
Chapter 61 Masters compete with each other

While the sheepherder was speaking, he rushed to the middle-aged Taoist and punched out with his right fist, directly hitting the middle-aged Taoist Liuyang leader.

The middle-aged Taoist lowered his head to avoid it, broke the sword in his hand, shook his wrist and held it behind his back, slashing open the lower abdomen of the sheepherder.

The middle-aged Taoist struck out extremely quickly, but the sheepherder's moves were too old and he could no longer avoid it. The broken sword swung past his lower abdomen.

Wu Zhongyuan saw it clearly, and instantly took a breath of cold air. It's over, it's over, he was disemboweled in one move.

The middle-aged Taoist might have had the same idea, but he soon suspected that the sword might not have been effective, because the sheepherder's attack was still fierce and seemed not to be affected.

While Wu Zhongyuan was watching the battle nervously, the thin man said coldly from the side, "Token."

Wu Zhongyuan reached into his arms and took out a white jade stone from his inner pocket and held it in his palm.

The thin man reached out to take it, and Wu Zhongyuan hurriedly took the jade back, "Who are you?"

Wu Zhongyuan's question not only made the thin man frown, but also Zhao Ying on the side. The actions of these two middle-aged men had already shown that they were friends rather than enemies, and Wu Zhongyuan still didn't believe them.

"That depends on who you are?" The thin man said in a cold tone.

As soon as the thin man finished speaking, Wu Zhongyuan slowly stretched out his right hand and opened his palm at the same time.

Zhao Ying was standing next to Wu Zhongyuan. Seeing this situation, she hurriedly pointed her gun at the thin man because she noticed that Wu Zhongyuan's hand was not voluntary, but was forced by an invisible force.

The thin man glanced at Zhao Ying and reached out to take the white jade stone in Wu Zhongyuan's hand.

After the jade was taken away, Wu Zhongyuan regained his freedom, eagerly pulled out his hand, and moved the five fingers of his right hand in surprise.

The thin man took the jade stone, held it in his palm, closed his eyes and concentrated on sensing it.

At the same time, the fight between the sheepherder and the middle-aged Taoist continued. At this time, the middle-aged Taoist had thrown away the broken sword in his hand and used his palms to fight the sheepherder's fists. The sheepherder also tore off his Tibetan robe that was cut to pieces by the broken sword, shouted and exerted his strength, and fought hand to hand with the middle-aged Taoist.

This person's horizontal training skills are really impressive. The middle-aged Taoist's sword that disemboweled him did not cause any harm, and his muscular abdomen did not leave even a blood mark.

Heng Lian Kung Fu is a type of hard Qigong, which can be used not only to strengthen defense, but also to attack powerfully. The sheep herding man raises Qi to assist, gathers Qi in his fists, smashes and hits, and creates wind with his breath.

Although the middle-aged Taoist man did not have the terrifying strength of the sheepherder, he did have astonishing speed that the sheepherder did not have. Every full-force attack of the sheepherder was calmly avoided and counterattacked by him.

But despite his amazing speed and strange movement skills, he did not have an advantage because his strength was insufficient, and his counterattack after dodging was not enough to seriously injure the sheepherder.

After a while, the thin man opened his eyes and handed the jade in his hand to Wu Zhongyuan, "Who asked you to come here?"

Wu Zhongyuan took the jade and said, "A tribesman who came to look for me."

"Do you know his name?" the thin man asked.

"I know, his name is Wu Zhui." Wu Zhongyuan said.

After Wuzhong Yuanyan finished speaking, the thin man took out an old sheepskin from his arms. The sheepskin was covered with Tibetan characters. The Tibetan characters were written horizontally, with two columns of characters in each line, symmetrical on the left and right.

Seeing him like this, Wu Zhongyuan immediately understood what this person was looking for.

His tribe sent many people to search for him in different eras. What is recorded on this sheepskin should be the names of the tribesmen who went to different eras. This is another basis for the other party to determine his identity.

"Don't look at this, I have a tattoo." Wu Zhongyuan said eagerly.

"Tattoo?" The skinny man's expression wasn't surprise, but confusion.

"I have a golden dragon tattoo." Wu Zhongyuan unbuttoned his shirt and showed the tattoo on his chest to the thin man.

I don't know whether the little wizard didn't know that he had such a tattoo, or the little wizard didn't pass on this clue. Although the thin man saw the tattoo on Wu Zhongyuan's chest, he seemed very confused. After frowning, he continued to look at the sheepskin in his hand.

"Brother, hurry up, he's looking for my cover." The sheepherder's roar came from the left.

The thin man heard the cry of the sheepherder, but he did not immediately go to help, but continued to search for the sheepskin with his head lowered.

The sheepskin was written in Tibetan, which Wu Zhongyuan could not understand, but the appearance of this sheepskin revealed another piece of information invisibly, that is, the little wizard had once awakened, and even if he did not write this sheepskin himself, It must have been written at his dictation, for no one but the young wizard knew the names of the men who were sent out to look for him.

"Found it!" The thin man suddenly raised his head. This man was deep in the city and could not express his emotions or anger, but at this time he could not suppress his inner excitement. "After waiting for so many years, we have finally arrived."

Before Wu Zhongyuan answered, the thin man had already put away the sheepskin and shouted to the sheepherder, "Junior brother, it's him."

The sheepherder was a little angry after fighting for a long time with no results. Hearing the words of the thin man, he became energetic and shouted excitedly, "Okay!"

The thin man took a few steps forward and stood in front of Wu Zhongyuan and Zhao Ying. He stretched out his arms and muttered something.

Wu Zhongyuan couldn't understand what incantation this person was reciting, but he knew that it was definitely not Tibetan, because the pronunciation of the incantation recited by this person was very similar to part of Wu Zhui's pronunciation.

After more than ten seconds, the effect of the spell began to show, and the speed of the sheepherder's moves was greatly accelerated. Previously, he could not even touch the corners of the opponent's clothes. Now, it was very difficult for the opponent to dodge.

But upon closer inspection, I found that it was not that the sheepherder's attack speed had increased, but that the middle-aged Taoist's dodge speed had slowed down, and his movement was no longer fast and smooth, as if he was restrained by some invisible force.

Outsiders can see it, and insiders naturally feel it more clearly. The middle-aged Taoist priest knows that the thin man is secretly influencing him. After a few rounds, he avoids an elbow attack from the sheepherder, kicks up a piece of gravel, and hits it towards Zheng Nian. A thin man reciting mantras.

Seeing the gravel flying towards him, the thin man had no choice but to turn sideways to avoid it. With a movement of his body, the spell stopped and the spell became ineffective.

At this time, the sheepherder turned around to attack again. The middle-aged Taoist twisted his body and kicked the sheepherder back. At the same time, he used the force of the recoil to rush towards the emaciated man.

Seeing the opponent rushing towards him, the thin man stepped back with his right foot in a defensive posture.

However, this man's martial arts seemed to be ordinary. Before he could open his stance, the middle-aged Taoist's right palm had already attacked. The thin man was unable to take precautions and was hit hard. He became unsteady and staggered back.

The middle-aged Taoist priest succeeded with one blow, but instead of taking advantage of the opportunity to pursue him, he pulled out the dagger from his waist and swung it at Wu Zhongyuan's throat.

Wu Zhongyuan subconsciously retreated and dodged, and Zhao Ying took the opportunity to shoot. Since the shot was from close range, and because the middle-aged Taoist was eager to kill Wu Zhongyuan and did not dodge, the shot directly hit his left rib.

Anyone who has never been shot will underestimate the power of a bullet. This middle-aged Taoist priest must have never been shot. He underestimated the huge impact of the bullet. After being hit by the bullet, his body tilted, and the dagger missed its aim, and it passed across Wu Zhongyuan's neck. , only barely opening Wu Zhongyuan's throat.

Since he fired, Zhao Ying would not just fire one shot, but one shot and another, and the second shot also hit the middle-aged Taoist priest.

The middle-aged Taoist priest put one arm on the ground and bounced back up. Before he could stand upright, Zhao Ying fired again, firing left and right, one after another. All the bullets hit the middle-aged Taoist priest without any deflection.

The ammunition storage of the pistols was limited. After a few seconds, both pistols were empty. However, the middle-aged Taoist priest was still standing there, his robes were full of bullet holes, but no blood was seen flowing out.

Not only Wu Zhongyuan and Zhao Ying were shocked, but also the sheepherder who rushed forward and the thin man who regained his position were stunned. No one could stand after so many shots, let alone a ferocious smile on his face. .

After a brief moment of shock, the sheepherder was the first to react, roaring forward, swinging his arms and punching.

The middle-aged Taoist priest did not move around this time, but stepped on the ground and jumped into the air.

According to the theory of universal gravitation, as long as it does not pass through the atmosphere, no matter how high it is jumped, it will eventually fall back to the ground. However, after the middle-aged Taoist priest jumped up, he hovered in the air and did not fall out of exhaustion.

While the two of them looked up, the sheepherder and the skinny man came over and stood in front of them.

"I didn't expect that there are such masters now," the thin man frowned and looked up, "Where does this person come from?"

"Brother, what is this guy doing?" the sheepherder asked in a low voice.

"Recite the incantation." The skinny man said in a very affirmative tone.

"You can't sit still and wait for death. Quickly use the thunder from the sky to knock him down." said the sheepherder.

The thin man nodded, stretched his arms, and closed his eyes.

The sheepherder stepped forward to protect him.

Wu Zhongyuan and Zhao Ying both wanted to do something at this time, but the masters were competing against each other, and there was no room for them to intervene.

At this time, the middle-aged Taoist priest was about twenty meters above the ground. He was holding the secrets with his left hand and pressing the index finger and middle finger of his right hand against his right temple, while he was muttering something in his mouth. But unlike the incantation recited by the thin man, the incantation recited by this man seemed to be very short, with only a few syllables, and was repeated rapidly.

The duration of the spell's effect varies. This time the emaciated man has been reciting the spell, but there is no flash of lightning, but the wind is gradually increasing, and there are faint dark clouds gathering in the sky.

"What spell is he going to cast?" Zhao Ying asked in a low voice.

Wu Zhongyuan shook his head. His master only taught them rudimentary martial arts when he was alive, and he knew nothing about magic.

As time went by, the dark clouds in the sky became thicker and thicker, gradually blocking the cold moonlight.

At this moment, the middle-aged Taoist priest in the sky suddenly made a move, shrugged his shoulders and raised his arms, shattering all the clothes he was wearing, leaving only his underwear. At the same time, a purple light flew from the eastern sky...

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