Origin Seeker

Chapter 59: Date

"We're leaving tomorrow."

Two days had passed quietly. And now Riddick stood in front of Dream and the girls, who were sitting on the couch.

"Tomorrow? Why the rush?" (Dream)

Dream asked, confused. He was expecting another week before taking off. He had barely gotten his State magic two days ago! 

The girls also tilted their heads. They could sense his urgency.

"There's a chance that Raoul's forces are still looking for us. I spotted a fox while I was out one day, and I'm not sure he recognized me. But I definitely recognized that aura. He saw me as well, and in the off chance that he makes the wild assumption, then we need to leave."

"Would they really still be looking after 20 years? Seems a bit long." (Iris)

"You'd be surprised. You guys are still young, but when you get older, waiting and doing something for a long time gets really easy. Developing patience, and Raoul is definitely patient. He's a Fox after all. And underestimating one can be deadly." (Riddick)

"So I guess we're leaving tomorrow. I don't have anything I need to do. I'm more than prepared actually." (Dream)

"Good. Is there anything you need to do, girls?" (Riddick)

"Not really. I've just been practicing my magic." (Iris)

"Same." (Luna)

"Alright. Then we leave tomorrow morning. Anything you want to do needs to be done today."

The girls nodded to him. 

"Then I'll be in the study." (Riddick)

Riddick got up and left. The other three looked at each other.

"*sigh* Moving again. It's been how long?" (Luna)

"Almost 2 months. I wish we could settle down for a bit. We've been working nonstop. It feels longer than 2 months." (Iris)

"And we're about to get busier. The amount of magic knowledge at the Spire will be much higher than here. We'll be working out brains more." (Dream)

"Ughhh... I just wanna fight! We can just level up and get better attributes! I don't know why it takes all this practice and thinking." (Iris)

"We'll be able to at the Spire. Old Man said that there's places to level just like here, if not more. We'll finally get our second class and move forward." (Dream)

"Well how long is it going to take to get there?"

[If we don't stop and fly straight to the Spire, which is around 11,000 kilometers away, it will take around 36 hours at 300 kilometers an hour. But if we go at the pace as last time, it could take several days.]

Sophia spoke to everyone, giving them the directions based on her intelligence from the satellites.

"I think doing a straight shot will be best then. Maybe one stop in the middle, but no more than that." (Dream)

"That's still a long time. That's...18 hours. Twice!"

"It's better than a couple of weeks of walking. You want to walk?"


Iris huffed, realizing how convenient a helicopter actually was. Luna spoke up after.

"So what should we do for our last day here?" (Luna)

"That's a good question.... You guys wanna go on a date?" (Dream)

"A date?"

Luna and Iris looked at him. A bit of surprise and confusion on their faces.

"Do you guys not know what a date is?"

"No, we know. Sophia told us. It's just you've never wanted to before..." (Iris)

"Oh, well I guess a lot's been going on. I did think about it before actually, but I've never had any money so I couldn't take you guys. But I do now, so we could go. If you guys would like."

"Of course. When do you want to go?" (Luna)

"Tonight. Night dates are always the best." (Dream)

"Ok." (Luna)

"What about until then?" (Iris)

"I got something to do until then. You guys keep busy, and I'll be back sometime before sunset. We'll have our date then."

Saying so, Dream walked out of the room, leaving the girls to discuss things.

When Dream left the room, he made his way to the study, finding Riddick at the tables.

"Where's Graff?"

Dream walked up to Riddick.

"He should be in the library."

Dream nodded and went to the library, finding Graff reading a book.

"Graff, I need your help."

Dream created a vacuum of air around them, not letting any sound waves travel outwards. Graff noticed and spoke up.

"Is something wrong?"

"Not really. I need to know some fancy places to go and eat. I'm planning on taking the girls out tonight, and I need some good recommendations."

"Hoho, a date huh? Don't worry, I know the best places to go..."




The sun was approaching the horizon and Dream was in his room. He was getting ready for his date.

Graff had given him many different places. Fancy restaurants, nightclubs, high-class bars, the works. The thing he found interesting was that there was a central, high-class area in the Mountain where these places were located. Similar to Beverly Hills in California. That also meant it came with a high price tag, but he wasn't lacking money.

Since Dream was going with just the girls, he also headed over to that area to check things out. This took him most of the day, but he was glad he did it. Let's just say, apparently everyone travels by carriage in those areas. The buildings were taller, nicer, and the people were much more powerful. He didn't sense a single 1st class walking those streets. And any he did were accompanied by class 2's.

Overall, it definitely was a high-class area. Everyone was rich and had the power to back it. But he didn't really care about that. All he cared about were the places. Which he found.

Dream set his eyes on two things, good food and a better view. And a couple of restaurants had that. Ultimately, he settled for the one that was known for its meats. They apparently sold 3rd class meats which he definitely wanted to try.

After finding what he needed, he head back to prepare. The most important preparation being his clothes.

"Alright, let me take a wild guess and assume that they're going to wear their signature colors? So how am I supposed to match red and blue? Or are they in black and white?

[Black and white main with their signature colors as accents. I actually have a suit picked out. Here.]

Dream's clothes disappeared and the suit took its place on his body. He took at himself in the mirror.

The suit was deep dark black shoes and pants with a white button-down shirt and black vest. His sleeves were rolled up and his collar unbuttoned. It was actually more casual than he thought.

"It's pretty basic. Though the black is somehow really deep. It's like I'm looking into a void."

[Vantablack. And I thought keeping it basic was good. It's hard to match opposite colors besides white and black without getting crazy.]

Dream nodded at that. He wasn't about to wear four different colors. 

He began checking himself out in the mirror more. The tight fitted clothes accentuated his muscles without being uncomfortable. Everything from his shoes to his shirt was very comfortable to the touch. He smiled in satisfaction.

[Lookin classy.]

"I feel classy. I love dressing up. It's like a confidence booster, looking all nice and sharp. Mind if you do my hair for me?"


Dream's hair began to shape itself up. It swept over to the side while looking a bit messy and wavy. It went together well with his formal but casual clothes. 

[I also have some accessories.]

Two things appeared in Dream's hand. He opened his palm and found two bracelets. One of them was an ice bracelet, and one a fiery hot, almost molten metal bracelet.

[The ice is frozen Oxygen, which gives it that bluish color. And the red hot metal is platinum.]

"Wow, a little over the top huh."

[Well, I thought it would be nice. They're going to be wearing accessories too. Plus, it's like showing people that you're with them by adding their signature colors to yourself.]

"Hehe, I know. It's pretty cool too."

Dream used his State magic to put the ice bracelet on his left hand and the metal one on his right. 

"...Are these enchanted?"

Dream asked, sensing the engravings.

[They are. To better sustain themselves in their state without using too much mana.]

"I see. Well then, is there anything else? It's about to be sunset."

Dream pat himself down. Clothes, accessories, and anything else he needed were in his inventory like money. It felt weird not having to fill his pockets with a phone, wallet, and keys.

[You should be good. I suggest you get going before rush hour hits. I'll call the girls up.]

Dream nodded while his heart rate began climbing. He was nervous. He didn't really know why. Just something about being on a date like this. 

'How long has it been...'

*knock knock knock*


Dream heard the door open to the living area. He quickly walked out of the bedroom.



Dream froze and stared at the girls in front of him. They also stared back, both inspecting the other

Luna was dressed in white. The dress was an off the shoulder one-piece, with a toga-like skirt going down to her shins. It had an outer layer of blue lace going over her left shoulder, giving it an accent to blend with her hair and eyes. It was slimming, showing off her curvaceous figure, but at the same time being elegant, pure. She looked like a greek goddess. 

Her hair was put back into a messy ponytail, as she always liked it. It also had in it an icy blue rose acting as a hair clip. Dream figured it was made of the same frozen oxygen.

Iris on the other hand, was dressed in black. Her dress was the same void-black as Dream's suit. It was a long dress going down to her ankles and had a leg slit in it, showing off her toned but smooth thigh. The top was off the shoulder and had red lace over the base black, which also went over the shoulder, blending with her glowing hair and deep red eyes. This dress too, was slimming. She looked sexy, bold, aggressive almost. It went perfectly with her attitude.

Her hair remained straight with a slight wave to it. It also had an accessory, a blood-red rose as a hair clip, which served to hold her hair back behind the ear. It was natural, as she always wanted it. 

Both girls looked like goddesses. No makeup either. Something like that would only taint an already perfect face. They were all-natural, and looked free, even in a nice dress.

"...Y-You two look...amazing."

Dream cleared his throat as he reined himself in. He was truly in awe at the sight of them. 

Iris reddened a bit in embarrassment while smiling. Luna also smiled sweetly.

"You look handsome." (Luna)

"Y-Ya. You look good." (Iris)

"Thanks. Should we go see your dad?"

"D-Dad?!" (Iris)

"Ya. I'm sure he would like to see his daughters before sending them off for a night with me. Come on, they should be in the kitchen for dinner."


"No buts."

Dream grabbed Iris' hand and walked through the door. Luna giggled and followed.

They went down the stairs and sure enough, everyone was at the table.




The twins, Graff, and Riddick all stared wide-eyed at the people before them. Iris and Luna stood there, embarrassed and fidgety from being put on display.

"Well I'll be damned. You girls look absolutely beautiful! Isn't that right Prince?" (Graff)

"Of course. My daughters have never been anything but beautiful. But, why are they dressed up?" (Riddick)

"I'm taking them on a date, Old Man. I just figured you'd want to see them in the prime of their beauty. Nobody would want to miss a sight like this."

"You're taking them on a date without letting me know first?"

"But I am letting you know. I already have a restaurant picked out."

"Indeed. A high-class one recommended by yours truly. And don't worry, the kid has plenty of money for anything he might need and then some." (Graff)

"You even knew?" (Riddick)

"Well, I don't know my way around the place. Who better to ask than Graff? I've already been through the area and know my way around now. Not to mention the carriage that should be outside, which I hired for tonight." (Dream)

"...I was wondering why that was there. *sigh* So you're just planning to bring them to a nice restaurant?" (Riddick)

"Yup. I wanted to treat them a bit. We might not get the chance to very often, and since it's our last night I thought it would be good."


Riddick stared at them, thinking. He couldn't exactly turn them down at this point. If Dream had brought it to him earlier, he might not have agreed. His face crumpled as he thought about how dirty he played.

"Punk. You got me this time. Three rules: No alcohol, no nightclubs, and no fighting. If you anger someone who's out of your league whether it's in power or status, then I'll have to save you sorry ass. And then we could be put in more danger. I'm only letting you do this because I have some trust in your ability and character. Don't let tonight ruin that."

Riddick looked straight into Dream's eyes, and when he finished speaking, Dream could feel pressure suddenly fall on him. It was like several hundred pounds were weighing on him inside and out. His breathing was stifled, he began slouching, he felt pain, but not bodily pain. 

This was exactly like when he first met him. When Riddick tested Dream. Though the pressure was many times greater this time, he was also many times stronger. Dream stood up straight and returned Riddick's gaze after somewhat easily resisting the effects. 

"You don't have anything to worry about." (Dream)

"...Hmph. Then go on. Don't forget that we're leaving tomorrow. Before sunrise"

Riddick removed his pressure. Dream smiled, as did the girls.

"Alright. See you later guys." 

"Bye, dad."

The girls walked over and gave their dad a hug, before walking out the building with Dream.

The kitchen was silent as the men, and Elaina who had arrived at some point, sat there.


Riddick stood up. Graff also stood up, knowing what he was going to do.

"No Prince. It's his night." (Graff)

"And If they get in trouble?" (Riddick)

"I trust that kid. He's not stupid enough to put your family in danger. Not to mention his power. Have you ever seen those mana levels on a class 1? And we've both seen what he's done in the forging room. Believe me, he can handle a simple date."


Riddick sat back down. Graff sighed in relief. 

"He's not a bad kid either. He'll treat your daughters right." (Graff)

"He better. I've seen too many men who seem nice, but are just scum looking to play with a girl."

"Well one, he's not from this world. Two, wouldn't your daughters see that? Nothing can hide from those [Ethereal Eyes]. That's what makes those Foxes from the Animal Empire so dangerous. Just relax and hope they have a fun time. No use worrying about it."

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