Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

236-j. BREAK THEM.

“Oops.” Infront of the trio was the very crashed, very exploded car they had been using to haul their gains. How did this happen, well…


~flash back no jutsu~


“Tomoka! slow down!” Nozomi shouted while holding for dear life riding shotgun inside the speeding car. 


“HAHAHAH I don’t know how!” Tomoka shouted back, her right foot never leaving the gas pedal. As a matter of fact, even at that very moment, the thing was floored. 


Moments later Tomoka engaged the manual brakes for a fraction of a second while turning the wheel, forcing the car into a drift as she took a left on the T-juncture. It was only thanks to the seatbelts that none of the girls went tumbling inside the car. 


“Damn it all Tomoka, use the brakes!” Hinata shouted from the back seat. She was holding for dear life to whatever her hands could grab. She knew Tomoka was a crazy driver, she didn’t expect her to pull something like this! Although in hindsight, she should have. 


“What are those! HAHAHAH!” Tomoka continued to drive like that, never stopping, only drifting. Unfortunately, without her super enhanced mind, there is only so much her driving skills could do in an urban scenario. 


“Tomoka! We are going to crash!” Nozomi shouted, seeing the wall approaching fast. At that moment, Tomoka took the only sensible decision or so she would claim anyway. 


“ABANDON SHIP!” A moment later Tomoka opened the door jumping out of the fast moving vehicle. A fraction of a second later the other two did the same. Hell, they had been prepared and willing to do so even before Tomoka gave the order. 


The next moment, the trio landed and rolled masterfully to bleed off the speed while the vehicle continued to speed ahead until it crashed against the solid concrete wall. 


“Hey look, we stopped, that went well.” As if fate herself was done with Tomoka shit, the next second after her nonchalant comment the car went up in flames before exploding. 


~Flash back end~ 


“In my defense, I didn’t know you could use the brakes for anything else but drifting.” Tomoka’s shameless comment left the other two girls speechless. That was an obvious blatant lie. 


“Bullshit!” Hinata was the first one to react. With how good Tomoka was at driving, there is no way she didn’t know about the original purpose of the brakes. 


“Well, have you ever seen me driving outside the simulated games?” Tomoka of course had the perfect reasoning and evidence. 


“No?” Afterall, vehicles were kinda useless inside Yggdrasil since anybody there could just use the teleport stations. Outside they would take aircrafts driven by other people to get to their destination. Either that or they would use their bodies. 


“Have you ever seen me using the brakes for anything but drifting inside the simulated games?” Both girls thought about it and no, they had never seen Tomoka use them for their actual intended purpose. That is until…


“Wait! At the end of the race! You had to brake to slow down the car and not crash!” Nozomi felt smug, having finally found a flaw in Tomoka’s reasoning, however, things didn’t go as plan. 


“Kukukuku, MuahahahHAHAHA!” Tomoka began laughing in an obviously fake evil laugh. 


“You fool! You didn’t realize! When the simulation race ends the cars automatically brake and come to a stop if you go too far past the finish line!” Both girls thought about it and it kinda made sense. Tomoka’s car would always stop quite a bit past the finish line. 


“Even so, you are way too smart not to realize their intended purpose, not to mention… YOU ARE THE ONE THAT DESIGNED THE DAMNED THINGS!” Hinata was done with this entire ridiculous conversation. 


“Mah-Mah no need to get so angry. We will just get another car and this time I won’t be driving, how about that.” Tomoka decided not to mention their loss of loot since that would only land her in more trouble. 


“And would you look at that, it looks like our new ride is here!” As soon as Tomoka finished speaking the trio had to dodge away from a pair of cars that just like before were engaged in a shootout. Moments later both cars crashed against the wall their own had.


“Tomoka… you said we would do this without any powers.” Hinata said while looking towards Tomoka suspiciously. This was too much of a coincidence. 


“I swear I haven’t cheated and I swear Oracle wasn’t involved!” From the way Hinata continued to glare as well as the way Nozomi joined her in doing so she knew they didn’t believe her. She was telling the truth!


“Whatever, let's get rid of those idio- gonks and get going.” Nozomi decided to give up on interrogating Tomoka, no point in doing so right now. 


After a quick fight, if slaughtering a group of gonks efficiently and effortlessly could be called that, the trio packed their loot and got on the road once more, this time Nozomi behind the wheel.   


“Hey, I got an Idea!” At that moment, both girls thought the same thing at the same time ‘Oh no’. Both of them could hear the capitalisation on the word idea and that was never something good coming from Tomoka. 


“How about we pull a silverhand.” Before her girls could say anything, Tomoka immediately proposed her idea. A great idea if you asked her. Now, what is pulling a silver hand? Well…


“And that is?...” Hinata decided to bite the bullet. This trip was already crazy, might as well hear Tomoka out and do more crazy shit. Afterall, Hinata was having a lot of fun so far.


“We detonate a thermo-nuclear bomb under Arasaka tower!” Instantly a pair of fond groans sounded from the other two girls. It sounded crazy, it sounded destructive, and it made them want to do it. It was at that very moment that the two realized something they should have realized waaay sooner, Tomoka is a bad influence. 


“I know I will regret asking this but… How?” And regret Hinata did. 


“Well that plan goes like this…” 


A few hours later the girls were looking at a very much crashed and very much exploded car. Said car was crashed against the exterior wall of a train station in the badlands.


“So what is your excuse Nozomi?” Tomoka asked, looking amused. Despite the badlands being so empty, Nozomi found a way to crash the car. 


“The brakes weren’t working.” Nozomi's response came along with a serene smile, like nothing in the world could disrupt her peace.  


“BULLSHIT! I saw you drifting on the road. Hell! I felt you drifting! I heard it too!” Hinata was losing her temper, dealing with Tomoka was one thing but having to deal with BOTH! She didn’t want to but someone had. 


“They stopped working somewhere along the way.” Once again Nozomi answered with a serene smile. 


“I still call bullshit.” Hinata answered instantly while giving Nozomi a suspicious glare. 


“You can check the car if you don’t believe me.” At that moment, said very crash, a very exploded car suffered from a secondary explosion. There was no way she would be able to find any evidence of Nozomi’s blatant lie. With a sigh Hinata gave up and decided to change the topic instead.


“I still can’t believe that no one thought it was a bad idea to leave fissile material easily accessible in the middle of nowhere.” Hinata said in a sort of excited whine. 


“Yup yup, nuclear powered train with fuel still in the tank, and would you know it said fuel is Uranium two-three-five. Sure, the bomb I’ll make with this won’t be the most powerful one out there but it should be enough to topple the tower.” That said, Tomoka began her work. 


First things first, she went and found herself working hazmat suits and geiger counters. Afterall, the station would need those for repairs. Sure, they were a bit ratty but they should do the job. Next she got whatever tools there were and got to work extracting that beautiful fissile material. However, as she worked a silly little idea came to mind. 


“You know, I could actually make a hydrogen bomb using this.” Afterall, the H-bomb is just a nuclear bomb with a hydrogen nucleus. The explosion of the nuclear bomb would compress and heat the hydrogen causing nuclear fusion. The resulting explosion would be many times more powerful than that of a thermo-nuclear bomb. 


“No, that is where I draw the line. Taking Arasaka tower is one thing, but a hydrogen bomb would certainly destroy most of the city if not the whole thing.” Sure, Hinata liked big booms as much as any other girl out there… *Cough* Anyway, Arasake were assholes and they deserved every bit of insanity Tomoka could dish out but there were innocents in the city so that is where she decided to draw the line. 


“Eh, you’re right. Afterall, no night city, no more fun.” Shrugging her shoulders, Tomoka continued to work creating the bomb. A nuclear bomb is a rather simple thing to make. Sure, the ones built by the military are complicated things but they are built with a lot of safety precautions to prevent it from going off when no one wants it to. 


In the end a nuclear bomb is nothing more than fissile material encased in a protone bouncing shell encased in explosives. When the explosives go off the fissile material gets heated and compressed releasing prottons. Said protons bounce off from the shell forcing them to crash back into the fissile material. Chain reaction ensues and you get yourself a very big boom. 


“Alright! Bombs ready! Now we just need to deliver the thing to Arasaka without having it blow up in our faces!” Tomoka shouted with delight, holding the jury rigged nuclear bomb. The thing looked like it had been made from welded scrap and scavenged electronics. The nuclear simply painted with spray paint being a bit crooked. 


Nozomi just looked amused seeing Tomoka dance a little jig with something that could kill them all with a bit of mishandling. She couldn’t help but review all the right decisions that led to this moment, she was having fun. 


“So, how are we getting back because I do remember our last ride going up in flames.” Hinata just gave up at this point. Especially so when she saw a pair of cars involved in a fire fight crash right next to their previous ride. 


“You know what, at this point, I might as well join the madness… after this let's go blow up Millitech.” Seeing the slightly deranged and somewhat inside smile that slowly crept up Hinata's face, Tomoka's smile grew into a grin. 


“YES HINATA! JOIN THE DARK SIDE! WE HAVE COOKIES!” Mad cackling ensued for a while. Although it was quickly interrupted by the gunshots coming from the owners of the cars that just crashed. With a shrug the girls went ahead with their grimm work of asset acquisition. 


“So, how are we doing this?” Hinata who after a while of driving managed to regain a bit of her sanity back asked wondering how Tomoka planned to go ahead with her terrorist mission. 


“Well, I was just thinking of going through the main door guns blazing.” Hinata didn’t sigh, she had expected as much, she wasn’t disappointed either she simply asked for the sake of making conversation. 


“Are you sure this will work?” This time it was Nozomi's turn to ask. Again she did so just for the sake of conversation. 


“Bah, who do you think I am? Even without a cyberdeck I am way better than Bartmoss. This little cutie I am making will give us the edge we need.” That’s right, Tomoka klept a laptop somewhere along the way and began coding a little daemon that would make RABIDs look like a cute little dawg. 


“Eta?” Tomoka asked as she began giving her precious last finishing touches. 


“Five til corpo plaza.” Hinata answered with a clam that she wasn’t expecting herself. In a way she felt light, like she was in a sort of zen meditative state. The thought of committing an act of terrorism not bothering her in the least. 


Five minutes later a raffen shiv armored car came crashing through the gates. Instantly all turrets and cameras pointed in the direction of the clearly hostile intruder. Should this have been any other group any other they, they would have been torn to shreds, instead…


“Time to play.” Tomoka muttered with a smug grin as she pressed enter on the laptop. The next moment, Arasaka tower suffered a cyberattack like no other before. In moments their ICE was pierced as a flood of daemons invaded their systems taking control of everything they could and jamming everything they couldn’t. 


In a moment the stereo system of the tower was hijacked by the daemons, said system normally used to quickly give announcements now began playing music. The heavy chords of a guitar could be heard for a moment before the heavy sound of a drum kit joined. Everyone within the tower linked to the Arasaka network had a message displayed within their sigh.  


Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to: REAP AND TEAR UNTIL IT'S DONE.]


Then all hell broke loose. The many automatic turrets instantly opened fire on anything that moved. People mowed down by the defenses that should have protected them. The entire Arasaka system had gone berserk as a new AI began to be born from the blood shed. 


“Come on girls! WE HAVE A CITY TO BURN!” Tomoka shouted as she kicked open the door of the car. A bag over her shoulder containing the nuclear payload, a stolen katana on her back and a shit load of kunai and shuriken strapped to her torso, arms and legs. Not to mention the guns, so many guns. 


With a shrug Nozomi got out of the car not wasting any time before joining the fun. Nozomi for her part decided to do something a little bit different. Moments after the Uchiha got off Hinata floored the gas pedal with a mad grin on her lips as an insane glint flashed through her eyes.  


Moments later the armored car began drifting within the premise of the tower mowing down any corpo unfortunate enough to be found on its path. It didn’t take long for the car to get a new coat of red paint nor for its tires to be shot out from all the gun fire going around. Moments later the car crashed against the reinforced glass of the main entrance to the Arasaka tower. 


Tomoka just grinned madly seeing Hinata crash into the tower. Not wasting a moment she dashed inside seeing the car embedded in the wall of synth wood behind the reception. Hinata nonchalantly dusting off her attire next to said car. 


“So, what is your excuse for crashing?” Tomoka asked as the car began to smoke. 


“What do you mean crashing? I thought this was how we parked?” Hinata spoke in a completely serious tone, ignoring the now flaming car. Without looking back the girl walked with a sway to her hips before holding Tomoka and stealing her lips into a deep kiss. 


The mayhem of bullets screams and blood was ignored. Hell, even the explosion of the car a moment later was ignored. All that mattered right there right now was the kiss.     


“You two having fun?” The moment was interrupted by Nozomi who looked like she had a blood bath… thinking about it, she probably did seeing how crescent rose was dripping with the liquid as well. 


“Lots, but we can have crazy sex later.” Nodding the girls got ready before dashing deeper into the tower. It didn’t take them long to reach the underground segments, however it was then when someone else joined the party. 


You pieces of meat will pay for what you have done” One borged out motherfucker by the name of Adam fucking Smasher crashed through the gates of the hangar they were currently arming the bomb on. 


“It's the smash man! Hey smash man, let's dance!” Tomoka without a care in the world stood up from where she was arming the bomb. The gun pointed at her went ignored as well as the loud clicking it was making. 


“Having trouble with your gun? Don’t worry big guy, one out of ten men has a dysfunctional gun, no need to be shy.” Tomoka very much ignored the cackle of laughter coming from her girls as she saw the visage of the very enraged borg running full speed at her, that is until. 


What… have… you… done… to… ME!” The brog suddenly stopped in his death charge and instead began dancing a little jig, one everyone on the old net would know about. Soon enough, the music changed to go along with it. 


[We are no strangers to love
You know the rules, and so do I!]


Out of all people, Adam Smasher was one of the few that would recognise the damned song, he was old enough to have lived through that era, and it enraged him to no end to realize…


FUCK YOU!!!” That he of all people just got rick rolled. 


It was at that moment that Tomoka couldn’t contain her laughter anymore, she began cackling madly, her ribs hurt and her stomach did as well. She was having a real hard time breathing and she wondered if she would die from laughter. 


The sound of the bomb finishing its arming process managed to give Tomoka the tiny little bit of self control she needed to get her laughter under control… somewhat. 


“Sorry smash man… but I gotta skedaddle. Although I am sure you… will be fine, you already survived… one of these anyway.” Tomoka was having a really hard time speaking without breaking into laughter seeing smasher dancing to the song. 


I will get you for this!” Was all smasher could impotently shout as the trio ran away. He could do nothing more than curse as he saw the contraption he is sure is a bomb bip away the time until…




Finally, through all of night city, any and all systems capable of reproducing sound began playing one last song. 


[Now playing: Another one bites the dust]


This was writen for april fools. Just to let you know tis not canon.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.