Oring Hunter

Page 4

He was no longer short and thin, but became tall and strong. He felt the strange energy that filled his limbs and bones, the gift that came from the Ao Ling labyrinth, and Goda firmly believed that he had finally ushered in a turning point in his life.

Since then, his temperament has changed greatly, and no one will bully him anymore, because it is he who bullies others, whether it be a hooligan outside or a vicious wife at home, from now on, the strong and violent Goda will not The victim again becomes the perpetrator.

Revenge, oppression, violence, pleasure, crime, addiction.

Time flies, and in the end, Goda ushered in his wanton end, that is, he was wanted by the city of White Frost.

Lost by the overwhelming numbers gap, Gorda was eventually captured by the city guards.

The guards had never seen such an alien existence as Goda, and they were all shocked and curious for a while, but the lord did not explain much about this, but ordered everyone to torture Goda to the death and return it to him. He put on a special set of weighted handcuffs and huge shackles, and then decided to hang Gorda the next day.

However, in the end, everyone was deceived by Goda's acting skills. He pretended to be tortured to become unconscious, pretended that he couldn't break free from the shackles on his body, and then in the middle of the night when no one was paying attention, he tried his best to break it off. The iron chains of both hands and feet, and used them as weapons, broke down the walls of the prison in one fell swoop, and escaped directly from White Frost City.

He first ran all the way back to the abandoned home, quickly grabbed a pile of trap tools used to deal with the pursuers, and a few pieces of moldy bread, and then as quickly as possible away from the White Frost City, fled to the church located in the snow mountain. Abandoned village below.

Here, Gorda hides, thinking about how to continue his crazy life.

"Hee hee, I am the chosen one who has been favored by it, no one can kill me! No one can do it! The disaster of blood light is bound to fall on every fool who defies me! Hee hee hee —!"

In the ruins of the village, Gorda curled up in a corner of the only cabin that could withstand the snow, while talking to himself nervously, showing his dirty and yellowed fangs, he laughed grimly.


Back in time, Ye Chen pressed the hammer down with his fingertips and fired three shots at the target without hesitation. However, these three shots were all bronze bullets, and he did not immediately shoot the "blood bullet". 』This hole card is played.

Bang bang bang!

Three bursts of gunfire broke the silence of the village, and three bullet holes sent fluff flying from the blankets that covered the shadows.

Ye Chen's three bullets hit the target precisely. However, the opposite side was only moved by the sudden impact, but there was no reaction that a creature should have, and no bright red liquid was seen splashing out.

Sure enough, that was just a bait!

Ye Chen's hunch was correct. Since the other party was someone who would deliberately place a wire device around [-] meters, it was naturally impossible to lie in the most conspicuous position in the wooden house.

The blanket wrapped in it was just a dummy piled up with miscellaneous objects. The real prey was definitely hidden in the blind spot of vision that Ye Chen couldn't directly observe from the outside!


At the moment when Ye Chen was so determined, the broken window on the side of the wooden house suddenly sounded the movement of glass shattering, and a huge black shadow turned out from it.

The true face of the fugitive Goda finally appeared in front of Ye Chen at this moment.

The pointed ears on the back of the head, the deep concave and dark green eyeballs, and the snow-white skin covered with pimples are exactly the appearance of Homo sapiens, the only Homo sapiens in this Hidden Realm of Eternal Winter that Yechen is familiar with. feature.

However, the stature of the hoarfrost is usually similar to that of a human being, but Goda, who appeared in Yechen's field of vision, has a height of [-] meters and a terrifyingly thick physique.

He was dressed in tattered prisoner's rags, and his bare hands and feet were wrapped in circles of iron chains, full of muscle lines and squirming blue veins, and the fangs in his mouth were sharp and protruding, more terrifying than ordinary beasts. , the whole looks like a monster that came out of the deep mountains and forests.

The moment Goda revealed his true body, Yechen pointed the muzzle of the revolver at the target, but seeing that Goda was just staring at him after turning out the window, and hadn't made any movements yet, Yechen was naturally not in a hurry Pull the trigger.

"You... aren't from Baishuang City?"

"No... you look like this, you are not even Baishuang..."

"What the hell are you?"

Goda met Yechen's eyes, and after seeing the young man's face clearly, his originally hostile and violent expression was instantly covered by curiosity and shock, and he forgot to move for a moment.

After all, Goda had never seen a person like Ye Chen who stood on two legs and looked like a Hoarfrost, but his facial features were very different, so he could not help but ask questions in Hoarfrost.

And although Ye Chen often went to Baishuang City for daily purchases according to Lyle's instructions, he always wore a cloak and a mask when entering the city. Therefore, the residents of the city had never discovered that in this hidden area of ​​Eternal Winter, there were still people living with A completely different species of Homo sapiens.

However, unlike Goda, who was full of curiosity, Ye Chen knew the details of the opposite, and had no intention of chatting at all.

While the opponent was standing still, he swiftly threw out the magazine of the revolver, dumped three cartridge cases and reloaded them, carefully adjusted the position of the revolver, and the next moment Goda was about to speak, Yechen's three cartridge cases The bronze bullet moved with the sparks again.

Bang bang bang!

The gun rang three times, but no blood was seen.

At the moment Ye Chen shot, Gorda raised his arms to protect his face and crotch.

The bullets fired by Ye Chen hit his chest, abdomen and thighs respectively, but Goda's body only took a step back, and then he immediately stood firm.

The power of the three bullets left only a shallow bruise on his epidermis, and beyond that, it was impossible to even knock Gorda to the ground.

Yechen stared at the fugitive Goda without saying a word, and continued to load the ammunition in his hand, but various wonderful ideas kept appearing in his mind.

This body is too strong... Is this also the effect of the nightmare?What is the difference between what he did and what I did?If I have nightmares again in the future, might I become like him?

Yechen reloaded while thinking.

The only reason why he didn't aim at Goda's head was because he followed the Mozambique shooting rules taught by Lyle: only pick a large body part to shoot, and when the opponent was knocked down, refill the gun on the head.

Although a headshot is theoretically the optimal solution, but in fact the head area is small, it is easy for one's own side to be inaccurate, and the enemy is easy to dodge, so if there is no absolute certainty, Ye Chen will only aim at the torso of the prey to attack.

In addition, although Goda is now unavoidable from his bullets, Ye Chen has no idea of ​​directly firing "blood bullets".

Because the fireworks and momentum of this kind of blood-made ammunition are very different from ordinary ammunition, so if Yechen shoots the "blood bullet" directly in front of Goda, the opponent will probably choose to dodge directly this time.

For this group of nightmare sensors whose perception and physical fitness are far superior to ordinary life forms, dodging bullets is not difficult, so in order to maximize the risk of suppression, Ye Chen decided to follow the original plan.

After defending against Yechen's shooting, Goda easily patted the three distorted warheads stuck into the skin, and then twisted his neck, making a crisp clicking sound, obviously expecting ordinary ammunition for a long time There is no threat to his physical body.

"Although I don't know where you came from, and I don't know why you attacked me, but, that's all..."

"No matter what kind of strange creature it is, if it has meat, it can be used to fill its stomach! It seems that I have endured hunger for a day, but I still don't forget the sincerity of prayer, and it is indeed conveyed to it."

"And you... are the reward I exchanged for my sincerity, that is, its reward for my piety!"

In the blink of an eye, Godad's expression became ferocious and frightening again. His yellow teeth were in a semicircle, and he began to shed excited saliva continuously, exuding an extreme violent aura all over his body.

Chapter 0007

"Little guy, I want to swallow even your bones, no, even your clothes, even your gun, even your knife, and even your everything, to show my gratitude for it!"

Gorda laughed wildly, and his tall body rushed towards Yechen like a boulder. The terrifying momentum caused the snow under his feet to splash and scatter like a wave in an instant.

Feeling the killing intent coming, Yechen instinctively moved the revolver magazine with his fingers to align the bloody bullet with the barrel of the gun, and then he was about to fire it.

However, after seeing the scene of Gorda rushing at full speed while protecting his vitals with his arms wrapped in chains, Ye Chen immediately realized that this was not the best opportunity to use his hole cards, and turned to step back. , trying to deal with Goda.


Goda laughed wildly, his sturdy arm swung hard, and the iron chain in his palm instantly pulled straight towards Ye Chen with a brutal sound of breaking wind.

The young man rolled quickly to one side, avoiding the whipping of the iron chain nimbly. In the next second, the iron chain smashed hard on the snow, not only stirring up the snow like a tide, but also hammering the ground. There was a noticeable vibration.

What a powerful destructive force!

Ye Chen leaned over to dodge while observing the opponent's offensive momentum.

His eyes quickly glanced at the two iron chains wrapped around Gorda's arms, and immediately found that they were actually integrated with Gorda's hand hair, half copper color and half hair color, which looked strange and extraordinary.

"Hee hee, don't run, didn't you come here to kill me--!"

Seeing the young man dodging, Goda's expression became even more frenzied, his arms swayed wildly, and the two chains were like thirsty pythons that were preying on them, madly attacking the young man from the left and right sides.

dong dong dong dong!

Ye Chen didn't shoot or draw a knife, but just walked agilely, dodging back and forth between the violent snow waves.

Even though Goda's iron chains were fast and hard, Yechen insisted on avoiding all the whips of Goda's chains with more dexterity than him, causing him to blow gusts of wind over the snowy ground, causing Do not fall in the figure.

After Goda swung the air again, Yechen immediately went around to the back of the wooden house where Goda was hiding, as if he wanted to use it as a cover and circled Goda repeatedly, looking for opportunities.


Seeing Ye Chen going around to the opposite side of the wooden house, Goda just sneered, and had no idea of ​​going around with Ye Chen at all.

I saw that he threw his left and right hands vigorously, and the two iron chains slammed into the front angrily, blasting the entire cabin in an instant, making the only building in the village that could shelter from the wind and rain, in an instant. turned into a pile of ruins.


Yechen looked at the dust rising from the shattered wooden house, and quickly came to a conclusion in his mind.

Those hand hairs fused with the iron chain should be the medium used by the fugitive to perform the arcane magic. Judging from the scene in front of him, the effect of his arcane spell should simply increase the destructive power of the iron chain.

However, although the effect of Godao's spiritual art is simple and straightforward, the power displayed is extremely powerful. Even with Yechen's body after being tempered by nightmares, a blow from the front will definitely cause serious damage.

Defense is not Yechen's strong point, so he naturally wants to avoid the edge and never confront his prey head-on.

In the diffused smoke, a huge figure stepped on the wreckage of the wooden house and slowly emerged.

Goda, who easily destroyed a house, was staring at the boy in front of him with a mocking and hungry smile on his face.

But Ye Chen couldn't help but turn around and run away, like a rabbit trying to escape from the wolf's mouth.

"Haha, this is where you start to run for your life, can't you!"

Seeing that the opposite direction showed his back, which symbolized cowardice, Goda's inner wildness burst out, driving him to immediately start chasing Ye Chen wildly.

Even though Ye Chen moved nimbly and constantly, on the spacious snowy ground, Goda still took advantage of his long hands and feet to keep closing the distance between the two sides, and quickly caught up behind Ye Chen.

When it was confirmed that the target had entered his attack range, Goda immediately raised his arm, intending to slash the iron chain wrapped around it towards Ye Chen's head, thus ending the farce in front of him, and finally had a hearty meal. pause.

However, at this moment, his bare feet suddenly stepped into an extremely inconspicuous shallow pit in the snow.

The next moment, the sound of some kind of mechanism suddenly sounded.


Gorda looked down in surprise and found that it was his right foot that had stepped on the trap that had been placed in the snow. Presumably this was something that Ye Chen had set up before.

Oh, this kid is insidious, but unfortunately this method doesn't work for me!

Goda curled his lips indifferently. He has extreme confidence in his strong body. Even bullets and gunpowder can't tear his current skin. How can stepping on this ordinary trap have any effect on him? Woolen cloth?

However, just as Goda weighed it in his heart and tried to turn his attention to the young man in front of him again, a sharp pain rushed into his mind immediately, making Goda shudder involuntarily.


Goda lowered his head and looked towards his right leg along with the severe pain, and found that it was obviously just an ordinary iron animal trap. At this moment, it not only penetrated through his strong flesh, but also directly twisted the bones of his feet into a twist.

Numerous bright red liquids splashed out from the jagged sharp instrument, and Goda's right leg, just like an ordinary person, was crushed by the sharp sawtooth of the trap in just this short moment.


Goda was puzzled and shocked, and looked at the sudden situation under his feet in disbelief.

But on the other side at this time, Yechen, who was fleeing originally, had already stopped in place, and raised his silver revolver calmly.

A few minutes before Yechen officially launched an attack on the wooden house, Yechen expected the possibility of the attack failing and the prey chasing him in turn, so he placed the trap nearby in advance, and then looked for opportunities to lure the target to attack. its triggered.

Of course, as a "hearr of his singing" who experienced the first nightmare like Goda, Yechen naturally understands that ordinary bear traps will most likely not have any effect on the target.However, once it is stained with Yechen's blood, then under the strengthening of the arcane spirit, this trap will naturally be extraordinary.

And this is also the information that Ye Chen got through the experiment yesterday. His blood can strengthen the cutting effect of all sharp tools. The blood-stained animal trap is an important back-hand to deal with Goda.

When the fugitive lowered his head and stretched out his hand, ready to use brute force to forcibly break the trap, the revolver in the boy's hand had already fired.

Blood-red bullets shot out under the burst of sparks.

Goda's mind was completely shut down, and his body became sluggish and sluggish due to the restraint of the animal trap, full of flaws.

But I don't know whether it is the instinct of life and death, or pure luck. At the same moment when Yechen shot, he inadvertently turned his upper body sideways, causing the "blood bullet" that was originally aimed at Goda's heart to miss directly. Goda's left shoulder did not kill him instantly.

Even so, things didn't get much better for Godard.

Because the moment the "Blood Bullet" penetrated into the skin, it was like a stone smashed into the water, exploding a circle of bright red blood flowers.


Under the splash of blood, Gorda's left shoulder exploded.

His entire left arm was shaken into the air like a flying fish out of water.

In just a short moment, Goda's upper body was already bloody, and bones were visible.

Chapter 0008 Kindness and Misfortune

"Uh ah ah ah-!"

The fugitive prisoner couldn't bear the terrible pain, knelt down on the ground, and began to hiss and roar, but Yechen didn't give him a chance to breathe, pulled out the blood-stained long knife, held the "blood blade" tightly, and immediately It rushed directly towards Goda.

The situation is directly one-sided!

In addition to the severe pain, Goda also noticed Ye Chen's approach, and subconsciously began to sway his only right arm frantically. Da temporarily guarded inside.

However, Ye Chen was not in a hurry about this. He just stopped outside the attack range of the iron chain in time, raised his revolver to aim at Goda's head, which had fainted from pain, and fired another shot.

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