Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

23. Air Bullet

The day after Tomoka’s visit she could be seen in her backyard with her father. Today she would learn how to use air release or at least that is the plan. To tell the truth Tomoka was quite hyped. Learning her second elemental transformation would increase her repertoire of jutsu by a lot. She could even imagine herself unlocking some kekkei genkai related to them. Of course the chances of that happening is pretty much zero. 


“Alright Tomoka, listen closely. Unlike lightning release, air release is sharper. I have been talking with your mom to figure out how to better describe it. So simply put, if Lightning release is a spear, air release is a sword.”


With that said Nagi began teaching Tomoka some jutsus he knew while guiding her along. Before that however, he let Tomoka observe his jutsus and how he did things. Tomoka watched without letting even the tiniest detail slip by. Like before she began using her previous life’s knowledge to formulate theories. 


‘There are a few rules that determine the way a fluid moves. For starters, when a fluid is heated it expands causing it’s density to drop. For this reason warm fluids flow upwards while cold ones flow downwards. 


There is also the fact of pressure differentials. A fluid and matter in general will try and flow towards a vacuum to fill it up. If I go by these rules, I can create wind by either creating a vacuum, pressurizing the air, heating it, or cooling it.


However, I should not forget what happened before with my lightning release. I doubt that normal air release works how I am thinking or at least not entirely. For a matter of fact, some air release jutsus use vacuums and pressurized air. But the way they do so might differ from what I am thinking in a fundamental level’


While thinking about all this Tomoka decided to give it a try. She would try a simple jutsu, Fuuton: air bullet. Doing the hand signs, Tomoka followed her father’s guidance. First she took a deep breath while gathering chakra in her lungs. She did this while keeping the image of an air bullet in her mind before expelling the air with as much force as she could.   


The end result was satisfactory if barely. From her bouth a mass of air flew towards a wooden dummy before hitting it. The damage was lackluster and would hurt if nothing else. However, that wasn’t important. What was important for Tomoka was how her chakra behaved. 


She had been right. Even though her chakra did compress the air the way it did felt lacking to her. In her mind’s eye she made a visualization of the situation to comprehend it better. The previous jutsu felt like blowing air into a balloon before throwing said balloon. 


Following that image she began thinking. Yes a normal latex balloon would cause a slight increase in pressure to the air inside. However said increase was negligible at best. Her chakra was that balloon. It’s job was keeping the air inside. It did its job but the result was still disappointing. 


Then how about if she instead made her chakra like a gas tank. By doing that the amount of air she could pressure would be far greater but that leads to another problem. Her lung capacity can’t take all that air. Of course she could take that small amount of air and compress it into a small super compressed bullet but that's besides the point.


As she thought about it she came to realize her mistake. She had used her chakra after breathing the air in. She should have been using it even before that. By creating the container first she could breathe in a lot more air fixing the previously mentioned problem. 


While Tomoka was lost in thought, Nagi simply observed her. At times like this he wondered if Tomoka was really a child. Normally children would either become excited after using their first jutsu or disheartened by the lack of power of said jutsu. Tomoka would on the other hand stay silent. She would get lost in thought.


Nagi only smiled wryly as he continued observing Tomoka. As he was about to speak he saw her doing hand signs again. The exact same ones for the Air bullet she just used. Maybe he had thought too highly of her or she just didn’t show her emotions as much. He thought as he believed that her using the jutsu again was due to frustration but…


“Fuuton: wind bullet” As she said that Tomoka took a deep breath. This time however, she drew in around five times the amount her small lungs should be able to hold. A moment later a compressed wind bullet flew towards the target dummy. 




With that the dummy now sported a deep hole with broken wood jutting out of it. A little more and the air bullet would have been able to pierce through. With a satisfied smile Tomoka nodded her head, however, it was followed by loud coughing.


[You know at this point I should know better than to tell a stubborn girl like you to be careful but you should take better care of your body. I live here!]    


‘Oh shush you, it's just some internal bleeding from burst blood vessels in my lungs, nothing serious’ Saying that Tomoka swallowed the blood that had pooled in her mouth. No way in hell would she let her father see it. Only god knows what he would do if he saw it. 


“Tomoka, are you okay?” Of course Nagi became worried. However, he was reassured by his cute daughter that she was alright so he dropped it after a while. Like that they continued training for the rest of the day.       



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