
Chapter 44 The Art of Contemplation

"Her name is Li Si. She is the only daughter in the family. She is in her early twenties and is 1.65 meters tall..."

Seeing that Wan Shanhai had gone astray, Wu Zhongyuan hurriedly stopped him, "Hey, hey, I'm asking about her family situation."

"As I said just now, her family is in the car import business, with more than a dozen shops on Zhenhua Street, and a winery in Fenghuang Mountain on the outskirts..."

"I didn't ask about her family's wealth," Wu Zhongyuan frowned and gasped, "I asked about what her family raised and died."

"Oh," Wan Shanhai was finally brought back by Wu Zhongyuan, "You also know that rich people like to keep pets, and they are no exception, but no matter what kind of pets their families keep, they will not live for more than seven days. If they keep a dog, they will die. Cats have died, turtles and parrots have also died, and goldfish in a pond will turn their stomachs in a few days."

"Is someone okay?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

Wan Shanhai shook his head, "It's okay for people, but it's not okay for them to have pets."

"Is there something wrong with the house?" Wu Zhongyuan asked again.

"At first they also suspected that there was something wrong with that villa, but it was the same if they moved to other places. They would still die if they raised them." Wan Shanhai said.

"Then it has nothing to do with the house," Wu Zhongyuan was confused and curious, "When did this situation start?"

"It's been a long time, it seems like a few years," Wan Shanhai stood up, "Don't ask me anymore, I'll take you there, and you can ask them directly."

Wu Zhongyuan shook his head repeatedly, "Don't, don't, don't. Why are you running there so stupidly when you don't know anything? Is this the case with someone poisoning them?"

Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan refused to leave, Wan Shanhai could only sit back on the bed, "At first they also suspected that it was a thief who poisoned the dog. They wanted to poison the dog and then go in and steal things. Later they found that this was not the case at all. It was okay for the thief to poison the dog, but What are you doing, the thief, the poisonous cat? What are you doing, the poisonous fish?"

"Could he have offended too many people and someone poisoned him?" Wu Zhongyuan guessed.

"Don't even think about it. It's definitely not the case," Wan Shanhai shook his head and said, "They have had someone test it. Whether it's the water in the fish pond or the leftover food eaten by cats and dogs, it's not poisonous."

Wu Zhongyuan did not ask again. The situation Wan Shanhai mentioned was indeed quite strange. If something like this happened at home, the owner would definitely try to find out the reason. They probably used all the scientific methods that could be used. There is no way to explain this matter scientifically. , so the owner is nervous and worried.

"They are so rich, why don't they ask someone who understands to take a look?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

"It seems not," Wan Shanhai shook his head, "I heard from Li Si that her parents also wanted to invite monks and Taoists to perform religious services, but they didn't come at all when they heard about her family's situation."

"Why don't you come? Are you afraid of screwing up?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

Wan Shanhai wanted to nod, but suddenly thought that nodding would be an indirect admission that the matter was difficult, so he hurriedly changed his head to shaking his head, "Maybe he is not really capable. His family's situation is quite special and there is no way to fool him. Will it be effective in seven days?" We’ll find out later.”

Wu Zhongyuan nodded. What Wan Shanhai said made sense. There was nothing hidden in this matter. It had to rely on real skills. The charlatans who deceived and abducted him would definitely not dare to reach out.

"Let's go and take a look." Wan Shanhai urged again.

"Don't worry, don't worry, let me think about it." Wu Zhongyuan raised his hand and said.

"Okay, think first, I'm going to the bathroom." Wan Shanhai got up and went out.

Wu Zhongyuan got out of bed and poured a glass of water.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I sorted out the clues in my mind. This matter is actually both simple and complicated. It is simple because it has nothing to do with where you live, because even if this family moves to another place, their pets will die. This shows that the problem lies with the people.

It is said to be complicated because there are many kinds of supernatural situations that may happen to people. Situations such as encountering evil spirits, clashing with evil spirits, violating Tai Sui, damaging Yin and virtue, etc. may have adverse effects on people. The specific situations need to be identified one by one. remove.

First of all, we can rule out evil spirits, because whether it is evil spirits or ghosts, they will have adverse effects on the host, that is, the possessed person, and then they may affect the animals raised at home.

The evil spirits are related to the time position and the person's birth date. They will only occur in a certain position during a certain period of time and are not continuous. To put it bluntly, no matter how unlucky a person is, they cannot be evil spirits every day.

The situation of committing Tai Sui is somewhat similar to that of opposing evil. A person of a certain zodiac sign will be potentially affected by Tai Sui in a specific year. However, committing Tai Sui is calculated in years, and it is impossible to commit an offense for many years.

As the name suggests, "Shang Yin De" means someone who has done bad things will be punished. This situation is very complicated. Most of the time it is the ancestors who did bad things, and the retribution is passed on to the descendants. But in this case, the unlucky ones should be people, not the ones raised by their owners. animal.

Everyone is curious, and Wu Zhongyuan is no exception. The more he can't figure out the reason, the more curious he becomes and the more he wants to find out what is going on.

A few minutes later, Wan Shanhai came back and urged Wu Zhongyuan to leave again.

Wu Zhongyuan thought for a while and stood up, "Okay, you can go and have a look, but I'm not very proficient in these things, so I won't guarantee it."

"Are you going empty-handed?" Wan Shanhai asked.

"Huh?" Wu Zhongyuan was confused.

"You don't have any clothes or anything?" Wan Shanhai gestured with writing gestures.

"No need for this." Wu Zhongyuan stepped forward. Drawing talismans was mainly used to deal with ghosts and ghosts. This was obviously not the case for the family named Li.

The two went downstairs, got in the car, and headed to their destination.

Wan Shanhai was curious and asked Wu Zhongyuan what Taoist priests usually do. Is it like in the movies that they can fly over walls and catch ghosts and subjugate demons with a peach wood sword?

Wu Zhongyuan was annoyed by his nagging, "Let me tell you the truth, I'm just a dabbler. I really don't understand these things. It's just because you chased me away."

The Li family is also in the provincial capital. It only takes 20 minutes to take a taxi. Soon the two of them arrived at the place. It was around three o'clock in the afternoon.

The villa where the Li family lives is located at the foot of a hill in the city. Halfway up the mountain, there is an exclusive asphalt road. There is a large parking lot in front of the door. There are two large ginkgo trees on the east and west sides of the parking lot.

This villa is an antique building. The courtyard walls are made of gray bricks. The tops of the walls are also covered with wall tiles. It has an old-fashioned wooden door with a cornice gatehouse above it.

While Wu Zhongyuan was looking at the surrounding scenery, Wan Shanhai called the Li family. He must be familiar with the person who answered the phone. He just said, "Open the door quickly."

Soon, someone came out. It was a young girl. She was very good-looking. She should be Li Si from Wan Shan Haikou.

Wan Shanhai might have told the Li family something before. Seeing that he had brought someone over, Li Si was not surprised, but invited the two of them in enthusiastically.

The villa also has an antique layout, with pavilions, carved beams and painted buildings, rockeries and bonsai, and clear streams.

The house is a good house, and the scenery is also good, but when you are in it, you always feel that something is missing. If you think about it carefully, what is missing is the vitality. Apart from people, there is really no other living thing in this house.

Most wealthy people have the habit of drinking afternoon tea. At this time, there was a man and a woman drinking tea in a pavilion not far away.

Seeing those two people, Wan Shanhai greeted each other, calling his uncle and aunt.

The two stood up and waved to Wan Shanhai, asking him to take Wu Zhongyuan over for snacks.

After getting closer, Wu Zhongyuan discovered that there were five chairs around the table, which meant that the owner here already knew that Wan Shanhai was going to bring him here.

After sitting down, Wan Shanhai introduced him. The middle-aged couple were Li Si's parents. Although he was a businessman, Li Si's father didn't seem that vulgar. He spoke very kindly and was quite elegant. . And Li Si's mother is not as flamboyant as a rich lady. She always smiles and doesn't talk much.

Only then did Wu Zhongyuan know that Wan Shanhai did not take the initiative to invite him, but that the Li family asked Wan Shanhai to invite him. The reason why the Li family knew about him was because Li Si's father was good friends with Wan Shanhai's father. His father heard about what happened to Wan Shanhai before and knew that he was responsible for that matter, so he thought that he was a hidden master.

After the greetings, Li Si's father poured a cup of tea for Wu Zhongyuan and said, "Little Taoist Priest, I'm begging you."

"I'm not a Taoist priest, and I don't understand much about this. Wan Shanhai forced me to come here." Wu Zhongyuan said the ugly words at the beginning.

"Understood, understood," Li Si's father smiled and nodded, "I'm just a visiting friend, nothing else. Just sit down and have a cup of tea."

"Why didn't I realize you were so humble before?" Wan Shanhai joked.

Wu Zhongyuan glanced at Wan Shanhai and did not answer.

Afterwards, the Li family seriously stopped mentioning this issue. They just warmly greeted Wu Zhongyuan for tea and snacks, and asked him about some situations in the school. They were very sincere and easy-going, not just pretending.

The more enthusiastic the other party was, the more embarrassed Wu Zhongyuan was. Coming all the way here, he couldn't really just have a cup of tea and leave, he had to do something.

Lin Qingming was hospitalized before. He was worried that Lin Qingming would be bored, so he gave Lin Qingming the ghost painting talismans and the master's medical experience. He had not seen these two books in Gaoxian Hospital. They should have been taken away by Lin Qingming. Now he still has a copy of Kanyu's Thirty-Six Methods in his hand.

This book Kanyu Thirty-six Methods covers Feng Shui, stargazing, timing, site selection, house designation, etc. It also contains some mysterious methods related to increasing life expectancy and improving luck. He had read this book more carefully at first, and it was very important. Parts are written down.

Although he knew that the problem was not with the house, Wu Zhongyuan still recalled the methods of residential feng shui recorded in Kanyu's Thirty-Six Methods and looked at the Li family's villa. However, the result of his observation was that this villa was both geographically and internally. The layout is very reasonable. There is a natural spring in the northwest corner of the villa. The water volume is not large. The overflowing spring water flows through the yard to the southeast. There is a pool in the southeast direction. When the spring water is full, it overflows into the pool and enters the underground pipe. In addition, , there is a rockery in the pool, occupying about one-tenth of the pool.

According to the Thirty-Six Methods of Kanyu, water belongs to Yin, and is responsible for both evil and wealth. Where there are springs, wealth will be prosperous but evil will occur. This layout of the Li family has its advantages but not its disadvantages. The water comes out of the ground and is exposed to the sun. Below, it flows into the reservoir through the courtyard, part of it remains, and the rest flows into the ground. This is the pattern of four dragons gathering wealth: the green dragon comes out of the water, the white dragon passes through, the yellow dragon guards, and the black dragon dives into the abyss.

In addition, stone represents Yang, and Yang represents fire. The fire Yang of the rockery neutralizes the Yin water of the spring. The water left in the reservoir will bring wealth and will not cause evil.

Looking at the location of the garden and the layout of the pavilions, they are also very reasonable. There are many trees planted in the huge villa, which follows the dry-yang pattern of no mulberries in the front, no willows in the back, and no ghosts in the middle courtyard.

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan looking around, Li Si's father asked, "Xiao Wu, is there anything wrong with my yard?"

"No, it's pretty good," Wu Zhongyuan said. Seeing that the other party didn't quite believe it, he added, "It's really pretty good."

"That's good, that's good." Li Si's father nodded repeatedly.

"Then what's the problem?" Wan Shanhai asked.

"The house must be fine." Wu Zhongyuan shook his head.

"We have several other places to stay..."

Before the other party could finish speaking, Wu Zhongyuan suddenly remembered something and raised his hand to interrupt the other party, "Did your yard originally have this layout, or did it change to this later?"

"It was changed later," Li Si's father said.

"Who helped you change it?" Wu Zhongyuan asked. All houses must have layout flaws, but he had seen it several times before and found that the layout of this house was impeccable. This meant that the Li family might have once Get advice from an expert.

Li Si's father seemed a little worried. He did not answer Wu Zhongyuan's words, but asked, "Is there any problem?"

"What else has this person done for you?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

Li Si's father seemed unwilling to answer and cast a consulting look at his wife. After hesitation, the latter nodded.

"Under his guidance, we moved the cemetery for Li Si's deceased grandparents." Li Si's father said.

"Before moving the tomb, couldn't you keep the animals at home?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

The Li family did not answer immediately, not intentionally hiding it, but trying to remember.

After a long time, Li Si's mother said, "It seems like it really started after that."

Wu Zhongyuan knew for sure that the Li family's problems probably stemmed from the Yin Mansion...

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