
Chapter 55 Bizarre Inscription

Wu Zhongyuan was not the only one who was excited. Wang Xinran was even more excited than him. He quickly walked to the pit dug by the excavator and looked down, "It's a stone slab. There is really an underground palace below!"

Wu Zhongyuan followed and shouted to the excavator driver, "Stop the engine and throw the sledgehammer to me."

Excavators often lose their chains, so each vehicle is equipped with a large hammer for winding the chain. The driver turns off the engine and takes the hammer off.

Wu Zhongyuan took the hammer, jumped into the pit, and hit the stone slab with a hammer.

Seeing that the slate was intact, the driver said, "The slate is very thick and cannot be broken."

"dig away the soil." Wu Zhongyuan returned the hammer to the driver and pulled Wang Xinran back to a safe area.

The driver didn't know why, but Wang Xinran understood. He knew that Wu Zhongyuan was trying to determine whether there was space under the stone slabs, and the sound made by tapping the stone slabs showed that there was indeed space under these stone slabs, and that the space was quite large.

"Can you tell me what's down there now?" Wang Xinran couldn't wait.

"Underground palace." Wu Zhongyuan said casually.

Wang Xinran was naturally dissatisfied with such an answer and continued to ask, "What is in the underground palace?"

"I'm not sure either." Wu Zhongyuan said.

"It's boring for you to do this." Wang Xinran was dissatisfied. Since Wu Zhongyuan knew that there was an underground palace here, he must also know what was in the underground palace.

Wang Xinran said it was boring, but Wu Zhongyuan didn't answer or explain.

Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan was determined not to say anything, although Wang Xinran was dissatisfied, he had no choice but to change the topic, "We have agreed in advance that no matter what is inside, you can only use it, not take it away, let alone destroy it."

"Okay." Wu Zhongyuan nodded in agreement. From this sentence, it is not difficult to find that in Wang Xinran's opinion, the underground palace should be some kind of mysterious device that can create wormholes, and she would never have thought that there would be anyone in the underground palace.

Everyone is curious, including the excavator drivers. They may also want to see what will be excavated in the end. The two excavators are working at full speed, digging away the earth on the stone slab at an alarming speed.

"There's no need to dump it far away," Wu Zhongyuan shouted to the driver, "make sure it's not the entrance, just use it to pile soil."

Wu Zhongyuan's method is good. You don't have to bother moving the excavated soil. You can just dig forward and look for it.

The two excavators were excavating head on. As the distance between the two excavators got closer and closer, Wu Zhongyuan was worried that the stone slabs could not bear such a heavy weight, so he transferred one to search for the boundaries of the stone slabs, while the other continued to excavate. .

From here you can see the brightly lit village square, and from the village square you can also see the brightly lit lights here. If it hadn't "happened" to hold a legal education education, the villagers would have come over to watch the excitement, but at this time they could only stay in the square obediently. According to the law popularization propaganda, no one was allowed to leave, and auxiliary police officers accompanied them when they went to the restroom.

Half an hour later, one of the excavators found the southern boundary of the slate, and the other excavated the covering soil on the slate, but found nothing. It drove over to meet the excavator and clean the slate together. boundary.

Soon, a thick stone pillar appeared on the south side. Five minutes later, another stone pillar appeared. After digging to the left and right, there was no stone pillar anymore.

"Dig north between the two stone pillars." Wu Zhongyuan personally directed,

After a few shovels, the stone gate was exposed. After digging away the earth and rocks piled in front of the stone gate, the stone gate was completely revealed.

The two doors are opposite each other, about five meters high, and the width of the two doors is also about five meters. The stone door is made of bluestone and has no patterns on it.

This kind of stone door is not too big, but it is not too small either. There should have been a bronze pull ring on the stone door, but over time, the pull ring has long since decayed, leaving only the round hole for fixing the pull ring.

"How to open it?" Wang Xinran looked at the stone door.

"I have a way." Wu Zhongyuan turned around and walked towards one of the excavators. Most of the excavators had steel wire ropes, tied with iron rods, and inserted through the round hole where the copper ring was originally fixed in the stone door. The iron rod was pinned horizontally from the inside of the stone door. The excavator can open the stone door from the outside.

However, these two excavators did not have wire ropes. Seeing this, Wang Xinran said from the side, "There is a nylon rope for trailers on the car. Can I use it?"

"It should work," Wu Zhongyuan said, "Hurry up and get it."

Wang Xinran agreed, turned around and walked towards the pit, but after a few steps he remembered something and turned back to Wu Zhongyuan and said, "Don't move until I come back."

"Don't worry, go quickly." Wu Zhongyuan urged.

Wang Xinran turned around and left.

As soon as Wang Xinran left, the driver came over and tried to find out what was inside. Naturally, Wu Zhongyuan would not tell them the truth and only said it was an archaeological excavation.

After perfunctoryly talking to the driver, Wu Zhongyuan approached the stone door. The diameter of the round hole holding the copper ring on the stone door was about seven or eight centimeters. However, it was too dark in the underground palace. Looking in through the round hole, it was pitch black and nothing could be seen.

Inhale and smell, there is a very strong damp and musty smell in the underground palace.

"Little brother, I have a flashlight in my car." A driver said.

"Bring it here." Wu Zhongyuan said.

Soon, the driver brought a flashlight, but this guy's flashlight was a rechargeable one. It was quite big and the light was bright enough, but it would block the round hole while shining it, so nothing could be seen.

"Go over there and look in." Wu Zhongyuan pointed to the door on the left.

The driver took a flashlight to shine inside. Wu Zhongyuan looked in through the round hole. With the light of the flashlight, the things in the underground palace were revealed. The first thing he saw was the tripod. The lack of green color indicates that the tripod is It was made of stone, had three legs, and was very large, at least three meters high.

Directly shining a flashlight is like peering through a tube, and can only see a limited part, so Wu Zhongyuan asked the driver to move the flashlight within the visual range to expand the irradiation range as much as possible.

After looking at one side, he changed positions with the driver and looked at the other side.

After reading both sides, I also got a general idea of ​​the situation in the underground palace. The underground palace is very large, and there are many stone cauldrons inside. They are densely packed, at least dozens of them. These stone cauldrons are surrounded by a sarcophagus. There is a pipe at the bottom of all the stone cauldrons. The tubes are connected to the sarcophagus. These tubes should be made of a special metal, but some have decayed and broken.

In addition to these stone tripods and the sarcophagus, there is also a large stone statue on the north side of the underground palace. It is a mighty giant bear standing upright and roaring.

"Little brother, can you open my eyes?" The driver in charge of lighting discussed.

Wu Zhongyuan wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he reached out and took the flashlight. After the stone door was opened, the driver would definitely see these things, so it didn't matter if he gave me a favor.

The driver ran to the other side, and just as he was about to peek inside, the light suddenly disappeared. He turned around in confusion, only to find Wu Zhongyuan walking towards the other driver with a flashlight.

"What are you stepping on?" Wu Zhongyuan asked the driver, who was squatting on a piece of bluestone smoking. Judging from the shape of the bluestone, it should be a stone tablet.

"A piece of stone." The driver stood and nodded. "I grabbed it from the door. It may have fallen from it."

Wu Zhongyuan quickly approached and pulled the driver off the stone tablet. He could still distinguish the stone tablet from the stone slab. This was a stone tablet.

The stone tablet is not big, only about one meter and only fifty centimeters wide. When I shined the flashlight, I found that there seemed to be words on the stone tablet. I squatted down and wiped off part of the clay on it, and a few words appeared.

These words are located in the middle of the stone tablet. If you look closely, they are the three words "If you can".

Wu Zhongyuan didn't react at first. After a moment of confusion, he realized something was wrong. The three characters were arranged horizontally, and the word 'ruo' was a modern character, while the word 'neng' was an ancient character.

Confused, I wiped away some of the soil and saw another few words "On April 15th". These words were also written in a mixture of modern characters and ancient characters.

The soil was very wet and stuck to the stone monument and was difficult to clean. Wu Zhongyuan asked the driver, "Is there any water? Give me some."

One of the drivers brought over half a bottle of mineral water and said, "I have half a bottle here."

Wu Zhongyuan took the mineral water and poured it on the stone tablet to clean it, and another text appeared, saying, 'If you can get to the second location before sunset on April 15th, you can save the little wizard. ’

After reading this sentence, Wu Zhongyuan took a breath of cold air. Who wrote the inscription on this stone tablet? Why are simplified characters and ancient characters mixed? Why does this person know about the existence of the little wizard?

Shocked, he continued to shower, but the water was gone.

"Is antifreeze okay?" the driver asked.

"Okay, bring it quickly." Wu Zhongyuan urged.

Soon, the driver brought a bucket of antifreeze. Wu Zhongyuan turned off the flashlight and washed the stone monument.

"Why did you turn off the flashlight?" one of the drivers asked in confusion.

Wu Zhongyuan did not answer, and continued to clean the stone tablet. There was writing on only one side of the stone tablet. This is a modern writing habit, writing horizontally from left to right, or specifically chiseling horizontally.

At this moment, Wang Xinran came back and brought back the rope. Seeing Wu Zhongyuan cleaning the stone tablet, he came over curiously, "What are you doing?"

"I found a stone tablet that seems to have writing on it," Wu Zhongyuan waved his hand, "I'll wash it and see what's written on it. You guys can tie it up with an iron solder, put it into the round hole on the stone door, and pull the stone door open."

Wang Xinran didn't think too much, called the driver, and went to the tool box in the car to look for an iron drill.

Wu Zhongyuan eagerly cleaned the stone tablet, and all the words on it were revealed, "Those stone tripods are used to store potions and are used to maintain the basic physical consumption of the great wizard. The potion has long been exhausted, and the great wizard is dead. The two drivers They are all pretending to be people from above. Once you enter the underground palace, they will trap you inside. There are ambushes around you. Don't enter the underground palace and leave as soon as possible. Be careful of the one in yellow clothes. He may shoot at you. Just follow what you observed before. Take a good route and rush to the next place as quickly as possible after getting out of trouble. If you can get to the second place before sunset on April 15th, you can save the little wizard. If you can come back a year earlier, the situation will still be better. It's not that bad. Anything I do here may affect myself, so I don't dare to pass on too much information to you. You can only rely on yourself. In addition, Wang likes you. She didn't mean to deceive you. Don't humiliate her. , if she is still with you when you leave, don't be embarrassed, be sure to hug her. Also, stay away from Zhao, she is a good person, don't kill her."

That's all the text says, with the signature below, "You know who I am."

Wu Zhongyuan has been in shock and astonishment. As the signature said, he does know who left these words. It is no one else but himself who returned to ancient times.

He did not carve these words himself. He should have written them down, carved them by craftsmen, and placed them in front of the great wizard's underground palace. There is no doubt about their authenticity, because he always habitually wrote "Yu" in the middle of the yellow characters as " "Tian", the "Tu" in Zhouli was written as "Shi". These two characters are found on the stone tablets, and they are both wrong.

"Hey," Wang Xinran called him from in front of the underground palace, "It's fixed, let's start?"

The situation was urgent and Wu Zhongyuan didn't have much time to think, so he could only try his best to delay the time. "The door has a front and a back. It's plugged in wrongly. Change to the round hole on the left."

After shouting, he went to one of the excavators, took a hammer, and smashed it against the stone monument. This thing cannot be left behind, otherwise it will be translated.

"What are you doing?" Wang Xinran shouted in confusion.

"There may be something in here." Wu Zhongyuan shouted.

Although Wu Zhongyuan's explanation was far-fetched, it was reliable. The three of them had no doubts and changed the position of the fixed iron drill.

After smashing the stone tablet beyond recognition, Wu Zhongyuan dropped the hammer and grabbed his backpack.

"Okay, let's start?" Wang Xinran asked again.

"Okay, be careful." Wu Zhongyuan said.

"What are you doing?" Wang Xinran asked.

"Pee, I have to urinate urgently when I'm nervous." Wu Zhongyuan said casually.

"I need to pee too, let's go together." The driver in yellow clothes followed.

Seeing that things were developing exactly as described on the stone tablet, Wu Zhongyuan still dared to delay, used Qing Kung Fu, and ran away...

This book was first published on 17K Novel Network, so you can read the original content immediately!

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