Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

4. Birth

A month has gone by and Aurora felt that the time for her birth was close. Why? because her living space felt cramped as all hell. She feared that if she wasn’t born soon she would be stuck inside her mother forever. As she thought about that as if the very world listened to her, her mother’s water broke. 


Inside a hospital room a pretty woman with light brown hair screamed her lungs out as she pushed with all her might. At the moment the only thing she could think about was killing her husband for putting her through this. 


“Nagi I swear to god after this I will kill you!” Nagi who was currently having his hand crushed by the women he loved could do nothing but have a wry smile on his face. The last month had been really tough on him. Himiko's mood swings became wilder by the day, not to mention her constant assasination threats. 


“Come on honey just a little more and it will be over” He tried to reassure her for the Nth number of times as he had lost count a while ago. To tell the truth those words were more for him than for her as his hand had been broken for a while now. The woman, a shinobi at the rank of jounin, was well known for her physical strength.  


Ten minutes later the baby was finally out as her cries could be heard in the room. Aurora was ecstatic to finally be out. What the doctors, nurses and her parents thought to be the usual cries of a new born baby were, in fact, shouts of celebration from Aurora. 


“Whaaa, whaaa ‘I am free motherfuckers! No more fucking boring black with absolutely nothing to do!’” 


The nurse that was currently cleaning the baby could do nothing more than smile at her cuteness. The little thing was currently flailing her tiny arms as if she was celebrating. After the nurse finished cleaning and wrapping up the baby in a warm blanket before handing her to her mother. 


“congratulations she’s a healthy baby girl”


An exhausted mother held her baby with a smile so bright only a mother could have. She felt such joy at meeting her little baby girl that tears wouldn’t stop flowing from her eyes. Truth be told, she had thought she would never be a mother after that incident. 


During the third shinobi war when she was nothing more but a naive chunin, an enemy ninja had the drop on her and stabbed her stomach with his tanto. At the time she was sure of her death but miraculously an allied squad with a medic-nin saved her on time. Unfortunately the attack had damaged her womb dropping the chances of a successful pregnancy to almost nothing.


Unknown to Himiko, Nagi and Aurora, the only reason the pregnancy had been a success was due to Aurora’s mutated soul changing the zygote. Due to 682 adaptability Aurora’s new body managed to pull through otherwise, a natural abortion would have happend at around the third or fourth month. 


Nagi was also smiling despite the pain from his left hand. As of now he was receiving some medical treatment for his broken hand while smiling towards the happy Himiko. 


“As we agreed you get to name her honey” Nagi and Himiko had agreed that he would name the baby if he was a boy and Himiko if she was a girl. Truth be told, Nagi didn’t care that she was a girl. He was just glad to be a father against all odds. Even Lady Tsunade had said that his beloved Himiko could never be a mother. Now he was just glad to have received such a miracle. 


“I will call her Tomoka, my little Tomoka” Himiko chose the name a long time ago. The reason behind it was that for her, her child would be the most precious jewel to ever grace this world. Not only that but she had a feeling. She felt that her daughter would be smart, confident, beautiful but above all else she would be true to herself and loyal to her friends. 


“That's a beautiful name honey” Nagi’s gaze landed on little Tomoka as the little girl looked intently at her mothers eyes. Bright green eyes met the canela brown pair belonging to her mother. Nagi was sure that a connection formed between the two as they gazed at each other. 


Meanwhile, Tomoka felt a little conflicted. In all fairness she liked her new name but she was reluctant to get rid of her old one. After all, it was given by her first parents. Admittedly not the best parents out there, they did neglect her a little while growing up, but ultimately not the worst. In the end she accepted her fate. It wasn’t like she had a say in the matter. 


As a matter of fact, that little reluctance didn’t last long as instead she concentrated on her mother’s face. Truth be told, Himiko is quite beautiful. Despite the seemingly boring color of her hair and eyes it could not be denied the beauty the woman held. Of course she couldn’t be compared to Tomoka’s previous life super models. Nonetheless she was still the looker. 


Tomoka felt happy because with such a pretty woman as her mother, she would for sure be pretty as well when she grows up. The thought cause a giggle to escape her causing all within the room to have their hearts melt down from pure unadulterated cuteness. 


This however didn’t disrupt the doctors and even Nagi from noticing a few odd things about Tomoka. For starters, the few strands of hair on the newborn’s head were a bright red color not dissimilar from those of the Uzumaki clan. Above that was the sheer surprise coming from the Hyuga clan member in charge of checking little Tomoka for any oddities. 


For starters, the Baby had a lot of chakra flowing through her body. Even more concerning was the speed at which said chakra was moving. If one were to compare the Tomoka’s chakra pool to an actual ninja then she would be at around low genin range. 


The actual problem came from the speed at which the chakra moved. For all intents and purposes Tomoka should be dead, her little body grinded to a pulp due to her own chakra. Only a ninja in the high chunin upwards could handle the level of stress placed on the body by such an occurrence. Yet little Tomoka seemed completely unbothered. 

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