Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

218. Tour pt4

“This place feels magical.” Temari was the one to make that comment as she looked around. The sight of the many branches of Yggdrasil on the black shimmering backdrop of her leaves made it a beautiful sight to behold. It was as if her branches were reaching through the endless expanse of space. Despite this, the palace wasn’t dark as small lights would float around the place. 


“What are these things?” Naruko ever the curious one asked as she poked on of the many floating lights. To her surprise it felt like poking a water balloon as the light began wiggling while floating away. 


“Oh, those are will’ O’ wisps. Spores Ygg’s leaves produce to light the place. They can also do this.” Taking one of the many wisps floating around Tomoka poured a bit of her chakra in it. A moment later the light orb began to unravel into a beautiful, ethereal flower made of lightning before dissipating. 


“How did you do that?” Kankuro asked, surprised at seeing the spectacle. 


“The wisps are very reactive to chakra. My main element is lightning so pouring a bit of my chakra makes them bloom into lightning flowers. Try it, it's fun.” Taking her suggestion everyone else picked one of the wisps off the air before pouring some chakra into it. 


Satsuki’s and Orochi’s bloomed into fire-flowers that quickly disappeared. Naruko’s Temari’s and Kankuro’s became wind-flowers dissipating into the wind. Hinata’s, Gaara’s and Karin’s turned into rock-flowers which began crumbling moments after. Finally Nozomi’s turned into a water-flower that lost its form moments after flowing off her hands.        


“Fun, isn’t it? The spores last around twelve hours before losing their light. After that they fall to the ground where Ygg reabsorbs them or they become fertilizer for the plants around. What is even more fun is this.


Saying that Tomoka took another spore before infusing her chakra in it. Unlike before the flower that appeared was made of ice. Repeating her actions once again the flower that appeared was instead made of lava and the one after out of superheated steam. 


“If you have a kekkei genkai you can also infuse it into the spore to make a flower out of it.” She didn’t bother with using wood release to create a flower. After all, the end result would be a completely normal flower that would wilt moments after. 


Tomoka’s sudden actions caused everyone present to make a double take. While Hinata and Nozomi had been aware of her wood release and ice release they hadn’t known about the lava or boil release. Of course those she got from Mai Terumi after offering her a similar deal to the one she gave Haku. 


“How?” The most surprising of them all was Orochimaru who had been studying kekkei genkai for the longest time. Tomoka to date has shown a total of five, maybe six different kekkei genkai. It simply didn’t make sense.  


“I am the definition of bloodline theft, Orochimaru. I can get any kekkei genkai by consuming some of the genetic material of a user. Think of it as my original kekkei genkai if you will.” After hearing that Kankuro and Temari became frightened shitless. Just that would make Tomoka a horrible enemy to face. 


“Though I don’t use them much, if at all. Lightning release as it is is my go to anyway.” Hearing that more than one of those present deadpanned as they felt like choking Tomoka to death. How many ninja’s in the world had performed inhuman experiments to get just one kekkei genkai and here she is with a bunch of them yet using a basic elemental release instead. 


“I mean sure they are convenient to have. Wood release is useful for making bodies for my phantoms. Ice release lets me make mirrors when I don’t have one at hand. Lava release is… meh. And I can make some mean boiled eggs with boil release.” Please ignore the crooked smiles directed at Tomoka. 


“That reminds me, Orochi could you get me some of Kimimaro’s blood? Oh, and Yugo’s too. Mama wants more kekkei genkais for her collection.” By this point Tomoka felt like gathering kekkei genkais with the mentality of a gamer gathering achievements on a game. For bragging rights and all that. 


“Only if you can make some clones of Kimimaro, he is about to die and I want to better study his physiology.” Not bothering with Tomoka’s eccentric behavior Orochimaru instead focused on what he could gain in the exchange. 


“Deal. Now, with that done, let's get to the last level, Asgard.” Moments later everyone disappeared from the spot, repairing inside a rather large well furnished bedroom. 


“This is my personal room in Asgard, the reason I brought you all here is because this is the place with the best view and I want your first impression to be the best.” With that said Tomoka walked forward opening the balcony doors letting everyone see what lay beyond. 


Once outside everyone was enraptured by the sight. As far as the eye could see they saw a sea of shimmering black leaves with wisps floating around. On the Horizon they couldn’t distinguish between the sky and the sea of leaves as they blended together. This gave the impression of the golden city below floating in space. Not even a single cloud in sight. This high up the stars and moon were perfectly visible adding the final touches to the mesmerizing sight of the setting sun on the Horizon. 


“Beautiful isn’t it?” Tomoka asked as she leaned on the wooden railing of the balcony. After letting everyone enjoy the sight for a while longer Tomoka spoke once more. 


“Asgard is the managing center of Yggdrasil. The council lives up here as well as their respective server farms. The golden city we are currently on is affixed to Yggdrasil’s branches using a myriad of hydraulic locking mechanisms. Should it become necessary the entire Asgard can detach from Yggdrasil and move by itself. 


While talking Tomoka’s eyes never left the Horizon nor the sun that was quickly hiding behind. This reminded her of how far she had gotten in this world. It also reminded her of all that she still needed to do. Even so as long as those she cares about are safe she could enjoy the journey. 


“Come on everyone, let's continue the tour.” With that said Tomoka guided everyone to the different places on Asgard, First the council room. Although most of the things in Ygg were handled by her AIs and therefore a physical council room would be unnecessary there were a few biologicals that also worked with the council. Next was the V.A.U.L.T which stands for, Valuables, Assignation, Utilities, Labors, and Transactions. 


V.A.U.L.T is the domain of Greed and he is the one in charge of the different sectors of it. Of course he has a few other AIs working for him to manage it all. This is the place in charge of pretty much everything that has to do with economics in Yggdrasil. However, the best thing to show from this place is the vault. That’s right, V.A.U.L.T’s vault. 


Inside everyone’s jaws dropped as they could see valuables everywhere. From tons upon tons of different chakra metals to gold jewels, scrolls of jutsus and whatever else you could imagine holds value. Even more eye-catching would be the rather absurd amount of defenses on the place. Fuinjutsu is inscribed on every surface with a myriad of different effects. Different mechanical weapons currently in a deactivated state could be seen.   


“I really, really, really want to see someone trying to steal from here.” Tomoka commented with pride. If someone were to try it would be a sight to behold. 


After that Tomoka continued showing everyone around to the different domains of her AIs. Wrath’s was called the Danger center. Lust’s was called the baby cradle. She had wanted to call it the baby maker but that notion had been denied by the council. Sloth’s was called the Eternal rest. Gluttony’s was called hell’s kitchen. Envy’s was called Harmony. And Finally Pride’s was called the silver palace. 


“Well, with this the tour is over, any thoughts?” At that Tomoka didn’t receive any answer. The whole of Yggdrasil was like an entirely different world from their own. Some of them were wondering when they would wake up from this rather weird yet enjoyable dream. 


“None? Well, whatever, we still have stuff to do anyway.” After saying that Tomoka made a few new Phantoms before speaking again.


“Alright, Each of you follow a phantom to your accommodations, you can also ask them questions. After you know where you will be living from now on you can ask them to take you elsewhere if you like. Not you two though, you will be coming with me.” That last comment was said while pointing towards Satsuki and Naruko. 


Moments later the three of them were once again on Alfheim, inside Tomoka’s personal lab. Hinata and Nozomi, after a bit of arguing, had also followed along. After all, there was no way they would be leaving anywhere else but with Tomoka anyway. 


“I guess it’s time to revive your parent’s Naruko.” While saying that Tomoka pressed a button on her womp. Moments later a wall spun around showing a pair of adults inside glass chambers floating in liquid. Their modesty is covered by very, very, tight black fabric. 


“C-can you really do it?” Naruko really wanted to believe her, truly. Though doing so is rather hard. Death has always been something final. Many have tried to reverse it before but none have succeeded, at least that she is aware of. 


“Sure can.” With that said Tomoka worked on her womp once again. The fluid quickly drained from the glass chambers as the bodies were laid on cold metal operating tables by mechanical arms. 


“Now this is the hard part.” While the whole name of the edo tensei is Kuchiyose edo tensei, meaning Unholy earth reincarnation. Tomoka’s version is Kanryo edo tensei, or complete earth reincarnation, and so…


“Kanryo edo tensei.” Placing her hands on the cloned bodies of Minato and Kushina, Tomoka focused on summoning their souls back from the pure land. In the past Tomoka had failed to revive people whose souls had already reached the pure lands. T the problem being the connection the soul kept with the pure land. Keeping the connection would result in the inevitable demise of the resurrected person. On the other hand, every attempt at cutting the connection had resulted in the soul going inert until the connection was reestablished a while later by an automated process from the pure lands.  


This time however, Tomoka felt like she could break the connection successfully. It was nothing more than a gut feeling. The key to it was her soul, she knew it somehow but she couldn’t tell why. It was strange yet she followed her instincts. 


Moments after her palms touched the clone’s chests, fuinjutsu seals began appearing covering the bodies from head to toe. What none else besides Tomoka could see was the presence of two souls appearing from a different layer of space. These souls were linked to that layer by a strand of soul matter. 


Carefully Tomoka exerted her own soul. How the original edo tensei worked was by tethering the summoned soul to the carnal world through the summoner's soul. Tomoka however wasn’t using her soul to form a tether. Instead her black amorphous soul, which she still needed to study, wrapped around the tether to the pure lands. 


After a moment the tether to the pure lands began breaking like glass where Tomoka’s soul touched it. The excretion tired Tomoka to the extreme, she hadn’t felt this tired in forever. However, her job wasn’t done just yet. Working her chakra and soul, Tomoka pushed the pair of souls into their respective bodies. Moments later the fuinjutsu seals began disappearing as their job had been fulfilled.  


Silence, absolute silence fell on the lab as everyone held their breaths waiting for the results of Tomoka’s actions. She had removed her hands from the clone’s chests a while ago and with each passing moment Naruko lost her hope. However, when she was just about to let go two loud gasps could be heard followed by loud coughing. 


“What? Where? What’s going on?” The first to talk was Minato who went into a coughing fit with each question. 


“W-we, are alive?” Kushina, who had managed to finally control her coughing fit, asked while looking at her body in surprise. The last thing she remembered was dying by the kyubi’s claws. 


“Yup, I brought you back to the world of the living.” Hearing a cheerful voice saying that both became on guard instantly. Minato knew about the edo tensei thanks to his short tenure as Hokage. Meanwhile Kushina as a Uzumaki felt wary towards anyone who could claim such a thing. The Uzumaki being a clan who held close ties to the shinigami. 


“What did you do?” Kushina was the first one to ask.” Even though she felt perfectly well and alive there was no doubt in her mind that there must be a catch. There is no such thing as a perfect revival technique. 


“I cloned your bodies and called your souls from the pure land before severing the tether that held your souls captive in it before placing them in your cloned bodies.” It sounded simple but neither could believe her. For starters cloning was something hard to believe but even if she could do it, messing with the pure lands should be impossible. 


“M-mom, D-dad?” As they were about to continue their questioning a girl’s voice captured their attention. Blond hair with baby blue eyes. She looked like the living image of Minato and yet both could see that her facial features resembled closely to those of Kushina. 


““Who?”” Both asked surprised at the same time. They both remember having a baby boy, not a girl and yet it was undeniable that this girl is their daughter. As their minds began overheating trying to figure things out a giggle was heard coming from the person who had claimed to have revived them. 


“Here, this should help.” Making a hand seal, the girl moved faster than they could react, placing her middle and index finger of her right and left hand on Kushina and Minato respectively. 


Both wanted to get away instantly however, the sudden flow of memories froze them in place. Wary of being placed on a genjutsu or having their minds messed by genjutsu both flared their chakra while trying to figure out what was going on. Moments later both stopped as they looked around the room. 


“Is… is all of this real?” Minato still felt wary of the memories but there was no denying the fact that they were provided through his own chakra. The very same chakra he had sealed in his son, now daughter, Nartuo, now Naruko. 


“Every bit of it. Not only that but you two have a lot of catching up to do.” Both nodded with solemn expressions. They would need time to work through the decade and a bit of time they had missed. 


“Can… can you… please.” The silence was sliced through by a choked voice coming from one Satsuki Uchiha as she looked Towards Tomoka with begging eyes. It was more than obvious what she was asking. 


“Sure can. Though not now, I am utterly and truly drained. who would have thought that bringing people back from the dead would be so exhausting.” At that everyone deadpanned except for a single person who tackled Tomoka into a tight hug.


“Thank you.” That was all Satsuki said, that was all she could really say. Things would be better from now on, she knew it. 

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