Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

216. Tour pt3

The rest of the day was spent playing different games in the big room. From realistic Halo to somewhat realistic minecraft. Tomoka had a lot of fun seeing orochimaru mess with redstone. He had been far more interested in the biology behind creepers. However, after realizing they were just light constructs with no actual biology he decided to turn towards something else. 


At night Nozomi received her reward plus punishment. Reward for winning and punishment for cheating. Both Tomoka and Hinata Noticed how Nozomi’s car would accelerate past what looked to be normal. It so happens that Nozomi used a bit of her dojutsu in the heat of the moment. That night Nozomi reached both the heights of heaven and the depths of hell from pleasure alone. 


The next day after a good breakfast everyone got ready to continue with the tour. They had already seen so many amazing things none of them could wait for what was to come. Especially Orochimaru who wanted to see the main labs already. 


“Alright people, next stop is Jotunheim. It is the least interesting of the levels in my opinion since it's used mostly as storage.” Once Tomoka finished speaking everyone reappeared on a teleportation platform. By this point everyone had already grown used to teleporting around. 


Walking to the usual balcony that oversaw the entire level they were met with the visage of Jotunheim. Flying robots carrying this and that here and there. From food, to textiles to metals to whatever else you can imagine. The entire place was a hub of robotic activity as the drones moved things to their respective platforms to be transported elsewhere. In other words…


“As you can see Jotunheim is pretty much a completely automated warehouse. It is also the place with the most teleportation platforms as things are constantly being brought in or out.” Once finished with her little explanation she let everyone watch the dance of drones until they grew bored of it. 


“Alright, let's get going. Next stop is Midgard.” Once again everyone disappeared from their spot reappearing on the usual teleportation platform. Unlike other times there were other people teleporting in or out. 


“Midgard is the main residential area of Yggdrasil. The closer to the center the more grandiose the buildings and their respective living areas.” Tomoka explained as they began to walk from the outer rim towards the towering buildings at the center. Everyone watched as the houses they passed by became better and more spacious the further they walked. 


“As you can see, these residences have the absolutely minimum necessary for survival. They are free and do not require any merit or credit upkeep to keep them. Of course an individual can only have one. The more luxuries the more credit or merit that needs to be paid for upkeep.” 


As Tomoka explained, they continued to walk through the city. Despite the living accommodations density everything still felt spacious and natural. The city looked beautiful with hanging gardens here and there with parks sprinkled around. 


“Despite how it may look from the outside, some buildings are way larger on the inside thanks to expansion seals and spatial compressors. I ran the numbers and this place has a maximum population capacity of ten billion people.” Now that got everybody's attention. Ten billion people is a rather ridiculous number for them. Is there even a single billion people living on the planet? 


On the other hand, for Tomoka ten billion people is a rather small number. Afterall, in her past life humans had already passed the trillion mark. What she was forgetting is that they did so after colonizing multiple planets.


“Now that I have talked about credit and merit I will explain. Credit is earned by doing work, simple as that. Merit on the other hand is earned through different methods. For example, participating in the military will earn you merit as it is a rather dangerous yet crucial job. Similarly working on one of the scientific branches will earn you merit as you make discoveries.” 


Once finished with her explanation Tomoka let everyone just look around. Some would go in and out of buildings checking the expanded space inside. Others would just admire the architecture. Tomoka had designed this entire place to be pleasant to the eyes with the help of her AIs. After a while longer everyone had satisfied their curiosity and so the group moved on. 


“Next stop is Alfheim and I know for a fact you will love this one Orochi.” Tomoka said with a smug grin as once again the group teleported onto the next level. Once out of the teleportation area the sight they came to was that of what looked like a gigantic complex of laboratories. 


“Welcome to Alfheim, our main research center.” a small chuckle escaped Tomoka once she saw Orochi almost vibrating in place from excitement. Though most rooms were fully sealed they could see everything through the clever usage of microcameras and screens. 


“Mechanics, chemistry and biology you can find all of it here. The world’s physics is your play thing in this place. There is no subject of study prohibited and no limit we won’t break!” Once finished with her little speech Tomoka began showing everyone around. 


“Alright, here is the first stop: the clone farms.” After saying that Tomoka opened the door to the room she stood in front of. What everyone saw beyond was neat rows upon rows of bodies suspended in liquid inside glass chambers. 


“Many experiments require human test subjects. The clone farms provide said test subjects. I am sure Orochimaru here can understand and appreciate the usefulness of having fewer variables in an experiment. As each clone is an exact replica of the original, using the same clone for experiments makes it so you don’t have to worry about variations in the subject you are using.”


Tomoka had to subdue a chuckle as she saw Orochimaru almost skip forward with a massive creepy smile on his face. This was like a wet dream for him. So much research material, so many possibilities. 


“Alright, with that out of the way let's continue.” After a while the group reached a new door which opened automatically for Tomoka. Once inside everyone got to see how spacious the lab was, not to mention the many machines all over the place. 


“This is my personal lab. I brought you all here to take a look at Orochi’s cursed seal on Satsuki.” At those words everyone else turned to look towards both Orochi and Satsuki who began touching the place where the mark is. 


“Damn Orochi, this is a mess.” Before anyone could say anything Tomoka spoke again. Turning around everyone saw a holoprojection of the unraveled cursed seal in front of Tomoka.


“Alright, the red parts are unstable, purple ones are unnecessary, yellow ones are redundant or inefficient, blue ones can be made better and finally the green ones are fine.” Tomoka said while pointing at the cursed seal that now looked like a weird rainbow of colors. 


Hearing Tomoka’s words Orochimaru frowned a little. He had spent years working on this cursed seal. It was hard for him to believe that Tomoka could unravel the thing just like that. Not to mention finding and maybe fixing the flaws.  


“Alright so… this goes here, this has to go… oh would you like that, how cute… This upside down… Oh come on, this one is child's play… Move this here… attach this there… and done.” Once Tomoka finished fiddling with the seal the whole thing was lit green. The new parameters could be read at the side. 


Orochi who had seen the girl work had sweat on his back despite being a clone. Though it had been a bit hard to follow what she had been doing he still managed to do so somehow. The work he had spent years developing had been seamlessly perfected by the girl in a matter of seconds.    


Caught in his curiosity and thirst for knowledge Orochi began fiddling with the holoprojector. Soon enough he began working proficiently using it as it was very intuitive by design. He had his original seal to one side and Tomoka’s version on the other. He would fiddle with this and that, trying to make his own version of Tomoka’s modifications. 


“Well, looks like he is having fun. Anyway, Satsuki, want me to modify your seal? This new version is more stable and a few times stronger than the original. It is, however, the basic version. In other words I made it an all rounder. Once using the seal you will gain equal amounts of chakra, body strength, speed etc. I could work on some other versions that focus on one aspect or the other but I don’t feel like it.” 


By this point Naruko had her eyes spinning while the others looked somewhat confused. Even so, Satsuki understood the gist of it. Nodding her head, Satsuki prepared herself to feel pain like back then when Orochimaru placed the cursed seal on her. 


“Oh right before I forget. Yo, Orochi, you don’t mind me taking that piece of your soul out, do you.” Before anybody else could react to Tomoka’s outrageous words Orochi waved his hand nonchalantly while speaking. 


“Do whatever you want.” He was way too busy playing… cough… working on the seal. 


“Well that was easy.” Not minding it, Tomoka just tapped Satsuki’s shoulder before clapping her hands. 


“All done.” Satsuki just blinked her eyes as she processed what had just transpired. She had just learned that a part of Orochimaru’s soul was in the seal. Not only that but Tomoka both modified the seal and removed the soul fragment with just a tap. 


“Uh thanks.” Hearing Satsuki extra confused thanks, Tomoka suppressed a giggle. Messing with people sure was fun, not like she was doing it on purpose. 


“Oh, also, with the modifications you now have access to the second stage transformation. No need to thank me.” After saying that Tomoka turned around to talk with Orochi leaving Satsuki even more confused. Meanwhile the rest of the group just smiled, some with amusement, some wry from the strain on their minds. 


“Hey Orochi, you still want a sharingan?” That got Orochimaru’s attention. He had agreed to Tomoka removing his soul fragment from Satsuki’s seal as he understood that there was now way his original plan would work. 


“What do you have in mind?” 


“You saw the clone farm. I can clone people but I am not that good at genetic modification, you are though. It would be just a matter of creating a clone of you and injecting it with some Uchiha genetics.” Hearing that Orochimaru’s snake-like smile repeated. He had long theories that the reason why he needed to change bodies so often was due to incompatibility between the body and his soul. 


“Also, we will need to work on fixing that messed up soul of yours. It looks like swiss cheese from my perspective.” Somewhat intrigued Orochimaru wanted to know more about this so he asked. It didn’t take long for Tomoka and Orochimaru to get lost in scientific discussion. 


Meanwhile Satsuki managed to regain her wits after the few quick fire shocks she received. Thinking about it, Satsuki felt a bit giddy about this power up wanting to test it right away. Taking a deep breath she concentrated on activating the seal. 


“Satsuki?” Naruko, seeing Satsuki being covered by the seal, became worried.


“I am just testing it out, no need to worry.” More than hearing what Satsuki said, what made Naruko relax was her calm, loving smile. 


Once the seal fully covered Satsuki she felt her strength skyrocket. The modified seal felt amazing; it was way better than the original. She felt at least twice as strong as when she activated the original seal. Taking a deep breath to calm herself a little Satsuki wondered how she could activate the second phase. 


Just thinking of doing so seemed to do the trick as the seal expanded further covering her entire body not leaving a single inch of skin free from itself. What came next was an amazing transformation as Satsuki grew a pair of cat ears on top of her head followed by a cat tail growing from her lower back. 


That wasn’t all however as Satsuki’s pupils changed into slits like those of a cat, a trio of thin whiskers growing from her cheeks as her nails elongated a bit into claws. Thin fur growing from her elbow to her fingers as well as from her knees to her toes.   


“Uh, I swear I didn’t know it would turn out like this.” Tomoka, who had noticed Satsuki’s chakra surge, turned around to see the girl being turned into a very cute cat girl. 


“What is this Nya!” Satsuki quickly covered her mouth with both hands as the cute nya escaped her mouth making Naruko swoon a little. Though Satsuki felt many times more powerful with her enhanced senses and extra chakra reserves, being turned into a cat girl was a bit too embarrassing. 


Seeing how cute Satsuki turned out both Nozomi and Hinata’s eyes zeroed in on Tomoka. Their glare demanded that the red head give them a seal as well. 


‘Ahem, I’m not a furry but…’


[Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. I want out, you hear me? I want out!]  

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