Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

174. How dare you!?

Tomoka had to take a deep breath and actively suppress her anger. Her phantoms in charge of supplanting them had just fed her some information that made her blood boil. She was so mad right now she was actively considering turning off her emotions for the moment. 


“Let’s go, we have some punks to beat up.” Though her tone is steady and seemingly calm the girls and fox could tell how angry Tomoka was. Without saying a word they followed the girl. 


A while later they came upon the following scene. A crowd surrounded the trio of phantoms who were facing off against a trio of Hyuga clan members amongst which Neji Hyuga is present. 


“The patriarch has ordered you, Hinata, to come back. As you have made clear your disinterest in the clan head position and your decision to leave the clan grounds, the elders and clan head have decided to brand you with the clan’s seal to prevent your byakugan from falling on enemy hands.” As soon as those words left the random Hyuga’s mouth a loud crack could be heard. 


Everyone present turned to look around searching for the origin of the noise. What they found was a trio of girls identical to those within the circle of spectators. One of them stood on top of cracked ground. Tomoka was completely furious now. 


This group of pricks had been hounding down her phantoms for the last three days. They had been successfully dodging them constantly. It was today that the phantoms had had enough and decided to relay the information to Tomoka. That had happened a few minutes ago. She had told them to confront the group. All of this brings us to the current situation. 


“How dare you?” The words had left Tomoka’s lips as nothing more than a whisper. However everyone heard them clearly due to the silence that had fallen. 


“How fucking dare you!?” This time her words came out with a rather loud tone. Not to mention the sheer amount of bile and vitriol in them. 


The trio of phantoms quickly dispelled themselves leaving behind wooden dolls. They knew what was coming and knew they would just be in the way. Seeing this the trio of Hyuga ninjas turned towards Tomoka’s group. 


“She is a member of the Hyuga clan and as such she will listen to us.” Said the member in the center, the only one without the cursed seal. 


“I will do no such thing and you will not put such a vile thing on me.” This time it was Hinata’s voice that came with determination. 


“You should give up Hinata, it’s your destiny. No matter how much you resist it will be for nothing. Come with us and your friends will be left unharmed.” Hearing Neji’s words almost made Tomoka kill the little shit on the spot.


“Destiny my ass Neji. She will not be going and I suggest you all leave or things will get nasty.” Nozomi was getting worked up as well. Neji had always been a pain in the ass with his destiny obsession.  


“Hinata will come with us even if we have to take her by force.” Saying this the three quickly got into a combat stance. 


“Try anything funny and I will cripple you to the point even Tsunade wouldn’t be able to heal any of you.” Ignoring Tomoka’s words the trio dashed forwards in their gentle fist stances. 


“You were warned.” That was all Tomoka said before the trio struck against her quickly sealing her tenketsu points. 


“So much bravado but you weren’t able to even dodge.” The main branch member said with a sneer as he looked Tomoka in the eyes.  


“There simply was no need.” Tomoka said while giving him a cruel smile. The next moment, as if she hadn’t been hit with the combined efforts of three Hyuga members, Tomoka leaned her head to the side which made a loud popping sound. 


“Let me show you how it’s done.” Before anyone could react a loud crack of thunder was heard through the place as Tomoka moved with the aid of her raiton coat plus speed force.   


For those interested in how Tomoka came out unscathed from the assault it will be explained during the chunin exam ark. For those impatient then:



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