Otherworldly - A Shadowed Awakening

CH 74 - The Star Gem

Fall of Autumn, Week 4, Day 3

[Warning: There are only 60 minutes remaining in the training for [Silent as a Shadow]. Please find the Star Gem within the allotted time.]

The ache in my knee and wrist had died down, but now I had to decide how to proceed. I’d been wandering around the town, vaguely headed toward its center and being cautious. All it had netted me was two mana pearls and a bag of incorrect gems.

Did that mean I had to continue searching each barrel and crate to find the Star Gem? Or was it being guarded separately, and I should have just looked for the heaviest guarded area? Of course, if I had done that, how would I have evaded the Sentries? But then again, if I was missing something critical, would I have even been able to figure it out?

I didn’t take the time to [Inspect] Twilight’s pillar or the options it gave me, so fueled by a desire to run. To leave Theo behind. I need to work on the running away. I’m not the same as I have been. I’m strong enough now. Strong enough to fight back.

All I knew was that Evasion was the name of the trial. Not Overpower, or Search.

I felt it then, a shift in my understanding. Evasion. In real life, outside of Twilight, I can walk right by and not be perceived. I am like a shadow. I was so preoccupied with the name of the training that I forgot how my Skill works.

Nodding my head, I made a decision. I would let my Skill guide me. I knew [Silent as a Shadow] works in broad daylight. It lessens my aura and helps me blend into the shadows. But what did that mean here? I took a deep breath and looked around the gray town, and I realized it was all shadow. That’s why the golden goblins were glowing. They needed the light. But I was one with the shadow.

Couldn’t I just walk right by them?

I stood up from behind the crates I’d tucked myself behind to rest and set off. Maybe it was the wrong approach to head deeper into the town. To head towards larger sets of Sentries. But it was what I had chosen, and so I’d stick it through.

I’d been taking this seriously to soothe my nerves from Theo, but there was always tomorrow to try again. But what good would it do to fail? To waste a day of growth? There is no in-between. I am either the God of Nora, or I’m just Nora.

This time, when I walked, I was not hiding around corners or dodging behind barrels. The two times I’d gone after a Sentry earlier had been preemptively in case they saw me so they wouldn’t have a chance to sound the alarm. Now I was trusting in my Skill.

[Silent as a Shadow]

I made no noise as I walked, being sure to walk on the outside of my feet and keep my body balanced. If they wanted to perceive me, it sure wouldn’t be my own fault.

Sure enough, I rounded a corner with two shuffling Sentries. I hung by the wall, both in plain sight and hidden by shadow, and waited for them to see me. I held my breath, not wanting to jinx it. But the Sentries continued walking by, silent but for their dragging feet.

Neither of them looked at me, and I felt the urge to scream.

That’s why it’s a fail condition!! Because it’s so easy to not be seen! I shouted in my own head.

>Twilight’s a special place. You’ll do well to remember that.< I bit my tongue as Eunora’s voice filled my head.

Why can’t you ever say something helpful? I hissed.

Surprisingly, Eunora didn’t respond. Instead, I got a sense of embarrassment coming from [Eternal Communion]. I sighed. I’d have to have more conversations, then, if she actually was coming around. So far, it had just been her being rude—until I let her stick around long enough to see the Fellan Estate and see me interact with the staff there.

Either way, those were thoughts for later. I saw more barrels and crates, but the more I thought about it, the less likely I thought the Star Gem would be within. If that was the case, why bother with the Sentries at all if it was just a scavenger hunt? No. This was closer to a one-sided capture the flag.

I took a breath and continued onward. I listened closely for Sentries as I walked and found more and more appearing. First, it was more frequent groups of three, then it was a group of four. I clung to the walls as the time ticked down, making a much faster pace than before. Occasionally my knee would ache, or I’d have to shift the sword to a different hand because of my wrist, but it wasn’t unbearable. It was more of a sting than anything else.

I took a steadying breath. I’d been at this for nearly eight hours —I could feel the time counting down. I only had about half an hour left before I was forced to abandon Twilight’s trial. I picked up speed and dodged more Sentries, I wasn’t running, but it was a near thing. I could feel the wind I was making rustling my hair and brushing any strays back from my face.

Then, I rounded another corner and stilled. There were seven Sentries in a semi-circle. They weren’t shuffling around. They weren’t even moving at all. Instead, their glow seemed to light up the area they were in. But behind them, I could see it. It was propped up on a pillar just below shoulder height for me and the goblins, and it was giving off a blue and orange light that swirled as I focused on it.

The Star Gem.

Now, the real question was how to get there. The Sentries all gave off their golden light, and something told me getting too close to it would be an immediate loss.

The seven Sentries were standing close enough together that their lights were touching, so I couldn’t sneak between them. Though I wasn’t sure that was an option I wanted anyway, on the edges of the first and seventh Sentries, there was a gap. It was small, and it would require me to crawl, but it was there—a small sliver of shade I could get through.

First or seventh Sentry? I took a deep breath, steadying myself. To get to the first Sentry would be easy, as it was closer to me. But the seventh Sentry would require me to cross the alley entirely. But there was more shadow hidden behind the seventh, so I would have an easier path to the Star Gem.

There is no such thing as gain without pain, I sighed to myself. The seventh Sentry it is.

Instead of simply trusting in my Skill to keep me hidden, I backed up out of the alley the Sentries were in and crossed the road there. Then, as I walked along the shaded wall, I was another twenty feet further from the eyes of the Sentries. Once I was across the opening, I slunk my way up against the wall of the seventh Sentry. I figured it would be easier to crawl the whole way across the wall and around the Sentry than attempt to shift into a crawl so close. So, abandoning the only weapon I had, I left the stolen sword around the corner and got on all fours.

I only had about fifteen minutes left. I could feel it. The strain on my mana was lessening. The ice wasn’t returning, but it wasn’t as empty as it had been. I needed to hurry.

So, I crawled as quietly, but as quickly, as I could and pressed myself up to the wall as tight as I could to fit in the shadow gap the glowing of the Sentries left. It was a near thing.

One of the Sentries shuffled, and I froze. I was so close to the seventh Sentry. If it so much as glanced down I was sure I was caught. But it was the first Sentry who had moved, closing the shadow gap that had been my first choice.

I fought back a shaky breath and continued. It was just a few more seconds until I was inside the semi-circle that the Sentries were stationed in. I couldn’t stand right away. I had to shift further back, closer towards the wall. But I did it. I was standing in the shadow behind the pillar. All I had to do was step forward and take the Star Gem.

Time was running out.

I shifted my weight and took a step forward, just close enough to where I could grab the gem.

I held out my hand and snatched the Star Gem from its pillar.

As I did so, the grays of [Silent as a Shadow] lifted, and the world was awash with bright light. Suddenly the Callistan goblins weren’t glowing —but they were looking right at me, angry snarls on their faces.

As all the Sentries prepared to rush me, I felt a scream welling up within me.

And then the world froze, the Sentries disappearing into a burst of orange and pink light. Even the halls of the town burst outward in motes of light the color of dawn. All that remained was me and the star gem in my palm.

[Congratulations! You have completed a Twilight Trial! Now ranking your performance!]

[Times Spotted: 2]

[Mana Pearls Collected: 2]

[Alarms Sounded: 0]

[Gems Collected —

Apple Gem: 1

Crescent Gem: 7

Square Gem: 6

Circular Gem: 9

Heart Gem: 6

Rectangular Gem: 3

Star Gem: 1

Total Gems Collected: 34]

[Time Taken: 465 Minutes out of 470 Minutes]

[Rating: D]

[Experience modifier applied based on Divinity.]

[Congratulations! Your Skill [Silent as a Shadow] has received a 40% Advancement to the next level.]

[Notice: Use of Twilight for [Silent as a Shadow] is locked until all other Skills have been tested in Twilight. Please Advance all Skills to unlock [Silent as a Shadow] again.]

Around me, I was surrounded by the bright lights of Twilight —the colors of dawn that had decorated the space before I’d entered the pillar. In front of me was the same pillar that read out my Skills.

I pressed my hand into the pillar and slid back into existence in the true Twilight. As I stepped through, I saw the other three pillars come into focus. The ache of my knee and wrist evaporated into nothingness.

Blessedly, the Great Inbetween was silent. Well, silent except for the sound of my heels landing in the thin layer of water that coated the ground and made a tinkling sound. It took me a moment to notice, but my bag remained heavy. Heavier than when I’d entered Twilight.

Opening it, Noir was still tucked in lightly, but he was surrounded by the meticulously carved jewels from Twilight.

I couldn’t help it.

I wanted to know what they were.

So, I started with the one that was still glowing in the same hues of orange and blue.


[Star Gem - Tier 1, Rare]

[A glass gem embedded with the power of Twilight.]

[Manifested by Agarina Dawn]

Is Agarina Dawn still alive? I couldn’t help but wonder, horrified and fascinated both. It was the same name as the creator of the [Descent of Astrala]. Is Agarina Dawn the creator of Twilight or the administrator?

Every question led to two more.

But still, the gemstones were real. Sure, they were just glass gems, but even so, they were beautiful. Maybe they’ll have another purpose —they’re infused with the power of Twilight, after all.

I slid the gem back into my bag and made my way to the door behind my pillar.

I had no desire to run into another Dawn so soon. And if today was any indication, I’m likely to see them all here at one point or another.

I could either avoid it or accept it.

Eve, I hissed to myself, I wonder how long until you slither out of your hiding place.

And then I was slipping out of Twilight and headed back up the [Descent of Astrala].

As I was about to crest the exit, I overheard a familiar voice.

“What do you mean she’s been gone for eight hours?” Sir Limrick sounded exhausted, and I winced.

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