Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

10. arm goes brrr

For the last year Tomoka has been training in secret like there was no tomorrow. The amount of pain she put her body through was inhuman. However, it could not compare to what she experienced in the chaos of time and space. 


[You have my respect, kid. By now even veteran shinobi would have given up this crazy training]


‘It’s just a little pain Kurama, Nothing I can’t handle’


[I don’t think having your body melt from my chakra can be considered as just a little pain]


That’s right, Tomoka had been taking Kurama's chakra daily. She would take in as much as she could which would cause her body to experience pain equivalent to bathing in acid while also drinking acid.


Thanks to this insane form of training at just one year old she is able to use one tenth of the chakra equivalent to Kurama's one-tailed beast cloak without receiving damage. Slowly but surely her body was adapting to Kurama’s corrosive chakra. Kurama believed that if she continued at this rate she should be able to use all his chakra by the age of fifteen. 


‘You know Kurama. I have experienced worse. This much is nothing really’


[I don’t even want to know what could be worse than this.]


The two would often banter about this and that since neither had others to talk to. For starters Kurama could only talk to Tomoka since he was kinda trapped inside her. Tomoka on the other hand had to pretend to be a one year old kid. Even though she could already talk fluently she could not go ahead and display her full repertoire of skills and knowledge. 


‘Hey Kurama, can you teach me a jutsu or two?’ 


[Tomoka, what makes you think I would know human jutsus? Why would I learn something like that?]


‘Right… well nothing lost by asking’ 


Tomoka didn’t expect Kurama to know any from the beginning but as she said there is nothing lost by asking. If she wanted to learn a jutsu she would need to ask her parents. However doing so would be extremely troublesome. For starters she would have to show them that her chakra was already unlocked. Even if she did, the chances of her parents accepting were pretty much none. 


Instead Tomoka decided to experiment by herself. She would be properly trained by the age of four so no rush there. Today’s experiment consisted of acceleration and release of chakra. The concept was simple. She would accelerate her chakra inside her body before releasing it through her hands or feet. The idea was simple. If she released it through her hands as she punches or kicks something the attack would be further strengthened by the release of the chakra.  


[Kid I don’t think that’s a good idea]


‘Why so?’


[If you lose control of the chakra or release it through the wrong tenketsu point you could damage your body]


‘It will be fine, don’t worry about it’ 


[don’t say I didn’t warn you]


Tomoka disregarded Kurama’s advice as she stood in front of a tree in a less crowded part of the park. First she began to speed up the flow of chakra in her body. Second she began compressing the chakra as well. A couple of seconds later there was a large clump of chakra moving at high speeds through Tomoka’s body.


Keeping the entire process stable was already taxing her concentration but she wouldn’t give up at this point. Using the last of her concentration Tomoka took a striking stance before thrusting her right fist forward. Just as her fist was about to connect with the tree she released the clump of accelerated chakra. 




The impact of the chakra was equivalent to a cannon. The tree’s trunk exploded as the tree fell backwards. However, that wasn’t all. Just as Kurama feared, some of the chakra was released from the wrong tenketsu points. Tomoka's arm suffered from multiple smaller explosions on her tenketsu points further from her skin. The outcome? Multiple chunks of flesh missing from her arm. 


“Fuck that hurts! My fucking arm looks like swiss chees! It really fucking hurts!” Not being able to contain her voice due to the pain, Tomoka started screaming. It’s already a miracle she didn’t pass out from the pain or the sight.   


[Stupid brat! I told you it was a bad idea!] Kurama was also panicking; he might not admit it but he had gotten attached to Tomoka.


Not wasting any time, Tomoka took off her shirt and used it as bandages for her arm. Thankfully she had an undershirt or she would have been topples otherwise. Not that it matters, a one year old girl’s upper body looked no different from a boy’s. After doing that she began sprinting towards the street. Thankfully she had explored the village before so she knew where the nearest hospital was at. 


Now, you may be wondering why neither of her parents was supervising her. Simple, she snuck out. As of now she is supposed to be taking her mid day nap. 


Thanks to the adrenalin Tomoka’s pain subsided a little and a minute of running at full speed while using her chakra as well she got to the hospital. As soon as she went through the door she approached the nearest nurse and unbandaged her arm showing it to her. 


A chorus of gasps could be heard around but not from the nurse or her colleagues. They  acted quickly taking her to an emergency ward to conduct surgery.      

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