Original Collapse Iron short video: The opening three divine songs of the robin

Chapter 24

Heavy rain fell.

The blond child standing in the rain was exactly what Gold Dust looked like when he was a child, and a girl a few years older than him held him in her arms.

In this scene, even if nothing was said yet, everyone as an audience could understand that this was definitely not a good sign.

"We have to say goodbye here, Kakawashia. The girl's voice trembled. She gently stroked the gold dust's head, but the raindrops replaced the girl's touch. In the heavy rain, there was no dry spot on the two of them.

Gold dust's tears flowed down her cheeks and mixed with the rain.


"The Kartikas have taken everything from us."

"They took away our money and food, and killed our father and mother. What else do they want?"

The Kartikas are cruel, bloodthirsty, and greedy, so they get nothing."

"This is a ruse, a revenge for us Avignon, remember?"

"Today is the [Kakawa] day of our Ewejin people, and it is also your birthday"

"The Katikas knew that we, the Evijins, would hold a memorial ceremony today, and they would take advantage of the heavy rain to destroy our caravans and take away everything they wanted."

"But the Kartikas don't know that the black-clad men from the sky will choose to stand on our side this time. The Kartikas have no chance of winning against them, and they will definitely pay the price for what they have done."

【Xing: The men in black in the sky are the employees of Interstellar Peace Company.】

【Kiana: Eh? The new name"company" has been around for so long, but it finally did something good.】

【Estar: What do you mean? Our company is well-known for its peace in the universe, and most of our employees believe in [preservation] of destiny. Is there anyone in the universe who is more reliable than us?】

【General Jing Yuan: Is this true? I trust the Sea Patrol Ranger more.】

【Paimon: But that's not right. Since the company stood on the side of the Evikin people, why did the Evikin people inevitably suffer a genocide?】

【Patrolman Portio: Watson, you found the blind spot. 】

Paimon's words instantly cooled everyone's enthusiasm for discussion.

Indeed, no matter how beautiful the words are, it depends on how well the work is done.

With the company's strength, it is easy to eliminate the Evikins or the Katikas.

From this point of view, the so-called standing on the side of the Evikins is just a cover, just an excuse.

Doesn't Shajin know? If so, why did he still choose to join the company?

"Uncle Yang, what do you think?"March Seven asked

"In fact, this problem is very easy to analyze, and it is much simpler than the complicated situation of Pinocchio, but the answer to this question is also cruel!"

"Because the company doesn't really want to help anyone, whether it's the Kartika or the Evikin, in the eyes of the company they are just a group of natives, but seizing this land out of humanitarianism will always leave a bad impact in the interstellar space."


Before Walter could continue, Sanyueqi covered his mouth and exclaimed,"So the company chose to use the tactic of driving the tiger to swallow the wolf, telling the Evijin people that the Kartika people would come to attack, and they would help the Evijin people at that time, but deliberately did not intervene at the critical moment.

But the Kartika people made a big mistake, and then cleared out the Kartika people who were in the way under the pretext of genocide, and this planet basically became a no-man's land."

Danheng nodded and said,"Then it was the familiar company's smiling tiger style, punishing the Kartika people and redressing the Evijin people, but in fact, who is the worst person, anyone with a discerning eye can see."

Walter shook his head helplessly.

There are actually more evil speculations about this matter.

Kartika may not want to conflict with the Evijin people every day.

But in order to provoke a fight between the two sides, someone in the company deliberately instigated the Kartika people behind the back.

Otherwise, it is hard to imagine that both of them are uncivilized indigenous races that have entered interstellar navigation, how could one side present an absolute crushing situation.

It's just that this statement is too cruel, and Shajin himself works in the company.

Maybe this is just my own opinion.

"Damn it, the people in the company are so bad!"Sister Xing clenched her fists and thought that she would definitely cause trouble for the Interstellar Peace Company next time....

Shajin's sister continued,"If it hadn't been for the rain, the Kartikas wouldn't have come, but we wouldn't have had a chance to deal with them either!"

"All of this is a gift from Mother Goddess"

"And you are the son of [Kakawa], your good luck will surely bless your sister to success!"

"But wouldn't many people die? You would also be in danger. I don't understand how this can be considered good luck."Shajin shook his head in confusion.

"You know, the Evijin people will take revenge. The Mother Goddess is calling me, my father and mother are waiting for me, and I must respond.

But He has given you good luck, so you must survive, Kakavasa."

"As long as you are alive, the blood of the Evikin has not dried up!

So run, don't look back, Kakavasa, don't be afraid, Kakavasa!

Go to the other side of the mountain, the rain will wash away your footprints, and the Mother Goddess will protect you."

‘Live, Kakavasa' these words lingered in the ears of Shajin in his childhood like a magic spell.

After all the sorrows, he had to live without hesitation.


At this time, everyone may understand the meaning of Sunday's previous question.

Does he really want to destroy the world with his own hands?

He said he didn't know.

But if it were other people, how many people would choose the path of destruction after losing all hope in life?

"Sister, will we meet again?���

"We will meet again under the aurora on the next Kakawa day, go!"

It means we will see each other on the next Kakawa day, but anyone with a discerning eye knows that this may be a sign of farewell.

"May the Mother Goddess close her eyes for you three times, so that your blood will always be surging, your journey will always be safe, and your schemes will never be exposed."

"Goodbye, Kakawashia."

The gold dust of childhood was running in the heavy rain. His sister looked at his back with a lonely and sad expression, and tears finally flowed from her eyes.

This farewell. We will be separated forever.

【Alicia: What a poor child.】

【Mebius: These Kartikas deserve to be punished. If I were here, I would definitely turn these spineless guys into Honkai beasts.】

【March 7: Gold dust is on the road to destruction. I no longer doubt that there is a problem.】

【Gold Dust: Everyone, this is a bit too much. I am a staunch supporter of [Cun Hu]. How could I join Nanook's army? It is impossible. 】

Of course everyone knows that he is now a supporter of [Cun Hu].

But there are definitely too many people who want to ask a question.


"How can you be a protector?"

"This is so fucking unscientific!"...

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