
Chapter 383 Everything is down to the smallest detail

After making up his mind, Wu Zhongyuan expressed his thoughts to Li Wanzi, and then stared at Li Wanzi to see how she would react. He rewarded Li Dashou by wearing a lavender cloak and being rewarded by wearing a yellow mantle in later generations. The yellow mantle is just an honor, while the former is a change in level.

The reason why he gave Li Dashou such a reward was not only to commend Li Dashou, but also to test Li Wanzi's reaction.

Li Dashou was actually helping him with his personal affairs by making weapons. The unceremonious reward he gave him had a strong personal touch. To put it bluntly, it was a bit self-serving. He wanted to see if Li Wanzi would treat him well. Discourage this obviously selfish decision.

If Li Wanzi does not dissuade him, it means that Li Wanzi is accommodating him, and accommodating himself is a kind of respect.

If Li Wanzi tried to dissuade him, it would mean more problems. It not only shows that in Li Wanzi's view, he is not mature enough, but also shows that in Li Wanzi's view, his decision can be changed at will. This is a dangerous signal. , will lead to many unpredictable consequences, and will also leave serious hidden dangers, such as refusing to execute some orders he issued in the future that Li Wanzi thinks are incorrect.

Li Wanzi didn't know what Wu Zhongyuan was thinking, so when she saw him asking for her opinion, she casually asked, "There seems to be no similar praise before, is it appropriate?"

"I feel it's quite suitable." Wu Zhongyuan said.

"Okay, let's do it." Li Wanzi nodded.

Wu Zhongyuan smiled and looked away. His current identity is not a knight walking in the world, but the king of a country. He usually does not need to regard himself as a king, but at critical moments, ministers have to regard themselves as ministers. Ministers can mention However, when he has made up his mind, ministers must obey his orders. This is actually the same nature as the orders and prohibitions of the modern army.

It is not easy to be a king. You need to decide the direction and take charge of the overall situation. You must cherish family ties and trust your subordinates who are related to you, and you must also be far-sighted and take precautions. If you find any small problems, you must correct them as soon as possible to avoid developing bad habits. Get used to it. Once things break out in the future, even relatives won't be able to do it.

Next, the two of them talked about the grain and grass reserves of Jiumu and Jiulian. This year's harvest was very good. In addition to normal millet planting, they also planted a season of 100-day rice and purple sweet potato in late summer. The 100-day rice has been harvested. The purple potato has not been harvested yet. It is roughly estimated that even without the purple potato, the harvested millet and hundred-day rice alone can sustain the food consumption of the two wall cities and the people of the city under their jurisdiction until next summer.

Wu Zhongyuan expressed satisfaction with this. Farming must also be promoted and popularized. There are too few grains this year. Next year, we can plant a wide range of hundred-day rice and purple sweet potatoes. We should sow spring seeds in advance to try our best before the five seals disappear. For several more harvest seasons, grain and grass are the top priority and the lifeblood, and there must be no problems.

Autumn and winter are hunting seasons. You can't stop hunting just because you have enough food. You have to carry out hunting as usual and store some cured meat and dried meat. There is no need to expand the scale of hunting to avoid affecting the reproduction of wild beasts in the coming year.

Kill as few livestock as possible and breed more. At this time, most livestock eat grass. Only chickens and ducks need to be fed a small amount of grain. Now the number of chickens and ducks is very small, and they do not consume much food.

As the saying goes, if you are not a master, you will not know how expensive tea and rice are. Wu Zhongyuan, if you are not a master, will not know that there are many things to do. In addition to hoarding food and grass, you also have to select warriors, develop the army, and improve your own combat effectiveness. The time is short and the task is heavy. Fortunately, he got a lot of Xuanjing , as long as there are warriors on our side who become cave gods, they can assemble the armor in time. As for the bronze, they don't have to worry about it. Black Widow promised to pay a tribute of 30,000 kilograms of bronze, all of which will be given to Li Wanzi. The craftsmen of Jiu Mu and Jiulian will be responsible for making the armor and weapons. , priority will be given to equipping the bird warriors of Jiu Mu and Jiu Company, and the rest will be distributed to the six cities of the headquarters for use.

Sometimes absolute egalitarianism cannot be practiced. In fact, Black Widow also gave a thousand war horses and three thousand cattle and sheep. He was not prepared to distribute them equally. He had to allocate them according to the different situations of each ministry. All the cattle and sheep were given to Jiang Dahua, who was under the command of Jiang Dahua. The three cities of the cattle tribe are good at animal husbandry, and they can take better care and reproduction of cattle and sheep. All the war horses were given to Wu Qin. Daze, commanded by Wu Qin, is located in the middle area. In the future, whether Li Wanzi in the east is in emergency or Jiang Dahua in the west is in trouble, these one thousand war horses can form a quick reaction force. , to reinforce both wings in the shortest possible time.

In order to improve combat effectiveness, some heavy weapons must be added. The so-called heavy weapons are large crossbows. Only the Yi people have these things, so they have to find a way to exchange them. However, according to Li Wanzi, the Yi people seem to be having trouble with the bird tribe recently. It's not very pleasant. She is also a member of the Bird tribe. If someone is sent over to exchange, the Yi people may not necessarily do business with them.

Li Wanzi didn't know the details of the conflict between the Yi people and the Bird tribe, but Wu Zhongyuan knew about it. He and Li Bie went to steal the lamp oil from their ancestral graves, and he ran away, but Li Bie was seen by others. People must have blamed the Bird Tribe for this.

There are also issues of strengthening the city walls and digging caves for food storage and refuge. These must also be put on the schedule as soon as possible.

There is also a serious problem with our own warriors. On that day, Wu Zhongyuan and the three tribes extorted the city, but they gave it to him. However, many warriors in the city were transferred away. Even if the newly selected warriors practiced hard day and night, they could not practice diligently. Until now, there is only light red and red aura, and there is a serious shortage of intermediate and high-level warriors.

How to solve this problem? Wu Zhongyuan didn't know how to solve it, but he couldn't tell Li Wanzi that he didn't know how to solve it, so he could only take over everything, 'I'll figure it out. ’

In fact, there is no solution he can think of, but as a leader, he must have the ability to solve problems. He doesn't know how to solve it at the moment. He will go back and ask the old blind man if he has any solution.

Next, Li Wanzi asked about the old blind man intentionally or unintentionally. He had previously appointed the old blind man as the imperial master, and it was well known that this was an important official position similar to the prime minister. Li Wanzi naturally wanted to know more about the old blind man. Case.

It's not that Wu Zhongyuan doesn't want to say it, but he doesn't know the specific situation of the old blind man. The only thing he can be sure of is that the old blind man sincerely wants to help him succeed and will never harm him.

It would take half an hour to talk about any matter. Before he finished talking, Dasha drove Li Dashou and his son back. Wu Zhongyuan hurriedly put on the lavender cloak that Li Wanzi ordered the craftsmen to knit for him. They went out to meet him together, informed him of the rewards that would be given, and then arranged for the three of them to go down to rest.

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan's kindness, Li Dashou and his son were both frightened and moved. They only said that they would complete what Wu Zhongyuan told them as soon as possible. Wu Zhongyuan had previously ordered them to build eighteen sets of black iron armors as backup, but since there was no black crystal, they had put it on hold. Now that he has the Xuan Jing, he wants to cast it as soon as possible.

Wu Zhongyuan first praised the three people a few words, and then made adjustments to the work arrangements. The black iron armor was different from ordinary armor. It could be worn not only by warriors of the bird tribe, but also by warriors of the bear tribe and ox tribe. This was what he prepared for the possible ten It was reserved by the Eighth Prime Minister. He was not sure whether the Eighteenth Prime Minister would appear or when he would appear. There was no need to build them all. He built five sets first and gave them to Li Wanzi, Wu Qin and Jiang Dahua respectively. Jiang Nan and Wu Di, the first four of them all have psychic weapons in their hands, but Wu Di's spiritual energy cultivation is too low, so he needs black iron armor for protection at critical times.

Thinking of Wu Di, I felt worried again. Wu Di was originally on the same starting line as him. When they went to have a bear to check the five elements, they were both Cave God Light Red. Now he is the Mountain Light Purple, but Wu Di is Still stuck in the red aura, Wu Di is a Nine Yin wizard. Wu Di can cast all the spells he can cast, but the premise is that Wu Di's aura cultivation level must catch up as soon as possible. What to do? The difference is too big, and there is not much time left. What method can be used to help Wu Di improve his cultivation as soon as possible?

According to Li Wanzi's idea, he wanted to stay with him for a night talk, but Wu Zhongyuan was eager to rush back to Daze and had no intention of staying in Jiumu.

Seeing that he was in a hurry to leave, Li Wanzi did not force him to stay. She originally wanted to report a few clues to Wu Zhongyuan that might be related to the psychic weapon. Since Wu Zhongyuan was in a hurry to leave, she couldn't go into details and simply left the post house. The few letters I received were passed on to Wu Zhongyuan, and he would look at them again when he had time.

It was almost the second update when Wu Zhongyuan left Jiumu. There were too many things to talk about in the afternoon, and there were too many things that needed to be dealt with next. He was as big as two heads, plus he still had an injury on his stomach. He had not had a good rest for several days in a row. Very tired, he sat on Dasha's head and rushed towards Daze in a daze.

It was already late at night when he arrived at Dasha. Wu Zhongyuan did not disturb anyone. After settling Dasha, he went back to his residence to lie down and rest.

Although he didn't want to alarm everyone, everyone knew that he was back. At least Wu Qin knew that the reason why he knew it was him and not someone else who opened the door to the east wing was because Huang Mao'er was in the yard. If it were an outsider, Huang Mao'er would not have made any movement at all. .

The same wound could only be resurrected once. If it didn't heal well once, it would have to be healed slowly. Although the wound hurt, Wu Zhongyuan was so exhausted that he fell asleep on the bed.

After sleeping until midnight, I woke up. I knew everyone was waiting outside but didn't want to get up. If I got up, it would be a bunch of shit again. I had to sleep again and regain my consciousness completely.

After sleeping until noon, I felt a little more energetic and got up.

It is indeed a lot of things, but they have to be dealt with one by one, and the less important ones should be dealt with first. I met with Aluo, and Aluo's gratitude to him can no longer be described as gratitude. Aluo is taciturn and unkind. He repeatedly knelt down and thanked Wu Zhongyuan, but in the end he had no choice but to accept it.

A Luo knew that Wu Zhongyuan had other things to deal with, so he did not waste his time. Seeing that she was leaving, Wu Zhongyuan took the initiative to ask about the little boy she tried to rescue that day.

A Luo replied that A Bing had also come back with her. A Bing had a great background and extraordinary talent. When Wu Zhongyuan had some free time, he would bring A Bing over to explain and show him in detail.

"Here." Wu Zhongyuan handed Yin Ping's sword to A Luo.

A Luo didn't know why and looked at him doubtfully.

"This sword is better than the one you lost in Yinma River. You can keep it for use." Wu Zhongyuan said.

A Luo was moved in his heart, but without any words, he took the sword and went out.

A Luo goes out and Wu Qin comes in.

Wu Zhongyuan has been away for a long time, and Wu Qin has too many questions to ask and report to him...

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