Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

19. family time

I'm feeling better so her have chapter

After that motivational speech Nozomi couldn’t just stand still. Her confidence had been restored somewhat and so she went back home to train. Truth be told it was lunchtime so Tomoka also had to leave. 


“Hey sweety want to go eat out with mom and dad?” Himiko had a gigantic smile on her face. She had seen the entire thing from afar. As a mother she was happy that her daughter had finally made a friend. However, when the other kid began crying she got worried but all seemed to end well. 


“Yes mom, I’m quite hungry actually.” With that said the mother and daughter pair left. A while later the three of them stood in front of a ramen shop. Himiko and Nagi had actually thought of another place. However, when their cute daughter suddenly froze in front of the shop they decided to give it a try. 


The reason behind Tomoka’s behavior was simple, on top of the entrance stood a sign that in big letters said Ichiraku ramen. How could she let go of this golden chance to taste the legendary Ichiraku ramen? 


“Hello! What can I get for you?” The man, the legend, Teuchi in the flesh spoke to the new customers. 


“Hello, we would like to get three servings of your recommendation” Without even waiting for her parents to react Tomoka made her order and even did the same for her parents. She had this feeling, an instinct if you will, that whatever Teuchi chose would be to the liking of each of them. 


A few minutes later three servings of ramen were in front of them. Each one is slightly different from the other. Not able to contain her excitement any longer, Tomoka dug into her food.


She didn’t have a foodgasm or anything as exaggerated as that, nonetheless it was delicious. Everything about the meal had been made with pinpoint precision to the point that Tomoka wondered if Teuchi’s skills had to do with some kind of hidden kekkei genkai. Seeing their daughter enjoying the meal, Tomoka's parents began eating as well. As to be expected they enjoyed the meal to its fullest.      


Having finished their meal Tomoka’s parents took their time to complement Teuchi’s cooking while paying. Meanwhile their daughter was thinking about the ramen she just had compared to the cooking of her original world. To her surprise she came to the conclusion that Teuchi’s ramen had been at the same level if not higher than earth’s cooking. 


Having finished their meal the three of them went back home. Today was a somewhat special day as both Tomoka’s parents were free for the whole day. Because of this Tomoka decided to spend the rest of the day with them. However, there wasn’t much to do besides playing some table games like shogi and taking naps. 


Because of this, after a few hours Tomoka became bored out of her mind. With nothing better to do she decided to train despite her still sore body. As she was walking towards the back garden she remembered something important. She still hasn’t tested her elemental transformations. 


“Mom? Do you have any chakra paper? we haven’t tested for my elemental transformations” As if she had been enlightened Himiko smacked her fist on top of her open palm. 


“Oh you're right! Let me get some and call your father” Doing as she said Himiko left the living room to look for Nagi who was currently in their room. 


A while later the trio stood outside. The scene was somewhat comical. A small girl with a piece of paper on hand. A very excited woman standing nearby watching her like a hawk. A man with a wry small stood next to the woman as he tried to ignore her antics. This is Tomoka’s family and she loves them to bits. 


Not wanting to waste any more time Tomoka infused her chakra into the paper which wrinkled up instantly before splitting in half. The girl couldn’t believe her eyes. Having an Elemental transformation was normal, having two on the other hand was rare. This meant that in the future she would have more options to choose from. 


“Yey! Tomoka has mommy's lightning release!” Himiko rushed towards Tomoka while screaming at the top of her lungs. A moment later a grown woman hugging a small girl could be seen on the floor. With an expression of bliss Himiko rubbed her cheek against her daughter's. 


“Don’t forget she also got my wind release” Again Nagi could do nothing but smile wryly at his wife’s antics. To tell the truth he didn’t mind, on the contrary this is the very reason he fell for her.      


“Who cares? She got my lightning release, hehe” 


“Oi! I care” He might love the woman but being outright dismissed was still a little much.


“Pft, Hahaha” Not being able to contain her laughter at her parents antics Tomoka couldn’t help but do just that, Laugh. A moment later both Himiko and Nagi joined her. Tomoka decided to enjoy her peaceful days with her parents and new friends. After all, things would become hectic once canon Naruto starts.     

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