Origin Seeker

Chapter 32: [Predator]

While the girls were thinking about their choices, Dream spoke to Riddick.

"There's only one problem I can see right now. They haven't used any weapons yet. Wouldn't it be good for them to do that? The difference a weapon can make is big. Though I don't doubt their magical abilities, it would still be good for them." (Dream)

"That is true. But at the same time, in Iris' case, it could be worse instead to choose something like swordsman instead of fire mage. It was the same problem I had with you wanting to take on multiple specialties. If they divide their abilities and class, it can greatly hinder them, as a class can greatly amplify your abilities, if chosen correctly." (Riddick)

"Very true." (Dream)

Dream nodded at that reasoning. They could always learn to use a weapon as a supplement to their core abilities as well. So they wouldn't need to choose a class for it. Not that they had a choice right now either way.

The two men sat there for several minutes in silence. Though they were curious about the selections, they didn't want to rush the girls.

But as time passed, the faces of the girls got increasingly troubled. Dream couldn't help his curiosity and spoke up.

"Are you two alright? The selection can't be that bad right?" (Dream)

"Well...Just as a question, how many options should someone have for their first class?" (Iris)

Iris lifted her head and looked at Riddick. 

"Well it depends, but it's usually around a dozen or so. Why? Did you get a lot?" (Riddick)

"N-No. The opposite actually. I only have two choices." (Iris)

"Two?! That really is low...What about you Luna?" (Riddick)

Riddick was a little surprised but still calmed down. He turned to Luna as she was probably in the same boat.

"I also have two choices." (Luna)

"You guys really are twins. They probably aren't bad though. What are they?" (Dream)

"Mine are [Fire Fox] and [Predator]." (Iris)

"Mine are [Ice Fox] and [Familiar]." (Luna)

Riddick perked up after Luna said her choices.

"...Did you say Familiar?" (Riddick)

"...Yes?" (Luna)

Riddick stared straight at Luna with a contemplating face. She in turn got confused and cautiously answered his question.

"I-Is that bad?" (Luna)

"I'm not sure. There are certain animals or monsters, usually ones closer to spirits, who can become a familiar. This happens either through taming or if the animal in question deems the receiver worthy enough. The bond between a Familiar and its owner are very strong. But I've never heard of something like it coming up as a class, so I couldn't tell you if it's good or not." (Riddick)

"...Oh." (Luna)

"I think I have an idea." (Dream)

Dream spoke up after hearing Riddick's explanation. 

"You think you know what that class is about?" (Riddick)

"Yes. First we have to look at Scarlet's second choice, which matches her second set of abilities. This means that Luna's second choice will match up with her healing ability. The reason why it might say familiar though is because her style is support. Ice lances from a distance, earth traps, and don't take it in a mean way, but she did her best when I was there and we helped each other. Healing is also supportive" (Dream)

"Well then why didn't she get another class like Healer or even Supporter?" (Riddick)

"Well, I think that's because of me actually. One, Luna and I, as well as Scarlet, have quite the bond. I'm not gloating or anything, just being self-aware. Two, when I was on the verge of death, it was her that lent me her ability to use as I needed. That was her desire to assist me. And going off of your description of Familiars, that sounds pretty on the mark." (Dream)

"....*sigh* I guess you're right, Boy. Though I'm not sure I'm so pleased with one of her classes being that way because of you, I can't exactly argue with that." (Riddick)

Riddick had an ugly face as he heard Dream's argument. Everything he said was on the mark. But that also meant that his daughters were being so affected by Dream that even their classes changed. He wasn't too happy with that.

Dream also knew Riddick's worries, but there was nothing much he could do. Except make Luna aware of what each choice meant.

"Luna. The class of Familiar is a supportive role. Since it is a class, it likely isn't dependant on any specific person. But it is still supportive nonetheless. Your other option will allow you to enhance your manipulation abilities and in turn, your combat prowess. I say to choose [Ice Fox] if you want to get stronger by your own power. You can always work on your Restore ability and in time who knows, maybe a later class will incorporate it. But the choice is yours." (Dream)

Dream wanted Luna to know that each class will lead down a different path and therefore a different style of fighting. He was most concerned with the fact that Familiar applies to helping someone else. And he felt kind of apologetic for possibly influencing her selection, but again, there wasn't much he could do.

Everyone was silent for a little as they let Luna ponder on her choice. It was much different from Iris' where both choices were combative.

The person in question though seemed to be much less concerned about such a big decision and spoke her mind after a short while.

"Although it is supportive, the class is there for a reason. I'm not as combat-oriented as Iris is and I don't want to force such a style onto myself. More than that though, I am very okay with helping you two. I couldn't think of anything better." (Luna)

After she said that, Luna shut her eyes. Dream got confused, but Riddick apparently had an idea why.

"Wait, did you just..." (Riddick)

"Hehe, sorry dad. I just think it's better." (Luna)

"You chose it?! That's awfully rash of you..." (Dream)

Dream was surprised after he figured it out. She made the selection! She didn't even want to think on it more. 

Dream thought that it was a little fast, but at the same time there was no use overthinking. If Luna felt that she was suited towards support, then she should go that route. Dream also didn't disagree. In fact, he wanted her to choose that, but he obviously couldn't say that outright.

It wasn't long after Luna made her choice that changes took place.


Luna suddenly transformed into her fox form in a puff of smoke. 

"Luna?" (Dream)

"I-Arghh..I didn't mean t0 transform. Everything is starting to hurt..." (Luna)

Dream walked over to her and had her lay on his lap when he heard her grunt in pain. Though he assumed it was the class selection that triggered the pain, so he decided not to panic. But he was still worried.

"Old Man? You know what this is?" (Dream)

"I do. You know how I said species other than humans don't need to make energy pathways at class 3? Well, that's because they evolve as they level up. Their species undergo evolutions instead of class changes. But since my daughters are part human, they get their class change as well. I wasn't actually totally sure if they got both, but sure enough, they do." (Riddick)

"So they're going to be overpowered in the future. And Luna is evolving right now?"

"Looks like it. And Iris will too."

"Ughh...That looks painful though..." (Iris)

Everyone watched as Luna laid there in pain. Dream just stroked her hair to give her something else to focus on. But he also didn't forget to conduct research.

'Sophia! I need you to analyze the changes in her body. The soul as well. We need to figure out how classes work.'

[Already on it!]

'You really are the best.'

Dream gave praise at the fact that Sophia knew him so well. Meanwhile, Luna's body started to have more obvious changes after a while.

At first, there was nothing on the outside that looked different. But after about 10 minutes, her fur began to see changes.

Luna had always had snowy white fur with a blue hue that seemed like it glowed during the night. There was never anything instead of just white, but that began to change.

Three blue stripes were drawn on each of her cheeks like whiskers. The top of her face also turned blue. From the top of her snout to around her eyes. It looked like a mask, unlike the usual bandana look that foxes normally have.

Her paws faded out from white into a dark blue. The tail was the same, having a blue tip.

After those changes external, nothing else happened and Dream thought that was it. The blue color just became more pronounced. But as the end of the evolution came, he began to feel something.

[Warning! A connection between souls is being created. It's coming from Luna. This is likely a result of the [Familiar] class. Allow connection?]

Sophia came with a warning not long after. Dream nodded in his head.

'Ya. That's fine.'

Dream was surprised by the sudden connection, but it wasn't out of place. Since the Familiar class was probably caused by him, it would also mean that he is one of the targets of her help. Iris probably got the same thing. He allowed the connection, not that he would ever deny it.

[Connection established. It will take time to-]

Sophia let the connection through and started to evaluate what it did, until she was interrupted by someone.

<The Individual: Luna, has sought and created a [Familiar] connection with you!>

<Your Familiars will be capable of assisting you with their own skills as they see fit.>

<Depending on the strength of the Familiar and its partner, certain levels of communication can be carried out over distances.>

[....Well I guess that explains it.]

Three notifications popped up and explained what happened.

Dream detected a little anger coming from Sophia after that. Apparently she doesn't enjoy being interrupted by all-powerful Systems.

[I'll slap the Record someday...]

'We'll probably have to become gods ourselves before we can do that...'

[I will help you become a god! We can do it! To slap that snarky Record in the face!]

'S-Sure. I guess it's good to have goals.'

Dream sweat a little at her impossible ambitions. And at how petty she could apparently be. 

After the notifications passed, Luna had finally finished her evolution. She opened her eyes and looked up towards Dream.

When Dream looked back, he saw that it wasn't just the fur that had changed. Her eyes did too.

Her elliptical fox eyes changed from gray to an icy blue, almost looking just like ice. He had never seen such exotic eyes. They were even more surreal than her gray ones that looked like jade.

Dream ended up staring for a bit before Luna swung her tail in his face. He snapped out of it and started playing with her fur.

"You know, I think your fur got softer. And smoother. I can get used to this." (Dream)

"Don't get comfortable yet. I still gotta evolve too!" (Iris)

Iris got up from her rock and quickly transformed into a fox. She then walked over and squeezed in between Luna and Dream to sit on his lap.

Right after she got comfortable, she began her evolution. 

"Ughh...This really does hurt."

A grunt came out not long after she started. It was also around the time when Dream began seeing the same changes he saw on Luna.

The stripes that were drawn on Iris were identical to that of Luna. Three whiskers on each cheek, the red mask on her face, and the fade into red on the paws and tail. 

Dream really did feel that the blood-red color fit her. Especially now that she has a class called Predator. She will indeed spill lots of blood, but her pitch-black fur was the perfect canvas to do it on.

Luna also cuddled Iris while in her fox form. And although she was going through pain, Dream was just enjoying the exquisite fur of both of them.

It took about the same amount of time for Iris to evolve. When she was done, her eyes opened as she stood up.

Dream checked her eyes as well and saw that they had indeed become blood-red. It wasn't anything like a ruby red either, but almost as if it were a real pool of blood. He thought it looked cool.

"I've gotten stronger. But my ability didn't change too much..." (Iris)

"What did change exactly?" (Dream)

Dream was curious about exactly what classes could do. He got an idea from Luna and her Familiar connection, but Iris didn't have that.

"My [Expanded Stomach] is actually gone. I still have [Devour] though. I also got an inventory! That's nice." (Iris)

"So can you still eat a bunch of food?" (Dream)

"I can. It just got put under the devour ability. I think the stomach is actually better now. It can fit more and breakdown material faster. The best part though is that I can transfer things from my inventory into my stomach! I don't have to actually eat things like fat bears. Although I do like eating so I probably still will. But the troublesome things I don't have to worry about anymore." (Iris)

"That's good. So you got a better stomach. Is that it?" (Dream)

"Nope! I also got sensing skills called [Keen Smell] and [Heat Vision] for finding prey. My teeth also got much sharper as well as my claws. I didn't really get any combat skills though." (Iris)

Iris looked a little sad as she said that. 

"Well, you use fire anyway to fight. As I said, you'll need to work on your other abilities. It'll be fine. It's also only the first class." (Dream)

Dream comforted her with the fact that this was only the beginning. There was still much more time ahead of them and who knows what could happen.

"Alright, so that's your skills. You said you got stronger as well. What are your attributes at?" (Riddick)

Riddick spoke up with the next most important bit of info.

"My attributes are:

Strength-  E+         Agility-  E+

Stamina-  E           Magic-  D-

My magic was originally E+ so I went up a letter. My other attributes also went up a sign." (Iris)

"Hmm. Not bad. You're approaching someone who just entered 2nd class with your magic. Keep it up and you'll be at the top of those on your level." (Riddick)

Riddick gave praise to Iris. Dream also got an idea on the average power levels for 1st and 2nd class. Apparently D level is the average for people entering second class. And E level is probably average for those already past first class.

With that useful bit of knowledge, Dream turned to Luna.

"How about you Luna? What did your class give?" (Dream)

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