Orc’s Harem

Chapter 41 – A worthwhile trail

"Phew, that was great!" Orok lets out a breathy sigh of satisfaction, pulling the slender elf's limp, nude body off his cock and gently dropping her onto the bedroll below. "Gahaha, it sure feels good being so virile. Bet I could breed whatever stood in my way...!" He says, making a little pause to glance at the spectating ogre's direction.

Morgana nervously clears her throat, lowering her gaze towards her lap and doing her best to not steal a look at the orc nor at the huge fluid-drenched shaft dangling between his thighs.

"Alright, gonna go take a piss and I'll be back." He simply says, carelessly scratching his butt as he starts moving towards the tent's exit.

Nova, with thick loads of sperm oozing from her well-fucked pussy, lets out tired grunts and moans as she sluggishly rolls over her stomach, trying to stop the orc ambassador from stepping out. "W-waittt... don- don't go out naked... stupid..." She slurs her words, attempting to grab his ankle but finding herself barely able to move her limbs. "Ughhh..." She groans in frustration, tightly pressing her face against the soft bedding below.

"T-that... Ei, that was very intense, innit?" Morgana says after a couple of silent moments. "I'm sure ya two will have a very strong and healthy baby after that!" She smiles.

Nova doesn't bother answering, just keeps making weird sounds as she lies face down with her limbs spread, a puddle of cum forming between her legs.

"Uh, luv..." The red-skinned woman continues talking, softly rubbing the back of her neck. "Wouldn't ya prefer to be restin' on yer back with yer legs up? A lot of the... ambassador's sperm seems to be leakin' out..."

No answer, just silent prayers from the elf asking for the ogre to stop commenting.

"Or stay like that! It's okay, it's yer pregnancy and you decide. I'm so happy for ya...!" Morgana sweetly smiles one more time, then starts humming as she casually examines the inside of the tent... just to, a few seconds later, start talking again. "By the way, if ya ever need a uterine massage, just ask! I'm an expert at 'em, the women in the village really seem to-"

"I'm... I'm not getting pregnant! T-that was just... some dumb roleplay or something...!" Nova finally explodes, lifting her reddened face from the bedroll to stare at the doting ogre, using all her remaining energy to make the message clear. "I... I use contraceptives... H-he won't get me pregnant."

Morgana tilts her head to the side, a bit of disappointment sparkled on her expression. "...O-oh, I see." She says, twiddling her fingers together. "I'm really sorry for the misunderstandin', luv."

"I-It's okay, I'm... sorry that you had to... watch us..." The elf sighs, lowering her head again and closing her eyes.

And so, another silence floods the small, dimly-lit space... until...

"But... he could, right...?"


"Get ya pregnant... He could do it very easily if ya wanted, right?" The ogre bites her lip, continuing to anxiously play with her fingers. "Luv, I... Blimey, forgive me for bein' crass, but... the size of the ambassador's 'thing'... I-I was gobsmacked! And the amount of seed he put into ya, I just..."

Nova internally screams.

"Was he actually enterin' your womb...? Another fact about us ogre ladies is that our wombs are shaped a bit weird, so... Uh, I-I'm sorry luv, am I talkin' too much?" She makes a small pause before continuing. "Do ya know what a matin' press is? He would-"

Morgana continues tirelessly fawning about the orc's breeding equipment, and just when an irritated Nova was about to open her mouth again to say something a bit mean, he finally returns to the tent...

"Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" He exclaims, hurrying inside, jumping onto the bedroll, and holding the elf's exhausted body close against him as some kind of defensive barrier.

"A-are ya aight, luv?" Morgana surprisedly asks, crouching towards the entrance and taking a careful peek of the outside. "Somethin' happened?"

"I..." The embarrassed orc pouts, tightly hugging Nova. "I remembered there was a huge spider out there..."


The night then carries on, with the paranoid orc ambassador, who only achieved a few hours of rest, waking up again from yet another terrifying spider-related nightmare. "Gaaah, this is ridiculous... I-I can't sleep like this..." He grunts in frustration, checking for any unwanted arachnid visitor before sliding out of the bedroll where his elf slave is placidly slumbering.

"Hey, Nova, you awake?" He pokes her face with his foot, receiving only a little whine as a response. "Wanna talk or something? Maybe a blowjob for me to relax~?" He looks down at the knocked out cold elf, letting a pair of seconds pass before eventually giving up and switching his attention towards Morgana. "What about you? Fancy some cock?"

The ogre's sole answer is an unladylike snore, abundantly drooling onto her bedding... Orok sighs and rolls his eyes, reluctantly grabbing his clothes and starting to dress up. "Ughhh, why do women sleep so much...!? Guess I'll go pray to Mother Nature or something, maybe she lets me fuck her... and keeps that spider away..." He quietly rants to himself.

Hesitantly, the orc steps out of the tent. The sun not even beginning to rise yet, resulting in a dark atmosphere illuminated by the bonfire in the middle of the campsite and the moon still present in the sky. "Stupid bugs, I hate them..." He keeps mumbling, carefully drifting away from the tranquil camp into a random direction of the forest.

"...What do they need eight legs for, anyways? Smug little idiots..." The orc continues walking, getting startled at every shadow he sees. "Maybe here...?" He ponders as he reaches a peaceful clearing, however, just when he was preparing to sit down on the grass, whooshing sounds of what seems like a sword cutting through air in the short distance catches his attention. "Huh!?"

Orok slowly sneaks towards the source of the noises, arriving at a calm creek with crystalline water running through it. By its side, extremely concentrated, stands Captain Julliete. The tall blonde woman practices her powerful slashes and strikes against an invisible opponent, maneuvering her greatsword with a swiftness that one would never expect of such a massive weapon.

The orc sits down on a nearby tree stump, silently watching her train.

Juliette strongly swings her sword from side to side with utterly precise movements, finishing her flurry of slashes with a violent downward strike against the ground, causing pieces of grass and dirt to fly all over the area. "Woah!" The impressed ambassador isn't able to keep himself from exclaiming, causing the woman to gasp and finally become aware of his presence.

"W-what are you doing here!?" She irritatedly frowns, holding the heavy sword over her shoulder. "Did you follow me!? T-that's so creepy!"

"Hey, I didn't even know you were here, it was a lucky coincidence... I'll be a nice guy and keep you company, though." He relaxes over his seat. "Are you having trouble sleeping too, Juli?"

The blonde angrily stares daggers at him for almost a minute, before defeatedly sighing and taking a seat on a large rock close to the creek, keeping her trusty sword by her side. "...I'm not able to sleep much... I've been having nightmares almost every night since I was a kid..."

"Oh? I can't really imagine someone who fights the way you do getting scared by dumb nightmares, Gahahaha." The orc laughs. "Know what? You could totally kick my ass if you didn't get so flustered all the time."

"Of course I could! A-and I will, when I get my rematch...!" Juliette grits her teeth, cheeks reddening. "And I don't get flustered, I-I don't even know what you are talking about!"

"Gahaha, sure, sure... You remember what I get if you lose, right~?"

The woman, taken aback, gingerly lowers her gaze with a pout. "Y-yes, I do... But I won't lose!" She quickly regains her bravado, though with her cheeks still burning red. "And when I defeat you and prove that I'm stronger, you'll have to stop with that 'pretty girl' nonsense!"

"Hmm, actually..." Orok scratches his chin. "There is a way you could prove to me that you are not a cutie..."

Juli's baby-blue eyes widen. "Really...?"

"Yeah! Just raise your arms over your head." The orc performs the act as a demonstration. "Like this!"

"Uh? Why?"

"You'll see, just do it~."

Confusedly raising an eyebrow, in a slow distrustful way, the woman moves her muscular arms upwards. "Now what?"

"Gahahahahahaha, you failed! Look at those cute armpits, they are completely hairless." He immediately exclaims, pointing at one of the woman's pits, completely exposed from the position of her arms and the sleeveless gambeson she wears. "Only adorable princesses shave their armpits!"

"W-what!? You...! No! T-that's not...!" The ashamed captain rapidly brings her arms down again, fiercely stomping her boot against the ground in pure frustration. "Aaaggghhh, that's ridiculous! I shave them to sweat less, n-not because I want to look pretty!"

"I'm sorry, Juli. I don't make the rules... You are now a certified pretty girl~!"

"A-and you are scum!" Juliette shouts, accusingly pointing at the ambassador with her finger, the slight lisp present in her speech more notable than ever. "You are supposed to be married to your assistant, b-but you flirt with me, you flirt with Morgana, you... y-you are one of those awful 'playboys' I've heard about... Shame on you for manipulating innocent women, creature!"

"Gahahahaha, yeah, I am! Are you gonna let me keep corrupting maidens?" He excitedly says, standing up and positioning his body into a brawling stance. "Oh, you got my blood pumping! Let's fight!"

The captain furiously grunts, rising from her seat and firmly clenching her fists. "You'll regret the day you crossed paths with-!" She starts speaking, yet her sermon is interrupted by what sounds like feral growls...


The infuriated expression on Juliette's face morphs into one of wary. "U-uh...? Did you hear that?"

"I did, actually!" The orc relaxes his combat posture, curiously looking around the area. "Was that your stomach?"


"O-of course not...! There, I heard it again." She presses her hand against the hilt of her greatsword. "Be ready."

"Gahaha, I always am. But are you sure it's not your-?"


Growls and snarls flood the once peaceful spot as a large pack of what seems like crazed, hungry wolves menacingly approaches the orc and his companion. Their eyes wide open and shining red like fresh blood, foam excessively dripping from their mouths as they show off their sharp fangs, even the sounds they made seemed more savage and frightening than usual... Unnaturally ferocious...

"Watch out!" Juliette loudly exclaims as they start attacking. Grabbing her sword and expertly slashing the first wolf who jumps in her direction, almost cutting the animal in half, sending its corpse flying into the air.

The unarmed ambassador yells in surprise as one of the beasts pounces on him, managing to pin him down to the ground. "Gaaaaaaah!" He roughly holds the wolf's fuzzy neck, struggling to push it away as its sharp teeth gnash dangerously close to his face.

The blonde warrior continues to fend off the relentless onslaught, stunning one wolf with an accurate kick to the snout and bringing her sword down on it. "Need help!?" She glances at the immobilized orc, making sure to not lose focus on the animals surrounding her.

"Nah, I got this!" Orok grunts, his grip on the wolf's throat unyielding as he suddenly twists and snaps its neck with a resounding crack sound, making the once furious beast go limp on his grasp. "Finally..." He tosses the corpse to the side and stands up, grabbing a large branch from the ground and brutally smashing it against the head of the closest wolf.

Blood keeps splattering on the green grass below as more and more of the beasts are killed, until finally, there's just one left... The surviving wolf growls at the pair and charges at them, receiving an unexpected, coordinated response. Orok deflects its lunging jaws with his makeshift weapon, while Juliette steps forward and swings her sword with all her strength, aiming for the wolf's vulnerable flank.

The blow sends the creature sprawling back with a pained yelp. The blow injuring it, but surprisingly, not in a lethal way. The defeated wolf stares at the orc and human woman for a pair of seconds before fleeing with its tail between its legs, leaving behind a trail of blood...

Breathing heavily, the duo of fighters survey the aftermath of the intense encounter, adrenaline still coursing through their veins, the once tranquil spot now littered with the fallen bodies of the beaten wolves. "Gah, these must have been the crazy animals Morgana talked about..." The orc says, dropping the branch on his hand.

Juliette gazes at the orc by her side, then at the traces of blood that the escaping wolf left behind. "We should follow that! It might lead us to their lair, and... that ogre kid we are looking for might be there..." She sighs. "Let's go back to the camp and wake my men up."

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