
Chapter 49 Everything is there

Wu Zhongyuan did not avoid Wang Xinran, nor did he avoid Zhao Ying. Each of them got one, and they knew that the other party also got one.

Neither of the two pieces of paper was folded in half, so both Wang Xinran and Zhao Ying saw the text on the other side's paper, and they also knew that the number of words on the paper they got was roughly equal.

At this moment, Wang Xinran and Zhao Ying both had dissatisfaction on their faces, because Wu Zhongyuan did not treat them differently, and they both thought Wu Zhongyuan would treat them differently.

"Give it to me as soon as possible after the translation." Wu Zhongyuan said.

Zhao Ying nodded, stood up from her seat, and walked out of the classroom with the piece of paper.

Wang Xinran glanced at Wu Zhongyuan, "Why give it to her?"

"You shouldn't ask this question." Wu Zhongyuan said.

"Is this what the beggar wrote that day?" Wang Xinran asked.

"He is not a beggar." Wu Zhongyuan glanced at Wang Xinran dissatisfied.

"Aren't you afraid of me cooperating with her?" Wang Xinran asked again.

"I'm afraid," Wu Zhongyuan nodded, "so what I give you is not a coherent sentence, but a disorderly word."

Wang Xinran glanced at Wu Zhongyuan again, took out his mobile phone, and took a photo of the words on the piece of paper, "You have the potential to be an agent."

Wu Zhongyuan was taking out his textbook from his book bag. He heard Wang Xinran's words but did not answer or look up.

"Since the order has been disrupted, how do you judge which of us translated the content correctly?" Wang Xinran asked again.

"Some of the words on these two pieces of paper are repeated." Wu Zhongyuan said casually.

"What if the translation results are different for those repeated words?" Wang Xinran thought that Wu Zhongyuan was a hundred meters away from each other.

Wu Zhongyuan didn't answer, not because he was speechless, but because he didn't want to reveal too much. There were twenty-one pages of paper written by Wu Zhui that day. The first eighteen recorded important content, and the nineteenth was Wu Zhui's story about birds. There are two graphs and numbers at the end of the description of the person's situation. The graph is the affirmative answer given by Wu Zhui when he asked whether return was feasible. The text was drawn by Wu Zhui to inform him of the personnel structure of his clan.

The words on the nineteenth piece of paper he had previously given to Wang Xinran and Zhao Ying respectively. There were dozens of words on that piece of paper, some of which also appeared on the first eighteen pieces of paper, and the two words he gave to the two of them were The repeated text on the paper includes part of the text on the previous paper.

"I'm sorry about your senior brother and your sister-in-law." Wang Xinran said.

Wu Zhongyuan didn't answer again. When Wang Xinran returned to the headquarters, nothing happened to Huang Ping. Wang Xinran mentioned the matter, indicating that she knew what happened after she left. As for saying sorry, that was because whether something happened to Lin Qingming or Huang Ping, neither she nor the people behind her helped.

Wang Xinran did not expect that Wu Zhongyuan would not answer her words, but no matter whether Wu Zhongyuan answered or not, he still had to say what he originally wanted to say, "If you can persuade your senior brother to surrender, we will help him get a special reprieve."

Wu Zhongyuan tilted his head and looked at Wang Xinran, "Do you know where he is?"

Wang Xinran shook his head, "You should know."

Wu Zhongyuan stopped answering again. It was difficult to establish trust, but easy to destroy it. The forces behind Wang Xinran deceived him once, and it was difficult for him to trust the other party again. The most important thing is that Wang Xinran said "fight for", which means that even if Lin Qingming is found and persuaded to surrender, Lin Qingming may not survive.

"You can try to believe us." Wang Xinran said.

"I will do it when necessary." Wu Zhongyuan's tone was calm.

"You have changed a lot during this period." Wang Xinran said with emotion. Wu Zhongyuan had always been relatively cheerful before, but now he is worried.

"If the things I experienced happened to you, you would change even more." Wu Zhongyuan said casually.

Wang Xinran still wanted to speak, but Zhao Ying came back and sat on the right side of Wu Zhongyuan, "I will translate the text for you within twenty-four hours."

Wu Zhongyuan nodded, while Wang Xinran gave Zhao Ying a cold look.

At this time, Zhao Ying no longer needed to pretend to be a rich girl. She returned to her true self. When Wang Xinran looked at her with disdain, she responded with a provocative sneer.

Wang Xinran curled his lips contemptuously and said lazily to Wu Zhongyuan, "When will the translation be done and when will it be given to you? Just wait. You also know that our work efficiency will definitely not be faster."

"Yeah." Wu Zhongyuan responded.

Between classes, meals, and sleep, Wu Zhongyuan stayed in the dormitory at night, not going anywhere, and crammed into studying the brief history of the development of Chinese characters. This was originally a required archeology course, but it was not part of the freshman year.

In addition to the knowledge in textbooks, you can also use tablet computers to surf the Internet and read books in major libraries. Based on past archaeological discoveries, it can be determined that the development of Chinese characters in China has gone through eight stages.

Before the Yin and Shang Dynasties, calligraphy and painting had the same origin. Many people in the Yin and Shang Dynasties did not understand it, but when it comes to King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty, many people knew about it. Before that dynasty, words and graphics were mixed. Words were like pictures, and pictures were like words.

In the Shang Dynasty, oracle bone inscriptions began to appear, and about a thousand words could be translated.

In the Zhou Dynasty, bronze inscriptions began to be used. The so-called bronze inscriptions are actually words cast on metal vessels. They are more mature than oracle bone inscriptions and can be translated into more words.

The Qin Dynasty mostly used seal script, the Han Dynasty popular official script, the Tang Dynasty commonly used regular script and running script, and the Song Dynasty used Song style and imitation Song style. Since the Song Dynasty, there have been basically no major changes in writing. The last major change was after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Traditional Chinese is changed to simplified Chinese. This change is only in the mainland, while Taiwan still uses the previous traditional Chinese characters.

There are many ancient philologists in modern times. A group of scholars represented by Guo Moruo and Ji Xianlin have published many books on the evolution of characters. These books are of great reference value. A character will have multiple fonts for reference according to different historical eras. This is the kind of content Wu Zhongyuan watches.

There is a saying that I am a hero and my son is a good man. If he has a capable father as his backer, it will naturally be easier for his son to succeed. The same is true for scrutinizing words. With the research results of these scholars as a reference, and comparing the words written by Wu Zhui one by one, it turns out that There are also some gains.

Generally speaking, there is a certain degree of similarity between ancient writing and oracle bone inscriptions, but the similarity is not very high. After a lot of work, only about 20 characters can be roughly identified, and I am still not sure about these 20 characters. The text must be correct.

Even so, Wu Zhongyuan is still very happy, because among the thirty or so words that can be roughly identified, two words are connected together, and they are two of the nine words that he did not write to Wang Xinran and Zhao Ying. , these two characters are "Luoshui"

Luoshui is what later generations call Luoshui. It is the name of a river. It originates from Shaanxi and mainly flows through Henan. Although Henan's current economy is not very developed, it is the birthplace of Chinese civilization. The so-called Central Plains region refers to A large area centered on Henan was also the area where various tribes were most concentrated in ancient times.

It's been a week since school started. Zhao Ying and Wang Xinran will not see Wu Zhongyuan except sitting with Wu Zhongyuan during class and meals. They don't know what Wu Zhongyuan is doing, and Wu Zhongyuan doesn't know what they are busy with either.

After experiencing the huge pressure of the college entrance examination, once admitted to college, most students will have a rebound after relieving the pressure, which is specifically reflected in relaxing play and unrestrained love. Many times they just play for the sake of fun and fall in love for the sake of falling in love. It seems that if you don't do this, you will suffer a huge loss.

At first, Wu Zhongyuan was the envy and jealousy of his classmates, but later, the classmates began to sympathize with him. Although they were impetuous, they were not stupid. They all saw that Wang Xinran, Zhao Ying and Wu Zhongyuan were not boyfriend and girlfriend, they were just following him. Wu Zhongyuan, Wu Zhongyuan was not seen falling in love with any of them.

They can only watch but not eat. This is the main reason why the students sympathize with Wu Zhongyuan. However, apart from sympathy, they also wonder what is the difference between Wu Zhongyuan and others and what are the backgrounds of these two beauties.

For the part of the text that Zhao Ying was asked to translate, Zhao Ying had already given the translation result to Wu Zhongyuan, but Wu Zhongyuan never started to sort it out. He was waiting for the part that Wang Xinran translated.

On the evening of the ninth day, Wu Zhongyuan's phone rang. It was an unfamiliar local number.

Wu Zhongyuan didn't have much social contact. When he saw a strange number, he first thought it was Lin Qingming calling, but after getting through, he found that it was not Lin Qingming, but a stranger.

At first, he didn't remember who the other party was. It wasn't until the other party mentioned Wan Shanhai that he remembered that this person was Mr. Li who asked him to see Feng Shui not long ago.

Mr. Li was very excited for a simple reason. The goldfish he put into the pool of the villa was still alive after eight days.

Wu Zhongyuan didn't say anything more to Mr. Li on the phone. After saying a few words, he hung up the phone. Then he borrowed Wang Jize's cell phone to call Mr. Li, saying only that his cell phone was out of battery.

Mr. Li wanted to treat him to dinner, but Wu Zhongyuan agreed and asked Mr. Li to pick him up at the school gate in half an hour.

This time, Wu Zhongyuan took the mobile phone and just turned it off. Locating through the mobile phone requires the mobile phone to be turned on. This is something he only recently learned about.

Wang Xinran and Zhao Ying were not downstairs. Wu Zhongyuan strolled out of the school gate and saw Mr. Li's car parked on the roadside from a distance. After coming out, he went straight into Mr. Li's car.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Wu Zhongyuan took a taxi and came back empty-handed.

But empty-handed does not mean leaving empty-handed. In fact, he received Mr. Li's reward. To be precise, it was a bank card. He did not check how much money was in it. Although Mr. Li said it was "a little bit of intention." ', but the number is not expected to be very small.

There is an ATM machine at the entrance of the school. When I checked it, I was shocked. There was a one, followed by a string of zeros. I counted six zeros.

After being shocked, Wu Zhongyuan also felt at ease. People will value what they need. He needs money very much now, not for living expenses and tuition fees, but because he will leave school soon and embark on the road of return alone. He will not I know when I can go back, and I don’t know where I will go. With money, at least I don’t have to worry about my livelihood and can focus on searching and exploring.

Back in the dormitory, Wan Shanhai went out for a run again. Only Wang Jize was there. When Wu Zhongyuan came back, Wang Jize raised his head and glanced at him, "Jeans just came to see you."

"Did she say what she wanted to do with me?" Wu Zhongyuan asked. Jeans was the nickname given to Wang Xinran by his classmates. Zhao Ying also had a nickname, Black Suit.

"Come to give you something," Wang Jize said casually, "She stuffed it under your pillow when you weren't here."

Wu Zhongyuan took the pillow away in confusion and saw two pieces of paper underneath. These two pieces of paper were folded. When he opened them, he was shocked again. They turned out to be translation results. This guy could handle such an important thing so well. random.

"So excited, is this a love letter?" Wang Jize asked.

"No." Wu Zhongyuan shook his head.

"Why are you trembling if it's not a love letter?" Wang Jize asked with a smile.

Wu Zhongyuan did not answer Wang Jize's words. He lay down on his side and let out a sigh of relief. The two translation results came back, he also had the money, and everything he should have...

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