Origin Seeker

Chapter 35: Floating Castle

Riddick was accurate in his judgment this time around. It really did take a few days of flying. Though the trip as a whole took longer.

The girls ended up getting restless after 30 hours of flying. Since the helicopter wasn't really that big, there wasn't anywhere they could move around. That and there were no beds, only chairs, so they had a hard time falling asleep at night. 

Dream ended up landing and setting up camp on the ground every night so everyone could get a good sleep. Since it wasn't like they were in a hurry, they could take their sweet time. 

All together it took 6 days for them to finally come across a kingdom. And it was when they were 5000 feet over the capital of said kingdom that Dream asked a question.

"Hey Old Man. This can't be it, can it?" (Dream)

"Of course not. The Enchanted Mountain has many subsidiary kingdoms around it. This is probably one of them, and it means we are getting close." 

"Okay. I should also ask this in advance. How exactly should we go about landing and entering the Mountain? I can imagine that the power of everyone there is many times higher than the kingdom we were just in, and if they see us as a threat, then we are likely screwed. Especially if we're in the air, they'll see us as a monster."

"Hmm...I say we stop several miles from the walls and drive there using your car. It'll be much safer than trying to land near it in this thing, like you said."

"Alright. Then you'll need to let me know when we're getting close."

"That's no problem."

The helicopter passed by the subsidiary kingdom and flew for another 8 hours before Riddick finally spoke up.

"We're getting close."

"Alright. Sophia, bring us down."

[Beginning descent...]

As the helicopter was brought down from high in the sky, Everyone looked out the windows and saw a long road with many carriages driving on it.

"That road is the main road to the entrance to the Mountain. We'll have to follow alongside it if we want to get in. And that may involve alerting many people, but its better than flying." (Riddick)

"That's fine. I also see another one not far from it. But there's nobody on it."

"That's the road for people with higher prestige. Anybody below 3rd class isn't allowed on it. I myself have traveled on it before. It's very comfortable since the road is made of smooth stone material, making any ride very comfortable, unlike rocky dirt."

"Oh? Then I think that's the one we need to be on. Since there's nobody there, we won't have to worry about alerting someone. Sophia! Bring us down near that road!"


A few minutes later, the helicopter landed right beside the road. Everyone piled out and Dream desummoned it.

Dream walked over to the road to check it out. Sure enough, the road was totally paved. Not with asphalt though, but with a concrete type material. 

"It may not be as grippy, but it would still work. We also have several miles for acceleration. There'll be no problem then."

"No problem for what?" (Iris)


Dream didn't answer her with words, but actions. He summoned out the car that he's been waiting to use for a long time.

Song: Glass Animals - Tokyo Drifting

Moments later, a smooth and modern car, looking very different than the offroading jeep, appeared in the middle of the road.

"Behold! One of the fastest 4 seaters in the world! Built by Aston Martin, this thing has a V12 engine with over 750 horsepower. Accelerating to 60 mph in under 3 seconds is easy for this monster. And reaching speeds of over 250 mph isn't just a pipe dream."

"Uhh...What does that mean?" (Iris)

"You'll find out yourself. Everyone get in!" (Dream)

After Iris spoke in confusion, Dream motioned everyone over and got them in their seats. Since he had no plans for a leisurely cruise, seatbelts were necessary and he buckled them in. When the girls were situated in the backseat and Riddick in shotgun, Dream moved over to the driver seat.

When he sat down, Dream admired the looks of the interior. The seats were very comfortable, the dash was nothing but a touchscreen and looked futuristic. The steering wheel looked like one you'd find in a racecar. Of course, this car also came with self driving.

This was the sports car that Dream summoned out when they were still in the forest.

"Let's start the engine. Nobody freak out."

Saying that, Dream pressed the button to start. The engine roared to life.


"...Oh yesss." (Dream)

"What was that?!" (Iris)

"Shut up caveman! We're only getting started!" (Dream)

Dream put the car into neutral, with one foot on the brake and one on the gas. How could he not rev a V12 engine?


"Oh Yes! I love cars! Haha, let's start moving!"

Dream then shifted into drive. He couldn't hold back any longer. A speedway in front of him and one of the best cars money could buy, no man could resist the temptation.

*vroom* *VERT* *VVVRRRRRR*

The car kicked off the ground and began speeding forward. Everyone inside was also pushed back into their seats.

Dream watched as the dials in front of him started moving faster than any car he'd ever been in. 

10, 25, 50, 65

It really only took 3 seconds to break 60 mph. But they were still far from done.

They sped down the road at increasing speeds. 5 seconds later they had already broken 100 mph. Anything near them flew by in a blur. 

The engine also let the whole world know how hard it was working by screaming out. Dream constantly pushed 8000 rpm after every gear shift, and it sounded even more beautiful than the youtube videos he used to watch.

Another 5 seconds and they were already pushing 160. Then 180. Very soon they were blazing the road at 200 miles per hour. 


Dream screamed out as he had never gone so fast in his life. It was a very good thing that the roads were straight, because Dream didn't know if he could handle any turning. Then again, he had someone for that.

'Sophia! You take control, cause I won't be able to at these speeds.'

[No problem!]

Dream kept his hands on the wheel, but Sophia took over using autopilot. Dream felt much more at ease with her doing so.

It took much longer for them to cross the 220 mark. And when they did, Sophia kept it there and just sped along. 

Going at those speeds, it naturally didn't take long to approach their destination. Everyone soon saw the massive structure that was the Enchanted Mountain.

"...Holy shit." (Dream)

"Huh?! I wanna see!" (Iris)

Iris tried to lean forward but was stopped by the seatbelt. She could barely get a glimpse, but even with just that she could tell it was spectacular.

"Sophia, let's cruise." 

Dream gave a command and Sophia brought the speed way down to only 70 mph. Dream then unbuckled and reached behind him to unbuckle the girls. He also opened the sunroof.

Once she was unbuckled, Iris quickly shot her head through the sunroof. Luna eagerly followed as well, and they were greeted with a magnificent sight.

"...Woah. That's big." (Iris)

"...It really is. I can't believe something that massive is floating. The mountain under it is unbelievable too." (Luna)

What the girls saw completely shattered what they knew about the world. Not that they knew much, but they weren't the only ones.

Dream was also infatuated with the sight. He simply couldn't tear his eyes away. He needed to get a better view.

"You know what, stop the car." (Dream)

Sophia threw on the brakes when he said so and the car came to a quick stop. The girls were also almost lifted out of the car by the sudden braking. Iris yelled out in anger.

"Hey! Why did you stop so fast?!"


Dream paid no attention to her and quickly got out of the car. He then faced the mountain that filled his view.

What Dream saw was something only seen in fantasy. Like the artwork drawn digitally on various websites. It was something he never thought he could see in a million years, especially in person.

Riddick was right about it being a city inside a mountain. It was as if someone carved out the center of Mount Fuji and filled it with buildings. There were also 4 white pillars at the four corners of the mountain, and what they held up was the most glorious thing Dream will probably ever see. 

"...A floating castle...It's beautiful." (Dream)

"That's the palace I told you about. Each pillar holds up a corner of the palace, and there is a platform in each one that can levitate off the floor and bring people up. I've been up there a couple of times myself." (Riddick)

"You've been up there? What for?" (Dream)

"Sometimes it was for the auction, sometimes it was to order custom made equipment, or maybe to buy rare materials. Remember Boy, that this is where the greatest craftsmen come to work, and where the rarest materials are found. There is nothing you can't buy here, and people from everywhere come here to buy and sell. Doesn't matter Mage or Swordsman. This is also why this place can be considered more powerful than the other Empires. It's due to the amazing equipment quality, and the people wielding them that live here."

"Is that right... I'm guessing it took some very powerful people to build this place as well."

"That's actually one of the mysteries about this place. It was built several thousand years ago, and nobody remembers how. Though the names of the people who built it are engraved on the pillars, so we know who. But they're all dead, or so we're told."

Dream thought about what it would take to create such a marvel of engineering. Though when he actually thought about it, it probably wasn't that complex to make. There would be no need for any mathematics or designing because magic would take care of everything. Those pillars sure as hell wouldn't be able to exist on earth. Nothing about the Enchanted Mountain was realistic for that matter.

Dream kept marveling over the floating castle. If you imagined someone building a castle on land, and then scooping out with a shovel to place it on four pillars, this is what you'd get. The castle was almost no smaller than the mountain below it. 

The only thing Dream regretted right now was not being able to get a better look. the floating castle really was high in the sky. The bottom was easily at cloud level, and Dream couldn't really see all the buildings on top of it, only the tall ones. 

He also didn't want to fly up there with the helicopter. He had no doubts that there were many people at Riddick's power level, higher even, and one flick from them could end him. Didn't matter if it was a mistake or not. So he would rather play safe.

The girls and Dream took everything in for several minutes. It was just too fantastical. Riddick eventually had to snap them out of it.

"Alright you three. We should keep heading over. The inside of that place is also a sight to see." 

"Ya! Let's go Dream!" (Iris)

"Alright. Everyone get in." (Dream)

Everyone piled back into their seats and Dream began driving again. Just at cruising speeds though. 

It was only 10 minutes later when they could see the walls and gates entering the Mountain. And it was also around this time that they began catching the attention of other people.

There were already 15 guards at the entrance, ready to greet them. Dream figured that since they alerted people already, there was no need to get out and walk. He drove up and stopped the car 100 meters away from them. When they stopped, they heard a shout from one of the guards.

"Identify yourself! If you do not respond, we will attack!" 

Dream turned off the engine after they stopped and turned to Riddick.

"I sure hope you can take care of this. I'm not too keen on going to jail." (Dream)

"You think my 3rd class status is for nothing? Just leave the talking to me. Girls, you stay with the Boy." (Riddick)

"Ok." (x2)

After discussing what to do, everyone exited the car. Dream also stored it in his inventory. He didn't want to have to explain it to people.

Once the guards saw that they were people, they eased up. At the very least, they weren't dealing with a monster so they didn't have to be on the defense.

The group of four walked up to the guards. A person also stepped up to meet them. He looked like the captain of that group.

"I need identification." (Gaurd)

"Here." (Riddick)

Riddick handed the guard a golden plate. The guard took it and took out a tool of some sort that looked similar to the plate. After placing the tool on the plate, both shined gold. The guard nodded and handed back the plate. Dream figured it was a verification tool or something.

"Sir Grand Mage, I welcome you to the Enchanted Mountain. I also apologize for the rude audience. We thought your...carriage was a monster." (Gaurd)

The guard greeted Riddick with a half bow and handed back his plate. 

"That's alright. I have these three with me as well. They've never been to any of the Empire's before, so they don't have plates. I planned on getting them one when we arrived here." (Riddick)

"Of course. Do you need guidance to the nearest Guild?" (Gaurd)

"No, thank you. I know where it is."

"Very well. I'll guide you inside."

The guard motioned for everyone to follow him and led them through the gates. The other guards also went back to their posts.

Once they were inside, Dream and the girls were greeted with a bustling city. Wide roads with carriages passing through as well as dozens of people walking every which way. Many buildings with their signs were on display.

The guard spoke once they were through.

"Would you like me to send a message to the Guild letting them know you'll be coming?" (Guard)

"Sure. I would appreciate it." (Riddick)

"Of course. I'll let you be on your way then. Welcome to the Enchanted Mountain" (Guard.)

Saying that, the guard turned and left, leaving the four to themselves. Dream spoke to Riddick.

"A message? I think a letter would be slower than us heading straight there." (Dream)

"Heh. Do you think the Mountain would be so primitive? There's a message system they use that sends words over the wires you see hanging between buildings. The guard station has wires going straight to various places like the Guild and their military headquarters, allowing them to send messages instantly." (Riddick)

"Interesting. Can everyone use these wires?" (Dream)

"For the most part. Certain hotels and houses have them in their rooms. You just need to know where you want to send the message to. I can show you how to use one later. For now, we should head over to the guild and get you three a proper plate. Follow me." (Riddick)

Riddick turned and began walking down the street. Dream followed and the girls heeded his earlier reminder to stay close and stuck right next to Dream, not wanting to get swept away by the crowds as they walked.

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