much information!”

“You asked.”

“I shouldn’t have!”

“Don’t hang out with Ashley then, especially when she’s drunk. Whether you ask or not, if the situation began to stir that way, you won’t escape unscathed.”

“I’ll take note of that.”


Shepard chose that moment to enter the room.


“Hey! How is your progress?”

“Good." Rick replied

"We’re done with the theoretical data, now we just have to create a first prototype to see if the numbers are correct."

"Which put a stop to our progress, as we don’t have the necessary materials to create one. Unless you allow us to..pilferage some terminal, or perhaps the coffee machine."

"You don't touch the coffee machine." The commander ordered in a threatening tone with narrowed eyes.

"Terminal it is then."

"You don’t touch a single thing on my ship."

"You’re no fun."


Without checking the time both Tali and Rick left, the former bid her good night. It wasn’t late, but they would arrive at their destination in less than ten hours and needed to be well rested for the mission. During the duo’s ride on the elevator, Rick had an idea.




"How long do you think it would take for the two of us to fix the elevator’s speed?"

”Approximately one hour; if we have to create some new parts instead of doing some tweaking."

"That was a quick answer."

"I think about it every time I’m riding it."


A short silence took place for a brief moment.




"Are you free for the next hour?"


“It’s a date, then.”

“I’ll take the tools.”

“I’ll send a message to the crew that it's in maintenance.”


Exiting the elevator they went their own way and met back five minutes later.

“You’re ready?”


“Then let’s work that bitch.”


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