
Chapter 65 Looking for Apo

After Wu Zhongyuan finished speaking, Zhao Ying actually smiled, "Is this the reason why you don't let me follow you?"

"Isn't this reason enough?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

Zhao Ying smiled and said, "I believe you are telling the truth, but I don't think this kind of thing will definitely happen."

"According to Einstein..."

Zhao Ying waved her hand, "I won't argue with you about the time paradox. It is a theory that cannot be verified and has no value for discussion."

"You go, I don't want to hurt you." Wu Zhongyuan picked up his backpack.

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan was about to leave, Zhao Ying hurriedly stopped him, "Okay, okay, since you believe in theory, let's talk about theory. Let me ask you first, what is eternity?"

Zhao Ying's question is not profound, it is a very simple philosophical question. Wu Zhongyuan said casually, "It will never change, it will always exist."

"What will never change and exist forever?" Zhao Ying asked again.

This question is simpler. Wu Zhongyuan said casually, "What never changes is stillness, and what always exists is motion. These are two forms of material existence. These are all the knowledge you have in junior high school physics."

"This is a primary school curriculum in the West," Zhao Ying said with a smile. "Excluding the part that dies and is still, all existing things and substances are in motion. Am I right?"

"What exactly do you want to say?" Wu Zhongyuan was a little impatient.

"What I want to say is that as long as a thing does not die, it will always be in a state of motion. As long as it moves, it will change. So I don't believe in the known unknown, nor do I believe that I will die." Zhao Ying said.

"Don't talk about this with me. Anyway, I won't let you follow me." Wu Zhongyuan turned around and left.

Zhao Ying still followed her, "Have you ever been in love?"

"Why do you ask this?" Wu Zhongyuan frowned.

"Answer me." Zhao Ying said.

"Does pretending count?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

Zhao Ying smiled, "If a girl said to you now, 'I will love you forever,' would you believe it?"

Wu Zhongyuan didn't know why Zhao Ying asked this question. He was worried that it was a trap, so he refused to answer.

Zhao Ying added, "I guess you won't believe it. So if a girl said to you 'I will always love you' before she died, would you believe it?"

"Can you say something auspicious?" Wu Zhongyuan glanced at Zhao Ying.

"Answer me, do you believe it or not?" Zhao Ying asked.

"I understand what you mean," Wu Zhongyuan said, "You mean that there is no change until death."

"Yes, if it doesn't die, there will be changes, so don't worry about it." Zhao Ying said.

"I won't tell you this, just leave quickly and don't follow me." Wu Zhongyuan said.

"Where do you want me to go? The helicopter has flown away." Zhao Ying said with a smile.

After hearing what Zhao Ying said, Wu Zhongyuan looked back. Sure enough, the helicopter was no longer there. He was just talking to Zhao Ying and didn't notice when the plane took off.

"Okay, don't worry about it." Zhao Ying pushed Wu Zhongyuan.

Wu Zhongyuan shook his head helplessly, turned around and walked north.

Zhao Ying followed from behind, "Hey, let me ask you a question."

"What?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

"Do you like me?" Zhao Ying asked with a smile.

"What did you say?" Wu Zhongyuan curled his lips.

"I asked you, do you like me?" Zhao Ying asked loudly.

Wu Zhongyuan did not answer, but just responded with a look of contempt.

"If you don't like me, why are you so worried about my safety?" Zhao Ying asked.

"What are you thinking about? I am now a clay Buddha crossing the river and cannot protect myself. How can I worry about your safety? I am just afraid that you will die because of me." Wu Zhongyuan poured cold water on Zhao Ying.

Zhao Ying didn't take it seriously and shrugged, "It's about the same nature."

"It's almost the same. If you died because of me, I would feel guilty. Let alone a human being, even if a cat or dog died because of me, I would feel guilty." Wu Zhongyuan continued to pour cold water.

Zhao Ying pouted and said no more.

"Where are we now?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

Zhao Ying carried a backpack with her. After Wu Zhongyuan finished speaking, she took out a small positioning instrument from the backpack, "One hundred and eighty kilometers west of the starting point, what are your plans now?"

Wu Zhongyuan said, "Find a safe place to hide for a few days and let's wait until the news passes. By the way, where is the yellow staff you brought out?"

"Oops, I forgot him on the plane. I'll send him back right away." Zhao Ying said eagerly.

Wu Zhongyuan tilted his head and glanced at Zhao Ying. Seeing that her expression didn't look like she was faking it, he said, "Forget it, keep it for now. If it's useful, take it back."

"That's okay, that thing is quite heavy, and it's not convenient to carry it with you all the time." Zhao Ying nodded, "By the way, how do you know that thing is called a staff?"

"What is the name of a magic wand other than a magic wand?" Wu Zhongyuan said casually, "The ones used by blind people and old people are called crutches, the ones used by monks are called Zen sticks, the ones used by chiefs of some tribes are called scepters, and the ones used by wizards are called staffs. The professor said it all during class, but you just didn’t pay attention.”

"I'm not going to class," Zhao Ying walked a few steps quickly to catch up with Wu Zhongyuan, "Where are the jeans? Why didn't I see her just now?"

"Do you miss her very much?" Wu Zhongyuan glanced at Zhao Ying.

"Actually, I just want to know how she lied to you." Zhao Ying smiled evilly.

Wu Zhongyuan did not answer the call. In Zhao Ying's opinion, Wang Xinran deceived him, but Zhao Ying did not know the specific details. In fact, Wang Xinran was also kept in the dark and did not intend to deceive him. In addition, without Wang Xinran's help that day, , he was afraid that it would be difficult for him to escape unscathed.

Wang Xinran helped him escape. She will definitely be punished very severely afterwards. I don’t know how she is doing now.

After walking north for more than 20 minutes, a village appeared in front of us. This village was very large. Since it was already late at night, there was not much light in the village.

According to Wu Zhongyuan's idea, he would find a dilapidated house near the village to stay for a few days, but Zhao Ying disagreed. She took out her mobile phone and played with it, then called a car and took the two of them directly to a hotel in the city.

When I arrived at the hotel, I didn't go to the front desk to register. I took the elevator to the tenth floor, came to the westmost room in the corridor, and raised my hand to knock on the door.

"Who are you looking for?" A man's voice came from the room.

Zhao Ying stood leaning against the wall, "Director Wang, you have been reported. Wake up Secretary Zhang and leave immediately."

The people inside responded nervously.

A few minutes later, a fat man in his fifties and a young woman in her early twenties opened the door in a panic and came out. The fat man took out a wad of bills and stuffed them into Zhao Ying, "Thank you."

"After going downstairs, go through the back door." Zhao Ying said.

The fat man thanked him profusely and left in a panic.

After the two left, Zhao Ying pulled Wu Zhongyuan into the room and closed the door.

"How do you know who lives in the room?" Wu Zhongyuan checked around the room. This is a suite. The room is large and well-decorated. It has a wine cabinet, a refrigerator, and a large bathtub in the bathroom.

"In the Internet age, people have no privacy." Zhao Ying sat down on the sofa and threw the wad of banknotes on the coffee table. "Don't worry, I checked. The surveillance of this hotel was closed two days ago. broken."

Wu Zhongyuan has nothing to say. Zhao Ying has the support of Western forces behind her. They can also do what Wang Xinran and others can do.

"It's almost dawn, go to bed early," Zhao Ying pointed to the bedroom, "You sleep in the bedroom, and I sleep on the sofa."

"I'd rather sleep on the sofa." Wu Zhongyuan said.

"No, you sleep in the bedroom. I don't like the smell of Dior perfume." Zhao Ying stood up and walked to the wine cabinet to select red wine.

Wu Zhongyuan even lived in the haystack of the bridge, so he naturally didn't mind the smell of the perfume left by the previous woman in the room, so he walked into the bedroom and put down his backpack.

None of the red wines on the wine cabinet seemed to be what Zhao Ying liked. In the end, Zhao Ying took a bottle of mineral water and sat back on the sofa. She took out her pistol and started checking the unloaded bullets.

"Who are you?" Wu Zhongyuan became curious about Zhao Ying's true identity.

"Do you know the significance of these?" Zhao Ying asked casually, "When you were on the mountain, did you pay attention to what was in the stone chamber?"

Zhao Ying did not have night vision, so it was normal for her to be unable to see the scenery in the stone chamber. Wu Zhongyuan did not hide it from her, "It seems there is only a crystal coffin."

"It's an advantage for them." Zhao Ying loaded the bullet.

Wu Zhongyuan did not answer. The reason why Zhao Ying said this was because whether it was the crystal coffin or the old wizard, including the middle-aged Taoist and the armor he wore, they all have high research value. These things all fell into the hands of later generations. It's in people's hands.

Wu Zhongyuan was a little thirsty and walked out to get some water. Seeing Zhao Ying's serious expression, he said, "They can't take everything away."

Zhao Ying looked up at him.

Wu Zhongyuan said, "The middle-aged Taoist brought a small baggage with him. He did not see the baggage when the incident occurred. If my guess is correct, he should have hidden the baggage near the big tree on the other side of the river."

"Let's go back and look for them after they leave." Zhao Ying picked up her cell phone. The cell phone she used was not just a cell phone, but a specially made one. It had many functions that ordinary cell phones did not have. But what was she doing at this time? Wu Zhongyuan didn't know.

Both of them were very tired. Wu Zhongyuan drank water and went back to the bedroom to lie down. Zhao Ying loved to be clean and took a bath before going to bed. Wu Zhongyuan fell asleep listening to the sound of water dripping in the bathroom.

It was after ten o'clock in the morning when she woke up, which was already past the time for breakfast in the hotel. While Wu Zhongyuan was washing up, Zhao Ying ordered takeout. She ordered pizza for herself and fried rice for Wu Zhongyuan.

After dinner, Zhao Ying kept playing with her mobile phone in the living room, while Wu Zhongyuan lay in the bedroom with his eyes closed to relax.

Near twelve o'clock, the front desk called and asked whether to extend their stay. The call was answered by Wu Zhongyuan, but he didn't know how long the two of them would stay here, so he looked at Zhao Ying, who raised a finger to indicate Only lasts for one day.

After hanging up the phone, Wu Zhongyuan said to Zhao Ying, "One day is not enough."

"It should be enough. They moved very quickly. They should be able to finish moving them all before dark." Zhao Ying said.

"How do you know?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

"There are satellites." Zhao Ying showed the screen of her mobile phone to Wu Zhongyuan. What was displayed on the screen was the live scene around the mountain peak. There was a cordon around the perimeter, and many people were busy at the scene.

"So you've been watching this." Wu Zhongyuan said.

Zhao Ying nodded.

Knowing that he would not be able to go back in a short time, Wu Zhongyuan also accepted this fact. At this time, the only thing he could do was to wait for the official people to clean up the battlefield before going back to find the Abo the thin man mentioned.

Zhao Ying has been closely observing the situation near the mountain peak. Her estimate was very accurate. Before dark, all the corpses were removed, the crystal coffin in the stone chamber was also carried down the mountain, and the armor left by the middle-aged Taoist was also loaded onto the truck. It was transported away, but those who cleaned up the aftermath did not leave. They still stayed near the mountain peak, looking for any clues that might have been missed.

If those people don't leave, the two of them can't go back. Whether Wu Zhongyuan wants to or not, he has to wait.

Those people stayed nearby for three days, searching every corner. It was not until the evening of the third day that they packed up their tents and left.

Early the next morning, the two got into the Audi car used by the hotel to pick up VIPs, and went straight to the mountain where the incident occurred. To be precise, it was the village northeast of the mountain where the incident occurred. The thin man and the sheepherder came out of that village on horseback that day. , Apo should also live in that village.

At around 11 o'clock at noon, the two arrived at the village. This village is called Dongze Village. It has more than 300 households and is a multi-ethnic village.

What happened a few days ago has spread in the village, and it is all talked about in the streets and alleys. Only then did Wu Zhongyuan know the names of the two people. The skinny man was named Yao Ziqin, and the sheepherder was named Liu Zilong. The reason why they were not The surname Wu may be due to the different pronunciation between Tibetan and Chinese, so the old wizard did not retain the surname Wu.

After the two entered the village, they asked some old people sitting at the head of the village basking in the sun who was called Abo. However, the old people did not know that there was such a person. Abo is a Han name. There are not many Han people in this village. They all knew the Han people and insisted that no one called him by this name.

I asked elsewhere and got the same answer. There was no Apo in the village.

Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan was in a low mood, Zhao Ying comforted him, "Don't worry, he may be from a neighboring village. Let's go to the nearby villages to inquire."

Wu Zhongyuan nodded.

"Let's go, the car is still waiting at the entrance of the village." Zhao Ying said.

"You go out first, I'll go to their home and have a look." Wu Zhongyuan said.

"I'll go with you." Zhao Ying said.

Wu Zhongyuan had no objection.

Liu Zilong's home is in the west of the village, and the two went to his home first. The Liu family was still immersed in sadness. Wu Zhongyuan only said that he was Liu Zilong's friend and came to visit them.

Through conversations, it was discovered that the Liu family did not know Liu Zilong's true situation. They did not even know that Liu Zilong knew martial arts. I have never heard of Apo.

When asked if Liu Zilong had any relics left behind, the Liu family only said that they were some clothes, and they had all been burned a few days ago.

Before leaving, Wu Zhongyuan left 10,000 yuan. He also wanted to give more, but he didn't have much money.

Yao Ziqin originally lived in the north of the village. When the two of them came to visit, the Yao family was so cold that they didn't even make lunch.

Similar to the situation of the Liu family, the Yao family did not know that Yao Zilong knew martial arts, let alone that he had been guarding the secret room in the southwest, and Yao Ziqin did not leave any special relics.

Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan wanted to get money, Zhao Ying took out the wad that Director Wang had given him a few days ago. Ten thousand yuan was not much, but it was not too little for the herdsmen here. The Yao family was surprised. decline.

After many rejections, the Yao family finally accepted it. Both of the Yao family's children are in high school, and the family's mainstay has fallen. Tuition fees will be a problem in the future.

When he reached the door, Wu Zhongyuan rushed to the Yao family members who came out to see him off and asked, "Auntie, do you know a person named Abo?"

"Apo?" The woman looked confused.

"This person may be from our village, or he may be from several nearby villages." Wu Zhongyuan said.

The woman shook her head slowly, "I don't know."

Frustrated and disappointed, Wu Zhongyuan forced himself to say goodbye to the woman and two children.

At this moment, the eldest son of the Yao family spoke, "Brother, what are you doing with Abo?"

Wu Zhongyuan turned around when he heard the voice, "Do you know Abo?"

The young man nodded, then shook his head, "I don't know anyone named Abo, but I have a sheep named Abo at home."

Wu Zhongyuan was shocked when he heard this, "What did you say?"

"Apo is a Boer goat in my family." Da Zi said.

"Where is it, take me there quickly." Wu Zhongyuan said urgently. Before Yao Ziqin died, he said that he should follow Abo, not that Abo was a human being.

The eldest son did not answer, but looked at his mother and brother in shock.

"What's wrong?" Wu Zhongyuan's heart was in his throat.

"Apo is no longer here." Daazi said.

"Ah?!" Wu Zhongyuan's face turned pale with fear, "Did you kill it?"

"No, we sold it." Daazi said.

The woman said, "The head of the family passed away, the children have to go to school, and there is no one to graze. I sold all the sheep at home yesterday afternoon."

Wu Zhongyuan regained hope after hearing this, "Who did you sell it to?"

"Sold to the slaughterhouse," the woman said.


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