Oring Hunter

Page 22

Chapter 0040 Results of the Trial

Ye Chen pulled out the blood-stained dagger, let go of Xiaovarus, staggered back a few steps, and fell to the ground unconsciously.

"Cough...cough cough cough!"

After confirming that the final prey was completely solved, Ye Chen's tense heartstrings finally eased.

And this also made him fully feel the strange rancid smell in his mouth, and he couldn't help coughing and even vomited immediately.

After the savage bite of Xiaovarus' body just now, Ye Chen inevitably swallowed a lot of abyss material into his esophagus.

This kind of behavior, in addition to making him feel a deep sense of nausea, the squirming mud directly attacked Ye Chen's body, making the pain in his brain even higher.


The young man vomited in embarrassment, while concentrating on the remaining mind, so that the power of the mysterious spirit washes all corners of the body, and promptly purifies and burns the residue of the abyss.

After tossing on the ground in this appearance for a while, Ye Chen's complexion improved.

He simply wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and staggered up from the ground.

Then, the boy saw a world that was spinning.

He clutched his forehead tightly, took stiff steps, walked to the corpse of the corpse covered with golden stripes and was disguised as his bodyguard by the young man, stretched out his hand and grabbed the cloak with difficulty.

In the end, Ye Chen turned to look at the Shaovalu mansion behind him.

All areas of this mansion were now engulfed by fire, the flames swept through, and the heat wave was overwhelming. Obviously, it was impossible to let Ye Chen go back to the study on the second floor, so as to pick up his long knife.

Forget it, let's go back...

Yechen sighed secretly, with his trembling and weak right hand, he supported his nearly disabled left arm, and walked out of the gate of Xiaovalu Manor step by step, heading for the exit of Baishuang City...

The streets in the city were crowded with countless figures, all of whom were residents of White Frost City who had just been forcibly expelled from the city by Showalus.

After Chauveur's death, the mental hypnosis of the residents and guards was lifted. Although most people did not understand what was going on in front of them, their instincts still called them home, so that the streets were crowded with people.

Among them, there were many residents of Baishuang City who were in a hurry to get on their way, and passed by a young man who was wearing a black hood and bleeding all over his body.

But because the scene was too chaotic, no one noticed the teenager's strangeness.


Ye Chen looked at the constant, noisy and noisy crowd, while breathing weakly, he dragged his steps to the gate of Baishuang City.

Hold on for a while, as long as you hold on for a while, it will be fine...

He gritted his teeth and thought, forcibly propped up his heavy eyelids, erected his broken ribs, and slowly, laboriously, and arduously reversed the flow of people, constantly shortening the distance between himself and the city gate.

The painful torment lasted for 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes... and finally three 10 minutes.

When Yechen walked out of the gate of Baishuang City and fell to the side of the snow due to exhaustion, the old horse Heiqi had already sensed his approach, regardless of the stable manager's obstruction, he leaped over the guardrail and rushed to Yechen in front of.

"Black... Odd..."

Ye Chen half-opened one eye, looked at the extremely familiar horse's hoof that stopped in front of him, unconsciously stretched out his hand to prop him up from the ground, but in the end he fell unsupported, his consciousness completely plunged into darkness.


The old horse looked down at the fainted young man, snorted meaningfully, then grabbed Ye Chen's collar, and easily threw him on his horse's back.

Afterwards, Hei Qi flew to the distant snow-capped mountains with Ye Chen on his way, and set foot on his way home.


The young man opened his eyes.

The first moment he woke up, his heart skipped a beat because of unease.


Ye Chen exclaimed, then suddenly sat up from the bench and looked at the surrounding scenery.

The spacious and cold hall, the shabby and shabby walls, the broken statue standing under the brilliance, and the silent middle-aged man sitting next to him with his eyes closed.

This is the prayer hall of the... old church...

Ye Chen stared at the scene in front of him, the confusion on his face began to dissipate step by step.

Have I been sent back by Hei Qi...

He murmured to himself, then looked at the palm of his left hand, the bandage on it was gone, and the deep hole that pierced the metacarpal bone was gone.

Not only that, but in the state of Ye Chen's body at the moment, only his shirt and trouser legs were tattered, and there was no trace of blood on the skin of his body, and his previously broken ribs and arm bones were all restored.

It seemed that the previous fierce battle was just a dream.

Right now, he is unscathed and intact.

Ye Chen was speechless for a while, and then he came to his senses. This is the teacher's achievement.

After Heiqi sent himself back to the old church, Lyle healed all the injuries on Ye Chen's body, leaving no trace.

Then, the boy's open palms clenched into fists involuntarily.

An emotion called unwillingness surged into Ye Chen's heart, causing him to bit his lip.

Yechen originally thought that this last trial, he would triumph like the first two, and perfectly respond to Lyle's expectations... But in the end, he couldn't help but fainted, and he still had to ask the teacher to give him some help. help...

Now, how could he have the face to say to Lyle, "Teacher, I have finished the hunt"?

It's only a little bit more than that!

Yechen bit his lip, and creaked his left hand, obviously regretting to the extreme, resenting why his body and mind could not be stronger...

However, Lyle, who was sitting beside him, slowly opened his eyes at this time, looked at Ye Chen, and immediately saw what he was thinking, and then spoke in a calm tone.

"Even if you come back in a state of embarrassment, you don't have to put on such an expression, because no matter what, you have already hunted down all the prey that is related to the abyss in the Xiaovalu mansion."

"This third trial is still counted as your passing."

"Well done, Ye Chen."

Hearing the teacher's evaluation, the boy raised his head in a daze.

Then, Ye Chen caught sight of Lyle's slightly raised mouth.

In the 17 years before this, Ye Chen had never seen the other party's expression.

When dealing with Ye Chen, Lyle always had a cold attitude, but at this moment, this man who was full of mysteries actually smiled at him, and it was a smile that came from his heart and was deeply relieved.


Yechen and Lyle looked at each other, unable to speak for a while, but his heart that was full of remorse and resentment was now overturned by a strong warmth and touching feeling, which made Yechen feel extremely comfortable. Extremely proud.

"Thank you, teacher, I'm done hunting."

The teenager touched the tip of his sore nose, and immediately smiled, proudly reporting the results of his trip to the teacher.

Chapter 0041 Staring into the abyss

"By the way, Ye Chen, how are you feeling now? Is there any discomfort?" Lyle restrained his smile and cared in a calm tone.

After hearing this, Ye Chen stood up from the bench, turned his head, shook his shoulders, quickly hit a few rounds of air strikes, and kicked and swept a few times, and immediately felt his body, whether it was the skin on the surface or the bones in the body. There is no sign of re-splitting.

"Not at all. Teacher, your healing methods are too powerful! Could it be that you are using other general arcane arts similar to "self-healing"?" Ye Chen answered in high spirits, and asked curiously.

Lyle shook his head.

"No, the only healing method in the universal arcane art is "self-healing". If you want to use it on others, you can only rely on the natal arcane art and relics..."

"And the reason why you can fully recover now is due to the effect of one of my contract relics."

"If possible, I really want to pass them all to you, but these are high-level relics, and you don't currently have the conditions to sign a contract with them, so even if I cut off the connection with them, you can't take them away. ."

Having said this, Lyle's expression suddenly dimmed a bit, making Ye Chen completely confused.

"Don't mention this, I'll put the new clothes in your room, and then change them after cleaning. You look so disgraceful now."

When Ye Chen heard Lyle's reminder, he lowered his head and glanced at his tattered shirt and trouser legs again, his face instantly became extremely embarrassed, his current posture was no different from that of a beggar.

In this way, the young man hurriedly washed himself, and then put on a brand new white shirt, black trousers, and a new thick and warm wolf fur coat. Move freely in future battles.

Ye Chen changed his clothes and returned to the prayer hall from the room.

Seeing this, Lyle stretched out his hand to take it, and immediately passed a long knife lying horizontally on the bench beside him to Ye Chen.

"The knife you dropped in the mansion, I took it back for you, and I'll give it back to you now."

The young man took the long knife in surprise. Although the surface of the knife was as smooth as a mirror at this moment, the belt wrapped around the handle was completely burnt to the point of being charred as black as ash.

Obviously, Lyle took it back in the fire, and I don't know what magical means he used.

"Teacher is really amazing..."

Ye Chen whispered, and his admiration for his teacher couldn't help but rise to a higher level. God knows how many rare and rare treasures are hidden in this man in front of him?

Lyle was silent for a long time, and a little apology suddenly appeared on his face.

"Yechen, I'm sorry. Before this third trial, I withheld a lot of key information, which caused you to keep encountering changes. Please forgive me for this."

Seeing that the teacher suddenly made such a solemn apology, the boy quickly waved his hand in response: "No, it doesn't matter! I don't care at all! The reason why the teacher did this must be to test my adaptability, I can fully understand it!"

Ye Chen explained with an embarrassed look on his face. He respected Lyle to the extreme. He had never been angry with Lyle before in the process of fighting with his prey. Now that the trial has passed, how could Ye Chen have done this? Worried about it?

Lyle's tone changed, and gratification spread across his face.

"However, your performance this time really exceeded my expectations..."

"The third trial, I was on the sidelines from the beginning to the end, and I couldn't help but plan to intervene many times. In the end, you still relied on your brains and courage to overcome many difficulties and finally completed the trial alone... "

"Yechen, you have proved your strength with your actions, successfully passed the test with your strength and wisdom, and become a qualified hunter... Now, I recognize your independence, and at the same time, I dare to let you go alone The world beyond the maze... spread its wings and soared."

Ye Chen silently listened to Lyle's undisguised admiration and praise. At first, his face flushed and he scratched his head. However, when he heard the last sentence of the other party, his heart suddenly throbbed.


The young man repeated with a blank expression.

Suddenly, there was a roar outside the prayer hall, as if countless artillery pieces were ignited and burst at the same time, causing the floor of the prayer hall to fall into an extremely violent vibration.


"Teacher, this is!?"

Ye Chen's expression instantly filled with vigilance at the time of hunting, and hurriedly asked Lyle.

"Don't panic, this is thunder, which is one of the phenomena caused by the abyss invasion, and it has no effect on us yet."

Lyle calmly reassured.

Abyss... Invasion! ?

Hearing this sentence, Ye Chen's heart became even more shocked.

He originally thought that after completing the third trial, he still had plenty of leisure to prepare, but he didn't expect that his front foot had just woken up from a coma, and that strange and unpredictable abyss was about to step into this world!

Lyle didn't speak anymore, just walked out of the prayer hall at a gentle pace.

And Ye Chen quickly checked the revolver and straight knife in his hand, and then followed behind Lyle tremblingly.

The master and apprentice walked out together, came to the spacious snow field in the church courtyard, and looked into the distance through the courtyard gate.

The next second, Ye Chen's face was shocked by the vision in front of him.

At this moment, what is reflected on the retina in his pupils is no longer the continuous snow mountains, dense snow forests, and vast snowfields that Yechen was familiar with in the past, but an endless, impenetrable black field, as if there are no stars The night sky is so ordinary that it engulfs all the other areas except the snow mountain where the old church is located...

"This... these..."

"Could it be...all..."


Ye Chen looked at the black ocean that covered the entire world of ice and snow, couldn't help swallowing, and then asked his teacher with a trembling voice.

In the previous trials, just dealing with two creatures contaminated by the abyss almost killed Yechen, but now, he really can't imagine how to compete with such a terrifying number of abysses that cover the entire world ...

However, just when the boy was deeply moved and terrified, the man patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't be afraid, Ye Chen."

"The Abyss's favorite emotion is fear. The more fearful you are, the easier it is to be exploited. Face them head on, as you did in the final trial."

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