Origin Seeker

Chapter 73: Core

Dream walked through the fog and came up on the same root wall as they always did.

He went to go and climb it. When he got to the top, he was greeted with the same amazing sight.

"...This really never gets old."

Dream looked on at the green valley in front of his eyes. The tall green grass, the trees scattered about the expanse, the big lake providing all the freshwater for the habitat, and all the animals roaming about. He looked across the valley and could see the opposing side of the dome. The opposite side was at least 2.5 miles away and gave a full view of its 670-meter tall supertrees. 

He looked up and saw the branches of the supertrees converging, making the roof of the dome. The pillars of light coming through the roof made for an even more spectacular view, as well as making it so that plants could still grow and it wasn't eternally dark.

"*sigh* This place truly is a natural oddity. And is it me, or is the mana density higher in here than outside?"

[It is. Though not by too much. So? Is this going to be our base?]

"I think so. There's plenty of space, and it's almost paradise here. Not to mention the seclusion. You know, I actually haven't checked out the roof of this place. What does it look like from above?"

Dream began flying up towards the top of the dome. And when he approached the branches and leaves that made up the roof, he exclaimed.

"These leaves are huge! They're as big or bigger than me. These trees are seriously ridiculous. How do they even maintain themselves?"

Dream maneuvered his way through the leaves and branches as he spoke. Eventually, he made it out.

"...Huh. That's interesting."

As Dream floated higher above the roof of the tree dome, he came across an invisible barrier. He almost didn't notice it, but the mana it gave off alerted him.

"Sophia, what is this?"

[It looks like a simple barrier. It doesn't resemble an enchantment like the fog. And the mana it gives off is subtle, but actually rather dense. The density of the radiating mana is 80% more than the ambient density.]

"Damn, almost double."

[This actually reminds me of the barrier Riddick created when he protected everyone in the helicopter. Though it doesn't have the same function as blocking things since we can go through it. Maybe it's another illusion barrier?]

"That's all I can think of. Let's head up more, get a birds-eye view."

He began flying even higher up. He wanted to be able to see the entire dome. Though when he reached a certain height and looked down at the dome, he was surprised.

"...Where's the dome?"

As Dream looked down from above, all he saw was regular forest. There were absolutely no trees that were anywhere near the height of the supertrees. It was like it didn't exist.

"...Amazing. So it is an illusion barrier. But does that mean it works on me now? Why can't I see the dome?"

[Just because you can't see it doesn't mean you're being confused. I think the light that's being released and entering your eyes is showing you a regular forest. There's nothing attempting to influence your mind right now, not that your title would allow it anyway.]

"So I'm being shown a different image? I guess that's impressive, but how would that barrier prevent anyone from just flying into it?"

[That I'm not sure about. Maybe it works the same as the fog, just invisible. I wouldn't be surprised with that kind of mana density in it. Either way, If someone were trying to scout you out, they wouldn't find the dome. I'm positive of that.]

"...Alright. It's already more than good enough. So it's settled. This is my new base. Our next step then is to find those animal clans that the girls talked about. I don't want them interfering with anything. Preferably, I won't have to exterminate them. Though from what I was told, they're a bunch of arrogant assholes, so it may be inevitable."

Dream began heading back down to the dome. He passed through the shield and could see the trees again. After maneuvering through the branches and leaves, he was back inside at the top of the roof.

"Even from all the way up here, I can see things on the ground perfectly. So where are we going to find these clans?"

[Well the first thing we look for are intelligent settlements of animals. Like the den we encountered. Luna said there were some birds, wolves, bears, and even deer that were in the clans. So we can look for those. Oh! I see a few birds there! Maybe you should ask them to bring you to the clans.]

"Only if those aren't just some random birds. I mean I guess I could try."

Dream decided that it couldn't hurt and flew down to those birds. 

When he got close, he used his magic and restricted the flight of the birds. He then brought them down to the floor and placed them in front of him.

*Screech!* *Screech!*

The three birds, upon being captured, began sounding off like banshees. Dream decided to send them a telepathy message.

'Do you guys speak?'


After only getting more screeches as a response, he decided it was mission failed and let the birds go. They quickly flew back into the sky and away from him.

"Well, they obviously weren't it. Any other candidates?"

[Well, there's plenty of animals around, but none of them display intelligent behavior. I have an idea. Why don't you build a super big structure. That'll definitely catch their attention. Even the family was bullied because of a small house. They'll definitely want to know who built the structure.]

"Hmm, I guess. Just let them come to me. Then we'll do that. Get some drones to search the surroundings though. Maybe we'll find them that way."

[Already done.]

"Then let's get this building erected."


3 hours later, Dream was hanging out on top of his structure.

The sun was high, being well into the afternoon. It was a pleasantly sunny day. The birds were flying around, the animals grazing, and the flowers were blooming. Everything was almost perfect. Except for one thing.

The peace of the valley was very rudely disturbed by some atrociously loud music. This, however, was totally the point of the music.

Dream decided that if he was trying to be noticeable, he was going to be as noticeable as possible. And he didn't want to get bored while waiting, so what better way to pass time than listen to music.

The structure that Dream built was easily 400 meters tall. But it was nothing elaborate, just a tall, hollow, metal monolith. And on this monolith, were speakers hanging on all the walls. They were big speakers, very big speakers. And there were a lot of them. Sophia also added her own little modifications and tripled the speaker output capabilities. Needless to say, they could get loud. And it was this that was disturbing the valley. At least within a couple miles.

Dream played song after song as he lounged around, floating above the monolith. Not a care in the world. Until he was interrupted.

[Hey Dream.]


[You have company.]

'Oh? Could it be the clans?'

[I think it is. They're checking out your monolith about 400 meters away.]

'Fun. Cut the music.'

When he said that, the blaring music that could blow out anyone's eardrums ceased. Dream sat up from his floating chair and looked towards the animals who were checking him out. It was a wolf, deer, and bear. 

"A rather odd combination. But it works."

Dream began flying down the monolith and landed on the floor. The animals saw this and began heading towards him. Soon, they made contact.

'Identify yourself!'

One of the wolves spoke to him using telepathy when they approached. He was being awfully aggressive. 

'That's not a very good way to make a first impression.' (Dream)

'You are disturbing the sanctuary and do not belong here. So you are not warranted pleasant treatment.'

This time, one of the deer spoke. He sounded much more tolerable, but gave off this sense of superiority that Dream wasn't too fond of.

'Tell me, deer. Why am I not allowed here?' (Dream)

'Because this is a sanctuary. Humans are forbidden from accessing the sanctuary.' (Deer )

'And yet here I stand. I have not seen any rules given by this so-called sanctuary of yours. And the illusion barrier around the 'sanctuary' is useless against me. So- Wait. How are you guys able to get into this place? Wouldn't the fog confuse you?'

Dream suddenly thought of something. Why did the fog confuse people, but not those animals? The ones in front of him weren't that powerful, and couldn't bypass the fog with just their capabilities. 

'We are not affected by the fog. It is our sanctuary, so why would it fight against us? It is you humans that this sanctuary does not permit to be here.'


Dream went quiet after hearing that. He turned his attention inward.

'Sophia, are we able to change the enchantment on the fog?'

[Well if we take into account the fact that the fog spans the entire dome, it would take massive amounts of mana and time. We would also have to study it a bit. But I don't suppose it would be impossible.]

'Well if we can change the fog to confuse these animals as well, then I won't have to go and massacre an entire community. It'll take care of the problem by itself. So let's try that first. I can always find these clans later if that doesn't work.'

[That's fine. Oh, before you let them go, use this.]

Sophia built a device and put it in Dream's hand. It was a GPS locator shaped as a small bead.

[Send it into one of their bodies and they'll show us the location.]


Dream turned his attention back outside.

'Ok, animals. I've decided to abide.'


The deer got confused by Dream's sudden statement. He thought the human would resist.

'So you won't come back to the sanctuary?' (Deer)

'Nope! In fact, I'll leave right now. But before that, this is for the snarky wolf.'



Dream took out the bead and flung it over at the wolf, burying it into his body.

'You attacked him?!'

"Alright, see you guys later!"

Saying that, Dream put the giant monolith into his inventory and flew off towards the edge of the dome. The animals couldn't react fast enough to stop him.

'Damn that human! I'll tear out his throat if I see him again!'

After he left, the wolf who was injured by Dream cursed out. 

'At least it was only a light injury. You can heal back at the clan. Come, let's go.' (Deer)

The deer turned and began walking the opposite direction of Dream. The other animals followed.


After Dream flew away, he went straight for the fog outside the dome. He needed to check it out.

Soon, he was inside the fog. Dream then saturated his surroundings with mana.

"...This doesn't look like regular fog."

[Well, you could say that it's a different type of fog than usual. The particles are small ice crystals. Extremely small. That's why we haven't noticed it until now. Either way, the mana is flowing among these ice crystals and creating the enchantment.]

"Ok. So are we able to identify the activation conditions for this illusion fog?"

[I think so. Give me a bit.]


Dream went quiet and let Sophia work. After a couple of minutes, she spoke up.

[Walk forward. Keeping inside the fog.]


Dream did as she said and began walking forward, keeping inside the fog. 

Nearly 15 minutes of walking later, Sophia spoke again.

[It's not complete.]

"What isn't?"

[The enchantment on the fog. All the little pieces connect to make one massive web. And when you walk into the web, it affects you. But the pieces aren't enough to make this fog do what it does. There's stuff missing.]

"So...It's like the DNA of the wolves? The DNA only accounted for half of what was necessary while there was a part that was missing?"

[Yes! The pieces of the fog are making a mana web among themselves that confuses people who enter. But the enchantment doesn't program for all those functions.]

"So there's something we're missi-"



Dream recoiled at her shout. 

[The grass! Or the ground. Under you. There's something below that's connecting to the fog.]

"Under us? Should we dig?"

[No, hang on.]

Just as Dream was about to punch a hole into the ground, he felt his mana spread out. Not only did his mana spread out, but his mana pool began emptying to extend the range of his senses.

"You can do that?"

[Of course. Usually we don't consume mana just for looking around, but by sending some out you can greatly increase the range of your senses.]

"I can see that."

Dream could sense his mana extend out nearly 400 meters. The amount of information that came to him was massive, but Sophia was handling it all. Eventually, she came back with a verdict.

[The roots. The mana from the fog extends down into the ground and connects to the roots f the trees. The roots then lead elsewhere. Go back inside the Dome.]


Dream turned around and flew through the fog and the trees. Once he was inside the dome, he began flying more towards the center. Sophia kept his senses spread out.

[The roots lead over to the lake.]

"I guess that makes sense. Needs water and all."

[Go check it out.]

Dream flew over to the lake that was over to the left of the dome. It wasn't too big, but it covered at least a quarter of the area inside the dome. It was probably the source of water for everything here. Dream wondered how it was able to maintain itself in an isolated environment.

They arrived at the center of the lake and Dream set himself down on top of the water. Sophia sent more mana into the lake.

This time however, she extended out much farther. Instead of 400 meters, she went down nearly 800 meters, almost a whole kilometer.

[Oh my...]

"What is it? Find something?"

[I think I did. A huge energy source. Like, a seriously massive amount of energy and mana is coming from something below the lake. It's also sending its energy up the roots. Dream, I think this dome might have a core.]

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