Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Special Chapter: The Festival With The Villainess (II).

Special Chapter: The Festival With The Villainess (II).


Second Year: Lower Section

Haunted House


The villainess and the heroine sees the set up made by their second year seniors from the lower section, the two blinked at the grotesque decorations where blood was purged everywhere and a few convincing corpses were placed up front.

“So we're here at the haunted house… it doesn't look too haunted but rather bloody instead.” (Analissa) observed the work of the lower section, a few of the decorations seemed cheap but the effort could be heard inside the haunted house.


“Get away! Get away! Hurry!”

“It's a half human half pig carrying a butcher knife!”

“A ghost just touched my ankle!”

Analissa couldn't help but chuckle hearing the screams, she already had some horror experience from doing some horror game reviews but never had the opportunity to try out a haunted house when she was in high school.

“...” (Lady Evelyn) stood still as she heard those screams from the other students, she swallowed the lump forming in her throat and began to think of happy thoughts and encouragement.

‘Ghosts don't exist, they don't. They don't exist and it's only a haunted house, don't be afraid Evelyn you're a noblewoman from the house of Alarie.’ She repeats the same sentence over and over, making sure to remind herself that a lady from her noble house doesn't get easily tricked into believing that such foolishness exists.

Analissa wasn't one to be frightened easily knowing that everything was all an act. “So Lady Evelyn, do you want to come inside? We can give them our tickets.”

“A-Ah yes, the tickets.” (Lady Evelyn) takes her own ticket and gives it to Analissa.

Analissa nods, taking the tickets off of her hands, noticing that the nervousness and fear in her voice was obvious.

Could it be… that Lady Evelyn is not comfortable when it comes to haunted houses?

It would be a little awkward to ask, now that they were there but it would be safe if they didn’t go through something that Lady Evelyn was not comfortable with so gathering up the courage Analissa asks, “Um… pardon me for asking your ladyship, but are you alright with trying out the haunted house with me?”

“...w-why do you ask?”

“It's just I couldn't help but notice you're a bit uneasy and you don't look comfortable with the idea of the haunted house right now.”

The villainess scoffs, holding her arms together sounding confident that she can take on the haunted house even by herself. “N-Nonsense, Miss Blanchet. I'm a noblewoman who doesn't believe in ghosts, this is merely a haunted house do not underestimate me. I can even finish this on my own.”

“Alright, it seems you're okay with it, let's go ahead then!”


The blonde girl couldn't help but enjoy how her companion was trying to put on a brave face for this booth. She already knew that the tsundere of villainess was prideful, but not to this extent.

“Two tickets please.” (Analissa) gave the ticket handler a ticket for them each, and the handler noticed that these next customers were from the first year's high section and decided to make a bit of small talk.

“Excuse me, but aren't you two first years from the high section?”

“Ah yes we are.”

The ticket handler smiles while talking with Analissa, seeing the first year’s play was wonderful! It was a good idea that they learned about the play booth being taken because their direction wouldn’t compare to what they have made.

“Ah, I saw your play an hour ago! Apologies if this may come off as weird, you see our class were planning on a play too but it seemed you already called dibs on that one and I am glad that you did. Your actors were very talented!” The young second year laughs, but suddenly remembering that he should keep up his manners and continue doing his job of collecting the tickets. “Ah right! You two can go right ahead and enjoy our haunted house.”

“Thank you so much.” The heroine thanks him, as they were let inside the entryway where a few more fake corpses were displayed. The eerie and aura of the haunted house paired with the screaming is making the villainess a little shaken.

Analissa walked a few steps, the words echoed in her mind of what the second year student had said. ‘Our class were planning on a play too-’

And realized what she had done.

Taking inspiration knowing that the villainess liked plays based on that one official art where Lady Evelyn could be seen visiting the play booth of whoever handled it- was apparently the second year of the lower section!

‘So in the original plot- the play booth in the game was owned by the second years? I guess I changed the flow of what we have now and they settled on a haunted house.’

“Well… I mean they seem happy with the haunted house.” (Analissa) assured herself it's nothing worth being guilty about and entered the haunted house with Lady Evelyn behind.

“...” For the first time in Lady Evelyn's life, she was the one behind and the commoner was up the front. The reason being she was too afraid to get in first.

The second year has spotted their next target to scare. “Everyone get ready, these are first years.”

“Fresh first years.”

“Yeah, let's scare them. Let's make those first years scream like there's no tomorrow.”

The students were stationed into their positions and the first one to greet the two was a man having a fake head in his head. “Boo… I'm one of the horrors of life… I'm the pigman butcher! I'm here to inquire about the late taxes you haven't paid yet!”



Analissa made sure to evade the pigman, reminding her of the taxes she still had to pay, but stopped after seeing a woman dressed in white clothing, crying and complaining about the lost love of her past. “I'm the lady white of heartbreak… sniff… my lover left me for another who apparently has another lover too and now both of our hearts broke.”

Analissa stood still dumbfounded at the ghost’s words, there were no ghoulish sounds of scream- but it was just a bunch of tomfoolery!

“That's just- who even is scared of this one?” she couldn’t help but yell it out loud, then suddenly the other students beside her began crying as well.

The girl cries being comforted by her friend who just kept nodding and telling her that men ain’t shit. “Wahhh! Sniff! My heart hurts! That's what happened to me! Wahhh! Why did you have to leave me for another when they already have another too! You cheated and got cheated on!”

“That’s right, let it all out, bestie.” The two girls from the lower section continued on with the path to the haunted house as Analissa’s mouth formed into an ‘o’ at how weird this booth was.

“Oh her.” (Analissa) rubbed her temples, feeling mildly disappointed at how they did the layout acting of the ghosts- just screaming out fears and calling out the students who entered their booth about either life problems or love problems.

The Japanese streamer wanted none of that and just demanded a normal horror booth with blood and scary monsters chasing them! She is seeing none of that!

Lady Evelyn stayed quiet behind Analissa, but she wasn’t expecting that one of the ghosts were ambushing her to be scared. “Boo…! I'm the friend zone ghost! I'm what you would call the zone that you'll never escape because you can't accept the feelings for her are romantic so you keep it in the friendzone!”


The damage was too much!

Analissa hearing this gave the ghost a side eye before it chuckled in a happy manner, scurrying away awkwardly.

“Lady Evelyn are you alright?” she asks Lady Evelyn who looked flustered seeing the said girl that put her in a friend zone.

“Y-Yes I was just startled.” The purple haired girl became flustered and began to look around looking for excuses.

She would rather die than let her know that the ghost’s words made her think something unforgivable. “I think something held my ankle.”

“Hey don't do that again please!” (Analissa) yelled rather protectively at the innocent actors who looked at one another trying to find out who was the one who held the noble woman's ankle.

“Did you do it?” The white lady asked one of the ghosts who were supposed to be doing the ankle grabbing but he shakes his head, fearing that if he does something like that it will be straight to death with him.

“No way I would ever hold the ankles of the vice president. I'll be executed immediately.”

Analissa huffs, leaning in closer to the villainess with a worried look on her face. “Are you alright with continuing the haunted house, Lady Evelyn?”

“M-Mm.” (Lady Evelyn) didn’t mean to lie like that but hearing those words from the ghost startled her mind.

Analissa realized that the haunted house was making her uncomfortable, so she made sure to keep her safe from the other ghost actors and offered her hand. “Please hold my hand so we don't get separated. I want to make sure nothing else will grab your ankle, your ladyship.”

“I'll watch your back, can you also watch mine?” she continues, with a determined look on her face Lady Evelyn couldn’t help but stare at the offered hand dumbfoundedly.


“Hah… good.”

As the two held hands, Analissa didn't really think much of their hands being in each other's warmth.

“...” Her mission now was to get the villainess safely out of the haunted house, without anyone trying to grab her again. Though the villainess on the other hand could be seen staring at their hands rather intensely, red and her heart not being able to calm down.

“Lady Evelyn, please be careful of your steps here. There's a bucket full of blood at the side. It might dirty your uniform if you're not careful.”

“U-Uh huh.”

“It's probably just dyed water anyways, let’s continue.”

Suddenly all of the horror actors stopped whatever they were doing. They noticed two girls holding hands- not looking platonically but… for some reason it was so sweet and heart lifting to see.

The white lady from before couldn’t help but hide her excitement seeing the adorable scene that was in front of her. “They look like a cute pair.”

“I think they're just friends… but I mean… I sort of don't want to scare them anymore. I don't want to be the reason why their hand holding breaks.” The other second year scratches his head feeling a little guilty of their plans to scare them but the others were giving up on that job and just wanted to see the two of them out of the haunted house.

“Besides, that girl is the vice president. We'll be damned if rumors start going around that one of us touched her ankles.” One gave a good reason for them to be more careful and to lessen their mischief. “Yeah… let's just safely escort them together.”

Analissa suddenly felt that there were a lot of prying eyes on them instead of scary ones. “Weird, there's not much people scaring us now. Did they give up after I yelled at them?”

Lady Evelyn swallows the lump that was on her throat as they walk together through the horror house, she sees the pathway clear out of corpses and wonders if they were close. “Are we there yet?” she asks the blonde girl who peaks at the corner and sees a ray of light.

It must be outside!

“Yes, your ladyship. We're almost there.” (Analissa) assures the villainess who was a little disappointed at her answer that they were near the exit.

Perhaps… only a little… she felt like she didn't want this feeling to end.

“And we're out of that haunted house!” She yelled in victory for getting out of that place, not only were their methods for scaring the students were horrible and cringey but they even dared to hold the villainess’ ankle! Such a crime!

“...” (Lady Evelyn) felt the blonde girl's hand fleeting as she stayed quiet.

Analissa stretches her arms and leans over to the purple-haired girl. “So what do you think of the haunted house? Did you enjoy it, milady?”

Lady Evelyn lowers her head, pouting a little. “I think… we should try the other booths." She looked disappointed that the whole thing was over.

Analissa nervously laughed, thinking that the villainess didn’t enjoy it and suggested going to the third year’s booth next. “Alright your ladyship, we'll go onto the next one. It seems like the third year's turn, speaking of which… isn't the crown prince a third year?”

The final verdict score of the second year lower section.

Analissa's Review

Scary: 3/10

Props: 8/10

Lady Evelyn’s Review

Scary: 9.9/10

Props: 9/10

Hands: 11/10

The villainess says she'll never go back here again.


Third Year: High Section

High Class Tea Party


Taking a look at the event poster once more, the third year’s booth should be located at the grand hall of the academy. “So the third year high section will be hosting a tea party… but it says here- high class.”

Analissa bites her lip, wondering if that means that this tea party is only reserved for people of nobility. “Is their booth targeted only for certain people?” she asks the villainess who stares at the event poster not knowing how to answer her.

“I am not sure what to make of their booth, apologies I cannot give you a proper answer. I only know that it is a high class tea party.” (Lady Evelyn) replies.

Analissa takes a deep breath, wanting to explore every part of the festival as she can. Just in case she sees an Easter egg or an item that might be able to help her in the journey ahead. “I guess it wouldn't hurt to check it out.”

The villainess was a bit hesitant of letting the blonde girl into the high class tea party without knowing what to expect.

The two girls went into the huge ballroom of the school where it's been rented out by the third years to be made their booth place. They stood outside of the grand hall where a long line with two separate lines could be seen.

“Wow now this is another high level of grand.” (Analissa) hasn't even come in yet inside their booth, because they were in line as a bunch of royal guards were keeping security at their high class tea party entrance. “Some of the other people lining up are not even wearing the school's uniform. So they're from the neighboring schools?”

“Yes, the school festival is open to all for the days of festivities. Other neighboring schools will be attending, even a few elven guests are here from the looks of it.” (Lady Evelyn) could see a few elf students conversing with one another as they got into the priority lane.

They seemed to be part of the high noble circle, with how they carried themselves and the air around them. “They're already inside too.”

The other line was full of students that weren't part of the nobility, but some of them have very expensive tickets. Analissa observed the high section’s booth and knew that her chances of getting in were slim.


And she doesn’t want to use her heroine's halo to cheat in front of Lady Evelyn, that would stain her image and she would rather steer clear of rumors that she used her vixen charms getting in the high class tea party by seducing the ticket handlers.

“Wow I just wanted to see what it's like having a high class tea party. I um… I don’t think a commoner like I am would fit in there. I would stick out like a sore thumb, I don’t know any table manners and I’m a little scared of humiliating myself.” Scratching her cheek, she tries on convincing the villainess that she’ll be found on her own outside the and standing in the corner of the grand hall.

“If you'd like to, Lady Evelyn, you can enjoy yourself in this booth. I can wait for you outside.” She moves backward slightly, as both the villainess and her pet familiar were surprised by her words.

“Tweet?” (Losimer) flies onto the head of his master and becomes sad that the girl is deciding to not come with them inside.

Lady Evelyn shakes her head, her mind has mind up anyways that her plan was to spend some time with her today because it’s the festival and… it wouldn’t hurt to get to know the blonde girl more now that they’re friends. “No, I would rather not… not without you anyway.”

She takes a leap forward and tells her why she won't go anywhere without the heroine. “Apologies if it may sound a bit forward, but I wanted to take your time today all to myself.”

“I wanted to enjoy every booth with you because… I just wanted to spend some time with you and I have realized as of late that I enjoy… being with you.” (Lady Evelyn) has forgotten all of her nervousness and pride of bottling up her feelings.

For once in her life.

She wanted to be honest with what she's feeling, what she's thinking and what she wanted.

“So I don't plan on going anywhere without you, Miss Blanchet.” she says confidently, while keeping her hands to stop feeling a bit sweaty from her nerves.

“Oh-! That's um…” That's the sweetest thing the Japanese streamer has ever heard upon living for so long, one would think that she would never get to be treated like this with her line of work- it is very difficult to find love in her condition.

“Is it… weird?”

“N-No! Of course not! We're friends after all it's only normal to hang out but- I'm just not sure if they'll let me inside. Everyone looks so… regal and noble.” (Analissa) looks upon the line of mobility and commoners.

The commoner line was barely moving.

“Do you want to go inside?”

“Y-Yes but I don't think I'm allowed to-”

“You are, this is a festival. You are a student of this school and you deserve to enjoy today's festivities.”


While she wasn't wrong, the heroine was rather guilty of having the villainess pave the way for their entry to the booth.

The villainess gives her a determined smile. “Follow me, Miss Blanchet. I promise you, it will be alright.”

“I… okay, I'll follow.” But what the heck- might as well follow the villainess… who knows when she'll ever see this side of Lady Evelyn more often.

The villainess made sure they would get the fun out of every booth, to try every single thing and since she was the one who asked her out- she plans on having the expenses paid out of her own pocket.

They walked towards the entrance where a red carpet was laid out as they got closer, the ticket master was a servant who it seems has been helping the students manage the tea party.

“Greetings, Lady Alarie. Are you here to see the crown prince?” It was a butler that greeted him, Analissa could see his figure and decided to hide behind the villainess' back.

“Wait isn't he-”

It was one of the love interests of the game! Right! It was the crown prince’s butler!

Charles Williams!

‘Right, two of the new love interests should pop up at the festival. First the butler then the elven prince that came on to visit on the third day to watch the dueling event.’ (Analissa) kept her figure hidden well from the eyes of the crown prince's servant for now and let Lady Evelyn handle all the talking.

“No, I'm not here for him. I plan to enjoy the third year's booth and nothing else.” (Lady Evelyn) answers, and the butler was relieved that she wasn't here for the crown prince.

Charles places a hand on his chest with a polite smile. “I see, I was about to tell you that he has been excused to take care of a personal matter. As his personal butler, I also received a message to be given to you.”

“A message?” (Lady Evelyn) crosses her arms, knowing her fiancé if it's any message free to be said in public… it's to be used against her in humiliation.

“Leave Lady Analissa Blanchet alone, I know what you've been doing and if you don't leave her alone- I already gave you my warning.” He tells her with a satisfied look on his face, admiring his master for knowing what he wants and dealing with people who stand in his way.

“Leave who alone?”


“Lady Analissa!”

Analissa, hearing that warning, thought it was bullshit of the crown prince to do that move. “Please, do tell me why. I want to know why the crown prince is not allowing me to see my friend.”

“...I am only here to convey the message, milady. I do not know why, forgive me, I was not aware that you were near.” (Charles) was sweating, he did not see the beautiful figure that was standing behind Lady Evelyn.

The villainess turns around, seeing the blonde girl's figure looking angry but manages to be calm and composed. “You are forgiven, but please if I hear more of these threats to my friend tell his highness that I won't be happy.”


“Hmph.” She crossed her arms and heard Lady Evelyn chuckle, having a happy look on her face.

“Well then we plan on indulging ourselves today with expensive sweets, Miss Blanchet, let us go in.”

“R-Right… for Lady Alarie and Lady Blanchet I am to prepare the best table.” The butler really did prepare the best table there was, where the best ventilation, easy access to the servants and decorated flowers on the vase of the table.

Lady Evelyn sat down on the chair with Analissa in front who gave her a suspicious look. “So you've already been warned not to go near me already?”

“Yes I have.”

The reminder of that warning has never gone away, while the crown prince hasn't done anything just yet- Lady Evelyn knows she can't afford to lower her guard when it comes to that.

“Why didn't you tell me- maybe I would've… I could've talked with the crown prince about it and told him I don't like how he's meddling with my personal life.” (Analissa) suggested but at the same time that was a stupid idea.

‘Then again there's a low chance that it would work.’

“Because Miss Blanchet, talking to him- it won't work.”

“Ah.” (Analissa) would've never expected that they were on the same page, then again the villainess has known the crown prince far longer than she did.

“I know him and when he wants something he makes sure he gets it. I did not tell you because I know I can resolve whatever problems he's going to make for me, I also… didn't want to get you worried.” (Lady Evelyn) didn't want to reveal the circumstances like this but what is done is done. “I received the warning when you were still recovering from sickness.”

The villainess sees the cast down expression on her face and sighed. The last thing she could ever want was to make the poor thing worry about her. “Miss Blanchet, I'll be fine and I promise to tell you when I'm actually in trouble. A mere warning wouldn't be able to keep me away from you that I am sure.”

“Thank you, Lady Evelyn.” (Analissa) prays that she'll be safe from the crown prince's claws. “And you know… um, thank you for not listening to the crown prince and continuing on being with me.”

“I like being together with you too.” The heroine had a little hiccup as she waited for the other party to reply.


The villainess said nothing, being taken by the shock and happiness of hearing her say that, her chest felt like a balloon that could blow up at any moment.

Her face- oh her face… smiling like there was no tomorrow.

“Oh right, so about the order-” (Analissa) laughed nervously as she took the menu in her hand, a bit famished after the workout they had at the haunted house also you know- the other girl at the end of the table not replying is making her overthink about everything that she said. “You know I'm supposed to be full from the maid café but I'm still a little hungry so I'll be ordering the-”

She sees the tea party menus, the tickets she'll be needing for this is something she can't afford at the moment. A few macaroons could cost her half of her salary.

“Oh um… everything is out of my budget.” she whispers to herself, feeling her full pouch getting empty.

Analissa has already split her money in half, the rest is for the dorm rent and other necessities like water, clothes and bread that she can store.

“Can you say it again one more time?” (Lady Evelyn) leans over, placing her chin at the palm of her hand. The smile on her face was not leaving, it's making her cheeks hurt a little.

“...Pardon?” (Analissa) stares at her rather confused, which part should she repeat?

“That you like being with me.” The villainess' imaginary tail was wagging around so much that you'd be able to mistake it as a propeller of an airplane. 

She waits patiently for her request.

“I like being with you.” (Analissa) repeats her words, at first she wasn't embarrassed but after realizing the weight of it - "O-Oh."

The air around them shifted, the two felt like they were the only ones in that place. The other guest's murmurs were fleeting, one could only hear the hesitant breathing and the heart of their chest pounding.


“You can order anything you want, Miss Blanchet. It will be on me, I am the one who invited you here after all.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, it will make me happy knowing you're full.”

Analissa saw those happy puppy eyes once more and knew she had no choice but to easily give up to her demands but she knew it wasn't fair.

“Then the next time you visit the restaurant I work in, your dessert will be on me! So it's fair.”

“Mm, thank you.”

Analissa once more ordered a few things that didn't seem too expensive, but when Lady Evelyn noticed that she ordered a few extra things in her name.

The best brewed tea shipped from the northern kingdom, macaroons baked freshly by the servants, club sandwiches, biscuits, chocolate ganache sandwich cookies, scones and a few more things.

Everyone's head turned as the servants were holding trays full of food- usually it wouldn't bother them but all of these snacks for one table?!

“I accidentally ordered a lot- would you help me finish it?” (Lady Evelyn) probably… got too excited and happy that she ordered all of that food for Analissa.

Meanwhile Analissa who has taken for granted the food things in life has decided to not waste any of the expensive looking desserts!

“Gladly, your ladyship!”

Analissa while eating was keeping a few glances at the butler who has his route unlocked at the moment. She wasn't sure how to conduct the experiment when she's on a date.

The elf prince will appear on the third day.

‘I guess I can skip him for now. I can feel him looking at me sometimes… I can't eat in peace.’

“Hmm~” (Lady Evelyn) looked happy as she drank a sip of her tea. Just being with the blonde girl was a relaxing feeling.

‘Still I'm glad Lady Evelyn looks happy.’ The tea party went well, the food was grand and the heroine's belly was now full.

Lady Evelyn got to watch Analissa eat her fill and that made her full. She enjoyed seeing her cheeks puff up as she ate.

The final verdict score of the third year high section.

Analissa's Review

Food: 10/10

Service: 10/10

Lady Evelyn’s Review

Food: 7/10

Service: 1/10

Company/Miss Analissa: Cannot be measured by numbers.

They exited the booth as Lady Evelyn paid for everything, Analissa went all out and devoured every single snack that they bought. “I'm stuffed, thank you for the treat, Lady Evelyn.”

‘I guess the crown prince's butler is nowhere to be found now.’ Even if she was full she did not forget about the crown prince’s butler and the threat he can do.

“It's my pleasure to treat you, where to next?”

“So the next booth should be- owh!”

As they were going to exit, Analissa was not looking in her way and accidentally bumped into a student wearing a different set of uniforms compared to theirs.

The beautiful woman noticed this and immediately held her wrist for support. “Oh, apologies. I did not see you. Are you hurt?”

Black ivory hair, eyes that matches with it- they this noble woman carried herself seemed to be similar to the villainess.

“N-No I'm fine.” (Analissa) replies, having Lady Evelyn behind and checking her to see if she's hurt.

“Miss Blanchet, are you alright?” (Lady Evelyn) could almost kill the stranger with her angry glare.

“Y-Yes I am. It was just a minor accident.” The blonde girl couldn't help but eye the beautiful stranger as one thing stood out to her the most.

A collar that hid the scars of her neck.

“Mistress are you alright?”

“Yes, I am alright.”

“I was not expecting to bump into a student… you look familiar.”

Analissa blinks and notices that the girl she bumped into also looks familiar as well but she couldn't place her finger on it. “I can't believe I'm saying this but you also look very familiar to me. I just can't place where I have seen you.”

“Hm… what's your name?”

“It's Analissa Blanchet, milady. May I also know your name?” (Analissa) gave out her name.

And as the beautiful woman hears it- she immediately knew who she was and never expected for two characters of different games to cross paths. “It is Baroness Scarlett De Chavalier. I come from the neighboring kingdom just up north.”

Then again, the same person made both of their games. “I visited this to find some interesting people, I did find you. I thought you would be… well… somewhere else.”

Analissa blinks for a moment before finally realizing who she was. “I remember you now- I mean-!”

“...perhaps we are kindred spirits. I think we both know what we are.” (Baroness Scarlett) snaps her fingers as the rest of her lackeys in tow appear to accompany her out.

“As much as I would love to continue our conversation. I'm afraid I have to go, it is lovely meeting you, Miss Analissa Blanchet.”

“Y-You too.”

The foreign students went out as the two were left standing. The villainess could see that the girl right beside her has her eyes glued at the back of the noblewoman from the north.

“Do you know her?” (Lady Evelyn) couldn't help asking, a little envious that the blonde girl was looking at the stranger rather intensely and in an admiring way.

“A little…”

“I have heard of her through some connections. I can't believe you managed to talk to her, Baroness Scarlett from the north.” (Lady Evelyn) knows that the person the blonde girl has bumped into- despite only being a baroness her power could rival her current position. “The merchant noble who has very unlikable rumors surrounding her whole reputation but she's an influential woman.”


The braincells were in a fit trying to find the memory orb of the last time they played the other game-

‘But she's from another game! She's from the Otome game called Magical love romance! I can't believe it! She's the villainess of the other Otome game and she's… moving on her own! Is she someone like me?’

“Or am I just imagining things?”

“You're mumbling to yourself, Miss Blanchet. Are you alright?”

“Y-Yes just wondering about the rumors!” (Analissa) stutters a little before urging Lady Evelyn to go to the next booth quickly. “Let's go to the next booth, Lady Evelyn.”

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