Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

26. Yin and Yang

Tomoka could be seen sitting cross legged on her bed. Right now she was thinking about why she had failed. Had it something to do with her body? Maybe her weird eyes had a hand in it. The thing is she didn’t have much to go by at the moment. In theory she should be able to use the jutsu but an unknown variable had reared its ugly face. 


‘Okay for starters I will compare Naruto to other shinobi. He is able to use the jutsu with enough proficiency to use it, skipping almost all hand signs. He also can make a lot of clones thanks to his vast chakra reserves. However, he is a dumb as that couldn’t use the simpler jutsus like the normal clone jutsu. 


I believe a reason for this was stated in the anime but I can’t properly remember what it is! So frustrating. Anyway, if I were to compare myself to Naruto there are a lot of things I have that he doesn’t for starters parents… yeah that was mean even if it's only in my thoughts. Anyway, I have this weird body, my Kinegan and who knows what else…


Alright it may be easier to think what I have in common with him. We are both Uzumaki even though my situation is a bit different. Aside from that we both have Kurama who is the reason for our vast chakra reserves. What do you think Kurama?’


[Hmmm well me and Naruto’s Kurama are different. Remember I am completely made up of Yin chakra and Naruto’s part of me is made of Yang chakra] Kurama’s statement woke up lost memories from Tomoka’s mind.


‘That’s it! That’s what I had forgotten! The reason why naruto couldn’t use the clone jutsu was because that jutsu is yin based. Naruto’s chakra had been heavily influenced by Yang Kurama so his chakra was heavily Yang charged. If we apply that situation to me…’


[It would mean your chakra is heavily Yin charged.]


‘Correct! The shadow clone jutsu is a Yang based technique so if we follow that logic my Yin loaded chakra is incompatible with the technique. Now that I know about this flaw I can think about a way to fix it.’


[But? I can clearly feel that you are not sure about it]


‘Well, the simplest way to fix the problem would be to increase my Yang charge in my chakra but it’s not that easy. Yin is produced by the mind and soul, Yang is produced by the body. What this means is that a stronger body produces more Yang chakra. However, you have seen my training there is no way for me to increase it even further.’


[Yeah, I am actually amazed that you haven’t torn your body to shreds.] 


‘Yeah, now that I think of it, naruto had an abnormal healing rate. It’s not to the point that he would heal in combat but his injuries would heal faster. That healing factor was also attributed to his Yang charged chakra. 


If we apply a similar logic to me it would mean that my mind and soul should be stronger. Now that I think about it I believe it is. My thoughts flow faster and my perception is also sharper. However, refuse to believe that all is gains, there is no free meal in this world.’ 


[Yeah there must be some kind of drawback from it. After all, imbalance in Yin and Yang can’t be good]


‘Says the fox that is currently a hundred percent Yin. Anyway, if I think about my past and everything that is going on with me I can make an educated guess. Kurama haven’t you noticed that the speed at which I am gaining physical strength is normal’


[I wouldn’t call your growth rate normal but I can guess what you are hinting at. To tell the truth I am also surprised I thought that with your crazy training and that weird healing and adapting factor you would become a monster in no time.]


‘Yup, I thought the same but it’s not like that. My growth rate is the same as if someone without the healing or adapting factor did my training. My guess is that the heavy Yin charged chakra is stunting my physical growth while improving my mental capacity.


Wait! If we apply the same concept to Naruto then…’


[That would explain why he is such a dumb ass. I mean I haven’t met the guy but from what you have told me he sounds like a complete moron]


‘I see. I guess I should thank Minato for sealing you inside of me instead of the other Kurama. Even though with my adaptability and healing I would become a complete monster in terms of physical capabilities I don’t want to become a dumb ass.


Well Naruto should wisen up when he becomes older. I mean he did become Hokage after all. That would lead me to believe that the downsides subside as one grows up. It would make sense. The brain is part of the body so the Yang side should also improve it. If we flip the script then The Yin side improves the soul which should in time improve the body’


[Well you solved the mystery about that but what are you going to do about the Shadow clone jutsu]


‘I don’t know’    

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