Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

203. A bit of drama

For those of you who don't know. M.A.D stands for Mutualy asured destruction

“You know, I wanted to have a little more fun with the old fool. Who would have thought he would go for a M.A.D? Oh well. Waste not and all that.” Orochimaru was wondering what the girl was blabbering about until he heard the thundering sound of wind being broken by an object flying faster than sound. 


A good two kilometers ahead he saw how a large object flying at supersonic speeds flew past the Hokage mountain. A moment later a thundering explosion resounded through the whole of Konoha as the carved face of Hiruzen exploded with such force its neighboring heads were damaged as well. 


“I wanted to do a little speech in front of the old man once he was bruised and beaten before blowing up the monument to add salt to the wound. Oh well, it doesn't matter now.” Orochimaru had a few questions he wanted to ask. However, before that he would admit that he would have liked seeing the vicious girl’s plan coming to fruition. 


Though his curiosity burned within he decided to keep silent instead of asking his questions. He would have time for that later. Not only that but asking now would be a poor move as showing too much interest would put him in a poor position when negotiating. As he thought of that he felt like he had just slapped himself. When had he started considering the girl his equal to the point he would negotiate with her? 


As Orochimaru kept within his thoughts Tomoka continued guiding them towards the extraction point. Funnily enough said extraction point was atop the Hokage mountain. She had instructed her girls to stay clear of the place until the third’s face exploded. She had also told Gaara about the extraction point. 


After dashing for a while longer they got near to the chaos unfolding at the base of the monument. People were running around, civilians screaming in confusion and terror. Ninja doing their best to calm the population while rescuing those they could. 


Instead of getting closer to the mess, the duo took a turn so they could climb the mountain from the side. If they were to try and dash through the crowd then many ninjas would try and stop them. Thanks to Tomoka’s little distraction no one worth their salt was anywhere near the place they started ascending the mountain. As Ninjas it took them no more than a few seconds to get to the top. 


Once there Tomoka looked around. Hinata was already there with Hanabi in her arms. Nozomi was still missing as well as Gaara. Using the phantom connected to the two she determined their locations. Nozomi was currently on her way to the mountain with a flock of ANBU hot on her heels. Gaara and Shukaku had been engaged in combat with Naruko and Gamabunta. Once the mountain exploded he disengaged as best he could. 


Currently Gaara was fleeing towards the mountain with his siblings hot on his heels and team Kagami minus two hot on their heels. Running a few quick calculations Tomoka determined that Nozomi would reach them first followed by Gaara a minute or two later. She didn’t mind killing the ANBU but dealing with Gaara’s siblings and team Kagami would be more troublesome. 


“Alright people get ready, we are leaving as soon as the rest of our group gets here!” Once Tomoka said that she turned around to look at seemingly nothing. A moment later the air in front of her shimered as a metallic construct painted black appeared in front of her. 


“Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the quinjet.” Said Machin was hovering a good three meters above them with its nose pointed in the direction of Konoha. This however, wasn’t the same jet that had delivered the payload that destroyed the monument. 


A moment after Tomoka finished her theatrics, Nozomi jumped on top of the mountain. Without stopping for a moment she dashed next to Tomoka before turning around. Following her the group of ANBU appeared atop the monument as well only to be confronted with the bizarre sight in front of them.


Unfortunately for the ANBU that single moment of surprise was paid with blood as the quinjet’s twin M61-Vulcan began spewing metal with a resounding roar. Only three seconds of continuous fire was needed to reduce a good portion of the group into meat paste. 


The three remaining ANBU that had reacted in time to shunshin out of the way were frightened shitless. One of the survivors had the misfortune of losing his left arm to the powerful weapon. 


Fortunately for them the quinjet couldn’t re-aim its guns fast enough from so close. Unfortunately they were not only outnumbered now but also outskilled. Before they could attempt to flee Tomoka, Hinata and Nozomi made their move. 


In an instant Hinata appeared next to the injured ninja delivering a fatal punch to the man’s chest. The weapon Tomoka had gifted her, Ember Celica, had been equipped with a puff of smoke a moment prior. As her fist connected with the poor man’s chest Ember Celica delivered a load of birdshot into the man point blank, shredding his entire chest into meat paste. 


Hinata would have worried about her sister seeing such a gruesome sight if the girl were to be conscious. Hanabi had fallen asleep while being carried by her. To make sure the girl would have a peaceful rest Hinata messed a bit with some of her tenketsu. Hanabi wouldn’t be waking up no matter what for the next hour or so. 


Nozomi for her part didn’t even bother to close the gap. Using Crescent Rose’s sniper form she delivered a few quick shots turning her chosen target into Swiss cheese. Finally, Tomoka didn’t even bother to move. As the last member attempted to flee, roots broke through the ground encasing him into a cocoon of wood. Said cocoon began to tighten until with audible pops blood began flowing through the gaps. 


Seeing the girls killing with strange weapons and with ease almost made Orochimaru cream his pants. He wanted to know about those weapons, he wanted to know about Tomoka’s use of mokuton. He wanted to know, periot. 


As the last ANBU died, Gaara finally appeared followed by his siblings. Unlike the rest of the group Gaara didn’t even flinch as he continued forward before standing next to Tomoka. Meanwhile Kankuro and Temari didn’t know what to do or think. 


“Gaara? Wha-” Before Temari could finish speaking Tomoka interrupted her with a wide grin. 


“Gaara is now under my banner and I am willing to take the two of you as well.” Tomoka said nonchalantly while looking Temari in the eyes. Kankuro for his part was about to refuse until Temari stopped him. Without a word she moved forward standing next to Gaara. Kankuro didn’t think about it for too long either as he followed his sister. 


A moment after that Naruko and Satsuki appeared as well. Orochimaru who had been interested in Sasuke now Satsuki couldn’t help but lick his lips. Unfortunately he was just a clone. He didn’t feel confident kidnapping Sasuke with the kind of monsters present. If he were the real one then he wouldn’t worry, that however isn’t the case. 


“Tomoka!? What are you doing alongside the snake bastard!?” Naruko as expected was the first to talk. She felt confused and betrayed. Had Tomoka worked with the snake from the beginning. 


“Naruko-chan no need to be so angry with me. I am just cutting the chains this village has placed on me and mine. You should do the same. After all, the old fools never cared for you. Look around, the villagers still hate you for something that is out of your control. Hiruzen could have done something about it but he didn’t. In the end, you and I are nothing more than weapons for them.” 


Naruko wasn’t stupid. She had understood this much not too long ago. Yet, she didn’t want to betray the village. She would earn their respect through her efforts. Before she could answer someone else spoke, a voice she was well familiar with. 


“How?” Naruko turned to see Satsuki with a deep frown on her face, her sharingan activated. Her glare was intense yet it wasn’t directed towards Tomoka. Following her gaze Naruko’s eyes landed on Nozomi’s own. Her eyes were a deep red as well. However, unlike the sharingan she knew from her sensei and g-girlfriend, hers had what looked like a flower in black. 


“Surprised Satsuki? Yes, these eyes are the same as those of your brother. The mangekyou sharingan. I bet you are dying to know how I got them. Afterall, the people I love are still here, I haven’t done them any harm.” Naruko wasn’t the smartest cookie, even so she could understand that whatever those eyes were, it was important to Satsuki and was tied to her past. 


“HOW!?” This time Satsuki roared the question with desperation. Ever seens she became a girl she had felt conflicted. Naruko was as annoying as ever yet they grew closer as they learned to be girls. To make matters worse they still like girls despite their change in gender. One thing led to another and well… she was happy. Yet that happiness ate at her. She didn’t feel worthy of said happiness, at least not until Itachi paid. 


To make matters worse Itachi’s words would keep her awake at night. To get the same eyes as him, to make him pay she would need to kill her best friend, her loved ones. She would need to kill Naruko in cold blood. Each time she thought of that she felt like her heart was being stabbed by a dull knife. Now, there was a different option. Nozomi held the answers she so desperately needed. 


“Wouldn’t you like to know? I won’t tell you now. However, I am willing to give you options. Leave Konoha with us and I will not only tell you but even help you.” Hearing Nozomi’s tempting words, Satsuki couldn’t help a quick glance towards Naruko. 


“She would never go with you!” Naruko wouldn’t accept that. Satsuki was her important person and she was hers. Naruko was sure Satsuki wouldn’t abandon them like that… and yet. 


“I’m going.” Those words felt like a blow to Naruko’s gut. Her lungs deflated as she felt confused and dizzy. She looked towards Satsuki looking for an explanation. Perhaps she was going to use this as an opportunity for a sneak attack. What she saw on Satsuki’s expression was grim determination. 


“Sa-Satsuki?” Naruko asked as her throat closed off. Her eyes started to fill with tears. She couldn’t believe it. This had to be a cruel joke, a genjutsu, that was it. She roused her chakra as hard as she could… nothing. This was reality. 


Satsuki didn’t turn to look at Naruko, she didn’t even answer. She couldn’t, her throat had closed off after she spoke those words. She couldn’t look towards her girlfriend or her conviction would waver. This… this was the only option. She couldn’t let go of her revenge. She just couldn't, it would hang around her for as long as Itachi lived, it would make her bitter and… she didn’t want that for Naruko. 


Even if it broke her heart, Satsuki would betray Naruko. She would have her revenge and then… then she would ask for forgiveness. It was the only way, with tears staining her eyes she walked forward, one step then she stopped. 


“Please.” Naruko begged while weakly holding onto Satsuki’s hand. This was her last chance to go back, Satsuki realized. Could she do it, could she give up on her revenge and live happily with Naruko… no, she couldn’t. As much as she wanted to just forget, she couldn’t. She had made up her mind. 


Without another word Satsuki walked forward disentangling her hand from Narukos. As the warmth of said hand disappeared Satsuki felt like her soul was being torn apart, she didn’t stop. A few more steps later she stood next to Nozomi, her gaze to the ground as she fought the tears pooling in her eyes.  


“TAKE ME WITH YOU!” Suddenly Naruko shouted, her eyes red with tears shining with determination. Screw the village, screw the hokage screw everything. She had only been happy once in her life. She wouldn’t let her happiness flee like that. She would hold to it with teeth and nails.   


Tomoka’s grin never left as she saw the little drama show. Seeing Naruko’s determination she just nodded. A moment after like a bullet Naruko launched herself towards Satsuki hugging her while Bawling. Satsuki was no better, the sheer relief she had felt had made her collapse. 


Not wanting to waste any more time Tomoka gave a small nod towards Hinata. With practiced moves Hinata struck a few tenketsu on the two girls, promptly sending them to the land of dreams. 


“Well, that was something. We should get going before more stuff happens.” With that said Tomoka took the two girls under her arms carrying them like sacks of potatoes while walking inside the quinjet. 


Without a word everyone else followed her inside the contraption each with different emotions. Intrigue, fear, curiosity, apathy, excitement, etc. A while later with everyone comfortably seated the quinjet took off. That day Konoha survived the attack of Suna and lost too much.    

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