Original Collapse Iron short video: The opening three divine songs of the robin

Chapter 35

When Sha Jin set out again to pursue the child, Sha Jin's shadow muttered behind him, which made Sha Jin feel annoyed again.


It was not a direct sarcasm.

Shajin asked in return:"Why don't you say anything?"

"You really piqued my interest, I admit I don't know you well enough"

"Are you going to be honest?"

"You are wrong. I have always been honest. It is better to say that sincerity has always been one of my good virtues. There is no need to emphasize it to you. Do you see that maze? Before you walk out, I think I can completely solve you. Oh.....No, it's about understanding you.

Our journey in this huge movie studio has not yet ended, and I don't mind us staying together for a longer time."

Sorry, but I mind."

Shajin kept this in his heart and didn't say it out loud.

Solve me?

Understand me?

No matter which one, don't even think about it.

[He did not deny that Tongxie's winged head had some tricks.

But it was far from enough to deal with the gold dust.

"My chips are beyond your imagination."

He continued walking along the maze-like Klock Studios, and the echoes of his childhood memories filled the way.

He became more and more convinced that these hallucinations must be the work of the wing head of the family.

"Wow, it’s so high here, higher than the tallest rocks in the desert!"

"There are many more flowers, sister, this purple one is for you."

Combined with the previous childhood experience of Sha Jin, this is definitely a killer move against Sha Jin himself.

【March 7: This man is unwilling to stop even to this extent, he is really full of courage!】

【Xing: It's a pity that I was blind at such a young age and joined the company】

【Topa: What's wrong with our company? Please stop talking nonsense.】

【Patrolman Portio: Is it good? What's good about it? Your moral standards are not much different from those of Dr. Primal.】

【Ruan Mei: Did Dr. Original capture the Sea Ranger for experiments?】

【Patrolman Portio: You ask me? Who should I ask?

Patrolmen don't usually contact each other. Portio really has no idea about this matter. Although this rumor has spread widely, it is really hard to tell the truth from the false, given that both parties are elusive.

Look at the gold dust again.

He did not stop in the light curtain because of these echoes.

Until he encountered a dead end again in the maze.

"Another dead end? Damn it!......Did I go the wrong way?"Shajin touched his chin and thought.

When he lowered his head, a rusty shackle was lying quietly at his feet.

"This is....."Shajin hesitated for a moment.

Shackles and slaves, these memories are not very pleasant.

"What did you remember?"

Shajin ignored the shadow.

But the shadow seemed to want him to recall the past that he couldn't bear to look back on.

"If you can't remember, I'll remind you.

The shackles, and they were put on you, the first [job] that man gave you.

And the first pot of gold you earned, I remember all of these clearly."

"You wrapped the chain around your fist, the only tool you had, and then in that 35-man battle royale......"

Bloody memories.

Not worth bringing up.

"Shut up, I tell you to shut up!"

"What is there to be ashamed of?

Back then, you were willing to lose anything, even your life, but now you are unwilling to admit that your life is only worth sixty copper coins?"

"In my opinion, your refusal to face it just shows your weakness. Please, gambler, can you win with such an ugly appearance?"


Would a weak person smash his own foundation with his own hands?

Would a weak person risk his life to confront Sunday?

Would a weak person come to this day just by luck?

"What nonsense are you talking about? I am weak?

A weak person would not have sat at the poker table in the first place, nor would he have taken the risk like me."

【Bengtiewalter: I seem to understand the meaning of this future gold dust.】

【Kiana: Huh? Isn't it just to annoy Mr. Gold Sand?】

【Otto: This is not difficult to see. It is said to be schizophrenia and the future of Gold Sand, but to be more precise, this seems to be Gold Sand's own will to survive. His purpose of ridiculing Gold Sand is to hope that Gold Sand will give up his current plan and calmly become a coward who faces his own vulnerable part.】

【Red Kite Immortal: There is nothing shameful about this. Everyone is afraid of death. If Mr. Shajin's actions are on the right track, it is not surprising that he would have such a mentality before paying a huge price.】

"Yes, you like to take risks.

But you are not cruel, your cruelty is only directed at yourself.

Even if this is a dream, in order to experiment with [death], you still only dare to use yourself as the subject of the experiment."

"You can have as many small employees as you want. They could have been your trump cards, but you just asked them to make a small sacrifice.

If they died, it would be welcome. In this case, the family would have as many stains as you want. It is because you are not cruel to others that this happened. If you do what I say, the problem will be solved long ago."

"If it were [Opal], this problem wouldn't be a problem."

Yes, but what's the difference between doing this and pure frame-up.

Since they have to be gamblers at the table, those accompanying them must also be qualified to be at the table.

Shajin thought that he and Sunday were betting against each other, and it was a fair duel between kings.

There was no need to involve other people.

"What you said is very efficient."

"It’s not that I don’t know how to use it, it’s that I just don’t want to use it, do you understand?"

"How can I enjoy the thrill of winning if the game is unfair?"

【Patrolman Portio: The most professional episode of the company dog】

【Topa: Bullshit, our company is a dog......The company's employees have always had such professional ethics】

【General Jingyuan: Okay, everyone calls you Maibangjie, so stop talking about professional ethics. 】

Topa was angry and thought that he had always spoken well of the company, but why were Feicui and Shajin completely indifferent to other people's praise of the company?

"Gold dust, can't you say a few words for me?"

"What? You said you didn't buy the charts?"

"The Abyss produces weak fire every day. Isn't it normal for you to be called a ranking sister like this?" Shajin complained helplessly.

"Not this! I let you......"

"Okay, we are looking for clues, what are you looking at? Do you think we are really three-year-old children?"

Emerald also shrugged and said,"It's hard to tell whether the company is black or white in a few words.

There is no need to waste time with those outsiders. We still want to see the secrets of Pinocchio."

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