Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

185. Hunting for heaven

“eight o’clock, minus thirty degrees, seventy two meters, Heaven scroll, Suna.” 


Once team Yamato reached the center they quickly ran past it to the heaven scroll side of the forest. It didn’t take long for Hinata to find a group of genin with their objective. Without any words the team changed their trajectory. 


It didn’t take long for them to reach the ninja that Hinata had found and so they got to work. Using hand signs Hinata told the other two not only who had the scroll but where they hid it. Like predators stalking their prey the trio separated to attack from different angles. 


-No lethal force unless absolutely necessary- Nozomi communicated using hand signs. Seeing as they are Suna-nin, meaning “Allies” of the leaf, Nozomi decided against outright killing them. 


The trio looked towards their opponents, two waiting for the go ahead while the last analyzed the enemy. Though their opponents are just genin Nozomi decided to take the situation seriously. After all, “The first and easiest way to become a corpse is to underestimate an enemy” that is what Tomoka drilled into her and Hinata’s mind.


Finding who should be the leader as well as the weakest link through observation was easy seeing as the trio was too relaxed for their situation. Using hand signs Nozomi assigned targets to the other two before giving the go ahead. 


In a moment they moved with the pressission and lethality of trained killers. A barrage of kunai and shuriken rained from Nozomi’s hands with a satisfactory result. Seeing as each jumped away in different directions the first step was completed successfully. 


Before they could regain their composure the next attack came in the form of Hinata landing devastating blows on their team leader. The idiots had all turned to look in Nozomi’s direction leaving their backs wide open. Even more idiotic was to turn around, losing sight of their first enemy. 


Not wasting even a moment Nozomi pulled the wire connecting to the weapons she had just thrown. The end result being a second genin falling to the ground with all his limbs restrained by the wire. Before the last could even attempt to do anything he lost control of his body, chakra strings controlling it as if he were a puppet. Nozomi didn’t want to hear their complaints or whatever so she placed all of them in a genjutsu knocking them out for the next few minutes.


“Say couldn’t you have done that from the get go?” Hinata knew why she didn’t but seeing nothing better to do she asked just to chat. 


“I could but who knows if one of them could break free, better safe than sorry.” Nozomi answered also for the sake of conversation. 


“Got it!” Turning slightly the duo saw Tomoka playing with the heaven scroll by lightly throwing it up before catching it and repeating the motion. 


“Let's go then, no point in staying here any longer.” After receiving nods from the other two the trio once again moved towards the center where the tower they needed to reach stood. Unsurprisingly a few teams were setting up traps for ambushes and what not in the area. One even dared to attack them head on without any preparation. 


“Well color me impressed, you three are the first to finish and not only that but you beat the record by a lot, five hours to be exact.” Iruka appeared in a puff of smoke after they opened the scrolls inside the tower. 


“What was our time?” Nozomi asked curious, her internal clock told her that no more than an hour should have passed, maybe just half. 


“forty three minutes.” Iruka responded oozing pride. After all, they were his students at one point. 


“Neat, What was the previous record?” Hinata was the one to ask this time. It was expected really, after her shyness had disappeared it was replaced by competitiveness. 


“Five hours and fifty seven minutes. At the time it was considered an unbeatable record.” Iruka answered in a conversational tone as he signed for them to follow him. 



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