Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

193. S.N.S

“So what’s the plan for today?” Nozomi asked as she walked besides Tomoka hand in hand. The last week they have been training for the upcoming final phase of the chunin exams. Though in reality their training had decreased in intensity instead. 


With their current strength it would be a miracle if anyone could take them down. Instead they had spent their time with light training and relaxing. Afterall, getting hurt while training would be detrimental for their performance. 


“Well I was thinking we could-” Tomoka suddenly stopped herself mid sentence as a wide maniac grin spread through her face. 


“Scratch that I just got great news. Let’s go back home for the time being.” With that said Tomoka did a one eighty and began walking back. Hinata just looked at her back while wondering what had happened now. Shrugging towards each other, both girls followed Tomoka. 


Back home Nozomi couldn’t contain her curiosity any longer. “So what’s the big deal?” She asked while trying to discern any clues from Tomoka’s actions. The girl in question just smiled before biting her thumb. A moment later she slammed her hand on the ground 

resulting in a small smoke cloud as a spider appeared on top of a small box. 


“Well, one of the many projects I have just completed. The S.N.S project.” That didn’t tell the girls much. Though Tomoka had told them about some of her projects there were simply too many to bother keeping track of. Not to mention projects would pop out of the wood works every other day as well as some becoming abandoned. 


“Alright and the S.N.S project is?” This time Hinata was the one to ask. 


“The super ninja serum. As its name implies it’s a serum that once taken will make anyone a top notch ninja candidate.” Saying this Tomoka opened the small box. Inside were three injectors with clear liquid inside shimmering green and purple. 


“My phantoms just finished testing them on clones so they are one hundred percent safe.” Saying this Tomoka took one injector before setting the box on the kitchen counter.  


“Okay… so what does it do? I mean what does it do specifically?” Nozomi asked, picking up one of the injectors inspecting the swirling liquid inside. 


“A few things. First it will enhance your body to its absolute limit. This will make your base all around better. Stronger muscles, harder bones, tougher skin, better reflexes as I said, all around better. Aside from that it will drastically increase your healing speed making it visible to the naked eye. Increased chakra reserves and regeneration, once again, all around better.” Once Tomoka finished her explanation she felt both pride and satisfaction seeing their amazed expressions. 


“Will it hurt?” Hinata asked, seeing the liquid inside her vial with suspicion. Nothing came free. She knew Tomoka wouldn’t hurt them or give them something dangerous, that didn’t mean she would coddle them. If that were the case she wouldn’t let them be ninjas nor would she train them as harshly as she did. 


“Oh it will hurt. It will hurt like all hell. From my phantom reports the pain would more likely than not knock you out. Unfortunately that is not an option as the changes also affect the nervous system which will keep you awake” Tomoka didn’t sugar coat it. Her phantoms had tried by all means to decrease the pain it produced with some success. After all, many of the clones had died from shock due to the pain. 


Hearing Tomoka’s words made the two gulp audibly. The two were a bit torn between accepting the S.N.S or not. One hand the pain would be horrible, on the other they will grow that much stronger. Nozomi contemplated her options while thinking about the future. At least the one Tomoka had told her about. A future where she would have been long dead. A future where her current strength would be laughable. A future where she would be powerless.


Nozomi didn’t need to think about it for any longer. Taking a deep breath she plunged the injector on her arm. Now all she had to do was press the button on top. Taking another deep breath she did and waited. She felt the cool liquid entering her body. With trepidation she waited for it to start its gruesome work. She didn’t have to wait for long. 

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