Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

21. A chill day

It's been a week since Tomoka began training for her Lightning release. At the start it was rather hard since she had to figure out how to use it without sapping herself. Which she did more than once. Fortunately she figured a few things out. 


For starters. After studying her mother’s Lightning a bit more she figured how to use lightning release the normal way. It is weaker than her version but the stability and control far surpases hers.


It so happens that the quote on quote normal way of using lightning release is to vibrate the chakra while imagining lightning. The faster the vibration as well as the clearer the image the stronger the lightning. 


By learning the normal way she also figured out how to mix the two. This strengthened her lightning release. Her version as of now is stronger than normal lightning release albeit a little less stable. You win some, you lose some. Either way, thanks to her understanding of electricity she has figured clever ways of using it. 


One of them is the use of an insulating film of chakra. This allows her to create a large charge inside the insulating chakra. After she can remove the layer of chakra to cause a large discharge of electricity. 


The only problem is that once this is done she loses all control over the result. In other words it will hit the first conductive object near it. Be it friend or foe. 


Tomoka’s mother was extremely happy seeing her daughter's fast progress. All the lightning jutsus she taught her were learnt rather quickly. Not to mention her skill with chakra. 


Of course this doesn’t mean Tomoka has mastered any of the justus she has been taught. She can use them, yes. However, she has to go through all the hand signs at the moment. Not to mention there is still some wasted chakra in the process. Nothing a few more months of training can’t fix though. 


Tomoka has also been experimenting with the chakra wires she is able to make. They reminded her of Sunagakure’s puppeteers. If she is able to use them in a similar fashion her repertoire of skills would increase. However, there have been many problems in her development of the skill. 


Since there are no puppeteers in Konoha, Tomoka had no one to teach her. It was already a miracle that she could make the chakra wires. The current problem she was facing was the stability of the wire. As of now she could make wires half a meter in length. The wires became unstable the longer she made them. 


She had tried a few methods that came to mind but none seems to work. First she attempted to use more chakra. This helped but the increase was exponential so it was not an option in the end. Making the wires thicker led to the same result. Over all, Tomoka had grown frustrated and dropped the issue for a later time.      


Instead, she decided to take things easier for the time being. She is still a kid, she might as well enjoy some relaxation time and hang out with Nozomi. After the meeting in the park she had only seen her once. She might as well go see her again since she had nothing better to do at the moment. 


With a plan in mind Tomoka left for the Uchiha compound accompanied by her father. Her parents had agreed that one of them would always stay at home to watch over her ever since the arm incident. This time it was Nagi’s turn as Himiko was busy with a mission. 


“Tomoka, when are you going to ask papa to teach you Fuuton? I really want to teach you” Nagi broke the comfortable silence all of a sudden. He had been patiently waiting for Tomoka to ask him about it. However, with each day he grew anxious that perhaps his lovely daughter had no interest in learning wind release.


“Right! I almost forgot! Thanks for reminding me dad, how about tomorrow?” Tomoka did almost forget about it. She had been too engrossed in her lightning release training alongside her experimenting and physical training. 


“Sure thing, anything for my Tomoka” Breathing a sigh of relief Nagi smiled. Her worries had been for naught. 


As they walked Nagi couldn’t help but think about how blessed he and Himiko were. Tomoka was bright, skilled, cute and all that without being haughty. She never gave them any trouble, not even when she was a baby.


Him and Himiko are jounin but aside from that they aren’t special at all. Neither of them is from a clan, their background being civilians. It was through a lot of effort that they managed to get to where they currently are. 


As he continued to think about the past a smile appeared on his face. He really loved his family.                 

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