Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

53 showing off pt2

Tomoka couldn't help but grin after seeing Nozomi’s display. Inside her mindscape she was cackling madly at Sasuke's gobsmacked expression. She had ruptured her lungs more than once trying to create the damned thing. Nozomi had been taught after the redhead had checked and triple checked its completion and even so she had observed the Uchiha girl at all times while she practiced. 


In the end Nozomi could barely use it in a combat situation as the amount of concentration needed would lead to a massive state of weakened awareness and reaction. Not to mention that interruption of the jutsu could lead to death by exploding lungs.  


Meanwhile, Sasuke was suffering from a mental breakdown. His delusion had been thoroughly shattered as he had been bested in two of the three tests.


“A-alright, next is Hinata” Iruka had barely managed to recover his composure resulting in him stuttering a little. Meanwhile Hinata’s eyes were focused to the point her byakugan almost activated. She had lost in Bukijutsu but she vehemently refused to lose in Ninjutsu.


Moving forward the Hyuga girl stood at least ten meters away from everybody else. What she was going to attempt would be extremely dangerous and would leave her out of breath. However, her determination burned strong. 


In an instant Hinata began moving her hands before slamming them into the ground. At that moment she remembered the harsh training she had gone through at the hands of Tomoka. Her will unwavering pushed her chakra to do her bidding. 


‘Earth style: spike forest’


A moment later sharp earth needles protrude from the ground all around Hinata. A circle of five meters radius filled with deadly spikes had formed around the girl with each spike being a meter in height. 


As Hinata finished her jutsu she could feel her body become slightly unresponsive due to exhaustion. That single jutsu had cost her half of her chakra. Unlike Nozomi who for some reason had high chakra reserves, though compared to Tomoka or Naruto it was nothing, Hinata’s reserves were average at best. 


This time Iruka's mind went blank for a moment. Having one prodigious student is already great, having two is a little absurd but three! Three is just madness. Last two girls had used monstrous jutsus and he was slightly afraid of what the third might do. With trepidation Iruka decided to get it over with.       


“Tomoka… your turn” He had to pause for a moment after saying the girl’s name as a chill ran up his spine. Something told him that whatever the girl would do, he didn’t want to have anything to do with it. 


“Sure thing!” With a cheery voice Tomoka walked forward. She had quite a few options to choose from. However, not all of them appealed to her. In the past, she had decided to act normal, or as normal as she could, so she wouldn’t garner unwanted attention. Now on the other hand, she became tired of it. Instead she would do whatever she felt like and deal with it later.  


Having made a decision, Tomoka began moving her hands, she decided to use a jutsu she had just recently made. It wasn’t perfect just yet and the backlash would be lethal for anyone else but her. The years of self electrocution had changed her body. Nowadays she was confident in surviving a lightning strike or two unharmed. 


As she finished weaving her hands everyone’s hair began standing up. Through Tomoka’s dispersed chakra any and all movement would generate small amounts of static electricity. This concept had been directly taken from her static field jutsu. However, now it has been taken further. 


In an instant Tomoka moved forward striking a nearby tree with her fist. The impact released a large amount of static that lightly charred the tree's exterior. Iruka as well as some other students thought she was done, they were very wrong. 


The next moment Tomoka disappeared only to reappear next to the tree on a different side, she struck once again with ridiculous speed. What followed was another static release, this one stronger than the last. Then she vanished again. 


As the saying goes, the third time's the charm. Like before she appeared next to the tree and struck. The sheer amount of static contained in the impact had caused the bark of the tree to light up for a moment. However, that was not important for what followed amazed everyone present. 


‘Lightning style: Thunder lord’s decree’ 


All around the area large amounts of lightning surged out of the ground flowing like a swarm of snakes towards the tree. An instant later all of them impacted the tree flowing upwards, in what seemed to be a reverse lightning strike. A bright flash of light later and the tree had been split in half, charred and burning as if lightning had struck it. All around the poor thing the buzzing of electricity could be heard as the remaining charge dispersed. 


Standing at her original position Tomoka stood with a satisfied expression as red and blue electric sparks flowed through her from time to time. Despite her relaxed demeanor and calm breathing she felt like fainting. Her chakra reserves might be massive but this jutsu was simply put, a huge chakra sink. If someone were to lightly push her she would have no other option but fall to the ground and faint on the spot. 


‘I feel like puking’ 


[That is what you get for showing off]  


From afar a few other teachers had rushed over to check out what was going on. After seeing that no battle was taking place they decided to leave it be and ask Iruka for a report later.      

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