Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

220. Interlude: Foxy fox

Kurama has been having some really good times lately. For starters, with his new body he got to roam around the real world. The food, sights and much more he could find on Yggdrasil made it so he enjoyed his time to the fullest. Hell, even that little inconvenience from when he got his body was forgotten now. 


~Flash back no jutsu~


[So, you will be putting me in there and a week to a month later I will have a flesh and blood body?] Kurama was still having a bit of a hard time believing this.


“Yup, though I still can’t figure out how it will go.” Tomoka said with a shrug as she continued fiddling with some data here and there. She had been working with Orochi on this project and a few more. Mainly the creation of his own body as well. 


“You never had a physical body per se, no genetic information in your soul so to speak. However, I got feeling that your soul will still cause changes to the body.” After saying that Tomoka finished the preparations for the transfer. Normally, the removal of a biju from the jinchuriki would result in death. Tomoka however, was not a normal person. 


[And are you sure you will be fine?] Kurama didn’t know about all the complicated stuff. All he knew is that this could be dangerous for Tomoka. 


“Yeah, at most I will feel a bit winded and exhausted.” With that said Tomoka started the procedure by settling on the extraction chamber. The machine would normally extract the soul of whoever was inside. This one however, was modified so it would extract Kurama instead.   


With the machine starting its work Tomoka felt how Kurama’s large chakra reserves left her body. Although Kurama would be extracted, a small part of him would be left behind as he had wanted. In his own words: “Like this I get to keep an eye on you”. The tsundere fox was worried for her from the looks of it. 


Once Kurama’s soul was extracted it was placed inside the modified zygote that would grow into his new body. And so it did, after a week his body had grown to maturity and so the chamber unlocked itself after draining the nutritional fluid. 


“Did it wor-” Kurama suddenly stopped speaking after hearing his own voice. It sounded like that of a woman, soft like velvet yet tempting like caramel. It sounded seductive to an uncanny degree. 


“Wow.” Turning around, Kurama saw Tomoka on one corner. The girl had kept herself unaware of Kurama’s development within the chamber as she wanted to be surprised, and surprised she was. 


Quickly Tomoka formed an ice mirror so Kurama could see himself, or should it be herself now? Anway, what Kurama saw was a voluptuous woman with long orange-red hair. Her eyes deep crimson with slit pupils. On her delicate heart shaped face whiskers like markings adorned her cheeks. 


From the shock of seeing herself Kurama opened her mouth slightly letting her elongated canines show. Overall, Kurama had an air of mischief and predatory seduction. Her height of almost two meters along her curvaceous body would captivate anyone interested in womanly beauty without exception. 


Delicate hands with long pointy fingernails gave her visage a mixture of graceful danger with threatening temptation. With the mirror a few steps away Kurama couldn’t help but walk forward to see herself better. The action caused her hips to sway seductively as she balanced the nine fox tails that danced behind her back. 


Long fox ears atop her head added to her already impressive height as they twitched this way and that giving the woman a sense of cute innocence should one ignore everything else. Overall, Kurama turned into the definition of a seductive milf. 


“What the fuck Tomoka!?” Hell, even her angry expression would turn on those with that inclination. Kurama was livid, he had wanted to believe that Tomoka wouldn't pull a prank like this yet here he is.


“WAIT! I swear I had nothing to do with this! As a matter of fact, I am as surprised as you! Give me a sec.” Tomoka quickly began reviewing all the data provided by the chamber throughout the last weeks. What she found made her want to laugh at Kurama’s misfortune. 


“Okay so, it's not my fault! As you asked, the zygote was pre programmed with a Y chromosome, meaning you should have had a male body. Your soul however was the one that cause the change.” Kurama felt indignation. He wanted to call Tomoka a lier yet he couldn't, she hadn’t lied or at least he couldn’t detect one. 


“Explain.” That was all Kurama said as he squinted his eyes. No matter how comfortable this body felt he was a male! Even if the way he moved felt natural or how the weight at his chest felt right, HE. IS. A. MALE!


“Well, this is a conjecture but my best guess goes as follows. Bijus have no biological body, you guys are fully made out of chakra. Your gender therefore is mostly defined by the concentration of yin energy vs yang energy. From the data I have gathered from Shukaku he has around ten percent more yang energy than yin composing his chakra. From the one I have gotten from Matatabi it's the inverse with a twelve percent difference.” Taking a moment to breathe she continued. 


“You on the other hand… You are the yin half of the whole. In other words, unless you fuse back with the yang half no matter how many times we try your body will always turn out female.” Hearing this Kurama saw the light! All he had to do was fuse back with his other half and all will be good!


“Unfortunately that won’t work anymore either.” That single sentence made Kurama despair. 


“EXPLAIN! NOW!” He was desperate! Now that he had experienced having a flesh and blood body, even if it was for a few minutes, he didn’t want to go back!


“Well, it's kinda my fault but not really? The same way my chakra increased when I was little thanks to yours, yours has increased thanks to me. Now you, yin Kurama have around twenty five percent more chakra than your yang half.” Hearing this, Kurama wanted to cry. 


With a cute pout and small tears forming on the corner of her eyes Kurama looked lethally cute. There simply wasn’t a way to reconcile the image of the hundred meter large angry fox with the seductive, cute and beautiful kitsune now. 

“So, I’m sorry to say this but you are stuck like this… Kumama.” Hearing Tomoka’s mocking nickname Kurama exploded in anger, a red chakra cloak covered her body.


“I’m going to kill you!” And with that scream the game of chase was on.


~flash back end~


“Mnn, that hits the spot.” Kurama’s sensual moan made the poor girl massaging her back flush red. This girl was one of the many random people Tomoka’s phantoms had saved throughout the world. She didn’t have any ninja worthy skill. What she was good at however was giving massages and so she quickly found work at a spa.


‘I’m not gay, I’m not gay, I’m not gay!’ The girl chanted inside her head over and over again as she massaged the sinful body of the kitsune. She was having a hard time keeping her eyes away from Kurama’s shapely ass or the side boob she could see. 


“I see you are enjoying yourself as well honey.” Kurama said with a seductive voice as she raised her ass a little bit pushing it against the poor girls wandering hands. 


To tell the truth, Kurama had come to love her womanly body. Above that she loved sex. Really, she blamed Tomoka thoroughly for that one. Being trapped inside that deviant girl had been torture. Back then he hadn’t been able to understand the concept of sex and why it was pleasurable. Now however, curiosity had gotten the better of her and so she had her experience with one of the relief androids. That was her first experience and ever since she had gotten hooked up. 


“Ah! Sorry miss, it won’t happen again!” The poor girl quickly apologized. Afterall, it was very well known by now that the woman she had been massaging was someone of importance within Yggdrasil. 


With laguid movements Kurama propped herself up not bothering to hold the towel meant to hide her voluptuous breasts. She could see how the girl’s eyes instantly followed the gentle sway of her fun bags. 


“What if, I want you to enjoy yourself as well.” Saying that Kurama stood up before walking towards the girl with a seductive yet predatory gait. 


“What if, I want to enjoy you.” The girl had walked back until her back was against the wall. Her cheeks tinted red as Kurama stopped a few steps before her, just far away enough that her melons were mere millimeters away from her. 


“What if-” Kurama towered over the girl, fully naked and enjoying the experience. She carefully took the girl's hand before placing it back on the ass cheek she had been fondling not a minute prior. 


“I want you to enjoy me.” Saying that Kurama guided the girl’s other hand to one of her breasts. Her predatory smile and lustful gaze so intense the girl turned her face with embarrassment. 


“I-I’m s-straight.” The protest came out soft as a whisper with little to no strength behind it. The fact the girl wasn’t moving her hands away from Kurama’s curves didn’t help either. 


Leaning forward Kurama pressed her chest against the girl’s own as she placed her scarlet red lips next to the girl’s ear. Exhaling softly, Kurama took pleasure in feeling the girl squirm. 


“So is spaghetti, until it gets wet.” While saying that Kurama moved her own hand giving the girl’s chest a gentle grope earning a delightful moan from the clearly aroused girl. 


“Don’t worry honey, once you have a tast-” Interrupting herself, Kurama captured the girls lips with her own in a simple, almost chaste kiss. 


“You won’t want to go back.” By this point the poor girl’s eyes became hazy with want. Seeing this Kurama’s smile grew a bit wider as she pulled the girl towards the massage bed. Now, it was Kurama’s turn to massage the girl, a more intimate massage she would never forget. 


Waking up a few hours later Kurama smiled at the girl clinging to her like a koala. Her short brown hair is still a mess from the sensual activities they had enjoyed together. Although the girl didn’t sport the best curves out there she was as cute as a button. Kurama thoroughly enjoyed bullying and devouring her. 


Remembering the events of a few hours ago Kurama licked her lips. Even more so when she spotted the bruised skin where she had instinctually marked her conquest. Just seeing the multiple hickeys she had given the girl made her loins become heated again. 


Even so, Kurama didn’t feel like going for another round. She had thoroughly exhausted the poor girl. Not to mention that Kurama was sure the girl had fully joined what Tomoka called the yuri club. After this, Kurama was sure the poor thing wouldn’t be able to find a man that could satisfy her. Deciding that she had stayed for long enough Kurama began to gently kiss the girl into wakefulness.      


“Mnn, mistress?” Hearing this, Kurama's predatory smile came back. 


“That was the play of last night-” Saying that Kurama gave the girl’s breast a gentle grope. 


“But I can become your actual mistress if you want me to.” Still giving the small breast a massage Kurama gave the girl a seductive smile. 


Now fully awake the girl felt a combination of shame, embarrassment and arousal. She didn’t know if Kurama was toying with her or if she meant it. Even if she did mean it, was the girl ready to accept?


“I-I uh…” Lost for words, the girl didn’t know what to do, and Kurama’s ministrations weren’t helping! 


“Relax, no need to take things too fast. Though I have things to do, places to be so I will be taking my leave.” Hearing Kurama’s words, the girl felt disappointed in what? she didn’t really know. 


“Here is my contact info. I will be coming back for more massages in the future as well. Who knows, we can even go for more… private massages at the time.” Saying that Kurama left after winking towards the flushed red girl. Once outside Kurama met with a slightly exasperated Lust.


“Let me guess, Miss Mina had joined the yuri club as well.” Hearing this, Kurama just shrugged. After her more… sexual side had awakened Kurama became quick friends with Lust, even enjoying each other’s bodies on the regular.  


“What can I say, I’m just that good.” Hearing Kurama’s words Lust just huffed. The male population of Yggdrasil was having a bad time with the increase of Lesbians thanks to Kurama’s shenanigans. It’s only been around two months since Kurama got her new body and she had already bedded at least thirty different “straight” women. 


“Yeah, yeah, you are. Though I am obliged to ask, when are you going to have kids of your own?” Hearing this Kurama stumbled almost planting face first onto the floor. Almost, no matter what anybody says she didn’t fall. 


“That again Lust?” This was a frequent question Lust would ask the horny kitsune. 


“Yup.” Not intimidated by Kurama's frown, Lust responded while popping the p. 


“Give me a break. I have only had this body for two months! Not to mention that I am no mother material anyway.” Once again the duo began bickering about the subject. It wasn’t that Kurama didn’t want kids. She just didn’t feel ready, not to mention she hadn’t found a partner she would like to have kids with anyway. After a bit more bickering Kurama changed the subject. 


“Has Tomoka awakened yet?” At the question Lust’s easy going demeanor banished instead replaced by a seriousness rarely seen from her. 


“Not yet. It's already been a month and we are growing worried. Hinata-sama and Nozomi-sama have started going on missions too and I quote “Let off some steam.”” Hearing this, Kurama sighed.


‘Come on Tomoka, what is taking you so long? We are worried over here.’ 

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