Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

230. Bussiness talks? Or bullying

“So, why come here?” A woman with short brown hair and eyes of the same color asked her friend. 


“What? aren’t you nostalgic? I thought it could be a nice vacation location before the real thing starts.” The friend, a woman with a similar yet lighter color scheme, answered nonchalantly while looking around. 


“Yeah, no, I don’t believe you. Drop the bull and tell us.” A third feminine voice joined the conversation. Once again a woman this time with a more voluptuous figure and darker color scheme.


“Bah, fine, be a spoilsport will you? We are here to do a little bit of tomfoolery if you will. Though I didn’t expect that to be sure.” Pointing towards a mountain the woman said with a slight smile. On the mountain five faces could be seen, the faces of the Hokages. What she was pointing in specific was the fifth face, that of Jiraiya of the sannin. The current and fifth Hokage. 


“Say, do you want to go pay a visit to the fifth? See how he's doing and all that?” The other two women were trapped between sighing and giggling. 


“Sure, why not. Though I suspect you would want us to drop out of our disguise before meeting him.” The woman with the darker shade of hair said with an amused grin. 


“Of course, otherwise where would be the fun in it.” With their next plan of action the trio disappeared from the streets of Konoha. 


~A few hours earlier~


“Are you serious about this?” Nozomi asked as she looked out of their transport. Even now, so close to their destination, she was having a bit of a hard time understanding the whys behind the actions her lover was currently taking. 


“Of course I am. Come on, it's going to be fun, and no one will be able to realize we are there to begin with.” Tomoka for her part lounged on her seat with a wide grin plastered on her face. She had already taken precautions to make their little infiltration job seamless. 


“I feel sorry for whoever you have decided to mess with this time around.” Finally, Hinata decided to add her two cents to the conversation. She knew her lover too well to know that she was doing this just to mess with someone… probably the new Hokage.  


“Awh, my little Hinata knows me too well… Though you aren’t little anymore.” Moving faster than lightning, Tomoka gave Hinata’s well padded rump a swat, enjoying the jiggle physics that followed. 


“Don’t! Start anything you aren’t going to finish.” 


“Ma bad, ma bad, I just couldn’t resist.” Like that the trio continued to banter as their transport got closer to their landing zone. Once down on earth a new conversation came to be. 


“So, how are we going to infiltrate the village?” Hearing Nozomi’s question, Tomoka's grin grew malicious as she took three sheets of paper. On them were the information of three Konoha ninja, from their birth to their mission records to whatever else. 


“These three people don’t really exist. I had my phantoms brainwash a few officials to believe they do while also planting the needed paperwork.” Tomoka didn’t need to say more as each girl instantly understood what she meant. A few moments later a trio of women donning Konoha’s chunin uniforms with the respective head bands replaced the previous trio of traitors.


~Inside the Hokage’s office~


Jiraiya hated life right now. He could feel all the paperwork slowly but surely draining the life out of him. Sure, he had far less paper work than his sensei. He had delegated a lot of the less important work to others. Even so, he barely had any time to peek, ahem, research for his book. Unfortunately, no matter how much he complains, he is going to stay as the Hokage until he finds a suitable person to take the role. 


Jiraiya had wanted to trick Tsunade into the role, well, trick was a bit of a heavy word, more like convince her of the benefits of the job. He failed, miserably at that, he had taken Naruko in the hopes the girl would somehow help convince Tsunade. To his dismay Naruko had made things much worse. 


Somewhere along the lines Naruko had abandoned her goal of becoming Hokage. The undying fire that had been there was now gone, simple as that. Well, saying it was gone wouldn’t be the full truth either. The girl still wanted to grow stronger, the reason however had changed. 


Thinking about it for the nth time again Jiraiya couldn’t help but sigh as his hands continued to work. At the very least he managed to convince Tsunade to come back with him. The woman is currently working as the administrative head of the health department. She is also the only member of the new council of elders. Though she hates the name, one Jiraiya uses to tease her despite the dangers involved. 


“Yo, Jiraya.” Hearing that voice made Jiraiya go into full combat mode. Looking away from his papers, what came to his sight was that of Tomoka being impaled by six tantos as his ANBU guard reacted instantly. He could see blood flowing from her wounds and even her lips. Despite this the infuriating grin never left her lips as if being fatally injured is nothing more than a mere inconvenience.    


“You should tell your people to at least avoid the lungs, talking with pierced lungs is kinda hard, good thing they aren’t my lungs kek.” That made Jiraiya pause as a very bad premonition was instantly confirmed as the woman’s shape began to waver, being replaced by that of one of his ANBU. 


“Quite cruel of you all to impale six ways to sunday one of your own. And people say Konoha is a peace loving village.” Before any of his ANBU could attempt to kill her again he stopped them with a motion of his hand. Jiraiya didn’t want to see a repeat of what had just happened. 


He didn’t know how she had placed them in a genjutsu nor did he know if they still were in one. He could tell how pissed off his ANBU were, not that he could blame them, he is just as pissed off. From the reports, it was this woman the one that landed the killing blow to his sensei, even if the old fool would have died by his own doing anyway. 


“What do you want, Tomoka. Came here to gloat? Maybe kill me as well. I can promise you something, you won’t be coming out of here alive.” He meant that. The woman is a menace and as long as she lived Konoha would be in danger. 


“Nah, nothing like that, I just came to say hi with my girls. Maybe talk business for a bit, you know, the works.” Out of thin air a pair of girls appeared as if out of a mirage. Jiraiya could instantly tell they were Hinata Hyuga, and Nozomi Uchiha. No matter what anyone says, Having three enemy S-ranked ninjas appear out of thin air in your office will make anyone, even Jiraiya, break out in cold sweat. 


“By the way, do you want me to help the poor gal over there?” Nonchalant as ever Tomoka pointed to the barely alive ANBU. Although all the blades had hit critical spots, none had hit in such a way it would cause instant death. 


Jiraiya gritted his teeth in anger. He didn’t know if Tomoka would really be able to save the poor woman bleeding out on the floor. However, just the offering placed him in a bad position. If he accepted then his power as Hokage would be put into question. If he didn’t, the woman would die, no other way about it. Taking a deep breath to try and calm himself down, Jiraiya made his choice. 


“Fine, heal her. If you do, I will be willing to hear you out.” With that said Jiraiya watched Tomoka like a hawk as the girl took a strange container out of a pouch on her back. Pressing the device against the bleeding ANBU’s abdomen she pressed a button. The next moment to everyone but the traitor trio’s surprise the wounds closed at a speed visible by the naked eye.  


“Amazing, init? Her wounds are healed but the blood loss persists so I do recommend she take it easy for the next couple of weeks.” After saying that Jiraiya didn’t know what to think. Much less when the woman sauntered towards the other two women invading his office before plopping down on the sofa by the side as if she owns the place. 


“Now, business talks. I would like for you to call a kage summit. The reasons are twofold. First, the order of business would be Akatsuki-” At that Jiraiya paled a little. Before becoming Hokage he had been tracking them down trying to get as much info on them as he could. He had managed to find some information though not as much as he would have liked.    


“What do you know about-” Before Jiraiya could finish his sentence a pair of pink eyes locked on him. Suddenly he couldn’t move any muscles, not even those in his eyes or mouth. Complete and utter paralysis. 


“First, please don’t interrupt me, it's rude. Second, I was getting there. Now, where was I?” As Tomoka broke line of sight Jiraiya regained control of his body. Even so, that little interaction had cemented in his mind how utterly outclassed he is just by Tomoka. He didn’t want to know what the other two could pull off. 


“Right, the second reason for the Kage summit is for me and mine to make our entrance into the geopolitical scene. Suna, and Kiri already know about us and they will agree to the summit so no worries there. Kumo and Iwa will pretty much be forced to attend taking into account three out of the five great villages will be already participating. 


Jiraiya wanted to object, he hadn’t agreed to anything. Then again, what other option did he have? The personal power of Tomoka frightened him enough. Not to mention what he had read in the reports of the attack on the village. To date, the Hyuga clan is still recuperating, though they are doing much better without the curse seal in his opinion. 


“What about Akatsuki, what do you know about them?” No matter how scared he might be, he is still a ninja and above that, the Hokage. Trying to fish for information is pretty much ingrained in his very being. 


“Right, that. Well, you must already be aware about some of their goals. Gathering all the bijuu and all that. Right?” Yes, Jiraiya knew at least that much so he just gave a small nod. 


“So, what you might not know is the why, and frankly I don’t feel like ruining the surprise. What I am willing to tell you is that it will be bad if they succeed on levels you can’t imagine. What I will tell you is that the trio of kids you trained back in ame are part of it. What were their names again? Yahiko, Nagato and Konan.” 


Tomoka couldn’t help but feel sadistic glee in how pained Jiraiya looked at that. Sure, he didn’t have anything against the old pervert. He is actually quite likable. That is why she is willing to break the news to him now so that they can’t take advantage of it in battle and kill him for it. 


“Also-” Suddenly Tomoka’s head turned as if she could see through the walls of the Hokage’s office. A moment later a deranged smile flourished on her lips as it turned into a devilish grin. 


“Tomoka?” Nozomi, who had been enjoying the spectacle so far, decided to ask since it was rather rare to see such a… lovely smile on her lover. 


“Hehe, like dominos the pieces fall in place.” Hearing Tomoka’s cryptid response made Hinata sigh as she could already figure out what she was going on about.


“So who is the poor bastard you are going to make go through hell?” With a resigned yet loving smile Hinata asked looking Tomoka in the eyes as the girl turned around.  


“Ah, well, we can talk about that later. After all, it's a bit rude to ignore our host more than we are already doing.” Hearing Tomoka's nonchalant response made Jiraya’s serious expression twitch. He was so done with all of this by now, yet he needed to push on. 


“How do I know that what you are telling me is the truth.” The girls were no longer ninjas working for Konoha, they were traitors, who is to say they were feeding him false information to weaken Konoha even further. 


“That is the fun of it, you don’t. However, I am willing to help you figure it out. Send a few spys to ame. I assure you they will disappear, killed by the angel of Ame. Said angel is Konan, she likes to go around with paper wings on her back, a bit tacky if you ask me but to each their own I guess.” 


Now that made Jiraiya sweat a little. He had been planning to investigate Ame himself after a few of his contacts disappeared there. The whole Konoha almost going up in flames had postponed it followed by him becoming Hokage. If what Tomoka said is the truth, then he might have had to confront them there. Worse, he might have died there by their hands. After all…


“Oh, we can’t forget the best part of all of this, that being the fact that Nagato has the rinegan and is decently good with it. My best guess? No one currently loyal to Konoha is near powerful enough to take him down.” Jiraiya could easily understand the meaning behind those words. 


“And you can?” Hearing the question, Tomoka's grin grew unhinged. She really, really wanted to fight Nagato and his puppets. It would be a lot of fun, that is one of the reasons she decided to infiltrate Konoha.


“Of course I can, don’t worry. I will be around to fight him when he comes.” And like a mirage as if they had never been there the trio of girls disappeared. 

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