Origin Seeker

Chapter 283: False

The last place Dream stopped was Kevin's mountain. At the base, he walked through the entrance of a mineshaft before descending through the eerily silent tunnels.

At first, Dream didn't think that this tunnel could descend very far. From the ground until the edge of this world, one could only descend 2 miles at most. Dream's metal tree rooted a bit over a mile deep before hitting the edge of the inverted world. 

But Dream was easily able to tell when he went far deeper than what was possible. At some point, he went 20 miles deep. It was only here that he finally arrived at the end of the long tunnel. 

The sounds of clanging metal rang out as Dream turned a corner. When he peeked out, he saw Kevin digging away with his pickaxe. It didn't look like there was anything special behind his actions, but Dream refused to believe he did this for no reason. 

"If you're here for tutelage, then start digging."

Kevin plainly spoke, prompting Dream to conjure a pickaxe out of thin air. Merely using the molecules in the air, he could restructure their atomic configurations and construct anything he wanted. 

This caused Kevin to stop picking, though. He turned back to Dream, his eyes narrowed. 


"...Basic physics?"


Kevin was silent before going back to picking the hard stone in front of him. Dream joined by his side. 

Of course, Dream didn't suddenly start digging with his powers. He began mimicking Kevin. And even after picking, he found nothing special about this process. 

After a bit of silence, Kevin spoke.

"...Physical Reality is everything that comprises the 3rd dimension. You are aware of dimensions?"


Dream nodded while swinging. 

"The 3rd dimension is everything material, obviously. The 4th dimension is everything magical, like mana, runa, aether, flux, and the like. Then there's the 5th dimension where concepts reside."

"You've come to a conclusion that just about every demigod has in this universe."

Kevin let out a light breath. 

"But that's incorrect. There are 3 dimensions in total. There's our 3rd dimension, and within it is everything material and magical. Then, there's the 2nd dimension below us, a place that comprises the fabric of reality. Then, there's the 4th dimension above us, where the concepts reside."


Dream was silent, diving into deep thought. He didn't stop mining the stone in front of him. 

"...Everything I've seen points to magic being of a higher dimension."

"That's impossible for a simple reason. A difference in dimensions represents an infinite difference. There's a reason concepts are infinite, and that's because the 4th dimension above the 3rd is infinitely more powerful. Just like something on the 2nd dimension cannot harm a 3rd dimensional existence, those of the 3rd cannot harm something purely in the 4th. Bridging those infinities is impossible. Therefore, all things magic reside in the 3rd dimension alongside material. This includes the soul."


It was at that moment Dream froze. Kevin glanced at him before continuing. 

At the same time, in the real universe atop the spire, Dream stood from his chair. 

"All things magic are of the 3rd dimension... Yes, why didn't I realize that sooner? It makes sense! Dimensions are separated by infinity! So, there's no difference between controlling material and controlling magic. Or, there shouldn't be. But they are technically two fundamentally different existences. It warrants the use of two separate skills."

[But then how does your arcane transmutation work?]

Sophia suddenly asked. When Dream turned something magical into something material, he relied on the logic of descending magical energy into the lower dimensions and changing it. 

"Well, technically the transmutation logic is still valid. Mana has to pass through the 2nd dimension to become subatomic particles."

[But you were never actually ascending material when converting physical energy into magical energy, because there isn't a magical higher dimension to ascend it to.]


Dream was silent. This was the dilemma he noticed too. Raising his hand, he suddenly tried to ascend material. Every other time he did this, either mana or flux would be produced, allowing him to affect magic with material. But now, it actually didn't work. He was unable to perform the same transmutation he had millions of times before. 

"The logic has changed. I've become aware of the true nature of transmutation, and now, the concepts that allowed my previously naive self to perform this trick no longer do so. I must figure out the truth behind transmutation to use it again. To think I was so stupid."

Dream shook his head. He had thought he cracked the code to dimensions and the relationship between magic and material. But now, he learned that he was painfully wrong. So he looked to his second concept, that of Ethereal Force. And he began a round of reformation. 

At first, all his theories were based off the assumption that magic operated in a higher dimension than material. Now that Dream knew that was wrong, he had to rebuild his foundations. 

So he immediately scrapped everything he knew about Ethereal Force. Previously, he had a domain within this concept at about 150 miles deep, all of which fell under his control. But with a thought, Dream threw it all away. The domain disappeared, and miraculously, he suddenly forgot everything he knew about magic. It was like the knowledge disappeared from his mind, as if he never learned it in the first place. 

With that lack of knowledge, Dream's cosmic form suddenly appeared. In an instant, it dispersed. The mana and runa that sought to annihilate each other reacted explosively, directly exploding the peak of the spire Dream sat in.


The explosion was cataclysmic. After all, Dream's cosmic form contained god-like energy. This energy all spread outward, making the defense enchantments of the city look like a joke. 

At that moment though, right when the city was about to be obliterated, the hexagonal megastructure around the planet glowed with life. Tersa also appeared on the planet's surface, pouring all her power into the surrounding megastructures. 

And with the power of enchantments and space, all the explosive power was contained and redirected, forced to eject outward. Tersa was strained even with her massive energy reserves, but she was able to push everything into space.

Like that, a beam brighter than any star was created, shooting into the cosmos. As it passed by, some of the power leaked, and the hexagonal cage was devastated by these small leaks. A hole was created in the megastructure about 3000 miles wide, stunning everyone below. 

After several seconds, the power dwindled, the beam dying down. When it was all dissipated, Tersa sighed in relief. Still, she shivered when she recalled that power. A massive hole to the chaotic void was close to being produced, and would have if not for the spatial stabilization of the cage. If Dream didn't build that, half the planet could have been sucked in and annihilated. Just his power could have destroyed the surrounding 50 thousand miles, killing all life on the planet. 

When things died down, millions of bots responded to the sudden change, protecting everyone and catching any remnant debris. They immediately got to work on repairs. The spire was rebuilt by the second. 

Dream had also been thrown away with the explosions, though he wasn't injured. He created a crater a few miles away, sitting there as bots descended upon him. 

Without the knowledge of magic, Dream's very soul was incapable of wielding mana, flux, runa, or aether at all. Suddenly, he became a virtually powerless existence. If someone with a full spiritual body came right now, a mere class 4 or 5, Dream would be incapable of fighting them. After all, he couldn't affect mana any longer. He was a purely physical existence, now vulnerable to the almighty magic. 

And this fact didn't immediately change. As Dream stood up, Tersa descended beside him. 

"Master? What happened?"

"...I can't control magical energy anymore."

Dream mumbled absentmindedly. Tersa was shocked by this though. Controlling magical energy was basically the foundation of a person's power! Without it, Dream was powerless!

"What?! Seriously, what happened?! Who did this?!"

"I did."


Tersa was dumbfounded. Dream did this to himself? Was that even possible?

"I threw away every comprehension I had about magic, because it was all founded on a false assumption. So until I restructure my view of the 3rd dimension from the ground up, I won't be able to use anything like mana or flux or aether."

"...How long will that take?"

"I'm not sure. If mana exists on the same plane of existence as material, then there's a common reality between them. I'm aware of too much to manipulate any magical energy without understanding it at its roots. The concepts no longer bless me with power despite my ignorance of reality. So I must figure out this secret, and only then will I be able to wield magic once more."

"...That's insane."

Tersa couldn't help but grab her forehead. She didn't know what headaches were like, but she was sure to feel one right now if she were a mortal. 

"Couldn't you... have learned it gradually? Why did you have to throw everything out so quickly?"

"Because it's false."

"But... You're vulnerable! Any random class 6 could come and kill you! You can't defend yourself!"

[He always does this.]

Sophia chimed in, not even surprised. Dream had done far too many things without considering the consequences simply because it was an experiment or because it was the theoretically correct way to go. 

[He's had more run-ins with death due to himself than others. And I'm the one stuck to this trigger happy mad scientist.]

"...You have my respect, Sophia."

Tersa solemnly responded. She couldn't imagine what it would be like to be tied to someone who constantly put their own life at risk.

Warriors constantly fought against powerful foes, increasing their power on the edge of life and death. But Dream? At least others defied death, but he actively put himself on death's door! 

Who could throw away all their magical power simply because what they knew about it was wrong? Sophia would bet her life that nobody else in this wide universe had ever done what Dream just did. After all, what was science if you couldn't live to study it?

But Dream didn't care. He'd stake his life on finding the truth. This was just another instance of him doing so. 

Dream just smiled like a child, scratching his head. 

"Eh, I don't think this is that bad."

[You're powerless against what used to be mere mortals.]

"Not necessarily. I may not be able to kill anyone at or above the class 5 level, and perhaps some powerful class 4's, but that doesn't mean I'm powerless! I still have science on my side! Only now, I have to use it purely to defend myself or run away."

[You won't be able to produce any more bots to sell.]

"That too. Thankfully I have stockpiles."

Dream let out a light breath, dusting himself off and pulling his body out of some rubble. The ground behind him reformed in a few seconds, going back to its previously paved self. 


"My lord."

After calling a name, the butler appeared beside Dream. 

"You'll need to stay with me from now on. You'll be my only source of magical ability. Thankfully, you're outfitted with the best. I can still teleport around with you here."

"Anything for you, my lord."

"Aw shucks."

Dream giggled before Aegis shot into his body. His soul seemed to meld into Dream's before his body reappeared outside. 

This was Aegis' symbiosis. He could attach himself to anyone and act as their defense. Now, Dream wouldn't have to ever worry about any sudden attacks. 

"So what now?"

Tersa asked worriedly. She didn't know how long it would take Dream to figure out whatever it is he needed to, but it surely wouldn't be a short amount of time. What could he do until then?

Dream rubbed his chin. 

"I think I'll just wait around. At least now I can focus purely on my physical concept. I think that's the only thing I can do. After all, I can't use magic."

[Yes, you're temporarily banned from enchanting. Thankfully you still retain everything else.]

"Right. But you know, I'm beginning to wonder about where my wife is."

Dream suddenly brought up a random topic, confusing Sophia. 

[Why now? She could be anywhere in the universe.]

"That's true. But if she were smart, then she'd be able to find me rather easily."

[How so?]

"Melody became an Asura before we left Earth. My path has been paved by a certain god for potentially all my life. Where, then, do you think I would get sent to? Do you think Melody became an Asura for no reason?"


Sophia was momentarily stunned. That was right. Dream was always mad about his life being controlled and him being led around like a dog. That meant that Melody, who had become an Asura, would naturally end up in Asura territories simply because this god planned for it. And Dream had been with her during the shuttling through the void, making sure she didn't die. 

This was the only place Dream could be in all the universe.

[...But why didn't you mention this earlier? If you predicted this, you could have told them before you guys left.]

"Well, I hadn't actually thought of it until now..."


Sophia shut her mouth, unable to respond. Dream just smiled. 

"Anyway, let's have fun relaxing. I'll be in my chair, if anyone needs me."

Saying that, Dream began walking to the spire that was already rebuilt. Truly, nanites were the best. 


After that incident, 2 years passed. 

Dream never met with the asura gods who requested his presence, and none of them pressured him. This was because of the spear envoy and the message he passed to Vursoid. 

When Vursoid heard what Dream had said, he knew his suspicions were confirmed. Now, he just needed to wait for Dream, delaying the war as long as possible. 

So Dream was left alone on Tersa Prime. Since he was alone and had nothing to do, Dream went and took up residence with his family. He could work on the concepts and be with them all he wanted, so he did so. Melody also came and visited, but she was never made aware of what happened to Dream. 

And so, two boring years passed. Since Tersa could create up to class 5 bots, there were no issues with his business. In fact, it only continued to explode. Dream was flooded with souls on the daily. Unfortunately, he couldn't extract Dust anymore, so all those souls just accumulated in his inventory while mana crystals were recycled into Tersa for production. 

Other than that, there really wasn't anything else notable that occurred. Heaven and Hell, other than becoming a bit more aggressive, made no significant moves. They couldn't without knowing who the Seeker was. They didn't even make moves on the Wanderer Faction and their worlds throughout the universe. After all, the Wanderer Faction wasn't comprised entirely of those under the Wanderer System. Many were just that, wanderers. They didn't have ties and just wanted to be on their own. 

But those under the Wanderer System were in fact hunted. Fortunately, through unknown means, all of them were able to disappear somehow. Only few were found wandering the universe, and nobody was able to actually capture or kill them. 

So the universe entered a period of stagnation. But the demigods and gods knew this was the calm before the storm. As more time passed, the more they knew this war would be a big one. They all wondered how the Seeker in question was preparing for this war, how he was accumulating to strike with his full power. 

If they knew he was actually just lazing around on a sofa and watching TV, they might have an aneurysm. 

But truth be told, Dream was in fact readying himself. He rapidly gained comprehensions into the concept of Physical Reality. Every time his metal tree grew, Dream's rate of comprehension only increased. His realizations cascaded into each other, building off each other to construct this tree. 

At some point, the tree had grown to 30 miles high, and its roots expanded to engulf around 20% of the concept. The others in the concept watched as new leaves were grown every single day. They knew it was only a matter of time until Dream fully comprehended the concept. 

Of course, he didn't do all this alone. He frequently stopped by Kevin's mineshaft, as well as Houyi's celestial meditation platform. Kevin constantly riddled him with profound words and concepts, while Dream was able to garner insight into Houyi's celestial formations. These weren't just meaningless practices of theirs, but roads they paved on the way to enlightenment. 

Of course, he also stole some of Quanta's gadgets to study, but she only scolded him, not even taking them back. 

On top of all of this, Vursoid also joined in on the teaching. After all, he was the one with the deepest comprehensions. He helped Dream greatly. 

This all lasted for two years. But it was at this time that there was a change. 

Suddenly, on one of Heaven's primary worlds, Luna's head snapped upward. She stood within a large hall, a crystal table in front of her. 

Alice was beside her, flickering in and out of existence. She noticed this reaction, tilting her head. 

"What's wrong?"

"...I know where Dream is."


Alice's eyes widened, her figure fully manifesting. 


"Melody became an Asura before we left. The god that Dream doesn't like always had a plan for him. Melody wouldn't become an Asura for no reason."

"They're in the Asura territories!"

Alice quickly understood. But then, she smacked her forehead.

"Why didn't we think of that sooner?!"

"I really don't know..."

Luna also shook her head dejectedly. She felt really stupid at this moment. 

"Well, let's go then."

Luna suddenly swiped her finger. A portal was formed through the chaotic void, and they stepped through.

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