Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

223. Interlude: Rosuto and Konoha

Apathy sets in, everything changes yet stays the same. What reason is there to act when I am all that remains. -█ROKE█  █NE █KT█OM-A█RR█O


He was having a panic attack, how could he not after what he had witnessed. Well, this wasn’t his first panic attack to tell you the truth. Nor was it the first caused by the event he had witnessed that day. However, to understand where he was coming from one needed to… well… understand where he had come from. 


Rosuto, no last name, formerly known as Alan williams. Now orphan of konohagakure after the nine tails incident. Really, out of all possible worlds he could have reincarnated in, he personally believed the Naruto world to be one of the worst ones. Especially so when you get no cheats. 


After getting killed by his crazy ex, Alan found himself reincarnated as Rosuto in the Naruto world. His first reaction was, of course, panic. That was the first of many panic attacks he suffered since then. After calming down a seed of hope and excitement blossomed in Alan. After all, wasn’t this the typical isekai template? So he did what any reincarnator worth their salt would do… he began trying to summon his system. 


Nothing, no matter how hard he tried no system would answer his pleas. Another panic attack later Alan figured out that his cheat, because he is a reincarnator, of course he has cheats, had to be some form of kekkei genkai or special bloodline. 


Only despair found Rosuto as he found out he didn’t possess any cheats, at least none he knew about. His stamina was barely average being slightly less than the other kids his age. Chakra was still something supremely foreign to him, something no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't grasp. 


Life continued and by the age of six when he finally got into the ninja academy, if barely. What he found there was that his chakra control was bad, barely acceptable. Not only that but his chakra reserves were even less than average! With that knowledge a few more panic attacks ensued. 


By the time he turned twelve and graduated from the academy he once again barely managed to do so. Although he put effort into his training he wasn’t like those protagonists from fanfictions that could train like madmen every day. Sure, at the beginning being able to use chakra and jutsu was exhilarating. Unfortunately, with time it became the norm and so the magic was lost. 


With that knowledge now you can understand why he would be in so much despair to suffer yet another panic attack after the latest chunin exams. Really, he hadn’t participated, his sensei didn’t believe them ready, and he agreed. Instead, his team went to spectate at his insistence. Afterall, despite the dangers, he still wanted to witness Naruto fighting Neji.


Instead, he was greeted with the sight of Hinata, Hinata of all people! Beating the living shit out of Neji before flipping the bird to her own clan. His mind had crashed hard then, even now he had trouble believing it. But that wasn’t all, oh no, instead of witnessing sasuke fighting Gaara, he saw a random girl he had no knowledge of doing the impossible. 


It is worth mentioning that Rosuto is older than Naruto by a year, he is from Neji’s and Lee’s batch. Not like he studied with them. His performance was far from enough to land him in the elite class where they were. 


Really, seeing this random, maybe Uzumaki, girl moving at unimaginable speeds while coated in lightning was something he would never, ever forget. Especially so after her last attack where a literal gigantic tree of lightning assaulted Gaara’s defense. Then all hell broke loose and the attack started.


He didn’t pee his pants no matter what anybody says. He didn’t do that once he saw Shukaku fighting against a giant toad in the middle of the arena. Nor did his jaw hit the floor once he saw the girl on top of said toad. Because really, how else was he to react seeing a gender bent Naruto Uzumaki. 


No matter how much he wanted to delude himself into believing that the girl was someone else he couldn’t. Afterall, in the whole of the Naruto verse that he knew of, Naruto is the only one with those prominent whisker-like marks.  


Once the attack started things became hectic. Thankfully, as a gening he wasn’t required to fight. Instead, like all other genins he was tasked with escorting the civilians into the bunkers for safety. No, he didn’t have a panic attack once he settled inside one of said bunkers. 


Things only became worse the next day. Konoha was on the verge of destroying itself as secrets upon secrets were laid bare before the population by the many, many, sheets of paper randomly scattered throughout the village. Rosuto, of course, had another panic attack once the realisation finally settled within his mind, canon was as good as royaly fucked out of existance.  


Hinata Hyuga had turned missing-nin after crippling her father and kidnapping her sister. Nozomi Uchiha, and wasn’t that cause for yet another panic attack, had also turned missing-nin after murdering the council of elders. Finally that girl with red hair had also turned missing-nin after aiding Orochimaru kill the third Hokage. Oh and we can’t forget about the Hyuga clan’s situation. How was he supposed to react to that besides having yet another panic attack!? 


In other words, his only advantage in this fucked up world was as good as gone. At this point, five days after the attack he was once again contemplating suicide. He had no way of making a difference and surviving what was to come… well, if it ever came now that things had changed so much, would be difficult if not impossible. 


If there was anything good to come from all of this is that Danzo, the bastard, is dead. Any Naruto fan knows that Danzo is pure evil. Any other villain had a “good” reason to do what they did, some belief that made their horrible actions worth it for them. Danzo on the other hand was evil and that was it. 


Another silver lining he could find out of the situation was that despite everything, Konoha wasn’t being attacked by the other villages for reasons unknown. Despite the village being at the border of collapse from internal conflict the other villages seemed content with watching. What Rosuto didn’t know was that the other villages were busy dealing with their own fires. 


Meanwhile Jiraiya felt like tearing his hair out. As the only possible Hokage candidate present in Konoha, the responsibility of preventing the village's imminent collapse fell on his shoulders. A responsibility he wanted to ditch but couldn’t out of love and respect for the village and his sensei. 


That didn’t mean he was willing to become the fifth Hokage. He would stabilize the village enough to skedaddle and that was it. There was no way in hell he would renounce his freedom for the chains of bureaucracy and paperwork. He had seen those chains drain the life out of his sensei and he wanted none of that. 


For now however, he would have to and to tell the truth he didn’t know what was worse. Having to deal with the mountains of paperwork, or the bickering of the clans. He had to stop more than one fight each time they got together as everyone's dirty laundry had been aired by their unknown enemy. 


Oh, he couldn’t forget about the reformed Hyuga clan. The new clan head, one elected by the now freed branch members, had made many, many demands. He had even threatened leaving the village if his demands were not met. Some he could work with, others not so much. The immediate imprisonment of all main branch members was a no go. It would be bending the laws and would set a dangerous precedent. 


In the end, Jiraiya felt a decade older with every passing moment. But he was close to stabilizing things enough. After that he would bail in search of Tsunade to offload the work on her. At least that is the plan anyway, should that not work he was already considering turning missing-nin. 


With another sigh Jiraiya continued working on his paperwork as his mind drifted to happier times when he would peep- I mean, research for his book. The poor thing laid abandoned as his written words were wasted in paperwork instead. His heart bled with sorrow for his fans that would now need to wait for his masterpieces. 


At least Naruko-chan’s visits were capable of healing his heart. The girl reminded him of his dear student and his wife immensely. He had been worried about her disappearance after the attack as no one could find her throughout the rest of that day and that night. Fortunately she reappeared in the early hours with her girlfriend Satsuki. 


Thinking about it made the old pervert’s nose bleed as he imagined what those two were doing hiding away throughout the night. However, he quickly shook his head clear of those thoughts. He was Naruko’s guardian now and so it was below him to see her in such a way. Not to mention that she was still too young, no matter her developed body. His thoughts were interrupted by the sight of the secretary assigned to him bringing in another, larger, stack of papers to his desk. 


No matter what anybody may say, he didn’t groan in exasperation at the sight. Instead, like the diligent, responsible man he is, he got to work without delay. No, he didn’t flee, and no he didn’t do so in the direction of the women's public baths. It is also false that the ANBU assigned to him had to drag him kicking and screaming back into the office. None of that happened and it wasn’t labeled as an S-ranked secret. 


Kagami was having a headache. Being a sensei wasn’t easy, much less one for a bunch of teens entering puberty. He had to deal with Naruko’s and Satsuki’s pink atmosphere on the daily, reminding her of how alone she truly is. 


To make matters worse, she could tell Ouka was getting along rather well with his former best friend Ino. The girl’s infatuation with Sasuke pretty much banished once he turned into a she. Instead, it somehow shifted to Ouka and wasn’t that a surprise. Even more surprising was Ouka’s rather quick reciprocation of the girl’s interest. To date, they weren’t a thing just yet but everybody with at least one eye and some brain cells could tell it was just a matter of time. 


Kagami had a suspicion that Sakura’s infatuation with Sasuke was a misinterpreted feeling of envy. She is no Yamanaka but Kagami could tell that Ouka’s behavior revealed an underlying pre-existing interest in Ino. Chances were, that Sakura had feelings for Ino back then, and so, once Ino expressed her interest in Sasuke the girl’s emotions combined in a weird blend that led to her infatuation with the Uchiha. Well, that was just Kagami’s guess. 


Now, why was she thinking so much about the relationships of her genin? That was due to her interpersonal relationships. Call her a narcissist but damn was she good looking and after the awkwardness of presiding her gender change things got… complicated. 


As of now Kagami didn’t find much she disliked about her situation. To tell the truth, she didn’t care all that much about it. Sure, dealing with the change of her anatomy and therefore her center of gravity had been a pain. Oh and don’t get her started on having a period. She thought being stabbed with a kunai was bad, period pains were far, far worse. 


Aside from that, she was fine and good… that is until her male colleagues got ideas. Once again, she is good looking and her body proportions are really nice. Not to mention that despite her gender change her likes remained mostly the same. So, her colleagues found her a tantalizing partner. Yeah, no she wasn’t interested in the least. She still liked women, thank you very much. That didn’t stop them from trying to woo her though, no matter how many times she told them so.


One thing she was grateful for was Gai's lack of interest. She won’t lie and say it didn’t hurt her pride a little. Come one, she is smoking hot. Instead, Gai kept being his usual self and challenged her every chance he got. Kagami was sure that his blood line would end with him just like hers would end with her. 


Obito found himself wondering more and more about the happenings of the world. After seeing Kagami for the first time he couldn’t help but have a singular thought invade his mind with annoying persistence: She is hot. Of course Rin is still the lost love of his life. That doesn’t mean he can’t appreciate his former teammate's new look. 


If Rin saw Kakashi how he saw Kagami he could very well understand her infatuation with the guy back then. That however wasn’t of importance, not now, not ever. His life had ended the day Rin died. He didn’t blame Kakashi for it, at least not after understanding the reason why he did it. No, he blamed this cruel world, a world he was working to change. 


Obito had no time for romantic interests or anything of the kind for that matter. He had a mission to accomplish and that mission just got a bit harder, or easier, depends on how you look at it. Afterall, with one of the jinchuriki’s now out there hunting her down should be easier in theory. Emphasis on the “in theory” part since as of now neither he nor Zetsu could find the damned girl. It was like she vanished from the face of the world.  


It was frustrating but not a big deal, the other jinchuriki was still around. Not to mention that it was still way too early to capture either of them. Afterall, the bijus should be gathered in ascending order. Sure, there was some wiggle room to work with but the nine tails should preferably be the last one to be captured and extracted otherwise things could get messy. 


In the end, Obito decided to leave since he had better things to do than ogle Kagami’s ass but damn was it a fine ass. Shaking his head one final time to disperse unnecessary thoughts, Obito left. 

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