
Chapter 396 Order Yantian

Not to mention fighting for three years, no one can stand it even for three days. Even if the spiritual energy is not exhausted, you still have to eat, drink and rest. Moreover, a fierce battle refers to a fierce battle. Since it is a fierce battle, it is impossible to fight for a while and then take a break. . Fighting for three years and finally beating the opponent to death is not logical no matter how you understand it.

I couldn't figure it out, so I could only continue reading. The last sentence was, "Take his head and weapons and return to the team to return to life."

The last sentence is easy to understand. It means returning to the king with the enemy's head and weapons. However, the team generally refers to the army that is on an expedition. If it goes home, it should be a return to the court. This means that when the Wolf King kills his opponent, Other battles continue.

The expedition to the God Realm cannot last three years. It is too long, and this is not the entire battle. The battle between the Wolf King and the God General Feng Fei lasted for three years. It is unreasonable and illogical no matter how you think about it. .

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan's frown, Gao Zhan asked carefully, "Sir, what's wrong?"

"It says that your ancestors fought fiercely with the enemy for three years before killing them. How could it be possible that they fought non-stop for three years?" Wu Zhongyuan said.

"Could it be that the years before are not the same as now?" Gao Zhan guessed.

Hearing Gao Zhan's words, Wu Zhongyuan suddenly realized that although Gao Zhan's guess was not correct, it indirectly reminded him that there is a saying in later generations that one day in the sky means a thousand years in the world. The time in the divine world and the human world are likely to be different. Wolf The three years the king mentioned should be three years in the human world.

If this is the case, then the sacrifices made by Fuxi and his soldiers are very great. Although I don’t know how the time in the divine world and the human world are specifically converted, the time in the divine world is much slower than that in the human world. This is for sure. The expedition The team may have only stayed in the God Realm for a few days, a dozen days, or a few months, but years, ten years, or even hundreds of years have passed in the human world.

There were only these words on the stone table. In addition to the words, there was a broken sword and a skull. Wu Zhongyuan picked up the broken sword first. It was hard and light. It was made of black iron. There were two pieces on the front and back of the hilt. An ancient Chinese character with "Imperial Order" on the front and "Summer" on the back.

These four characters on the sword hilt are also very important clues, from which we can infer three important pieces of information. The first is that the characters in the human world and the characters in the divine world are interoperable, which also proves that the gods are derived from the human race.

Second, it is said that there are nine levels in the sky, one of which is the hot sky. The nine levels do not mean that there are nine levels in the sky from top to bottom. The nine levels are similar to Kyushu, which generally refers to the nine areas in the sky, while the hot sky refers to the south. , the appearance of the word "Yantian" can explain two problems, one of which is that the divine world is likely to be the legendary heaven in later generations. Secondly, the divine world also has a direction. As long as there is a direction, it means that the divine world, like the human world, is a three-dimensional space.


The four words "Edict Yantian" indicate that this sword is a gift from the emperor. Its nature is equivalent to the command sword of the Japanese devils and is a symbol of status. From this, it can be inferred that Feng Fei is the person in charge of Yantian, and his status should be the same as that of Yuancheng The city lords are the same, and they all belong to the feudal officials of the party in charge. Furthermore, from this sword, we can also infer that there is an official system and hierarchies in the divine world.

After inspecting the broken sword, Wu Zhongyuan reached out and picked up the skull. Although it had been stored here for thousands of years, the skull had not decayed. The skull had obviously been artificially processed. When it was placed here, the skin and flesh on the skull should have been damaged. It had been cleaned, and on the surface it looked no different from an ordinary skull, but if you look closely, you could see that the color of the skull was not gray-white, but a strange silver-white color, with a vague metallic luster.

After Wu Zhongyuan wiped off the dust attached to the skull, Gao Zhan also discovered that the color of the skull was abnormal, which inevitably caused doubts. However, Wu Zhongyuan had no obligation to explain it to it. Wu Zhongyuan did not take the initiative to speak, and it was inconvenient for it to always ask questions, so it could only hold back. He stood there confused.

After a brief inspection, Wu Zhongyuan's thumb and index finger of his right hand used a little force to crush a corner of the skull, and he twisted and observed it. He had never seen similar bones before, which was a bit surprising, but not very surprising. In theory, Qi training When it reaches a certain level, it can be reborn. It is an exaggeration to say that it is reborn, but it is true that the bones and muscles will undergo benign changes with the growth of spiritual energy cultivation. The reason why this head is silvery white is undoubtedly the result of this person's Qi training.

He couldn't determine to what extent this kind of change would be possible, but Taixuan's cultivation was definitely not enough to change his bones. In other words, this person's spiritual energy cultivation was at least higher than Taixuan, and should be better than that of the earth he fought before. Dogs, wild ass and others are even more refined.

Wu Zhongyuan is not a coroner, and he cannot get more clues from the skull, but there is one thing he can still do, and that is to check the teeth. This is the simplest. You can judge a person's approximate age and diet through the wear and tear of the teeth. Habit.

The results of the examination also surprised him. The teeth of this skull were extremely worn. In the eyes of the world, gods do not eat the fireworks of the world. They eat dragon liver and phoenix marrow and drink fine wine. But in fact It seems that it is not as people imagine. Feng Fei is in charge of Yantian and has a respected status, but his teeth are very worn, which shows that the food he ate during his life was not fine.

However, there are two other possibilities. One is that this person lived a long time, and the old man's teeth are often more severely worn. However, this possibility is unlikely because an old man is unlikely to fight with the Wolf King for a long time, and as a wolf The king would not be proud of killing an old man.

Another possibility is that this person lived a long period of hard life before becoming a god. In other words, the wear and tear on this person's teeth was caused before he became a god. After becoming a god, he may use spiritual energy to change his body, but after death, Will still return to the state before becoming a god.

Since there were too few clues, all inferences and guesses were only partial and rarely comprehensive. However, Wu Zhongyuan was already satisfied, put down his skull, turned around and walked towards the second stone table.

Upon seeing this, Gao Zhan hurriedly ran over and wiped the dust on the stone table with his sleeves so that Wu Zhongyuan could come and see it.

Wu Zhongyuan glanced at Gao Zhan, who smiled unnaturally, awkwardly and far-fetched.

Wu Zhongyuan had met Gao Zhan before and knew that Gao Zhan had a bad temper. Given his temper, he would not disdain to do such a courtesy. Gao Zhan's awkward expression also showed that he had never done anything like this before.

Wu Zhongyuan did not despise Gao Zhan because he was suspected of trying to please him. In fact, as long as he treated each other sincerely, everyone would respond kindly. The reason why Gao Zhan had never done anything like this before was because he had never done anything like this before. People treat it sincerely.

"Wipe off the other ones as well." Wu Zhongyuan said casually.

Gao Zhan was originally worried that his move would arouse Wu Zhongyuan's resentment, but he never thought that Wu Zhongyuan did not show displeasure. Not only did he not show displeasure, but he also ordered it to do things. This showed that he had regarded it as one of his own, and he was very worried. , all the anxiety went away, he agreed, and turned around to go.

Perhaps thinking of something, Gao Zhan turned around again, pointed at the broken sword on the first stone table and said to Wu Zhongyuan, "Sir, can I take that sword away?"

"What do you want it for?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

"It's not convenient without a sword. The sword is broken. I'll take it out to find someone and melt it down, and then I can fight with another one." Gao Zhan said.

"Why don't you want those?" Wu Zhongyuan pointed to the other stone tables. The weapons on the remaining stone tables were all intact.

"Those aren't broken." Gao Zhan sneered.

Wu Zhongyuan glanced at Gao Zhan again. Gao Zhan's implication was that he might use the ones that were not broken, and he would only take the damaged ones.

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan looking at it, Gao Zhan just assumed that Wu Zhongyuan did not agree with him taking the broken sword, so he stopped asking and turned around and walked towards the third stone table.

Wu Zhongyuan said casually, "Don't take the weapons here, wait until I give you one."

Gao Zhan responded hurriedly and thanked him repeatedly.

Wu Zhongyuan did not answer, and turned his attention to the second stone table. As usual, he read the text first. The text on this stone table was very brief, with only one sentence, "In the first year of the gale, the demons attacked Chendu at night. They were ordered to fight and killed. The demon general has his black beak at the foot of the city."

This sentence does not contain a lot of information, but it is not too much. First of all, it can be confirmed that Fuxi has a capital. Before this, he always thought that it would be easy for Fuxi and Nuwa to lead the eighteen warriors to pacify the Six Paths. Now it seems that it is not In this way, he overestimated the ability of Fuxi and Nuwa, and may also underestimated the ability of his opponent. It took Fuxi and Nuwa a long time to pacify the Six Paths. This war had started before the first year of Dafeng, and by the 20th of Dafeng Eight years are not over yet, it has been at least thirty years.

Placed on the stone table is the skull of a large bird, but a closer look reveals that it is not a bird, because birds have no teeth, but the skull on the stone table has sharp teeth in its mouth. It bears some resemblance to the long-extinct pterosaur.

The color of the skull is also silver-white, and it can be crushed by pinching it with your fingers. The force used is roughly the same as the force used to crush Feng Fei's skull before. This detail can explain two problems. First, no matter which way you go, In the way of Qi training, as long as the spiritual Qi cultivation reaches a certain level, the bones will change. Second, the skull of this bird-like creature also confirms the theory that the demons are derived from the orcs.

The weapon used by this person was a strange weapon. It was black in color, neither gold nor iron. It was somewhat similar to obsidian, a cheap jewelry of later generations, and its style was very similar to the scratches of later generations, except that the end was a sharp strange claw.

After a short stay, Wu Zhongyuan walked towards the third stone table...

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