Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

177. Who is the schemer

Once Tomoka’s phantom dispersed Hiruzen couldn’t help but sigh while massaging his temples. Giving up, he instead took his pipe and pushed some tobacco leaves in it before lighting the thing up. After taking a deep pull from the thing the Kage kept the smoke in his lungs for a few long seconds before letting it go. 


“Might as well take advantage of the situation.” Saying that Konoha’s Hokage began scheming. He had to admit he too disliked the Hyuga’s practice of using the caged bird seal. Yes, he could see the benefit of the thing. Having the Byakugan not fall in the hands of the enemy is indeed a boon. However that begged the question, why do the main family not use it as well?


“A bunch of excuses.” Said the old man answering his own question. The seal was simply put, for control. As Tomoka had eloquently put it, a form of slavery placed on the members of the side branches. A practice he has always condemned but one he has never done anything about.   


“Thinking about it, Tomoka’s suggestion might not be a bad idea.” The girl had confirmed Konoha's laws by not killing. Not only that but she had also waited for the Hyuga members to attack first making them the aggressors. He was thankful for his personal ANBU’s speed in gathering the relevant information. 


“The girl might have actually planned it.” And wasn’t that a funny yet scary thought. From the aspect of the law she had the right to defend herself even if she had used exces force. If he were to ignore all the political implications the right thing to do by law would be to give her community service as she had suggested. 


“Now, what to do.” Mumbled the old man as he let go of another puff of smoke. He could crack down hard on the Hyuga clan using this event as an excuse to do so. Hinata by law is already an adult and an independent citizen of Konoha, not to mention a Konoha-nin. By attacking her it could be argued that the Hyuga clan had indirectly attacked Konoha. 


With that last thought Hyruzen had made his mind on what to do but for now he was needed in the police department to smooth things out. Taking his kage hat Hiruzen began his walk towards the police building. Thankfully it was no more than a block away from his own tower. Not wanting to make a scene by walking on the streets he opted to use the roofs. 


A few hops later Hiruzen stood on top of the police department’s building. With a deep breath He prepared himself for the political bullshit he would have to deal with inside. There was no doubt in his mind that a main branch member from the Hyugan clan would be already inside throwing a hissy fit over what had happened. 


“That girl harmed members of our austere and respected clan. We demand she be handed over alongside our other clanswomen Hinata Hyuga!” Oh how he wished he hadn’t been right. As expected a member of the main family was making a ruckus demanding things he had no right to.    


“As I’ve said before this is a matter that is and will be handled by the police department. If you find our services unsatisfactory then you can file a complaint.” The young police woman despite being a civilian stood fearless in front of the man. Something that clearly incensed him. 


“That won’t be necessary, I will be handling this incident personally.” Hiruzen chose that moment to introduce himself into the conversation. This earned the young woman a smug victorious grin from the Hyuga clansman. 


“So the lord Hokage agrees with me that the girl’s punishment must be handled by my clan.” Before the man could gloat some more, Hiruzen interrupted him by raising his hand a bit. 


“That unfortunately is not the case.” If Hiruzen derived some sort of amusement or glee from how the man’s expression turned into a frown no one would ever know.   


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