
Chapter 377 Worker wants to do his job well

Purple Qi masters who live above the mountain can release their spiritual energy. What Wu Zhongyuan was most worried about at this time was that the big fat man would release his spiritual energy and knock him away. With this concern, he hugged the big fat man tightly while climbing rapidly. waist and abdomen to prevent the big fat man from trying to break free.

Facts have proved that his worries were not unnecessary, and the big fat man did indeed do that. He had already known that the big fat man had a profound spiritual practice, but he never thought that the big fat man's spiritual energy cultivation had exceeded the scope of purple energy. His arms were numb and he almost let go.

First try, second try, and third try, the big fat man vented his spiritual energy three times but failed to break free from Wu Zhongyuan's hold. Then he changed his move, retracted his right fist, and hit Wu Zhongyuan on the back of the head.

Although he was protected by the green dragon armor, Wu Zhongyuan was still confused by the big fat man's punch. Fortunately, the big fat man was awkward when punching and had to use his full strength, otherwise he could be knocked unconscious with just one punch.

As the saying goes, true knowledge comes from practice. In many actual battles, he has learned more and more about the Azure Dragon Armor. This armor is indeed indestructible and can provide the owner with great protection. It can not only resist the damage of weapons, but also block the intrusion of spiritual energy. The movement speed is astonishing, but the Azure Dragon Armor also has its own drawbacks, that is, it cannot completely eliminate the violent shock caused by the opponent's heavy blow.

At this time, Wu Zhongyuan was holding the big fat man from the front and could not see the movements below the big fat man's elbows, but he judged from the movements of the big fat man's shoulders that the big fat man was extending his arms and wanted to retract and strike again.

If he gets hit again, he will definitely not be able to bear it. In desperation, he moves forward dangerously, loosens his hands slightly, twists his waist and rotates, taking advantage of the big fat man's unpreparedness, and turns from its front to its back. In this way, the big fat man will Nowhere to start.

However, this move is really dangerous. The danger does not come from the fact that the big fat man will take the opportunity to escape when his hands are slightly loosened, but that he is carrying the big fat man to move high into the sky quickly. After his hands are slightly loosened, the big fat man almost kills himself. It leaked between his arms, but fortunately he tightened his arms in time and strangled the big fat man's armpits.

As soon as he tightened his arms, the big fat man's head shot up and hit his forehead impartially.

Although the big fat man reacted quickly, this move was a failure, because the back of the human head is a weak point, and Wu Zhongyuan's head was protected by a helmet, so he used the weak to hit the strong. Naturally, the big fat man suffered the loss, although Wu Zhongyuan was hit hard. , but also confused himself.

But it didn't remain dazed for long. It came to its senses in the blink of an eye and quickly raised its hands, trying to free Wu Zhongyuan's arms from his chest.

Wu Zhongyuan felt that he could not continue to hold tightly under the big fat man's pull, so his legs quickly turned inward and locked the big fat man's legs.

The big fat man did pull Wu Zhongyuan's arms away from his chest, but the angle was limited and he couldn't pull them away completely.

Realizing that his legs were locked by Wu Zhongyuan, he felt anxious and relaxed his hands. Wu Zhongyuan took the opportunity to use his energy and strength, and hugged its chest again, clasping his fingers tightly and hugging it tightly.

In just a moment, the two of them were hundreds of feet above the ground, and their climbing speed was still accelerating. The strong wind blew against their faces, and the big fat man could hardly open his eyes.

There are reasons why masters become masters. The big fat man had already guessed what Wu Zhongyuan wanted to do, so naturally he would not let Wu Zhongyuan take him up high into the sky. Seeing that he could not break free, he shook his body in desperation and revealed his true form.

What a big marmot, with yellow fur, bigger than an elephant, and round. Because it has lived so long, the hair on its trunk has turned white.

After its true form emerged, Wu Zhongyuan naturally couldn't hold it anymore and let go instantly.

However, although the prairie dog has advanced skills and can fly through the air, it is still not as flexible as a bird in moving through the air.

Seeing this, Wu Zhongyuan didn't wait for it to swoop down. With a flash of thought in his mind, he controlled the green dragon armor to chase after it. He grabbed the fur on the marmot's back and accelerated again, continuing to move to high altitudes.

Because the speed was too fast, a sonic boom was generated. The Qinglong Armor once again produced Qinglong Qi waves. Everyone on the ground looked up and what they saw was a green dragon with its winding claws grabbing a huge yellow-haired mouse and flying high into the sky. rising.

It is late autumn and early winter at this time, and the temperature is already very low. But here in the northeastern region outside of Middle Earth, the temperature is even lower. As you go higher up, the temperature will continue to drop, and the temperature will be different at different altitudes. , every kilometer of climbing, the temperature will drop by about seven degrees. Wu Zhongyuan was wearing a green dragon armor and did not feel the cold, but the groundhog was not so lucky, and soon the fur on his body began to frost.

Wu Zhongyuan didn't know how high the Green Dragon Armor could fly, nor did he know how high the groundhog would fly. He just kept climbing. This was his only chance to defeat the groundhog. Besides, he couldn't think of any other way. What method can be used to defeat this alien with unfathomable spiritual energy cultivation?

The groundhog kept struggling and resisting, but Wu Zhongyuan's hands had a large number of cyan armor attached to them, like two hard and sharp eagle claws, tightly grabbing the flesh on its back and dragging it high into the air.

After a while, the groundhog's body was covered with frost, and Wu Zhongyuan also began to feel uncomfortable. The oxygen at high altitudes was thin, and he had difficulty breathing. He was out of breath. Looking back, he saw only thick clouds and could no longer see. To the scenery below.

At this point, Wu Zhongyuan knew that he could not continue to climb higher. The groundhog's spiritual energy cultivation was much more advanced than his. The higher the spiritual energy cultivation, the longer the breath holding time. This was directly proportional. If he continued to climb higher, He must be the first to be unable to hold on.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, secretly channeled his spiritual energy, and condensed the fire dragon's true energy on his right arm.

Since the two of them were closely attached to each other, the prairie dog noticed that Wu Zhongyuan was secretly gathering energy. He was afraid of being attacked by Wu Zhongyuan, and in desperation, he once again shook himself and transformed into his human form.

The groundhog turned into a big fat man again, and his body changed accordingly. Wu Zhongyuan was unprepared, and he took the opportunity to break free.

After finally getting out of trouble, how could the big fat man allow Wu Zhongyuan to get close to him again? His thoughts flashed, and his spiritual energy extended out. He condensed a spiritual energy barrier outside his body to isolate Wu Zhongyuan. Then his spiritual energy expanded outward, extending the barrier to two feet, completely fighting Wu Zhongyuan. Pulled away.

"What a trick!" The fat man raised his eyebrows and frowned, spreading his arms while speaking.

Although he didn't know what the big fat man was going to do specifically, Wu Zhongyuan knew that it would definitely fight back violently. Thinking of this, he controlled the Qinglong Armor and flew eastward without waiting for the big fat man to gather his strength.

He was at a high place and unexpectedly hit an obstacle. Wu Zhongyuan flew without any worries. In the blink of an eye, he was already three miles away. He stopped and turned around, only to see the big fat man still in the distance, looking at him in astonishment.

The big fat man is like a powerful boxer, and Wu Zhongyuan is like a long-distance runner. No matter how powerful the boxer is, he has to catch someone before he can beat him violently. Before he is ready, he has already run away, and there will be another Even powerful means cannot be used.

The two of them were currently above the clouds, and the temperature was extremely low. If the stalemate continued, the big fat man would definitely suffer. However, Wu Zhongyuan did not dare to stay at high altitude for a long time. You must know that there are five powerful monsters below, not to mention the aliens snooping around. On top of that, if we leave for a long time, something might happen, so the battle must be ended as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, he changed from defense to offense, turned around, accelerated, and rushed towards the big fat man.

He knew that there was a spiritual energy barrier around the big fat man, but the spiritual energy barrier was not indestructible. Even if the big fat man had a much higher level of cultivation than him, the condensed spiritual energy barrier could be broken by him. The premise was that he had enough speed and strength. With the Azure Dragon Armor on his side, he was sure to smash the big fat man's spiritual energy barrier into pieces.

But the big fat man didn't give him a chance to verify. When he saw him turning around, he secretly thought something was wrong, so he hurriedly gathered his energy and fell sharply down.

As long as the big fat man can return to the ground, he will be sure of victory, but the big fat man knows this, and Wu Zhongyuan also knows that although the big fat man falls very fast, it cannot be faster than the Qinglong Armor, and he is quickly killed by Wu Zhongyuan during the fall. Dive to catch up.

Since the big fat man was also missing, Wu Zhongyuan failed to break through its spiritual energy barrier after catching up with him. However, he did not give up. He controlled the Qinglong Armor to accelerate with all his strength and fell rapidly against the spiritual energy barrier.

If we only talk about spiritual energy cultivation, Wu Zhongyuan is naturally no match for Big Fatty, but feet are shorter and inches are longer. Wu Zhongyuan seized on Big Fatty's weakness of being unable to move freely from high altitudes, and relied on the advantage of the speed of Qinglong Armor to use his own strength. The long side attacks the enemy's short side.

The big fat man lost the opportunity and was controlled by others everywhere. He was suffocating and suffering. Although he knew that Wu Zhongyuan wanted to crash it to the ground, he was unable to reverse the situation. It was falling faster than it climbed, and Wu Zhongyuan was still pushing up and adding pressure. , it was under tremendous pressure at this time and could not move at all.

It had been driven back up the mountain by Wu Zhongyuan before. The speed at that time was much slower than it is now, but it had already been hit to pieces and its internal organs were displaced. Judging from the current speed, the violent impact that followed would be It certainly cannot bear it.

After thinking anxiously, he couldn't think of a way to reverse the situation. The fat man was discouraged. Although he was a loser, he had no choice but to admit defeat.

"Stop it," the big fat man said.

Wu Zhongyuan heard what the big fat man said, but he just pretended not to hear it. The big fat man's words were very deceitful, and he did not explicitly confirm defeat.

Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan didn't respond, the big fat man just thought that the wind was too loud and Wu Zhongyuan didn't hear what he said, so he raised his voice and said, "Stop, you win."

"What?" Wu Zhongyuan pretended to be deaf. He was still far away from the ground at this time. People on the ground could not hear the conversation between the two. No one testified. The big fat man might go back on his word. The big fat man's cultivation level is too high. If it is true, There was nothing he could do about it.

Wuzhong Yuan finished speaking, and without waiting for the big fat man to speak, he said loudly, "I am not your opponent, but I will never give up. It won't be long before the five seals disappear. By then, the six seals will be mixed up, and the world will be in chaos. That weapon will have no impact on you." I am of great use, and I will never give it away to anyone else.”

The reason why Wu Zhongyuan said these words was to adjust the timing of the big fat man's words. When he said these words, people on the ground could not hear them, but at this time they could already see the flat area deep in the dense forest. The big fat man continued to speak, and no matter what he said, the people below could hear him.

Seeing that it was getting closer and closer to the ground, if Wu Zhongyuan did not stop his momentum, it would be unable to cushion the landing. The big fat man shouted in desperation, "No fight, you win!"

What Wu Zhongyuan was waiting for was what he said. The big fat man's voice would definitely be heard clearly by monsters nearby and aliens far away.

"Concession!" Wu Zhongyuan stopped and slowed down, shifted eastward, and landed smoothly in the middle of the flat area.

He had the Azure Dragon Armor, but the big fat man didn't. He could only slow down by transporting his own spiritual energy, and the deceleration effect was naturally unsatisfactory. He failed to land on the fighting field, but fell to the west hillside. He lost his remaining momentum and knocked down a big tree. one slice……

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